15:00:14 <mattmceuen> #startmeeting airship 15:00:15 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 12 15:00:14 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 15:00:21 <mattmceuen> #topic Rollcall 15:00:32 <dwalt> o/ 15:00:34 <mattmceuen> Good morning/evening everyone! 15:00:45 <mattmceuen> We'll give it a couple minutes for folks to join us 15:00:47 <dwalt> gm! 15:00:50 <michael-beaver> o/ 15:01:08 <mattmceuen> Here's our agenda for today, please add any items you'd like to discuss as a team: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-11-12 15:01:48 <mattmceuen> also, please add your name to the Attendees list 15:02:38 <pramchan> #info pramchan 15:03:26 <mattmceuen> Alright - let's get started 15:03:48 <mattmceuen> #topic Daylight Savings / Meeting Times 15:04:15 <mattmceuen> We had a slight bit of confusion around meeting times, because we have a couple of contradictory times: 15:04:37 <mattmceuen> The wiki says "14:00 UTC", but the invite is still 9am US Central Time 15:04:47 <Romik> o/ 15:04:48 <pramchan> welcome to global adjustments 15:04:54 <mattmceuen> So with daylight savings coming to an end in the US -- oops :) 15:04:54 <pramchan> 0/ 15:05:04 <mattmceuen> pramchan: I can barely keep up with DST in my own country 15:05:25 <mattmceuen> So I think we should pick one of the two times going forward, and correct the other one 15:05:39 <mattmceuen> It seems like most folks showed up to this current time spot; should we continue with this time? 15:05:50 <pramchan> +1 15:06:02 <santku123> Hi Kanwar 15:06:05 <cps1408> +2 15:06:06 <alexanderhughes> yes, but all the wiki times should be updated, SIGs included 15:06:33 <mattmceuen> Agree alexanderhughes -- I'll take this as an action (circling back with the meeting owners just to confirm first) 15:06:36 <alexanderhughes> and maybe add a note that it changes with DST in the future 15:06:38 <dddpak> +3 15:07:00 <mattmceuen> #action mattmceuen to fix meeting times in wikis to account for DST 15:07:29 <mattmceuen> Thanks all and sorry for any confusion this time. 15:07:31 <mattmceuen> Next up: 15:07:34 <michael-beaver> Will that be for all meetings or just IRC? 15:07:49 <mattmceuen> IRC for sure, all other meetings "probably" 15:08:02 <pramchan> where do we add topics - link? 15:08:16 <alexanderhughes> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-11-12 15:08:18 <mattmceuen> I'll try to make sure the invites are correct, in any case (i.e. any changes should get sent out) 15:08:43 <pramchan> santuku123 can you add your topic in etherpad above 15:08:53 <alexanderhughes> propose we send this out to mailing list regardless of changes 15:09:00 <alexanderhughes> just for anyone not here today (still in Shanghai for example) 15:09:18 <mattmceuen> ++ 15:09:19 <uzumaki> Guys, aren't we using the DST time for all meetings? Sorry, joined in late 15:09:53 <mattmceuen> uzumaki: we'll probably adjust all meeting times by 1 hour GMT to account for DST 15:09:55 <alexanderhughes> we had meetings marked as eastern daylight time, and X UTC. but when DST ended those two numbers no longer matched. by default people in states just came to the DST meeting cause that's what their calendars updated to 15:10:00 <mattmceuen> But I just need to check with other meeting owners first 15:10:24 <uzumaki> mattmceuen, thanks! 15:10:37 <mattmceuen> sure thing - time zone math is the worst kind 15:10:49 <mattmceuen> #topic PTG / Summit update 15:11:05 <uzumaki> ikr? had to spend a long time coverting all those times to accommodate for DST, made a little table 15:11:28 <mattmceuen> Sorry to put folks on the spot -- but I'd love it if anyone who was at the PTG / Summit could give a couple highlights to catch us up! 15:11:35 <alexanderhughes> sure 15:11:40 <alexanderhughes> we captured PTG notes here https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/shanghai-ptg-airship 15:11:59 <alexanderhughes> couple highlights for 2.0 - we're trying to solve challenges with third party CI, reaching