16:04:00 <mihgen> #startmeeting #fuel 16:04:00 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 5 16:04:00 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mihgen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:04:04 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to '_fuel' 16:04:25 <mihgen> let's start folks 16:04:39 <mihgen> #topic New upstream approach to Ubuntu and impact on other features 16:04:56 <mihgen> tzn: is holser around? 16:05:14 <tzn> checking 16:06:24 <tzn> let’s go with second point 16:06:31 <tzn> Ok, he is here :) 16:06:45 <holser> Hey 16:07:06 <evgeniyl___> hi 16:07:50 <holser> Finally, we finalized our approach how we consume packages 16:08:35 <holser> Fuel will stay very close to community and upstream packages 16:09:31 <holser> Basically, we’ll consume packages from Ubuntu upstream (main, universe, security …) and we’ll have own repository with own packages 16:10:20 <holser> It’s a big challange as we don’t control Ubuntu packages, so we are going to test our product everytime Ubuntu changes repository 16:11:14 <xarses> We should keep in mind that it would help with CentOS if we did something similar. We should keep an eye out for any low cost things we can also get in place for it. 16:11:22 <holser> If some packages introduce regression or breaks the product completely we’ll put the package to our repository. Meanwhile we start working on most permanent resolution 16:11:36 <holser> xarses, CentOS is on the way also 16:11:59 <mihgen> holser: what is the delta time we are going to have in order to fix broken package in our repo? 16:12:00 <tzn> But not in 6.1 16:12:20 <xarses> holser: ok, just hoping we leave constructs open so centos is easy to plum into the fixtures for ubuntu 16:12:24 <holser> We’ll have 24 hours SLA 16:12:25 <tzn> We will think about it, but intermediate solution should be in repo in 24h 16:12:54 <holser> and we are going to test even before mirror updates 16:13:22 <tzn> We will inspect pending updates queue 16:13:30 <holser> barthalion is doing some research on CLI and UI level 16:13:36 <tzn> So we should be able to catch any problems before they are published 16:13:38 <holser> to inform user … 16:13:50 <mihgen> tzn: yeah, and my question is how much time do we have? 16:13:55 <tzn> We will use hook for apt-get update 16:13:55 <holser> tzn, yeah, that’s what we are going to do 16:13:58 <mihgen> after we see a package in queue 16:14:17 <holser> we’ll catch problems, so we’ll have 24h to fix 16:14:23 <mihgen> ok 16:14:29 <tzn> Will investigate 16:14:33 <holser> after 24h packages will appear in mirrors officially 16:14:47 <holser> our repo should be updated before that 16:15:01 <tzn> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PerformingSRUVerification 16:15:06 <mattymo> there is a testing repo of ubuntu as well we could get a further advance notice on 16:15:32 <holser> yeah 16:15:40 <mihgen> thx guys 16:16:06 <tzn> minimum 7 days 16:16:07 <mattymo> but clearly there may be hot packages that race right through testing and get to live updates in <24hrs 16:16:13 <holser> I’ve started a draft of spec today 16:16:19 <tzn> No 16:16:39 <tzn> Minimum time is 7 days 16:16:43 <angdraug> what about embargoed security updates? 16:16:51 <mattymo> think of heartbleed 2.0 16:16:55 <holser> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates 16:17:02 <holser> move the package into -updates after it has passed a minimum aging period of 7 days. 16:17:30 <mihgen> so for most of the packages we gonna have about a week, not 24h 16:17:32 <xarses> angdraug: we should hopefully be able to get on the security group for embargoed updates 16:18:19 <mihgen> moving on? 16:18:34 <mihgen> #topic image based provisioning (agordeev) 16:18:36 <agordeev> hi 16:18:56 <agordeev> my update is a quite short for today. We're still being almost concentrated on bug fixing. 