14:00:42 <mattmceuen> #startmeeting airship 14:00:42 <openstackgerrit> Dmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add control plane deployment https://review.opendev.org/714758 14:00:42 <openstackgerrit> Dmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use create schema instead of upgrade for ironic https://review.opendev.org/727198 14:00:42 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 12 14:00:42 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 14:00:46 <mattmceuen> #topic Rollcall 14:00:50 <mattmceuen> hello everybody! 14:01:04 <airship-irc-bot1> <ak3216> o/ 14:01:12 <mattmceuen> Here's our agenda for today: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/airship-meeting-2020-05-12 14:01:17 <dwalt> hello! o/ 14:01:17 <airship-irc-bot1> <nk613n> o/ 14:01:25 <mattmceuen> let's give it a minute or two; I know the design call is still wrapping up 14:01:25 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> o/ 14:01:43 <airship-irc-bot1> <ih616h> o/ 14:02:17 <ian-pittwood> o/ 14:02:51 <mattmceuen> Alright, let's get started: 14:03:02 <mattmceuen> #topic Announcements 14:03:11 <mattmceuen> alexanderhughes you have a couple, take it away 14:03:24 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> thanks Matt. couple quick announcements 14:04:01 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> 1. Alan Meadows, Ryan Pacheco and Ryan van Wyk authored a whitepaper on airship2.0. An accompanying blog post went up recently and contains a lot of great info. I encourage you all to view it here: https://www.airshipit.org/blog/airship2-whitepaper/ 14:05:02 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> 2. Airshipctl completed it's alpha milestone and we're working now towards beta. We've already made significant progress on that. A huge thank you to all our developers, cross-community collaborators, and community contributors for helping us get to where we are. Look forward to seeing everything that's to come in the next few months 14:05:21 <mattmceuen> +1 14:05:53 <mattmceuen> Thanks for bringing that up alex. If anyone is interested in our refined beta (and beyond) scope, it's being outlined here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xDHL7Y2lOk1PuIsTyJ-lAU7M5DyV8-JRkVyTEz7LmbI/edit?ts=5ea823f0 14:06:06 <mattmceuen> I know Rodolfo would welcome feedback 14:06:52 <mattmceuen> It's a good feeling to have rounded out alpha, and looking forward to beta 14:07:04 <mattmceuen> Alright, dwalt: you have an announcement as well... 14:07:06 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> minor correction on (1) it was Rodolfo Pacheco, not my typo of Ryan Pacheco 14:07:13 <dwalt> I do! Thank you mattmceuen 14:07:20 <mattmceuen> haha I didn't even see it, not enough coffee 14:07:25 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> :slightly_smiling_face: 14:07:31 <dwalt> lol 14:07:47 <dwalt> As some of you may have noticed, the OSF has given our documentation a shiny new home: docs.airshipit.org 14:08:01 <mattmceuen> hooray! 14:08:09 <openstackgerrit> Dmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add pod log collecting role https://review.opendev.org/725952 14:08:30 <dwalt> I've also started publishing some individual projects to the same domain, namely docs.airshipit.org/airshipctl docs.airshipit.org/airshipui and docs.airshipit.org/treasuremap 14:08:35 <dwalt> I hope I typed all of those right :) 14:09:08 <dwalt> I think the best course of action is to integrate these first, see what we like and don't like before we move on to all of the projects 14:09:30 <mattmceuen> and the "root" page is being fed from airship/docs project, right dwalt? 14:09:43 <dwalt> That's correct. Thanks for pointing that out 14:09:56 <dwalt> All of the other docs still live with their respective project 14:10:19 <mattmceuen> getting those those four projects right before integrating the others -- that sounds reasonable to me too 14:10:56 <dwalt> I've added some patches to the review request at the end of the meeting. We can't finish the job without your feedback, so reviews are greatly appreciated! 14:11:11 <mattmceuen> ok great 14:11:16 <dwalt> And of course, the entire community owns the documentation. So enhancements are always encouraged :) 14:11:19 <dwalt> that's all 14:11:30 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> agreed, having a central source of documentation is fantastic. thanks for all your work on getting this setup Drew. I think as a followup item we should review existing documentation to ensure it's up to date 14:12:16 <mattmceuen> Yeah, agree 14:12:18 <dwalt> @alexander.hughes I think that's a good idea. We have let some of it get stale while it wasn't publishing (my fault) 14:12:18 <portdirect> This is really nice 14:12:50 <portdirect> We should be careful to make a clear distinction between as1 and 2 as this gets populated 14:13:10 <mattmceuen> Any other questions/comments on documentation, (or milestones or blog posts :) ) 14:13:26 <howell> what are our plans for mirroring GH documentation? 14:13:50 <howell> those docs are arguably the most discoverable 14:14:39 <dwalt> portdirect: ++. That will be a challenge. I have a loose attempt to separate our existing development guide out there right now https://review.opendev.org/726960 14:14:46 <mattmceuen> howell: e.g. README.md being the first thing people see for a project? 14:15:23 <pramchan> o/ 14:15:40 <howell> yes. I guess we're going to need to just redirect? 