14:01:16 <mark-burnett> #startmeeting airship 14:01:17 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 4 14:01:16 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mark-burnett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:01:45 <mark-burnett> Hey all, here's the agenda etherpad for today: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2018-12-04 14:02:29 <mattmceuen> o/ 14:02:49 <dwalt> o/ 14:03:50 <sthussey> here 14:04:27 <mark-burnett> #topic Summit Videos 14:04:51 <mark-burnett> Just an announcement here really -- the rest of the summit videos have been uploaded to youtube and are linked in the etherpad 14:05:12 <mattmceuen> awesome 14:05:19 <mark-burnett> The longest talk was a Deckhand deep dive that I think will be a useful starting point for new devs in that space. 14:05:44 <seaneagan> o/ 14:06:56 <mark-burnett> #topic Overview of Treasuremap release process/cadence 14:07:16 <mattmceuen> Hey Kaspars thanks for joining :) 14:07:24 <Kaspars> sure! 14:07:26 <mark-burnett> :) 14:07:39 <mattmceuen> Kaspars put together much of the treasuremap manifests & pipelines 14:07:52 <mark-burnett> And gives it a lot of attention every week to help keep it updated, etc. 14:07:58 <mattmceuen> And he recently started implementing a release process, which we mentioned last week 14:08:17 <mattmceuen> Thought it would be good for him to give us an overview of that -- cadence, mechanics etc, and then we can Q&A 14:08:30 <mattmceuen> Kaspars - what is this thing! 14:09:04 <mattmceuen> https://github.com/openstack/airship-treasuremap/releases 14:09:36 <Kaspars> right! so I have started to create a monthly tags as a way towards first release - 1.0 14:10:19 <Kaspars> today, we do have a daily uplift pipeline called Airship Seaworthy described here https://airship-treasuremap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/seaworthy.html 14:11:12 <Kaspars> that is then performing uplifts and verifying latest airship components 14:11:58 <mattmceuen> Uplift is centered 100% around updating the versions.yaml, right? https://github.com/openstack/airship-treasuremap/blob/master/global/software/config/versions.yaml 14:12:06 <Kaspars> even though all commits are gated - release undergo slightly more testing and repeated runs to ensure more stability and quality as oppose to taking any commit from the repo 14:12:46 <Kaspars> yes its - uplift will iterate over all git commit tags in versions.yaml and update to latest at that moment 14:13:14 <mark-burnett> out of curiousity, does it attempt to do anything with 3rd party images, like the kubernetes images themselves? 14:14:00 <Kaspars> there are only limited hardcoded images now in versions - mostly k8s itself - all the other image versions overrides are actually removed and rely on chart defaults 14:14:37 <openstackgerrit> Mark Burnett proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Uplift Kubernetes to version 1.10.11 https://review.openstack.org/622333 14:14:40 <Kaspars> so for example calico images are now set to empty https://github.com/openstack/airship-treasuremap/blob/master/global/software/config/versions.yaml#L456 14:14:42 <openstackgerrit> Mark Burnett proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: Update Kubernetes to 1.10.11 https://review.openstack.org/622334 14:14:56 <Kaspars> that will mean that once chart is uplifted it will include latest versions coming from the chart itself. 14:15:12 <mattmceuen> Good timing there mark-burnett :) 14:15:20 <mark-burnett> ha, I forgot about the bot 14:15:29 <mark-burnett> was testing that this morning, due to the security vuln 14:15:39 <mattmceuen> +1 14:15:56 <mattmceuen> So Kaspars, to summarize the cadence bit -- there are: 14:16:42 <mattmceuen> 1) nightly tests of a fully integrated, up to date Airship + OSH build with the latest and greatest (with a few pinned exceptions). Assuming that gates green, then it's merged into master so that master is an up to date working reference 14:17:17 <mattmceuen> 2) monthly(ish), extra-tested releases are hand-crafted by you as steps toward a future 1.0 release 14:17:43 <Kaspars> yes, this sounds good 14:17:47 <mattmceuen> nice 14:18:08 <mattmceuen> any other questions for Kaspars / discussion on this topic? 14:18:45 <sthussey> Is the monthly release tag tested against rainy day scenarios we anticipate the platform handling? 14:19:01 <sthussey> Cluster restarts, node failure, network failure? 14:19:52 <Kaspars> not really - but I think it would be good to work towards either automating it, or a list of test cases 14:20:10 <Kaspars> I've been generally focusing on creating many VMs, and things like that 14:20:32 <sthussey> Would probably be good to have that for 1.0 since Airship is supposedly managing the cluster 14:20:56 <sthussey> So VM creation and such is a good test for the overcloud, doesn't exercise Airship in a meaningful way 14:21:00 <mattmceuen> Agree - resiliency issues would be great things to catch super-early 14:21:05 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/airship-shipyard master: Fix: install docker-py in gates post job for docker login https://review.openstack.org/622305 14:21:54 <Kaspars> I've been also thinking of upgrade path from tag to tag - but not yet put enough effort to run through that yet. 14:22:36 <mattmceuen> The greenfield integration is a great start, since pure integration issues should be caught by the existing pipeline quite well 14:22:37 <mark-burnett> Yeah, upgrade testing is another nice thing to add, though I think it's reasonable to delay that until we have a more clear "release" strategy for the whole platform 14:22:59 <sthussey> Yeah, that can likely be tabled until post 1.0 14:23:10 <Kaspars> ok, sounds good 14:23:42 <mark-burnett> I feel like this has become a great reference pretty quickly, frankly 14:23:47 <mark-burnett> Any other thoughts? 14:24:11 <mattmceuen> big Thanks for your efforts, Kaspars! 14:24:38 <mark-burnett> #topic roundtable 14:24:44 <mark-burnett> Any other things that we didn't get into the etherpad? 14:25:20 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/airship-drydock master: (fix) Use endpoint for MAAS URL https://review.openstack.org/616709 14:25:26 <b-str> o/ 14:25:48 <sthussey> \o 14:25:56 <sthussey> *high five* 14:26:03 <mattmceuen> I feel like I had something 14:26:10 <mattmceuen> most likely a lack of coffee 14:26:20 <mark-burnett> lol, fair enough 14:26:28 <mattmceuen> Ah I remember what it was, and I didn't prepare :D 14:26:51 <mattmceuen> Thought it would be good to maybe use this as an opportunity to communicate any interesting / noteworthy PS from the last week 14:27:44 <mattmceuen> I'll just prep better for next week :) 14:28:30 <mark-burnett> Hmm, for a bit we tried to track interesting developments in an etherpad to send an email out, but I fell far behind on that sort of thing :/ 14:29:46 <mark-burnett> Alright, if there isn't anything else, then thanks everyone for coming :) 14:29:55 <mattmceuen> ty mark-burnett & all 14:30:05 <mark-burnett> #endmeeting