15:00:21 <dwalt> #startmeeting airship 15:00:22 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 19 15:00:21 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dwalt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:23 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:25 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 15:00:37 <dwalt> hello all! Agenda is here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-11-19 15:01:08 <dwalt> As expected, the crowd will probably be light. We have quite a few team members at Kubecon, where it is only 07:00! 15:02:58 <ian-pittwood> o/ 15:03:34 <dwalt> o/ ian-pitwood 15:03:53 <dwalt> it looks like nothing got added, so we can just proceed with the announcements for posterity and close 15:03:53 <seaneagan> o/ 15:04:01 <dwalt> o/ seaneagan 15:04:12 <dwalt> #topic annoncements and roundtable 15:04:13 <nishantkr> o/ 15:04:53 <dwalt> Just a reminder, the meeting time has moved an hour later for DST in the states. That's 9:00 CST and 15:00 UTC 15:04:57 <dwalt> (right now) 15:05:21 <alexanderhughes> do you know if the meeting times have been updated for all the events - SIGs especially? 15:05:25 <dwalt> For anyone interested in the mini-PTG that occurred at Kubecon yesterday, the etherpad is here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-kubecon-san-diego 15:05:40 <dwalt> alexanderhughes: I believe those also shifted 15:05:43 <alexanderhughes> there was an action item last week to meet with SIG owners to check with them to verify they are moving their times with DST 15:05:57 <dwalt> I have not heard anything of that 15:06:11 <dwalt> in the interest of consistency, maybe they should all shift like this one? 15:06:16 <alexanderhughes> when I say move, I mean update wiki to show the UTC time changed by 1 hr as result of DST. Matt M was working on it 15:06:30 <dwalt> ah. I just updated the IRC one this morning 15:06:41 <dwalt> I don't think anything else has been updated 15:07:00 <alexanderhughes> let's add as followup - TC, WC, Sigs, community meeting let's verify with the owners of each meeting and make sure wikis/event invites are all accurate 15:07:17 <alexanderhughes> I think most of this is done, just want to double check before we get the larger audience back next week 15:07:31 <dwalt> #action verify ALL meeting times 15:07:39 <dwalt> sounds like a good idea 15:08:03 <dwalt> Back on Kubecon, I expect those folks will fill us in next week. In the meantime, we can read the etherpad and get an idea for what's happening :) 15:08:08 <dwalt> Anything else before we close team? 15:08:49 <shubham_kaushal> I have query on meatl3 project.. 15:08:58 <dwalt> go for it! 15:09:19 <shubham_kaushal> I have seen metal3 project under: 15:09:22 <shubham_kaushal> https://github.com/metal3-io/ 15:09:38 <shubham_kaushal> and under https://github.com/Nordix/ 15:09:51 <shubham_kaushal> which one I should follow? 15:10:23 <dwalt> I believe the first link is the official one. The second one looks like a fork of the official project 15:10:44 <dwalt> #link https://github.com/metal3-io/ 15:11:56 <shubham_kaushal> ok.. I shall look at https://github.com/metal3-io .. thank you @dwalt 15:12:01 <dwalt> sure thing! 15:12:14 <dwalt> any final thoughts team? 15:12:46 <diga> Hey Digambar Here 15:13:00 <dwalt> o/ diga 15:13:11 <diga> I attended Airship PTG at Shanghai and working on Airship now :) 15:13:29 <dwalt> Welcome! Glad to have you on board :) 15:13:33 <diga> I have couple of questions to ask but will reserve it for next meeting :) 15:13:38 <shubham_kaushal> welcome diga! 15:13:38 <diga> Thank you dwalt 15:13:44 <diga> :) 15:13:53 <dwalt> Sounds good! Most of our team is in San Diego for Kubecon, so the next meeting should be pretty busy :) 15:14:15 <diga> should be :) 15:14:25 <diga> Yes 15:14:45 <openstackgerrit> Merged airship/airshipctl master: Minor README formatting fixes https://review.opendev.org/694910 15:14:50 <dwalt> Alrighty, I think we can wrap this one up. Thanks for coming everyone! Have a great day/evening 15:14:52 <dwalt> #endmeeting