14:03:41 <mark-burnett> #startmeeting airship 14:03:42 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 20 14:03:41 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mark-burnett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:43 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:45 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:04:08 <mark-burnett> Hey All 14:04:13 <evrardjp> hola 14:04:16 <b-str> hello 14:04:34 <mark-burnett> I expect it to be pretty light, as I know some folks are on vacation post summit :) 14:04:43 <mark-burnett> (and also pre-US thanksgiving) 14:04:54 <mark-burnett> Here is an uninitialized etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2018-11-20 14:05:54 <evrardjp> I didn't have anything to add to agenda, busy back from the summit. Glad to have meet the usual ppl, hoping to see even more ppl next time :) 14:06:05 <mark-burnett> Yeah, me too :) 14:06:35 <mark-burnett> I added a couple of items, though they might be better suited to discussion with a larger crowd 14:06:52 <b-str> how did the summit go? 14:07:09 <mark-burnett> That was one of the items ;) 14:07:36 <mark-burnett> What did you think jp? 14:07:42 <mark-burnett> #topic Summit debrief 14:08:31 <mark-burnett> I felt like the airship talks went pretty well 14:08:35 <evrardjp> well I think it was nice to have a spotlight on the keynotes. Sessions for updates are recorded so you should watch if you're interested 14:08:55 <mark-burnett> Hmm, do you happen to know when they'll be posted? 14:09:09 <mark-burnett> I checked yesterday and it seems they hadn't had time to put them up yet (at least on youtube) 14:09:09 <evrardjp> I liked the Airship for QA and bare metal on airship -- you have a look at the etherpad if you didn't attend the sessions 14:09:17 <evrardjp> mark-burnett: I am sorry, I don't know 14:09:22 <mark-burnett> No worries 14:09:31 <roman_g> o/ 14:10:36 <evrardjp> you should have a look* if you didn't attend the sessions. #me_and_my_bad_english 14:11:08 <mark-burnett> We should add some of the videos to project READMEs as appropriate probably 14:11:13 <mark-burnett> Or wiki/whatever 14:11:38 <evrardjp> mark-burnett: I'd suggest to document the content of the onboarding, should some questions (and answers) not be in the current docs 14:12:13 <evrardjp> sadly I haven't written the resulting Q&A, so it will all depend on our common memories. 14:12:26 <mark-burnett> Ah, was that one not on video? 14:12:41 <evrardjp> I don't think onboardings are recorded, but I might be wrong 14:12:46 <mark-burnett> Gotcha 14:13:09 <mark-burnett> #topic Additional treasuremap use-cases 14:13:24 <mark-burnett> So one thing that did come up that would probably not be too hard would be to add more use-cases to TM 14:13:40 <evrardjp> confirmed, onboarding not recorded 14:13:52 <mark-burnett> Just to demonstrate that other workloads besides openstack are supported 14:14:22 <mark-burnett> I don't think it needs to be a complex application, but it would be good to have something 14:14:47 <evrardjp> I agree there 14:15:09 <mark-burnett> Thanks for checking jp 14:15:13 <portdirect> Tensor flow with a simple model would pick a lot of boxes 14:15:25 <evrardjp> that's not a simpleapp though 14:16:07 <mark-burnett> It might not be too bad though 14:16:33 <mark-burnett> THere may already be a chart for kubeflow 14:16:40 <roman_g> gerrit + jenkins/zuul + artifactory (is there free version which would fulfull airship needs?) 14:16:47 <evrardjp> yeah on the principles. I have no reason to develop it though :p 14:17:12 <roman_g> *fulfil 14:17:19 <mark-burnett> @roman_g people didn't seem very interested in those examples, even though we have them internally at least 14:17:33 <mark-burnett> I'm not exactly sure why 14:17:47 <evrardjp> gitlab or something? 14:18:16 <mark-burnett> ok, so i'm seeing categories 14:18:17 <mark-burnett> :) 14:18:18 <evrardjp> zuul? :) 14:18:33 <roman_g> small hadoop? 14:19:32 <portdirect> That would fit the bill roman_g 14:20:29 <mark-burnett> these are some good ideas 14:23:45 <mark-burnett> Do any of these ideas strike anyone as something they want to jump on? 14:24:09 <mark-burnett> Here again for reference: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2018-11-20 14:24:36 <roman_g> I'll investigade dockerized hadoop first. Then we will see. 14:24:45 <mark-burnett> Cool, thanks roman 14:24:58 <mark-burnett> We'll check in next week 14:25:05 <portdirect> roman_g: you may want to look into the chart that's in stable for it. 14:25:36 <mark-burnett> I suspect that as we proceed with this, we might want to refactor the treasuremap layering structure a bit, but that's just an improvement, not a requirement i think 14:25:37 <roman_g> yes, I've seen it some time ago. 14:25:48 <roman_g> that's why I've suggested hadoop 14:25:52 <mark-burnett> Cool, does anyone have any other topics? 14:25:55 <mark-burnett> #topic roundtable 14:26:53 <evrardjp> no topic 14:29:00 <b-str> yeah, pretty quiet today. Thanks all for the ideas on alternate workloads. Please keep thinking on it too. 14:29:13 <mark-burnett> Alright, thanks everyone :) 14:29:15 <mark-burnett> #endmeeting