14:00:43 <mattmceuen> #startmeeting Airship 14:00:44 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 5 14:00:43 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:00:49 <mattmceuen> #topic Rollcall 14:00:56 <mattmceuen> Hey all, good morning/evening 14:01:18 <nishant_> Good morning 14:01:22 <levmorgan> Hiya 14:01:23 <mattmceuen> we have a very light agenda today, so if there's anything you'd like to discuss please add it :) https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-02-05 14:01:53 <dwalt> o/ 14:02:02 <georgk> hi 14:02:03 <mattmceuen> A couple thing I'd hoped to discuss this week are pushed off to next week, because I was too late in asking people to lead the discussion, oops 14:02:16 <b-str> hi 14:03:01 <mattmceuen> But let me take the opportunity -- levmorgan, there have been some really good pegleg advances recently, would you mind walking us through those next week? 14:03:36 <levmorgan> Yep! Can do. 14:03:48 <mattmceuen> awesome! thanks! 14:04:32 <mattmceuen> #topic Airship Community Feedback meeting 14:05:01 <mattmceuen> Last Thursday hogepodge led a feedback meeting for the Airship dev community 14:05:21 <mattmceuen> Was a really productive session I think, and I appreciate everyone who was able to join 14:05:35 <mattmceuen> Since not everyone was able to make it, here's the etherpad that captured a lot of good notes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-community-feedback 14:06:23 <mattmceuen> One of the "themes" was that although different modes of communication are preferred by differenet folks, IRC is a tried-and-true common denominator 14:06:53 <mattmceuen> It's also good for async communication if we're diligent about catching up on it :) 14:08:14 <mattmceuen> So my ask is that we increase our focus on IRC, and drive more dev conversation into it -- it's not just a Q&A tool, and if it is seen as a frequented channel then more folks will come, helping us to reach some critical mass 14:08:57 <mattmceuen> Another good point of feedback is that we need to focus on our developer onboarding 14:09:09 <mattmceuen> Part of that is docs 14:09:18 <mattmceuen> Part of that is just getting the right docs in front of people 14:09:32 <mattmceuen> Part of that is encouraging questions & getting them answered 14:09:45 <mattmceuen> (tying back to the IRC comment above) 14:10:15 <mattmceuen> I'm formulating some plans in my own mind for how we can attack this (and other bits) and plan to discuss more in future meetings 14:10:46 <mattmceuen> Does anyone have any good thoughts, ideas, etc that they'd like to discuss now? 14:13:13 <mattmceuen> Well you'll have another opportunity next week ;-) please do review and reflect on the notes so we can make it a smooth onboarding and development experience for all of us 14:13:56 <mattmceuen> #topic Patchsets needing review 14:14:42 <mattmceuen> Re: the aiab proxy update change discussed last week: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/615387/ 14:15:10 <mattmceuen> I reached out to the developer, and he's a little slammed at the moment. He'll try to get an update pushed to that by next week. 14:15:29 <b-str> Sorry for not having anything exciting - the thing I'm tracking at the moment is introduction of a new pod configuration for Shipyard, and some slightly smaller docker image sizes - all kinda "behind the scenes" stuff that people should eventually not notice. 14:15:42 <mattmceuen> However, if anyone else is interested in contributing for that PS, he'd be happy to collaborate on it 14:17:06 <mattmceuen> thanks b-str, smaller is better 14:17:25 <mattmceuen> any other PS that are itching for reviews guys? 14:17:43 <b-str> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/projects:openstack/airship+status:open+NOT+label:Verified=-1+NOT+label:Workflow=-1+NOT+message:DNM+NOT+message:WIP 14:17:55 <b-str> how I look at the things ready for review ^^^^ 14:18:29 <evgenyl> I also have a small patch for aiab with some fixes for behind the proxy configuration: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/630726/ we've been discussing this a couple of meetings back. It needs a few more reviews. 14:19:35 <mattmceuen> Thanks evgenyl! I'll get a review on that today or tomorrow 14:19:58 <evgenyl> Thank you! 14:20:41 <mattmceuen> #topic Roundtable 14:20:55 <mattmceuen> Any other topics or random thoughts, guys? 14:21:30 <mbeierl> Where can I find the latest roadmap/progress on Airship + Ironic work? 14:23:20 <mattmceuen> hey mbeierl -- there is a spec out there, but I believe it's a little out of date 14:23:53 <mattmceuen> Pavlo Shchelokovs was going to do a deep dive into it and I believe take a stab at updating the spec 14:23:57 <mbeierl> thanks, mattmceuen. Is there anything beyond the spec? I have heard that it is actively being investigated 14:24:09 <mbeierl> ok, sounds like a plan! 14:24:12 <mattmceuen> We're hoping to do a review of this on our Thursday design call, if you're able to join! 14:24:17 <mbeierl> I will. 14:24:34 <mattmceuen> Awesome - would love to get you tied into that effort if you're interested mbeierl 14:25:11 <mbeierl> I am, but I suspect there will be a learning curve for me as I know very little about helm/armada and Airship in general :( 14:26:39 <mattmceuen> I actually have a list of onboarding doc references I put together yesterday, let me send that out on the ML 14:27:02 <mbeierl> that would be perfect. Thanks, mattmceuen 14:27:18 <mattmceuen> You bet & feel free to drop any questions here, in the ML or on the Thursday call 14:27:55 <mattmceuen> Any other topics team? 14:28:38 <mattmceuen> In that case you're all very busy & I won't keep you - have a good week 14:28:43 <mattmceuen> #endmeeting