16:00:29 <mattmceuen> #startmeeting airship 16:00:34 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 23 16:00:29 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:35 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:39 <mattmceuen> #topic Rollcall 16:00:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 16:00:51 <mattmceuen> Hello, everyone - welcome 16:00:53 <aaronsheffield> o/ 16:00:56 <mattmceuen> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-04-23 16:00:57 <evgenyl> Hello! 16:00:58 <arunkant> o/ 16:01:01 <mattmceuen> ^ agenda above 16:01:06 <AlexanderHughes> o/ 16:01:10 <dwalt> hi all o/ 16:01:20 <mattmceuen> We have a full agenda today so I'll try to keep us on the tracks :) 16:01:50 <mattmceuen> #topic No meeting next week 16:01:58 <mattmceuen> I think this is self explanatory :) 16:02:13 <mattmceuen> due to the summit 16:02:17 <michael-beaver> o/ GM 16:02:23 <mattmceuen> #topic Update on gerrit migration 16:02:52 <mattmceuen> We have our shiny new opendev infrastructure up and running now thanks to the hard work of the openstack infra team 16:03:00 <mattmceuen> To make sure everyone's aware of the changes: 16:03:07 <mattmceuen> https://opendev.org/airship/ 16:03:22 <sthussey> opendev infra team* 16:03:25 <mattmceuen> ^ this is our git repository now, and it has https redirects set up 16:03:34 <mattmceuen> TY Scott 16:03:52 <mattmceuen> Note that previously we'd had an openstack git repo, which mirrored out to github 16:04:05 <mattmceuen> Now we are using the gitea open source project to host both functions 16:04:17 <mattmceuen> So if the link above looks like github - that's intentional 16:04:35 <mattmceuen> Notice also we are in the /airship project namespace rather than /openstack now 16:04:53 <mattmceuen> And therefore the project names themselves have lost the 'airship-' prefix 16:05:03 <mattmceuen> e.g. https://opendev.org/airship/promenade 16:05:07 <mattmceuen> So that's great 16:05:24 <mattmceuen> Similarly, our gerrit is now https://review.opendev.org/ 16:05:41 <mattmceuen> All patchsets from the old gerrit have been migrated over 16:06:10 <mattmceuen> dwalt points out that: gerritbot no longer posting new changes in IRC https://review.opendev.org/654470 16:06:23 <dwalt> woops -- forgot to remove that, sorry 16:06:32 <dwalt> that has merged since yesterday :) 16:06:33 <mattmceuen> However that appears to be merged so I think we're good :) thanks dwalt 16:06:38 <dwalt> np! 16:06:54 <mattmceuen> There are a couple more items related to the migration, but they have their own topics later in the agend 16:07:06 <mattmceuen> any questions / thoughts on the migration? 16:07:57 <michael-beaver> airship/in-a-bottle probably needs to be changed right? 16:07:58 <hogepodge> yes 16:08:12 <mattmceuen> Yep sthussey has an item for that michael-beaver 16:08:20 <michael-beaver> Oh sorry I missed that 16:08:29 <hogepodge> For the airship-in-a-bottle rename, the infra team has asked that you follow this procedure. https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators.html#project-renames 16:08:30 <mattmceuen> Let's hold off on that one till later, there are two parts to it 16:08:52 <mattmceuen> Yup I chatted with clarkb this a.m. and he got me set up with the needful steps - I'm planning to get them in this week 16:09:47 <mattmceuen> It'll probably take a week or two to get the update made, but I think that's probably fine thanks to 16:09:47 <mattmceuen> 1) https:// redirects 16:09:47 <mattmceuen> 2) let's just make sure the wiki and airshipit.org point to the correct place and keep those things up to date 16:09:48 <kaspars__> airship-in-a-bottle I think is really close with new airsloop type to be migrated to treasuremap.. just a thought 16:10:01 <mattmceuen> lol that's the other 1/2 of sthussey's agenda item 16:10:12 <mattmceuen> We have effectively moved the item - let's finish it up 16:10:29 <mattmceuen> Do we want to keep airship-in-a-bottle as a separate project? 