16:18:58 <agordeev> We were working hard and being busy till the late evening every day of that week. 16:19:00 <agordeev> 2 high bugs fresh fixes is not reviewed and merged yet. Kindly asking python-team to help with reviewing them 16:19:02 <agordeev> https://review.openstack.org/152568 16:19:04 <agordeev> https://review.openstack.org/152609 16:19:06 <agordeev> https://review.openstack.org/152610 16:19:08 <agordeev> https://review.openstack.org/152560 16:19:10 <agordeev> Meanwhile, IBP Specs are still untouched. Hope to address all coments and update them ASAP 16:19:12 <agordeev> Implementing isn't started too. Hope to start on next week. 16:19:43 <mihgen> agordeev: thx. I hope you nailed down all critical issues? 16:19:55 <mihgen> agordeev: including those found on scale lab 16:19:55 <agordeev> mihgen: yes, indeed. 16:20:12 <tzn> cool 16:20:36 <mihgen> agordeev: thx. about implementation - do you plan it in python? 16:20:38 <agordeev> mihgen: wait. i'm not informed about issues on scale lab 16:21:07 <mihgen> hmm tzn: do you know if scale lab runs on ibp? 16:21:08 <agordeev> mihgen: IBP specs - are all about improving fuel-agent, which's written in python 16:21:20 <tzn> No, they still test 6.1 16:21:24 <tzn> sorry, 6.0 16:21:25 <mihgen> agordeev: I'm talking about building an image on master node 16:21:46 <agordeev> mihgen: ah, that one. Nope. It will be bash script. 16:21:46 <mihgen> tzn: that's bad. IlyaE - when do you guys plan to start on 6.1? 16:21:57 <mihgen> IlyaE: scale testing on 6.1 I mean 16:22:33 <mihgen> agordeev: I have some worries about bash here. Let's catch up on this topic later 16:23:06 <agordeev> mihgen: on previous meeting, afair V Kozhukalov said, that 100 nodes scale test was passed without flaws 16:23:15 <barthalion> it doesn't sound like a good task for bash 16:23:57 <mihgen> yeah I like bash but it's quite terrible for all error handling procedures ) 16:23:59 <agordeev> barthalion: ok, let's disscuss that on #fuel-dev later 16:24:04 <mihgen> all right, let's move on 16:24:06 <barthalion> k 16:24:07 <xarses> agordeev: you noted specs are un-touched, can you link? 16:24:09 <mihgen> if no other questions 16:24:47 <mihgen> #topic granular deployment status (dshulyak) 16:24:57 <agordeev> xarses: sure. https://review.openstack.org/149314 https://review.openstack.org/149568 https://review.openstack.org/148962 16:24:57 <dshulyak> hi guys one more time 16:25:12 <dshulyak> we are almost finished with items that was in scope of granular deployment for 6.1 16:25:37 <dshulyak> almost all pre/post tasks that was in astute - already defined by configuration and on review 16:25:58 <dshulyak> after this is merged - our deployment will be completely data-driven 16:26:20 <dshulyak> also prmtl is working on visualization of deployment graph, and in my opinion it is very helpfull 16:26:28 <dshulyak> if will be embedded right into fuel client 16:26:34 <dshulyak> s/if/it 16:26:50 <mihgen> dshulyak: sounds cool 16:27:08 <mihgen> almost finished - what exactly is left and ETA? 16:27:17 <dshulyak> and i am going to push letter with detailed explanation of granular api 16:27:32 <mihgen> dshulyak: and one more question about UX of fuel client to run particular tasks, where I can look for examples of use? 16:28:14 <dshulyak> mihgen: i can show the patch, or wait for my letter 16:28:18 <dshulyak> it is actually merged 16:28:27 <dshulyak> i just need to inform everyone :) 16:28:36 <mihgen> dshulyak: I can wait for email, if you plan to send it to openstack-dev :) 16:29:00 <mihgen> so I'd like to know how I can run certain task, remove one from whole role run 16:29:03 <dshulyak> left: review/merge pre/post tasks 16:29:08 <mihgen> and other possible manipulations 16:29:09 <dshulyak> visualization 16:29:36 <mihgen> dshulyak: ok, thanks. 16:29:40 <dshulyak> and couple of fixes and improvements 16:29:42 <xarses> Guys, we need documentation about how to develop / troubleshoot the granular tasks 16:29:54 <xarses> probably including a KT demo so we can discuss 16:29:55 <mihgen> dshulyak: and currently we still use MCollective ssh - to run remote task, right? 