14:00:30 <mark-burnett> #startmeeting airship 14:00:36 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 28 14:00:30 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mark-burnett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:37 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:40 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:00:42 <aaronsheffield> \o 14:00:43 <mark-burnett> Hello all 14:00:43 <seaneagan> o/ 14:00:54 <mark-burnett> Here is our agenda for today: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2018-08-28 14:00:54 <b-str> \o/ 14:01:27 <mattmceuen> GM! o/ 14:02:02 <mark-burnett> #topic Meeting reschedule 14:02:12 <mark-burnett> So I did not send out an email for rescheduling, sorry 14:02:28 <mark-burnett> Can we create a list of candidate times here, and I can send out an email with a doodle for it? 14:03:15 <mattmceuen> I like that idea, but there may be some selection bias 14:03:15 <portdirect> o/ 14:03:27 <mattmceuen> In that the only people that are here are the ones who can make this time :D 14:03:51 <mattmceuen> But we could propose some here and in the ML ask for any additional ideas when the proposals are sent out ? Just a thought 14:03:57 <mark-burnett> We've already done that 14:04:03 <mark-burnett> We didn't get any responses 14:04:05 <mattmceuen> ok 14:06:44 <mattmceuen> Other Tuesday time slots that work well for me: 8-9 CT, 11-1pm CT, 4-5pm CT 14:07:37 <mattmceuen> Wednesday 8-9 CT, 10-1 CT, 4:30-6pm CT 14:08:25 <mark-burnett> so 4 pm CDT is like 6 am for SKT, so maybe that could work 14:10:38 <mattmceuen> Sounds like one to propose! 4pm would work for me any time but Friday 14:10:50 <mark-burnett> OK, I think that's a pretty free time for me too 14:11:16 <mark-burnett> Ok, let's try this list 14:11:29 <mark-burnett> #topic Weekly design discussion 14:11:43 <mark-burnett> Just a reminder - the first open design call will be this Thursday 14:12:19 <mark-burnett> I believe it's at 1500 CDT, so 2000 UTC 14:12:26 <mark-burnett> Details are in the mailing list archives for airship-announce 14:13:09 <mark-burnett> #topic PTG Agenda 14:13:37 <mark-burnett> We've got a bit of a skeleton so far, but I propose we spend about 5-10 minutes just adding to the etherpad while we're here 14:13:41 <mark-burnett> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/AirshipPTG4 14:13:47 <mark-burnett> Since PTG is coming up soon :) 14:14:54 <mattmceuen> +1 14:18:16 <portdirect> How many days do we have a room booked for airship? 14:18:48 <mattmceuen> 2 I believe 14:20:25 <portdirect> Nice, as the agenda is looking sparse ATM, do we maybe want to consider a 'design/strat/planning day' and a 'hacking day'? 14:21:05 <portdirect> Where we try and bring in some of the expertise on site for the hacking day, and also go spread the word 14:21:43 <portdirect> Eg if you have Oslo, or potentially ironic, questions there's not a better venue on Earth.. 14:22:51 <sthussey> I don't think Airship plans to be delve any deeper into the Oslo ecosystem. 14:22:58 <sthussey> to delve* 14:23:18 <sthussey> But I won't be there, so how the time is spent doesn't impact me 14:23:37 <mark-burnett> Maybe it's time to move on to the next topic 14:23:47 <mark-burnett> #topic New Cores 14:23:55 <mark-burnett> Welcome mattmceuen and seaneagan 14:23:56 <mark-burnett> :) 14:24:06 <b-str> indeed, welcome 14:24:18 <mark-burnett> #topic Periodic Dev Updates 14:24:22 <mattmceuen> Thank you! 14:24:32 <seaneagan> thanks :) 14:24:41 <b-str> Not sure what this means? Like a blog? 14:24:52 <mark-burnett> So the idea has been kicked around of sending an occasional (say every ~2 weeks) email to the list giving a description of notable work that's going on 14:24:57 <mark-burnett> Maybe tying it to themes, etc 14:25:09 <b-str> ok 14:25:10 <mark-burnett> A kind of curated change log in a way 14:25:51 <mark-burnett> If you think of any interesting items that have been done in the past say 2-4 weeks to add to the list for the first one, please drop them in here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-dev-update-2018-08-31 14:26:00 <portdirect> Triple o does quite a good take on this theme, I know jay is pretty pumped on it ;) 14:26:33 <mark-burnett> I think it's even good to note in-progress work in some cases 14:26:52 <mark-burnett> Anyway, I'll try to write something up about EoW 14:27:39 <sthussey> Isn't this a bit circular w/ Storyboard? 14:28:01 <mark-burnett> So, I'd say the idea is to give a more narrative description of work and how it ties together than what we have in storyboard today 14:28:27 <portdirect> ++ 14:28:36 <mark-burnett> The hope is that it helps people who don't have time to watch closely keep tabs on the project 14:28:49 <portdirect> It is circular in some ways, but for a diff audience really 14:29:40 <mark-burnett> Ok, let's close out 14:29:43 <mark-burnett> #topic Roundtable 14:29:50 <mark-burnett> Any thoughts or small topics we missed? 14:31:04 <mark-burnett> Alright, thanks for coming everyone! 14:31:08 <mattmceuen> Thanks! 14:31:10 <mark-burnett> #endmeeting