16:10:57 <mattmceuen> It's two different things -- a site definition (a couple of 'em) and some easy-to-use demo deployment tooling 16:11:36 <evgenyl> I think Dimitrious started doing some work on that, but I'm not sure if he is here. 16:11:47 <dwalt> I can't think of any benefits to maintaining it as a separate project. In fact, it seems like it diverges further from treasuremap every week. 16:11:55 <michael-beaver> ++ 16:12:02 <kaspars__> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/654548/ 16:12:05 <sthussey> So we'll need to determine path forward 16:12:38 <sthussey> That repo was originally built as an integration repo, which we still need 16:12:58 <kaspars__> I also think having it in the same repo would simplify things 16:13:05 <sthussey> There is documentation there that is now likely stale 16:13:12 <kaspars__> I feel that all that treasuremap is is basically integration.. 16:13:37 <mattmceuen> If we want to move the aiab deployment tooling into treasuremap, we can put it in `/tools/deployment/airship-in-a-bottle` 16:13:40 <dwalt> Along a similar vein, moving repositories would also be a good opportunity to clean-up the multinode "gate" and make it more visible 16:13:40 <mattmceuen> or some such 16:14:06 <sthussey> The site definitions and tooling going to treasuremap is fine 16:14:07 <evgenyl> We will also need to move multinode deployment. 16:14:09 <dwalt> I like that idea mattmceuen 16:14:25 <mattmceuen> kaspars__, are you targeting the existing multinode virtualized testing using the sloop type, or something else? 16:14:25 <sthussey> The developer documentation can move, but that changes the intent of treasuremap 16:15:35 <kaspars__> sloop may be too slim for gate-multinode - so I'm not 100% sure 16:15:50 <mattmceuen> Ok. So we have a few things we'll need to figure out 16:15:55 <kaspars__> definitely we can have AIAB to use sloop 16:16:03 <kaspars__> that would fit perfect 16:16:47 <kaspars__> "A sloop (from Dutch sloep, in turn from French chaloupe) is a sailing boat with a single mast and a fore-and-aft rig. A sloop has only one head-sail; if a vessel has two or more head-sails, the term cutter is used, and its mast may be set further aft than on a sloop. " 16:16:51 <kaspars__> for people that wonder.. 16:17:31 <mattmceuen> 1) figure how to best migrate gate-multinode tooling/site def into treasuremap 16:17:31 <mattmceuen> 2) do the work of moving aiab into treasuremap 16:17:31 <mattmceuen> 3) determine what we want to do with documentation (consolidate somewhere please) 16:17:31 <mattmceuen> 4) retire aiab project 16:18:09 <mattmceuen> We should hold off on #4 (retire aiab project) until after it's fully migrated into treasuremap 16:18:41 <mattmceuen> With that in mind - I think I'll still go forward with requesting the project rename back to airship/airship-in-a-bottle for the migration period 16:19:35 <evgenyl> Yes, it will take some time to get the migration finished, so it may be a good idea to rename it. 16:19:36 <mattmceuen> I've added another agenda item for doc consolidation 16:19:44 <mattmceuen> Not sure if we'll be able to round it out today 16:20:01 <mattmceuen> Cool. Are we good with that general approach, all? 16:20:01 <sthussey> As part of some improvements on build pipelines, we'll be updating the Airship coding standard doc there 16:20:36 <michael-beaver> I'm already working on creating multinode developer documentation, I wouldn't mind also taking on moving the multinode setup into treasuremap. Not sure if we wanted to wait until after the summit or not to do that though 16:20:52 <mattmceuen> Good question 16:21:00 <mattmceuen> Let's see how the week goes michael-beaver 16:21:06 <sthussey> First step to that is merging all the in-flight CS 16:21:15 <mattmceuen> yes good point 16:21:56 <michael-beaver> Sorry just reconnected and that just went through 16:21:58 <mattmceuen> also thanks for volunteering for that michael-beaver -- evgenyl maybe you guys can sort some of that out in the chat room since it'll be a couple weeks till the next team meeting 16:22:12 <mattmceuen> Ok! Moving on: 16:22:16 <mattmceuen> #topic Mutli-OS image support 16:22:23 <mattmceuen> I think this one is yours sthussey 16:22:33 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/643106 16:23:10 <sthussey> yes 16:23:21 <sthussey> so we have a spec out there