16:30:22 <dshulyak> mihgen: not ssh, communication is done with rabbitmq queus 16:30:47 <mihgen> dshulyak: wait, who dispatches what has to be done on slave node? 16:31:16 <mihgen> sorry I meant remote shell call 16:31:19 <mihgen> not ssh 16:31:26 <mihgen> remote shell call by MCollective agent 16:31:43 <dshulyak> than everything like you said) 16:31:57 <dshulyak> i hope to start promotion of mistral after we are done with 6.1 scope 16:32:33 <xarses> dshulyak: mike ^ 16:32:35 <mihgen> ok, understood. thanks. 16:32:56 <mihgen> +1 on xarses's Guys, we need documentation about how to develop / troubleshoot the granular tasks 16:33:10 <mihgen> any more questions on granular tasks? 16:33:24 <xarses> soon, otherwise we cant help very well to troubleshoot issues 16:33:28 <xarses> We have code being merged before the spec 16:33:28 <xarses> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/113491/ 16:33:28 <xarses> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147591/ 16:33:28 <xarses> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147249/ 16:33:28 <xarses> furthermore we have confusion about the purpose of the spec, is it approval, documentation, a living document to iterate constantly. 16:34:11 <dshulyak> xarses: first one is about orchestration of granular api 16:34:14 <evgeniyl___> we have a mailing thread in openstack-dev about that 16:34:29 <mihgen> xarses: let's discuss actually this thing once we are here and have time - added to agenda 16:34:37 <mihgen> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fuel-weekly-meeting-agenda 16:35:00 <mihgen> let's move on and discuss procedure as separate topic 16:35:12 <mihgen> if there are no more concrete things on granular 16:35:20 <mihgen> moving.. 16:35:21 <dshulyak> i am done 16:35:28 <mihgen> #topic upload ubuntu ISO? (mihgen/tzn/holser) 16:35:43 <mihgen> I'd like to clarify if we drop this initiative, tzn, holser? 16:35:50 <tzn> So according to proposal, we should drop it 16:36:03 <tzn> It doesn.t make any sense now 16:36:08 <mihgen> tzn: ok. 16:36:24 <tzn> igor could help with rewriting current iso creation scipts (make) 16:36:27 <tzn> to use upstream 16:36:50 <tzn> Also, as a note, It would be good if any feature lead take a look at new approach and check if it impacts feature 16:36:56 <mihgen> tzn: we will need resources to handle some things related to new approach 16:37:07 <tzn> yes 16:37:14 <xarses> ?? please explain the context of the 'upload ubuntu iso' here and what's deprecating it? 16:37:20 <mihgen> for instance, if you run env, and then add node - and your proxy with packages is not available 16:37:53 <tzn> we have notes on many challanges and will publish them 16:38:04 <tzn> xarxes: we go for online installation 16:38:09 <mihgen> also, whether slave nodes should have direct connection to pkgs proxy or via fuel master 16:38:14 <tzn> xarses: ^ 16:38:15 <xarses> so we are dropping copying the ISO into the fuel node for online install? 16:38:19 <tzn> yes 16:38:32 <xarses> guys, we know that the proxy sucks from before 3.1 16:38:52 <tzn> Yes, we know 16:38:54 <xarses> its not reliable for everyone. What happens when someone wants to use fuel isolated? 16:38:56 <mihgen> xarses: let's get more info on this one. 16:39:10 <tzn> We haven’t decided yet on the full approach 16:39:22 <mihgen> xarses: we can ask users to do mirror first locally 16:39:27 <mihgen> and then fuel would use it 16:39:43 <xarses> mihgen: we cant ask them to, we can give them a button to do that 16:39:59 <barthalion> how much space does a mirror take? 16:40:02 <tzn> this is enterprise appraoch 16:40:02 <mihgen> xarses: yes. 16:40:11 <tzn> aroung 7 gigs per ubuntu 16:40:17 <tzn> full mirror 16:40:25 <mihgen> barthalion: but we don't do mirroring to master node, right? 16:40:29 <tzn> no 16:40:31 <mihgen> so it's on user's shoulders 16:40:36 <angdraug> 7gigs is just main, not universe, right? 