14:00:09 <nishantkr> #startmeeting airship 14:00:11 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 3 14:00:09 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is nishantkr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:12 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:00:19 <nishantkr> #topic Rollcall 14:00:25 <alexanderhughes> o/ 14:00:30 <nishantkr> Hello everyone!! 14:00:34 <seaneagan> o/ 14:00:41 <nishantkr> Here is the Agenda for today - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-09-03 14:00:43 <hogepodge> Hi 14:00:47 <jeremy_moffitt> o/ 14:00:51 <sthussey> here 14:00:53 <kskels> o/ 14:00:59 <nishantkr> Please add any topics you would like to discuss. 14:01:06 <jamesgu> o/ 14:01:20 <nishantkr> so far we have a light agenda today, will give it a min before we start. 14:01:44 <dukov> o/ 14:02:41 <nishantkr> ok let's start then ! 14:02:50 <nishantkr> #topic Announcements 14:03:08 <nishantkr> #hogepodge I see you have put that one ! go for it 14:03:25 <nishantkr> sorry hogepodge: 14:03:43 <hogepodge> Hi everyone, September 12 (next Thursday) will be my last day at the OSF. i’ve decided to move on to another role. 14:04:17 <hogepodge> In the next couple of weeks we’ll be sorting out who will take on my duties from the Foundation for working with the Airship team. 14:05:12 <nishantkr> Thank you so much hogepodge for your work ! 14:05:19 <hogepodge> It’s been amazing watching this team grow over the last year. You’ve all be fantastic, and I’m really going to miss being a part of what you all have been doing. 14:05:32 <hogepodge> s/be/been :-) 14:06:25 <alexanderhughes> Thanks Chris for all you've done! Best of luck on your future endeavors 14:06:33 <hogepodge> Thank you nishantkr and the rest of the team. 14:06:46 <nishantkr> we all will miss you being an integral part of the Airship community. All the best for your future :) 14:07:27 <nishantkr> #topic Vote for new airshipUI project name 14:07:43 <nishantkr> FOllowing names have been proposed for the new "airshipui" project: 14:08:07 <nishantkr> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1AYhlSPy/ 14:08:32 <nishantkr> I would request everyone to please comment/vote with their preferred names here 14:09:08 <sthussey> in IRC or the etherpad? 14:09:12 <nishantkr> my preferences would be - Airship-Copilot/ Cockpit/ Airshipui 14:09:35 <nishantkr> sthussey: in the irc please 14:10:14 <dukov> +1 for Airshipui 14:10:22 <sthussey> airshipui 14:10:41 <jeremy_moffitt> also like Airshipui , second choice here would be crowsnest 14:10:55 <jamesgu> +1 cockpit, or airshipui 14:11:04 <nishantkr> ok Airshipui leading the race so far 14:11:31 <alexanderhughes> +1 admiral 14:12:04 <kskels> +1 for airshipui and copilot 14:12:05 <seaneagan> airshipui 14:13:05 <nishantkr> I will be adding these votes to the etherpad, if anyone needs more time to think then please put your votes on the etherpad by 12pm today. 14:13:43 <nishantkr> Any volunteers interested in putting the PS for project creation? 14:14:12 <sthussey> I can do that 14:14:44 <jeremy_moffitt> I saw Matts email on that, but I wonder if we should wait on it, he was suggesting basing it on his fork of Stratos, but we're considering using Octant instead, that discussion is supposed to take place this friday in the UI SIG call... not sure if we need to wait or not 14:16:15 <nishantkr> jeremy_moffitt: I am not sure, i will reach out to the airshipui sig members and take their opinion on this today. 14:16:56 <nishantkr> sthussey: Thanks for volunteering. 14:17:57 <sthussey> you're welcome 14:18:40 <nishantkr> ok thank you everyone for your votes, we will sync up with the airshipui sig and try to get the project created ASAP. 14:18:53 <nishantkr> #topic Moving away from Docker for image builds 14:18:59 <nishantkr> sthussey: go for it ! 14:19:32 <sthussey> Just gauging appetite for moving the Airship 1.0 projects that generate OCI images away from using docker directly? 14:19:59 <sthussey> It would provide a little more flexibility in CD piplines that build the images 14:21:04 <sthussey> There are a few tools available - img (which I've tested successfully), buildah, etc... 14:22:20 <nishantkr> sthussey: sounds good. do you have any preferences of which tool would be more suited for Airship? 14:23:06 <sthussey> I don't have an opinion really. Whatever tool works the best across all the projects. 14:24:42 <nishantkr> ok thanks for bringing this up, let's evaluate these tools and see which would be best suited. This is something which we can discuss on the next meeting as well after few other folks play around with it. 14:25:27 <nishantkr> sthussey: could you please provide repo/documentation for these tools in the etherpad 14:25:36 <nishantkr> *links 14:25:41 <sthussey> okay 14:25:55 <nishantkr> Thank you. 14:26:36 <nishantkr> ok any other topics that anyone would like to discuss today? 14:27:13 <roman_g> sthussey: I use buildah to rebuild images on fedora 14:27:17 <roman_g> works fine 14:27:47 <roman_g> for the past may be 10 month I use buildah got airship images 14:27:53 <roman_g> *for 14:28:15 <sthussey> hopefully it works on fedora since Redhat wrote it 14:28:30 <nishantkr> roman_g: would be good if you can put your feedback for buildah in the etherpad. it would help us in taking a decision later. 14:28:30 <sthussey> I've included it in the list 14:29:07 <roman_g> nishantkr: it just works. I'll add it onto the etherpad 14:29:24 <nishantkr> roman_g: thank you ! 14:29:41 <nishantkr> #topic Requests for review 14:29:57 <nishantkr> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/P7uhNhnW/ 14:30:29 <nishantkr> Please review the above PS if you get time. 14:32:28 <nishantkr> so we have covered all the topics for today guys ! 14:32:36 <nishantkr> Thanks for joining. 14:32:45 <roman_g> Thanks, Nishant 14:32:50 <nishantkr> #endtopic 14:32:57 <nishantkr> #endmeeting