to support Multi-OS based docker images 16:23:36 <sthussey> I propose an amendment there to support some build pipeline rationalization 16:24:03 <sthussey> basically what I propose is moving all the multi-OS stuff to an airship-base image that each airship component would build from 16:24:49 <sthussey> airship-base would be built from your OS-base of choice and include a helper script that basically allows the Airship components to install OS packages without having any idea what OS base is beneath them 16:24:56 <sthussey> I looked at bindep, it doesn't seem to achieve this 16:25:49 <sthussey> airship-base would also include steps to allow someone to customize where the image build is sourcing external dependencies such as Python packages or OS packages 16:26:13 <mattmceuen> gotcha 16:27:10 <mattmceuen> Sounds reasonable to me. I am not an image build SME, hogepodge or portdirect, does that sound like a good plan to you too? 16:27:44 <mattmceuen> I know you guys have done a lot to facilitate complex image builds in loci as well 16:28:03 <hogepodge> The more you can abstract those layers the better 16:28:21 <mattmceuen> roman_g, arunkant, jamesgu__ -- sound good from your perspective too? 16:28:26 <hogepodge> things always sneak in, as every packaging system treats common things differently. 16:28:29 <openstackgerrit> Merged airship/deckhand master: CI: Update OSH relative paths for OpenDev https://review.opendev.org/654604 16:28:42 <arunkant> sthussey: Right now, each airship project has image build support. How's base image different from what we have in Dockerfile FROM ? 16:29:16 <sthussey> It isn't 16:29:23 <sthussey> but deckhand is missing that 16:29:24 <hogepodge> httpd is a prime example, the abstraction layer needs to provide interfaces for configuring things like httpd/apache that have totally different installation and management layouts 16:30:09 <sthussey> I'm not really worried about a general solution 16:30:25 <sthussey> As far as I know none of Airship does any of that today 16:30:31 <arunkant> yes and package names are different in distro . So not sure what base image will have additionally other than what we have in FROM 16:31:07 <sthussey> the point of the helper script 16:31:27 <sthussey> We'll define some meta-packages that airship components can request, the helper script will sort out what underlying OS packages will fulfill that 16:31:33 <hogepodge> I guess I'm saying it's a good idea, and it works best if you have the discipline to always push those abstractions to the base rather than build in OS specific stuff in the higher level components 16:32:15 <mattmceuen> I like this idea, but am concerned that it would hold up the multi-os work. Can we plan for a migration path toward that? 16:32:45 <sthussey> I prefer this path to implement the multi-os work 16:32:55 <sthussey> because now the multi-os work impacts a single image, not 8 16:34:23 <sthussey> If it isn't a candidate for upstream, that's fine. We can implement it locally downstream. 16:34:38 <arunkant> Right now we have distro specific docker file (in proposed reviews) and it abstracts the distro details ( package names, expected path, permission etc) in single place. 16:35:22 <mattmceuen> arunkant, I know work has been progressing on the multi-os implementation. How "close" do you feel that work is 16:35:32 <arunkant> May be I am not following what value add helper script are adding.. 16:35:56 <mattmceuen> I think a spec will help to clarify - could we get some details down in a spec sthussey? 16:36:10 <arunkant> mattmceuen: We are waiting for spec update and approval and reviews are already following that spec recommendation 16:36:13 <mattmceuen> I guess it would be an alternative or patch on top of the current spec 16:36:54 <sthussey> I can do a CS on the current spec 16:37:49 <mattmceuen> Yes arunkant - since you've already done the work there, I would propose we 16:37:49 <mattmceuen> 1) go ahead with the current plan, with multiple dockerfiles 16:37:49 <mattmceuen> 2) work through the details of sthussey's idea in a spec 16:37:49 <mattmceuen> 3) refactor all multi-os support for the outcome of #2 after that 16:38:16 <mattmceuen> Mainly, I just don't want to hold up work in progress for a new approach if we can migrate to that new approach after it's fleshed out 16:38:26 <arunkant> sounds like a plan +1 . 