15:00:17 <mattmceuen> #startmeeting airship 15:00:18 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 5 15:00:17 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'airship' 15:00:23 <mattmceuen> #topic Rollcall 15:00:31 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> o/ 15:00:32 <mattmceuen> Hello everyone & Happy New Year! 15:00:34 <airship-irc-bot> <ih616h> o/ 15:00:37 <mattmceuen> Agenda: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/airship-team-meeting 15:00:54 <mattmceuen> Please add any and all things you'd like to discuss today. We'll give it a minute for folks to join. 15:00:58 <dwalt> o/ 15:01:26 <airship-irc-bot> <ak3216> o/ 15:01:41 <michael-beaver> o/ 15:01:48 <sreejithp> o/ 15:01:54 <jemangs> o/ 15:02:23 <mattmceuen> Ok, let's get started: 15:02:30 <mattmceuen> #topic Annual Report 15:02:39 <mattmceuen> this one's your @alexander.hughes, take it away! 15:02:45 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> Thanks Matt! 15:03:22 <airship-irc-bot> <mf4716> o/ 15:03:28 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> Each year, the Open Infra Foundation (OIF) provides a report on the top-level projects. Last year was our first year as a top-level project and Bin and I submitted the Airship section of the report here https://www.openstack.org/annual-reports/2019-openstack-foundation-annual-report/ 15:03:46 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> This year we'd like to get some volunteers to submit the Airship update, which is due by January 13 15:04:08 <airship-irc-bot> <j_t_williams> o/ 15:04:20 <mattmceuen> Yes, great opportunity to show off what we've done over the last year 15:04:37 <dwalt> I can help with that alexander.hughes 15:04:55 <dwalt> There are some things that we can reuse from our project update slides as well 15:05:03 <mattmceuen> Alex - is it fair to say that the majority of the content would probably be a combination of stuff reported in previous (monthly) updates, plus broader stuff from the Project Update at the last summit? 15:05:07 <mattmceuen> +1 15:05:22 <airship-irc-bot> <ashlee> Thanks so much @dwalt ! 15:05:26 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> Yes, I think the blog series is a great timeline of what happened over the course of the year 15:05:45 <mattmceuen> Thanks much @dwalt -- feel free to tap me on the shoulder for that too 15:05:55 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> Thanks Drew, I'd be happy to help in any way you need 15:06:26 <dwalt> np! I will ping you alexander.hughes 15:06:46 <airship-irc-bot> <j_t_williams> I'd be happy to help with the review. 15:06:52 <mattmceuen> If anyone has anything they'd like to suggest calling out in the report -- just let dwalt know 15:07:01 <mattmceuen> ty JT! 15:07:26 <mattmceuen> Alright, moving on to our second topic, a quick one I think: 15:07:36 <mattmceuen> #topic Certified Kubernetes Platform 15:08:15 <mattmceuen> This is just to communicate that over the holidays, Airship (Airship 2 in particular) was officially certified as a Certified Kubernetes Platform! 15:08:25 <mattmceuen> https://landscape.cncf.io/format=card-mode&selected=airship-certified-kubernetes 15:09:00 <mattmceuen> This basically means that it has passed a number of sonobuoy tests which ensure that a k8s stood up by Airship supports all the standard capabilities required for certification by the CNCF 15:09:40 <mattmceuen> Made a really nice Christmas present, & way to end the year for Airship (also a good one to include in the report, dwalt :) 15:10:04 <dwalt> noted :) 15:10:23 <mattmceuen> Big Thank You to the team from Ericsson that drove the conformance testing, and to ashlee for working with the CNCF to make it official! 15:10:44 <airship-irc-bot> <ashlee> Great work everyone! 15:11:02 <mattmceuen> If you'd like to run the tests yourself -- see this change: https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/756538 15:11:10 <mattmceuen> (see how I snuck a code review request in there) 15:11:30 <airship-irc-bot> <mf4716> Fantastic folks! 15:12:10 <mattmceuen> That's all we have on the agenda -- we can open it up for roundtable discussion 15:12:14 <mattmceuen> #topic Roundtable 15:12:40 <mattmceuen> One thing I'd like to bring up -- last year we shifted the frequency of this meeting to every-other-week 15:13:10 <mattmceuen> The meetings have been short & focused on communicating across the team, and tend to get cancelled if there's nothing to discuss 15:13:25 <mattmceuen> Since the meat of design / dev topics has moved to other meetings 15:13:50 <mattmceuen> Is this format (every other week unless cancelled) seem good for everyone? 15:14:08 <mattmceuen> Or would anyone prefer a different approach 15:14:28 <airship-irc-bot> <j_t_williams> :thumbsup: for every other week. 15:14:44 <airship-irc-bot> <mf4716> I'm good with the current format. 15:14:45 <airship-irc-bot> <ak3216> +1 for keeping as is as well. 15:15:13 <mattmceuen> One improvement to make I think is, now that these don't happen quite as regularly, it would be good to shoot out a link to the (text) recording captured by meetingbot 15:15:23 <mattmceuen> to make sure folks see it 15:15:35 <mattmceuen> I will do that for today's 15:15:44 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> That, and make sure https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/airship-team-meeting is well known. Perhaps add it as the topic in Slack channel 15:15:57 <mattmceuen> +1 good idea 15:16:34 <mattmceuen> Any other topics y'all would like to discuss today? 15:17:07 <airship-irc-bot> <alexander.hughes> How are we on code reviews? Haven't seen any requested in agenda in some time 15:18:05 <mattmceuen> ah good catch... since we've shifted our agenda approach, I don't always remember to add that in 15:18:36 <roman_g> Did the change requests rate decrease in December? 15:18:45 <dwalt> We could really use a review on this one to fix the v2 treasuremap jobs 15:18:47 <dwalt> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/treasuremap/+/768374 15:18:58 <roman_g> Hi everyone! o/ 15:19:07 <mattmceuen> o/ roman_g! Welcome back! :) 15:19:12 <roman_g> dwalt will look at it. Thanks. 15:19:20 <mattmceuen> ty 15:19:23 <dwalt> thanks roman_g 15:19:25 <dwalt> welcome back! 15:20:01 <roman_g> 25 business days of vacation is something really nice. Highly recommend, 5 stars :) 15:20:06 <mattmceuen> hahaha 15:20:29 <airship-irc-bot> <mf4716> Only roundtable for me is to ensure folks were aware the Airship SIG UI calls are starting back-up this coming Friday (10-11 ct) - for those with an interest/need to attend. Rodolfo is hosting w/ updated bridge/agenda details on the wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Airship#AIRSHIP_SIG_-_Special_Interest_Meetings 15:21:06 <mattmceuen> +1, thanks @mf4716 15:21:45 <roman_g> dwalt Alex merged your change for you. 15:21:58 <dwalt> \o/ 15:22:01 <dwalt> thank you both 15:22:19 <mattmceuen> any other requests for code review? 15:23:11 <mattmceuen> Alright, in that case I think we can call it a wrap 15:23:18 <mattmceuen> Thanks everyone! 15:23:30 <airship-irc-bot> <mf4716> make it a great day everyone! 15:23:43 <mattmceuen> #endmeeting