14:00:55 <mattmceuen> #startmeeting airship 14:00:56 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 10 14:00:55 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:00 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:01:00 <mattmceuen> #topic Rollcall 14:01:07 <mattmceuen> Hello everyone! GM/GE 14:01:12 <alexanderhughes> gm! 14:01:14 <hogepodge> hi 14:01:21 <mattmceuen> Here's our agenda for today: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-09-10 14:01:36 <mattmceuen> please add anything you'd like discuss today. Let's give it a minute for folks to join 14:01:40 <nishantkr> Good morning! 14:02:37 <kskels> o/ 14:02:40 <openstackgerrit> Rahul Khiyani proposed airship/treasuremap master: [WIP] integrate ceph utility container https://review.opendev.org/681135 14:02:44 <jamesgu> o/ 14:02:48 <aaronsheffield> o/ 14:02:55 <seaneagan> o/ 14:03:07 <mattmceuen> Thanks for joining, everyone - let's get started: 14:03:10 <mattmceuen> #topic Special election for 5th working committee seat 14:03:53 <roman_g> o/ 14:04:02 <mattmceuen> As you may be aware, we held our initial Working Committee election a couple months ago, but due to a few different rules, ended up without enough candidates to fill all five seats 14:04:28 <mattmceuen> Rules: candidate eligibility, must be a committer; and, no more than two seats per employer 14:04:53 <mattmceuen> To fill the fifth seat, we'll be holding a special election - nominations will begin on October 15th 14:05:14 <roman_g> which companies do already have 2 seats? 14:05:32 <mattmceuen> This was brought up before, but I wanted to get the Oct 15 date on your calendar to help ensure that anyone interested is ready and eligible in time :) 14:05:47 <mattmceuen> Today, the WC consists of two Ericsson and two AT&T members 14:06:01 <mattmceuen> so if you work for those companies, please sit this one out 14:06:17 <roman_g> =) 14:06:19 <mattmceuen> This special election will be for a 9-month term so that all 5 seats are up for re-election next year 14:06:43 <mattmceuen> That's all I have for this one unless there are any other questions 14:06:43 <openstackgerrit> Merged airship/treasuremap master: Auto chart/image uplift to latest https://review.opendev.org/681185 14:07:11 <mattmceuen> next up: 14:07:20 <mattmceuen> #topic New core reviewers 14:08:06 <mattmceuen> Welcome to nishantkr as a Promenade core reviewer, and michael beaver and matt carter as Shipyard cores! 14:08:23 <nishantkr> Thank you ! 14:08:31 <mattmceuen> Appreciate all their great efforts to date, and looking forward to the additional review capacity 14:09:18 <mattmceuen> I think we still would benefit from additional core review capacity -- so anyone who has an interest in that, please continue to prove out reviews (and contributions) to specific airship projects 14:09:54 <mattmceuen> Speaking of which, heads up that we've created per-project core groups for the existing airship projects, to catch them up to what we've been doing for a while with new projects 14:10:27 <mattmceuen> the old "airship-core" group has been added to those new per-project groups, so (aside from a quick blip yesterday) there will be no interruption or immediate change from that 14:11:10 <mattmceuen> Next up: 14:11:14 <mattmceuen> #topic Airship TC Meeting Update 14:11:22 <mattmceuen> alexanderhughes, take it away! 14:11:58 <alexanderhughes> As we welcome Claire Massey to the Airship community, she is sending out new meeting invites for the Airship TC. these are now on https://zoom.us/j/384128660 14:12:29 <openstackgerrit> Luna Das proposed airship/promenade master: Add facility to configure log levels in kubernetes-etcd https://review.opendev.org/679801 14:12:35 <alexanderhughes> additionally there was a rescheduling this week to be aware of, we are now meeting on 13-September at 0930 CDT, with an additional meeting added each month to sync up between OSF and TC which will be on the 4th Thursday of each month (first will be on 26-September at 0900) 14:12:56 <alexanderhughes> these invites went out in the mailing list, but the details are also posted on the Airship TC wiki https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Airship/Airship-TC 14:13:29 <alexanderhughes> that's it :) 14:13:33 <mattmceuen> good call, I'd missed that one while I was out 14:13:44 <mattmceuen> thanks for making sure we're aware alexanderhughes 14:14:03 <mattmceuen> #topic Roundtable 14:14:26 <mattmceuen> We had some folks out on vacation last week, and other folks in training this week 14:14:29 <roman_g> Would this meeting remain in IRC, or would it be moved to Zoom? 14:14:40 <alexanderhughes> This meeting remains unchanged, in IRC 14:15:08 <mattmceuen> fewer people leads to shorter agendas - but - also longer review lists 14:15:10 <roman_g> ok 14:15:31 <mattmceuen> There are a number of things needing some review, and some of them from last week's list as well 14:16:22 <mattmceuen> please help review these today -- every review counts, and would appreciate critical +/-1s as well 14:16:22 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/676700/ - Spec: Introduce isogen subcommand for airshipctl 14:16:22 