14:00:13 <mark-burnett> #startmeeting airship 14:00:14 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 17 14:00:13 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mark-burnett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:17 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:00:26 <mark-burnett> #topic role call 14:00:40 <mark-burnett> Hi all, here is our agenda for today: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2018-07-17 14:00:55 <sthussey> here 14:01:01 <blancos> o/ 14:01:07 <roman_g> Good morning 14:01:15 <b-str> gm 14:01:29 <mattmceuen> o/ 14:01:31 <roman_g> o/ 14:01:37 <aaronsheffield> Good morning. 14:02:06 <portdirect> o/ 14:02:41 <mark-burnett> #topic Duplicate repos/documentation sites 14:03:26 <mark-burnett> So it seems there is some confusion about the old git repos under att-comdev and the new openstack repos, as well as some confusion about rtd sites 14:03:44 <roman_g> Yes, that's mine 14:04:46 <mark-burnett> I wonder if we can archive the att-comdev repos to avoid confusion 14:05:32 <portdirect> this is what we did with osh 14:05:34 <portdirect> https://github.com/att-comdev/openstack-helm/commit/ef518cb0fb384031008a9deb372fadf1929dcf28 14:05:42 <portdirect> reduced a lot of confusion 14:05:59 <sthussey> just delete them, no one used them anyway 14:06:29 <mark-burnett> Ok, I'll look into either updating the readme/emptying them out or archiving them 14:07:00 <mark-burnett> #action mark-burnett to more clearly mark att-comdev repos or archive them 14:07:53 <roman_g> and documentation? 14:08:13 <roman_g> old sites need to be closed 14:08:24 <roman_g> and two mode docs sites need to be created 14:08:30 <mark-burnett> Yeah, so I think armada.readthedocs.org is not ours 14:08:31 <jayahn> o/ 14:08:33 <mattmceuen> so one of the airship-related repos that hasn't migrated to openstack (yet) is treasuremap -- do we have a path forward yet on what we're going to migrate vs redo, and where it'll live? 14:08:58 <powerds0111> o/ 14:09:25 <mattmceuen> o/ powerds0111 jayahn :) 14:09:27 <mark-burnett> mattmceuen I believe some folks have been working to clean that up before that gets moved over 14:09:42 <mattmceuen> ok awesome - thx 14:09:53 <roman_g> haven't heard of anything like that. 14:10:07 <mark-burnett> But the intention is that becomes a showcase of a realistic multi-node deployment 14:10:20 <mattmceuen> that's why we have a meeting now roman_g 14:10:22 <mark-burnett> With the hope that it helps the Akraino project, for example 14:10:35 <mattmceuen> look we're already communicating better 14:11:08 <roman_g> sample site documentation is outdated there, and Darren said that one of internal sites could be cloned to treasuremap as a sample of multinode installation (after cleanup) 14:11:36 <mark-burnett> Re: docs, I agree we should delete the old rtd repos and get them setup properly 14:11:49 <roman_g> +1 14:12:03 <roman_g> action is on whom? who manages those repos? 14:12:08 <b-str> We will need to track down the owners. 14:12:15 <b-str> I think it's various folks 14:12:19 <mark-burnett> agree 14:12:33 <roman_g> I will reach out to RTD team then 14:12:35 <mark-burnett> #action b-str to track down rtd owners to facilitate deletion 14:12:59 <roman_g> ok, ok ))) 14:13:14 <mark-burnett> ah, thanks for volunteering roman, but i don't think we need to goto that team yet 14:13:33 <mark-burnett> Anything else on these cleanup items? 14:13:50 <roman_g> sthussey: would you create 2 more RTD airship-* sites, please? bethr and divingbell 14:14:00 <roman_g> so that all of them are under your account 14:14:10 <sthussey> I can 14:14:34 <mark-burnett> #action sthussey to create remaining airship-* RTD sites 14:15:12 <mark-burnett> #topic Logo Feedback 14:15:26 <roman_g> INFO: Airship documentation on RTD patchsets are on hold until https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579434/ - "Use readthedocs webhook to trigger build" is merged. Felipe, that's for you, because you were reviewing 14:15:37 <mark-burnett> For those who haven't seen, here is the logo thread in the mailing list: http://lists.airshipit.org/pipermail/airship-discuss/2018-June/000025.html 14:15:51 <portdirect> there are also now stickers :D 14:16:02 <mark-burnett> Right 14:16:22 <mark-burnett> Anyway, I know I haven't given direct feedback yet, but if anyone has any, let's try to get feedback in this week :) 14:16:50 <mark-burnett> #topic Bandit incremental testing 14:17:32 <mark-burnett> So, I'm not quite clear on what this adds vs our existing bandit scans, is Jared here? 14:17:49 <roman_g> most probably not. 14:18:13 <mark-burnett> Does anyone have a sense of how this would be more thorough than what we already do? 14:18:55 <openstackgerrit> Marshall Margenau proposed openstack/airship-armada master: Run helm tests by default https://review.openstack.org/582338 14:19:24 <b-str> We currently run a "full" scan, no? 14:19:27 <sthussey> Doesn't seem useful 14:19:42 <mark-burnett> Yeah, it's my understanding that all python components have full bandit scans on commit 14:19:55 <sthussey> And no arguments for adopting it were provided - I would table it or close it. 14:19:55 <mattmceuen> The incremental scans measure deltas from previous run, I believe (I'm not an expert on them though). That seems helpful in a CI context to show that issues, haven't been added, right? 