16:38:40 <mattmceuen> Are you ok with that sthussey? 16:38:58 <sthussey> Yeah, we can do it downstream in the meantime. Move it upstream if desired. 16:39:33 <arunkant> mattmceun: Any idea when update on spec can be made as there are some update needed based on comments 16:40:10 <mattmceuen> Alright, sounds like a plan. Could also do it in att-comdev or some such as a "POC" for the approach as could be incorporated into airship proper 16:40:23 <arunkant> mattmceuen: If roman_g is not available, I can make the update in spec 16:40:54 <mattmceuen> ah right - that update 16:41:13 <mattmceuen> roman_g are you ok with arunkant pushing an update to the patchset? 16:41:38 <mattmceuen> It's a small change and he has it well sorted out 16:42:25 <mattmceuen> let's keep going - roman_g may be afk. We'll confirm with him when he's back. 16:42:42 <mattmceuen> #topic Google Season of Docs 16:43:17 <mattmceuen> Just an FYI that some of the ideas from the team for Google Season of Docs have been fleshed out here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Airship/2019-SoD 16:43:59 <mattmceuen> hogepodge and I have been working the details out and Airship should be on the application list before the 3pm central deadline :) 16:44:01 <hogepodge> I'm filling out the application for it right now 16:44:21 <mattmceuen> nice! Thanks hogepodge, let me know if there's anything I can do to help 16:44:38 <mattmceuen> #topic Now that we have OpenDev, do we additionally still want github mirroring? 16:44:59 <evgenyl> Yes, I really like using hotkeys on GitHub... 16:45:04 <mattmceuen> So - github mirroring is now turned off, so I think our github mirrors will quickly become stale 16:45:04 <evgenyl> Gitea does not have any https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/5796 16:45:48 <mattmceuen> If we really want to maintain github mirroring, I think I saw that there's a request process we can go through 16:46:04 <mattmceuen> Me personally, I'm ok with just opendev. But understand others may care more 16:46:10 <dwalt> I would like to see GitHub mirroring for the additional visibility 16:46:11 <kaspars__> for now, I've been quite OK with looking at the code there.. so no strong view from me 16:46:13 <evgenyl> Also I like to run searches for all repos in the organization, which does not seem to be available for gitea. 16:46:56 <mattmceuen> #action mattmceuen figure out process for requesting github mirroring 16:47:22 <mattmceuen> There will probably be things we need to figure out, e.g. since airship is not part of the openstack namespace anymore we might need to live in a new home on github - will see 16:47:29 <evgenyl> But we should make sure that we don't use github links in the docs :) 16:47:36 <dwalt> ++ 16:47:37 <mattmceuen> ++ 16:47:42 <ian-pittwood> +1 16:47:54 <mattmceuen> ok, trucking along: 16:47:59 <mattmceuen> #topic New project creation request: spyglass plugin for XLS 16:48:16 <mattmceuen> AlexanderHughes I think this is yours 16:48:24 <ian-pittwood> This one is me actually I think 16:48:33 <mattmceuen> oops! sorry ian-pittwood 16:48:48 <mattmceuen> Last week we'd discussed splitting out spyglass plugins into their own projects 16:49:09 <mattmceuen> But we didn't officially agree on the 1st plugin project name, and I think it would be good to nail down a convention 16:49:15 <ian-pittwood> I'm working on separating out the plugins from Spyglass as there was a proprietary plugin that made it's way in there. I was thinking we could make a new plugin for the open source plugin 16:49:34 <mattmceuen> airship/spyglass-plugin-tugboat <- ian's proposal 16:49:34 <ian-pittwood> Yeah there's the spreadsheet plugin currently called Tugboat 16:49:45 <sthussey> why would this go in an individual repo? 16:49:58 <sthussey> You could split the plugin out of the python package w/o proliferating repos 16:50:12 <ian-pittwood> That seemed to be the direction we decided on last week, but I am open