14:15:42 <jemangs> o/ 14:16:09 <dwalt> howell: I am proposing to make the README shorter and also the first page of our documentation 14:16:11 <dwalt> #link https://review.opendev.org/726466 - 14:17:05 <dwalt> Any other markdown files should probably be added as a new page in the main Sphinx docs as well 14:17:07 <mattmceuen> dwalt: So README would be both an entrypoint to a project's docs from github, as well as a piece of the documentation that gets incorporated into docs.airshipit.org? 14:17:11 <airship-irc-bot1> <am240k> the current `airshipctl` README.md... its woefully out of date 14:17:42 <dwalt> mattmceuen: yep. Unless anyone sees any issues with doing it that way 14:17:45 <airship-irc-bot1> <am240k> especially with the recent CLI changes, and much of whats there belongs in a proper getting started guide for someone actually trying to use it (and that may be premature to embark upon) 14:18:10 <airship-irc-bot1> <am240k> so I'm in favor of snipping it 14:18:14 <dwalt> For airship 1 projects, this will especially be helpful, since there are so many. We can always add unique descriptions for a2 later 14:18:26 <airship-irc-bot1> <pb269f> And make the Readme be little more than a pointer to the published docs alan? 14:18:53 <mattmceuen> tangent, but, is there a concept in cobra world of generating web CLI documentation automatically? 14:19:16 <howell> i vaguely remember seeing something about that... 14:19:33 <dwalt> @am240k: I took a stab at updating some of the README commands and moving the architecture to another location of the docs. I'd appreciate your thoughts 14:19:35 <dwalt> #link https://review.opendev.org/726466 14:19:41 <mattmceuen> howell: might be handy if it's not awful :) 14:19:43 <airship-irc-bot1> <am240k> I think the ultimate goal of our github README is to be enticing for organic growth - in other words, you stumble onto the project and you want to try it or know more 14:20:00 <airship-irc-bot1> <am240k> I just don't think we have everything we need to do that just yet 14:20:25 <mattmceuen> +1 am240k 14:20:28 <airship-irc-bot1> <pb269f> Makes sense 14:21:50 <mattmceuen> It's great to see so much enthusiasm around our docs. Anything else on this on today, dwalt? 14:22:15 <dwalt> nope! This is some great feedback. I appreciate it 14:22:23 <dwalt> The more we can capture in the reviews, the better 14:22:41 <mattmceuen> Yes - ty 14:22:48 <mattmceuen> #topic PTG call for topics 14:22:54 <mattmceuen> moving on, this one's your alexanderhughes 14:23:57 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> thanks Matt, quick reminder we're having a PTG 04-05 June 14:24:15 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> we have an etherpad up I encourage you all to review the list of topics and add more https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/airship-virtual-ptg-2020 14:24:16 <mattmceuen> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/airship-virtual-ptg-2020 14:24:31 <uzumaki> what about the PTG we already had? 14:24:37 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> I think that we are looking to cut off the proposals so we can finalize the schedule and publish it by end of next week is that correct? 14:24:42 <mattmceuen> it is null and void, we have to start over uzumaki 14:24:49 <mattmceuen> lol jk :) 14:24:56 <uzumaki> mattmceuen, ah, too bad, I really liked that one 14:25:02 <mattmceuen> it was a fine vintage 14:25:16 <mattmceuen> the upcoming one is part of the OSF-wide PTG 14:25:31 <mattmceuen> so cross-team discussion across OSF projects is encouraged 14:25:46 <uzumaki> I see.. alright 14:25:48 <mattmceuen> there's an agenda, I'll drop it into the agenda above so it's more findable 14:26:01 <mattmceuen> (an overall agenda for different team meetings, I mean) 14:26:17 <uzumaki> the cross-team discussions? I see 14:26:33 <mattmceuen> alexander.hughes: yeah, I think end of next week is probably a good target to try to get the agenda hashed out 14:26:40 <mattmceuen> since that will let us communicate it 14:27:01 <mattmceuen> I think we'll still need to allow for last minute adjustments as well, since "what do we need to talk about" is a moving target 14:27:15 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> ok, so let's shoot for May 23rd to lock the etherpad and work to get agenda published by the 29th to give people time to plan for the 4th and 5th 14:27:24 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> agreed on last minute revisions 14:28:08 <uzumaki> +1 14:29:06 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> I'll be publishing the TC newsletter with the call for topics, and it'll go out on the e-mail distro as well so we should have good coverage on making everyone aware of the timeline on agenda and where to update it 14:29:18 <airship-irc-bot1> <alexander.hughes> should expect newsletter/blog by end of this week 14:29:27 <jtwill98> +1 14:29:28 <mattmceuen> Especially, if anyone has a time constraint, and can only make the Thursday session or the Friday session - please let us know so that we can take that into account when assigning topics to days 14:29:48 <mattmceuen> thanks for keeping us informed & aligned alexander.hughes 14:30:40 <mattmceuen> Alright, I think we can slide right into code review requests: 14:30:45 <mattmceuen> #topic Review Requests 14:30:52 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/726466 - Airshipctl README and documentation updates 14:30:52 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/726968 - Additional ReplacementTransformer replacement rule validation 14:30:52 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707483/ - Airshipctl document info command 14:30:52 <mattmceuen> https://review.opendev.org/726960 - Development guide modfications and migration 14:31:15 <mattmceuen> Please give those some TLC today/tomorrow, team. Any additional requests? 14:32:09 <mattmceuen> If not, we can open it up for any additional topics or feedback 14:32:12 <mattmceuen> #topic Roundtable 14:33:57 <mattmceuen> Alright, thanks everyone for the discussion today! 14:34:05 <mattmceuen> Have a great week 14:34:08 <dwalt> ty! 14:34:11 <mattmceuen> #endmeeting