out to a few folks to help us out 15:12:37 <alexanderhughes> had a few questions that need to go back to design calls, raid configuration and the like. met a few companies looking to adopt Airship 15:13:00 <pramchan> Highlights - 1. Airship 1.0 is difficult to install (Seaworthy - DT) 15:13:04 <openstackgerrit> diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Add Gate jobs to check docker default apparmor profile for openstack-utility Containers. https://review.opendev.org/693748 15:13:38 <hiregoudar> Adoption of airship by companies are very encouraging. Can you pl. let us know who are they and any expectations from them 15:14:11 <pramchan> Highlight 2 - Two strawman proposals were made - one for RAID and ended in requiring flags to be added for MVP hardware Profile 15:14:13 <mattmceuen> alexhughes: that's awesome to hear - I'll catch up on those notes, looks like you all covered a lot of ground! 15:14:18 <mattmceuen> which is great 15:15:07 <mattmceuen> pramchan: will the RAID thing need to be coordinated with the Cluster API? Or only within Airship? 15:16:01 <pramchan> Highlight 3 - metal3.io use of hardware Profile - Kanwar to help in define v1alph2 or v1beta1? for kind: BaremetalHost 15:16:27 <mattmceuen> that's great to hear 15:16:32 <pramchan> https://github.com/metal3-io/baremetal-operator/blob/master/docs/api.md 15:17:12 <mattmceuen> thanks for catching us up, guys 15:18:01 <pramchan> Highlight 4: Lab (thirdparty CI) suggestions and follow ups for lab resources with Ericson/Intel/Troilo 15:18:04 <alexanderhughes> Nippon Telegraph and Telephone was at the PTG for onboarding. no specific requirements communicated. still in evaluation period of Airship and doing some research to compare to StarlingX 15:19:25 <pramchan> Nishant, kasper and team did a great job to present Airship community at Summit as well PTG 15:19:27 <alexanderhughes> second company Jan-Erik was working with, have to get with him for details when he returns 15:19:44 <mattmceuen> Also, I haven't seen any of the recordings yet -- if anyone has any favorites (including the project update :) it would be good if we could get a list of recommendations. Let's add them here: 15:19:46 <mattmceuen> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-shanghai-recommended-talks 15:19:56 <alexanderhughes> project update was not recorded 15:20:08 <mattmceuen> oh darn 15:20:09 <alexanderhughes> the others will be uploaded in ~1 week according to OSF due to restrictions in China with YouTube 15:20:18 <mattmceuen> ok, got it 15:20:38 <pramchan> Jan-Erik has sent his questions in airship discuss list 15:21:51 <pramchan> Sure we can revisit at kubecon to summarize and reord if needed 15:22:24 <mattmceuen> Good work team, sounds like it was a very productive time 15:22:50 <mattmceuen> pramchan: that's a great segueway 15:22:55 <mattmceuen> #topic Reminder: KubeCon mini-PTG on Monday 15:23:28 <roman_g> Who is going there to KubeCon? 15:23:29 <mattmceuen> We will continue some of these discussions from the PTG at KubeCon on Monday afternoon next week 15:23:33 <mattmceuen> details here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-kubecon-san-diego 15:23:37 <roman_g> OK 15:23:43 <openstackgerrit> Rahul Khiyani proposed airship/porthole master: Adjust code to project conventions https://review.opendev.org/691400 15:23:50 <mattmceuen> I will be -- anyone who will be there please add your name to the etherpad^ 15:24:07 <roman_g> Sadly can't. 15:24:27 <mattmceuen> We will endeavor to take good notes roman_g 15:24:37 <mattmceuen> My priority this week is catching up on the PTG notes :) 15:25:17 <mattmceuen> Any questions/discussion around KubeCon? 