14:20:39 <sthussey> Do you not just care about the full attack surface? 14:20:47 <mattmceuen> Do we know who added this one to the agenda - so we can understand the ask better? 14:20:55 <mark-burnett> Jared Stein added it, but is not here 14:21:29 <mattmceuen> Ok, agree w/ sthussy on tabling it so we can talk w/ Jared 14:21:34 <mark-burnett> I think we should just shelve this, since we're already doing full scans and new issues will cause the gates to fail. 14:21:36 <mark-burnett> Ok 14:21:50 <mark-burnett> #topic New Drydock features/specs 14:22:05 <mattmceuen> your reasoning there ^ makes sense to me too mark-burnett 14:22:39 <mark-burnett> There are two thin stories up to prompt writing specs for supporting RAID and BIOS configuration in drydock 14:23:30 <mark-burnett> Is anyone interested in working on these specs? 14:23:47 <mark-burnett> I know there have been a couple of comments on the stories 14:24:03 <roman_g> 1 sec 14:24:26 <roman_g> there is 14:24:28 <roman_g> https://github.com/hemanthnakkina/opensource_blueprints/tree/master/specs/airship 14:24:51 <goutham> I can do that.. Please share the desc somewhere 14:24:58 <goutham> description * 14:25:00 <goutham> i will do 14:25:40 <mark-burnett> It sounds like hemanth has already gotten a nice start on this 14:26:16 <mark-burnett> Maybe you can help work through some additional details goutham? 14:26:38 <goutham> ok sure i will try doing that 14:26:46 <goutham> will talk to hemanth once 14:27:16 <singhannie> Can I contribute in one of them too? 14:27:45 <mark-burnett> So we should actually have an airship-specs repo up soon, so that everyone can contribute 14:27:55 <mattmceuen> That would be awesome singhannie & goutham 14:28:29 <mark-burnett> #action b-str to get the specs infrastructure in place once the repo is created 14:28:45 <mattmceuen> I know drydock is pluggable, but we've only been using one plugin for a while - would it make sense to make a no-op plugin to begin with just to exercise the pluggability part of it a little more before plugging in new backends? 14:28:50 <goutham> thanks mattmceuen and mark-burnett will be happy to do that. 14:29:11 <mattmceuen> (disclosure that was rodolfo's idea not mine) 14:29:21 <sthussey> there are already multiple plugins 14:29:35 <mattmceuen> oh ok 14:29:36 <mark-burnett> i suspect the plugin interface will be refined as we add more 14:29:54 <mattmceuen> what are the other ones sthussey? 14:30:03 <sthussey> virsh 14:30:07 <sthussey> and manual 14:30:15 <mattmceuen> awesome 14:30:18 <mark-burnett> Ok, this leads into our last topic 14:30:28 <mark-burnett> #topic MAAS alternatives 14:30:51 <mark-burnett> So I think the fundamental answer here is "yes, we want more plugins" 14:30:57 <mark-burnett> It's not a mutually exclusive situation 14:31:32 <roman_g> That's mine. I've heard that some people were concerned by performance, and proposed alternative I used previously 14:31:32 <sthussey> net add, folks can add support for any provisioner they want 14:31:58 <mark-burnett> If anyone is interested in adding another plugin, say for ironic or xcat, I would suggest starting with a spec -- ideally that spec will include how we can test the plugin 14:32:36 <roman_g> plugin must be able to run in container, right? 14:32:39 <mark-burnett> re: performance - I can't speak to what kinds of MAAS performance issues we've seen 14:33:03 <mark-burnett> roman_g: I think currently it would be an additional driver in drydock code 14:33:27 <mark-burnett> Does anyone have more thoughts on this? 14:34:11 <mark-burnett> OK 14:34:16 <mark-burnett> #topic round table 14:34:43 <mark-burnett> Does anyone have any other discussion points? Perhaps we could propose longer items as agenda points for next week? 14:34:54 <roman_g> We have record in number of people on the channel. 14:35:01 <mark-burnett> Nice 14:35:37 <mattmceuen> :D 14:36:25 <mattmceuen> Just to +1 the idea of an ironic plugin up above - a spec for that (esp with help from someone with ironic experience) would be really valuable 14:36:45 <mark-burnett> Awesome, thanks everyone for coming! 14:36:49 <mark-burnett> #endmeeting