to other ideas 16:51:09 <sthussey> Okay, I probably missed that. 16:51:20 <sthussey> this project does love to grow the repo count 16:51:40 <mattmceuen> I'm not quite as concerned about project proliferation as I used to be, now that we have an /airship namespace. Split out plugin projects was where some of the openstack projects have landed after going back and forth 16:51:48 <mattmceuen> But I don't have a really strong opinion either 16:52:11 <ian-pittwood> Creating a plugin repo just sort of matched some other repos I looked at 16:52:31 <ian-pittwood> But there were also others that kept plugins all within the same repo so either way 16:52:32 <openstackgerrit> Kaspars Skels proposed airship/maas master: Support for MAAS URL overrides https://review.opendev.org/653853 16:52:45 <ian-pittwood> I would just need to adjust my course a little bit depending on what we decide is best 16:52:47 <sthussey> I'm a mono-repo proponent which isn't popular in openstack 16:53:20 <openstackgerrit> Lev Morgan proposed airship/pegleg master: Added cleartext option to passphrase generation https://review.opendev.org/645017 16:53:25 <ian-pittwood> With Spyglass, it's likely that end users would create their own plugins for data extraction 16:53:37 <sthussey> but wasn't aware this was already litigated 16:53:39 <ian-pittwood> That's why I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to keep them all separate 16:53:47 <sthussey> so I'll just remove my opinion from the conversation 16:54:36 <mattmceuen> so tugboat is an xls-based plugin, right ian - are there other generic kinds of plugins that are expected? 16:55:16 <mattmceuen> In any case, we need to be able to support external plugins, whether or not the "default" plugin is bundled with spyglass project itself 16:55:23 <ian-pittwood> I imagine more would be made down the road. Input data could come from anywhere 16:55:28 <ian-pittwood> Exactly 16:56:02 <mattmceuen> ian-pittwood - if you're doing the work, what approach do you prefer :) 16:56:17 <openstackgerrit> Arijit Bose proposed airship/in-a-bottle master: [site update] update software https://review.opendev.org/655197 16:56:23 <ian-pittwood> I guess for now I would try separate repos then 16:56:31 <mattmceuen> ok 16:56:43 <mattmceuen> for airship/spyglass-plugin-tugboat 16:56:52 <mattmceuen> My only concern is that it's not obvious that it's an xls plugin 16:57:05 <mattmceuen> what about airship/spyglass-plugin-xls? 16:57:14 <ian-pittwood> A name change isn't that big a deal for me 16:57:18 <ian-pittwood> Sure, that works 16:57:29 <mattmceuen> For an example plugin, I think it's important to make it clear what it's doing is all 16:58:05 <mattmceuen> Cool - then we'll go forward with submitting that project creation request unless anyone objects 16:58:27 <mattmceuen> ian-pittwood: if you can put in the request and then add me as a reviewer that would be awesome :) 16:58:58 <ian-pittwood> Sure, thank you 16:59:00 <mattmceuen> #topic Roundtable 16:59:01 <hogepodge> can I jump in for the last couple of minutes for some summit questions? 16:59:10 <mattmceuen> #topic hogepodge roundtable 16:59:13 <mattmceuen> go for it! 16:59:29 <hogepodge> I need to get a list of names of folks who will be at the board meeting and joint leadership meeting representing airship 16:59:55 <mattmceuen> board meeting: Matt McEuen, Kaspars Skels, Jay Ahn 17:00:04 <mattmceuen> are the ones I'm aware of 17:00:09 <hogepodge> Also, if you're a non-ATT person who wants to be identified as a leader for Airship within your company I also need your name so we can identify you on your badge. 17:00:47 <mattmceuen> Kaspars is the leader from Ericsson, Jay is the leader from SKT 17:01:12 <mattmceuen> Joint Leadership Meeting - sorry, when is that one? Diff from the board update? 17:01:52 <mattmceuen> we're out of time but can continue here in the room if that's ok hogepodge 17:01:55 <jamesgu__> hogepodge... what is the joint ledership meeting? From suse side, Dirk Mueller and/or myself can attend? 17:02:24 <mattmceuen> Sorry we ran out, all - will copy the remaining agenda items to the next agenda 17:02:35 <mattmceuen> #endmeeting