15:25:46 <mattmceuen> ok moving on: 15:25:56 <mattmceuen> #topic If interested in A2.0 bare metal provisioning, watch 11/6 recording 15:26:02 <roman_g> I guess list of talks w/ Airship is somewhere on their website 15:26:26 <mattmceuen> Alan mentioned yesterday that there was some very good discussion around bare metal provisioning in last week's boostrapping SIG call 15:26:50 <mattmceuen> And that it would be a good one to watch the recording of if you'd like to up up to speed on where that's going 15:27:08 <mattmceuen> The recording is linked from roman_g's agenda page: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Airship_bootstrap 15:27:28 <pramchan> Can we move to adding flag remote action type (Air-82/88) 15:27:48 <mattmceuen> let's give it a minute first 15:28:16 <pramchan> ok 15:28:17 <mattmceuen> any other discussion before we move on? 15:28:35 <mattmceuen> ok! 15:28:38 <mattmceuen> #topic adding flag remote action type (Air-82/88) 15:28:40 <mattmceuen> take it away pramchan 15:28:43 <pramchan> I have note watched it yet as was at PTG will go through it today 15:29:43 <pramchan> Topic - adding falg remote action type 15:29:47 <pramchan> ./airshipctl bootstrap remotedirect --eph-node-id 643e3744-7857-4cf3-995d-e73be2a950a7 --iso-path "" --remote-action-type "ForceOff" --remote-url 15:30:31 <pramchan> default can be reboot, but we need remote-action-type to support other commands 15:30:48 <pramchan> Santosh can you explain? 15:30:52 <santku123> Yes 15:31:39 <pramchan> Why you need this flag? 15:31:40 <santku123> we have /airshipctl bootstrap remotedirect with no action fflag set performs remote which 15:31:54 <santku123> reboot 15:32:05 <pramchan> ok continue 15:32:25 <pramchan> what else you need to do besides reboot? 15:32:49 <pramchan> can you list other actions? 15:33:02 <mattmceuen> I haven't been really active in the bootstrap conversation, but can you catch me up: I understand how "bootstrap remotedirect" would remotely boot the iso, but I'm not clear why you would run airshipctl to ForceOff or to Reboot 15:33:02 <santku123> where in we have action type like "ForceOn",GracefullStart,GracefullShutdown,NMI 15:33:34 <santku123> "On", 15:33:58 <santku123> these are the different actions we can perfrom on BMC 15:34:14 <pramchan> Is it terminology issue or is it simply not required? 15:34:26 <mattmceuen> santku123: would those flags be "passthrough" to the BMC, or would airship additionally do something (like with the ISO etc) 15:35:02 <santku123> it performs action on the BMC 15:35:30 <pramchan> basically does nothing to image per say and is pass through to BMC 15:35:58 <roman_g> That's would be a good discussion topic for the call we will have tomorrow. We would need to support forceoff, reboot, on, and may be something else. We need to be a bit flexible. Why? - because this functionality would be reused for sequenced reboots while preparing bare-metal node for the deployment, and those programmable steps (defined in e.g. yaml format) would be used to update different firmware 15:36:04 <roman_g> (BIOS/iDRAC/RAID array/etc.) on servers and may be run some hardware (HDD/SSD counts, etc.) and connectivity tests (Ethernet/FC/etc.). 15:36:12 <mattmceuen> will those actions fit into the airship bootstrapping workflow? Or are they just nice to have, utility functionality? 15:36:40 <santku123> if we dont have this we can't test other actions supported 15:37:21 <mattmceuen> Are there any existing utilities that already perform those actions? 15:37:27 <mattmceuen> (for testing purposes I mean) 15:37:28 <roman_g> actions need to be passtrough, but they are rarely changed (defined in Red Fish specs), and airshipctl bootstrap could validate if it thinks that the action syntaxically is correct. 15:38:11 <mattmceuen> My only concern is adding commands to airshipctl only for the sake of testing, which wouldn't be used for provisioning, if that functionality already exists in other commands 15:38:33 <mattmceuen> I might be missing context though 15:38:41 <pramchan> As suggested lets bring to bootsrap SIG call tomorrow and redefine the specs 15:38:50 <mattmceuen> yep that sounds like a plan 15:38:59 <roman_g> mattmceuen: no, doesn't exist yet. And designers want to have a single binary to commant whole fleet. 