16:40:41 <barthalion> yes, was just wondering 16:40:45 <xarses> the user experience would be terrible if we don't validate that we have all the packages we need first 16:40:48 <barthalion> 7GB is not much 16:40:50 <barthalion> angdraug: yes 16:40:58 <mihgen> +1 to xarses 16:41:03 <tzn> sorry, wron paste 16:41:09 <tzn> full mirror is 642GB 16:41:24 <tzn> but we don;t want full, we need only one release 16:41:30 <xarses> barthalion: 7GB it is to our test environment 16:41:53 <angdraug> creating mirror on master doesn't have to be mandatory 16:42:15 <angdraug> providing a link to pre-cooked local mirror (that most large ubuntu users already have) has to be an option 16:42:36 <tzn> +1 angdraug 16:43:00 <barthalion> not mandatory, but sane default I guess? 16:43:09 <tzn> user will have a choice to select mirror 16:43:17 <angdraug> barthalion: can't have a default here 16:43:26 <tzn> we wil not have default 16:43:28 <angdraug> user has to perform an action one way or the other 16:43:30 <barthalion> ah 16:43:39 <angdraug> either setup a mirror or provide a link to one they've already got 16:43:40 <tzn> to run Fuel it;s much less than even trusty mirror 16:43:47 <tzn> we don;t want installation to take ages 16:43:57 <barthalion> I see 16:44:38 <mihgen> ok. let's move on 16:44:51 <mihgen> #topic merge code before spec is merged? (mihgen) 16:45:13 <mihgen> guys pls find corresponding discussion in openstack-dev and link here for ref 16:45:15 <xarses> +1 to point to local mirror 16:45:35 <evgeniyl___> #link http://www.mail-archive.com/openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org/msg45085.html 16:45:57 <mihgen> my opinion here is the following. For this exact particular case, if don't like patch merged for real reason, we can always revert and fix what is needed 16:46:10 <mihgen> I don't want here to be too religios and restrictive 16:46:20 <mihgen> then, in general - 16:46:54 <angdraug> wrong link, thread starts here: 16:46:55 <angdraug> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/054752.html 16:47:00 <mihgen> I think core reviewers / mandatory design reviewers should see that spec is around 90% ready, and only minor things are needed to finish, then we just agree and merge 16:47:11 <dshulyak> but where people will comment after spec if merged? 16:47:22 <mihgen> and all remaining low priority questions / comments are collected separately, and then addressed as new patchset 16:47:47 <angdraug> 90% is a bad criteria 16:47:58 <evgeniyl___> mihgen: if spec is merged, you cannot track the completeness of spec 16:48:01 <mihgen> dshulyak: true as well… 16:48:02 <izinovik> and if spec was merged, but developer found major problem while implementing merged and approved spec? 16:48:16 <izinovik> how this situation is resolved? 16:48:23 <xarses> evgeniyl___: you aren't supposed to track spec progress on the review card 16:48:30 <xarses> thats what launchpad is for 16:48:31 <angdraug> izinovik: as mihgen just said, with a new patchset 16:48:58 <evgeniyl___> xarses: I'm supposed to know if my comments were fixed in the next patches, without keeping all of this in my head 16:48:59 <mihgen> angdraug: good question from dshulyak, how he can comment if it was merged? 16:49:10 <xarses> review is not the place for a living document 16:49:21 <dshulyak> xarses: than we need google doc? 16:49:24 <xarses> if we need a living document for our spec, it needs to not be in review 16:49:25 <evgeniyl___> xarses: why not? 16:49:46 <izinovik> or maybe it should be merged after all work is done (code, tests) ? 16:49:51 <xarses> review is for approvals, review workflow 16:49:57 <mihgen> evgeniyl___: not addressed questions can be incorporated in patch and addressed later as separate patch 16:49:59 <angdraug> instead of 90%, I think a better criteria would be that there is consensus among mandatory reviewers about the direction of the implementation, and remaining concerns are limited to informative parts 16:50:10 <xarses> izinovik: that points to iterating on the spec, with multiple patch sets 16:50:19 <xarses> one should be merged (approved) 16:50:24 <evgeniyl___> mihgen: in this case you have to remember about all of the comments which you left 16:50:30 <mihgen> angdraug: that's what my 90% mean actually, main direction 16:50:32 <evgeniyl___> mihgen: and ping leads to fix them 16:50:42 <xarses> and then iterations of what was final in the following review sets 16:50:46 <mihgen> evgeniyl___: no need to remember, they will be in your spec 16:50:51 <angdraug> can't be 90%, has to be 100% consensus 16:50:55 <mihgen> you would put them there before merging 16:51:07 <dshulyak> angdraug: +1 i was typing almost same thing :) 16:51:12 <mihgen> consensus 100%, but not all minor things addressed 16:51:15 <angdraug> actually you can add comments to review after it's merged 16:51:18 <evgeniyl___> angdraug: +1 it should be 100% ready 16:51:30 <xarses> angdraug: +1 16:51:31 <evgeniyl___> angdraug: nobody looks at merged patches 16:51:35 <angdraug> if your comments are substantial enough, just start a new patchset 16:51:46 <mihgen> guys are +1 angdraug for absolute and full spec? 16:51:56 <mihgen> then it's not gonna happen 16:52:01 <angdraug> evgeniyl___: I do all the time 16:52:07 <xarses> mihgen: the details need to be 100% consensus 16:52:15 <angdraug> besides, as I said, if it's substantial start a new patchset 16:52:15 <dshulyak> i am saying that it is responsibility of reviewers to ask questions on spec before merging code 16:52:17 <evgeniyl___> mihgen: yes we are, typos are ok, but detailed design should be ready 16:52:20 <xarses> the spec might not be 16:52:41 <xarses> we are also reviewing/ working on specs too late 16:52:45 <angdraug> what's the point of appointing mandatory reviewers if in the end some of them still have non-cosmetic concerns? 16:53:53 <xarses> we should right now (and more so in code freeze) be spending ~1-2hr a week for specs for 7.0 so that they are ready to work on 16:53:57 <angdraug> dshulyak: it's responsibility of reviewers to -1 the code change until spec is merged 16:54:11 <angdraug> xarses: +1 16:54:32 <dshulyak> angdraug: not blindly -1 16:54:51 <angdraug> not blindly, but inevitably ) 16:54:54 <mihgen> so guys what are agree on? that spec should be fully ready, absolutely clean and perfect, then it gets merged? 16:55:02 <angdraug> mihgen: no 16:55:07 <dshulyak> mandatory reviewers should understand where it goes and start or prevent merge of code 16:55:10 <angdraug> you're pulling a strawman argument 16:55:17 <dshulyak> otherwise we will end up with +2k changes 16:55:25 <dshulyak> which nobody will ever review properly 16:55:27 <evgeniyl___> dshulyak: +1 16:56:01 <mihgen> angdraug: so explain the approach then 16:56:09 <mihgen> I don't get what we've agreed upon 16:56:11 <angdraug> mandatory reviewers should all agree with the design, it's ok to have cosmetic comments and explanations that are not required for general understanding of the design to be left for a follow-up patchset 16:56:27 <mihgen> angdraug: ok, and then merge? 16:56:33 <angdraug> yes 16:56:38 <xarses> mihgen: the spec details, the meat of it should be 100% conensus from the mandatory reviewers, and therefore merged prior to the code 16:56:40 <mihgen> and address minor things as separate patch? 16:56:46 <angdraug> yes 16:56:50 <xarses> yes 16:56:50 <evgeniyl___> dshulyak: had a lot of small patches, I'm sure that he wouldn't be able to deliver the feature if we were waiting for spec to be merged 16:56:53 <evgeniyl___> xarses: -1 16:57:23 <mihgen> we are going circles I think 16:57:29 <dshulyak> angdraug: what the goal of merging spec? 16:57:29 <evgeniyl___> mihgen: agree 16:57:32 <mihgen> let's move to openstack-dev then guys 16:57:40 <xarses> 3 min guys 16:57:43 <mihgen> let's think about it thotoughly 16:57:51 <evgeniyl___> probably we should start a new thread there 16:57:57 <xarses> evgeniyl___: +1 16:57:57 <mihgen> evgeniyl___: +1 16:58:08 <mihgen> cool let's do it. 16:58:16 <mihgen> finishing meeting 16:58:22 <mihgen> if no more questions - closing 16:58:42 <mihgen> thanks guys 16:58:44 <agordeev> thanks! 16:58:47 <mihgen> see you next week! 16:58:48 <dshulyak> buy 16:58:49 <evgeniyl___> thanks 16:58:53 <mihgen> #endmeeting #fuel