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/676121/ - Airshipctl: Add isogen subcommand for bootstrap 14:16:22 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675851/ - Airshipctl: Add logic to isogen subcommand 14:16:22 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/677944/ - Project Config: New project request: airship/images 14:16:23 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/678106/ - airskiff suse site 14:16:23 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/678109/ - Armada metric output for genesis 14:16:24 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/657879/ - Run haproxy pod with the nobody user 14:16:24 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/657671/ - maas-ingress and maas-ingress-errors pods with non-root user 14:16:52 <mattmceuen> Any additional changes that anyone would like to get on our radars today? 14:17:20 <roman_g> Not from me today. 14:18:04 <alexanderhughes> I missed round table, but I would like to get opinions from people using pegleg to generate passphrases on any challenges they've run into 14:18:40 <mattmceuen> good thought 14:18:42 <alexanderhughes> planning a potential patch to add per passphrase entry in the catalog the option to specify a custom pool. our generic pool may not work for everyone so depending on what challenges people face I want to plan out a solution to help address those 14:19:13 <roman_g> custom pool of what? 14:19:33 <alexanderhughes> so by default pegleg is A-Z, a-z, 0-9, a few special characters and 24 char length minimum 14:19:44 <roman_g> ah. 14:19:53 <alexanderhughes> during testing we ran into some issues with one of our services, that requires special chars not be present at all or severely limited 14:20:16 <sthussey> I think supporting the pool specification is likely table stakes 14:20:31 <alexanderhughes> I don't like the idea of removing symbols from all passphrases, but also don't like forcing people to manually generate specific passphrases. the compromise would be to automate it by allow someone to specify what they want per passphrase, if not specified use the default 14:20:49 <sthussey> especially if the expectation is for using pegleg to generate passphrases for services not within Airship or Openstack even. 14:21:48 <alexanderhughes> yeah this one was for rabbitmq, our default pool supports '@' symbols which led to issues 14:22:00 <alexanderhughes> but if it happens in one place for one person it's bound to happen in others for others 14:22:13 <mattmceuen> So on a per-passphrase basis, if you leave out the pool, that passphrase will default to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, a few special characters and 24 char length minimum - right? 14:22:18 <alexanderhughes> yes 14:22:24 <mattmceuen> cool - sounds good to me 14:22:42 <sthussey> I tend to like the profile pattern, so may be worthwhile to externalize this specification 14:23:12 <sthussey> I know there have been discussions on other metadata around passphrases - rotation period, encoding 14:23:43 <sthussey> Not sure if those items align often enough that you could have a manageable number of passphrase profiles that could be re-used 14:24:11 <sthussey> And then you don't have a default specification, just have a profile that can be marked as the default 14:24:22 <mattmceuen> I think profiles would be ideal too 14:24:41 <alexanderhughes> yeah we added encoding a while back, I'm open to suggestions. also quick amendment I misstated the next meeting for TC it's at 1030 CDT not 0930. Ryan just sent an e-mail on it 14:25:38 <alexanderhughes> yeah profiles sound fine, I can set up our original all symbols numbers and letters as well as our current limited symbol set. add in a few others like only alphanumeric and so on 14:25:56 <openstackgerrit> Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/treasuremap master: [test] Chart for compute-utility The compute utility container assists the user in accessing openstack service pods https://review.opendev.org/681086 14:26:04 <sthussey> I think it does make sense that a particular catalog entry can override anything specified in a profile 14:26:45 <mattmceuen> agree 14:27:19 <mattmceuen> any other input that would be helpful for the enhanced pasphrase capability alexanderhughes? 14:28:05 <mattmceuen> (or any other roundtable topics from anyone?) 14:28:19 <alexanderhughes> nope, I'll throw something together when I get time and we can revisit for feedback. tentative plan is to add some profiles let pegleg read in the pools specified there. option to set a default profile, and options in the catalog to override default per entry 14:28:30 <roman_g> #link https://airship-specs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/specs/approved/pegleg_secrets.html 14:29:37 <mattmceuen> awesome - sounds like a plan 14:29:58 <mattmceuen> unless there's anything else - I will give everyone back a half hour! 14:30:30 <mattmceuen> Thanks everyone for joining and making this a valuable sync up. Have a good week 14:30:39 <mattmceuen> #topic airshipit.org || General Review Dashboard: https://review.opendev.org/#/q/project:%255Eairship.*+status:open,n,z 14:30:45 <mattmceuen> #endmeeting