15:39:06 <mattmceuen> Thanks for bringing this up pramchan / santku123 15:39:17 <santku123> ok 15:39:19 <mattmceuen> gotcha - ok roman_g if that's the direction that's fine with me 15:39:44 <mattmceuen> anything else on this topic? 15:39:56 <santku123> i have on error 15:40:06 <pramchan> Zuul stuff 15:40:07 <santku123> is it fine some expert suggest 15:40:15 <howell> santku123: I've seen your error, it doesn't seem related to your PS 15:40:19 <santku123> the reason 15:40:21 <howell> I'm looking into it this morning 15:40:27 <pramchan> Is there anything Deepak wants to discuss on Zuul Pipeline? 15:40:28 <mattmceuen> yeah, let's transition into Roundtable and discuss that error 15:40:32 <mattmceuen> #topic Roundtable 15:40:37 <mattmceuen> and zuul stuff 15:40:38 <dddpak> yes 15:40:44 <pramchan> go ahead 15:40:50 <santku123> howell: thank you 15:41:00 <dddpak> so far getting up vbmc vm in zuul 15:41:16 <dddpak> I had problems in choosing ip/netmask/gateway/dns 15:41:17 <dddpak> ntp 15:41:19 <dddpak> for backend 15:41:29 <dddpak> if that can be helped 15:41:54 <mattmceuen> We can try! what was the problem? 15:42:24 <dddpak> john williams wrote a script to start redfish and vbmc_node in separate vms 15:42:36 <dddpak> redfish vms is scripted with station ip details like 15:42:37 <dddpak> ip 15:42:39 <roman_g> dddpak: you can't choose. You will have to bring up VM and then DNAT ports from VM to the nested VM. 15:43:01 <dddpak> ok 15:43:19 <roman_g> IP details of running VM in openstack infra you can get from ansible variables 15:43:27 <roman_g> as usual 15:43:35 <dddpak> as an alternate, I will be trying running sushy-tools with localhost 15:43:42 <dddpak> instead of any ip 15:43:57 <roman_g> that's actually not a bad idea, as long as it all fits to one VM 15:44:19 <dddpak> so far zuul tells it fits 15:44:24 <roman_g> yep 15:44:42 <dddpak> having virsh network issue, will be fixing by tomorrow before re-submit 15:44:58 <dddpak> thats all from me 15:45:00 <dddpak> for now 15:45:08 <mattmceuen> thanks dddpak, roman_g 15:45:23 <pramchan> ok so you going localhost approach 15:45:40 <dddpak> I think that is most sensible for now 15:46:02 <dddpak> and small footprint to be a test 15:46:09 <pramchan> ok tryy it out and submit the patch 15:46:14 <dddpak> usre 15:46:15 <dddpak> sure 15:46:29 <mattmceuen> For review requests -- we had a long list at our last meeting, and a lot of them are successfully reviewed/merged now 15:46:37 <mattmceuen> but we have a number left too: 15:46:42 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/679563 - airshipctl Generate cloud init settings 15:46:43 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/682050 - airship/images Initial debian based iso builder 15:46:43 <mattmceuen> HTK uplifts and new K8s entrypoint image 15:46:58 <pramchan> any other issues like node definitions in metal3.io for RAID team? 15:47:29 <uzumaki> need to review a bit more on the PTG stuff that happened pramchan, will have something in the bootstrap meeting tomorrow 15:47:32 <pramchan> raschid? 15:48:07 <pramchan> OK lets differ bootstrap and RAID/BIOS issues fro tomorrws SIG call 15:48:15 <mattmceuen> ok sounds good 15:48:40 <pramchan> sure uzumaki 15:48:49 <pramchan> Anything you want to discuss now? 15:49:03 <uzumaki> Not at the tim 15:49:08 <pramchan> ok 15:50:10 <mattmceuen> Any other roundtable discussion or feedback? 15:50:28 <pramchan> can move to next possibly any code reviews requests? 15:51:02 <mattmceuen> I tried to paste them up above, did it not paste? 15:51:19 <mattmceuen> Let me try as a snippet... 15:51:22 <mattmceuen> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/04QGf6J2/ 15:51:37 <pramchan> OK I missed that - it did indeed 15:51:55 <mattmceuen> Ok cool, my IRC client has been acting wierd so it could have been me :) 15:52:02 <mattmceuen> any additional review requests? 15:53:36 <mattmceuen> Alright, then I think we can end the meeting -- thanks everyone for the discussion today! 15:53:41 <mattmceuen> Appreciate your time 15:53:45 <mattmceuen> #endmeeting