16:00:07 <elmiko> #startmeeting api sig 16:00:08 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 12 16:00:07 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is elmiko. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'api_sig' 16:00:13 <elmiko> #chair cdent elmiko edleafe dtantsur 16:00:14 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: cdent 16:00:15 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: dtantsur 16:00:16 <openstack> Current chairs: cdent dtantsur edleafe elmiko 16:00:18 <edleafe> elmiko: you beat me 16:00:22 <edleafe> was just typing in the same 16:00:25 <elmiko> haha, sorry 16:00:32 <elmiko> by all means, you can take the wheel =) 16:00:54 <edleafe> no worries 16:00:59 <elmiko> looks like dtantsur is pto 16:01:08 <cdent> every 16:01:09 <cdent> single 16:01:09 <cdent> time 16:01:11 <elmiko> haha 16:01:28 <elmiko> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/API-SIG#Agenda 16:01:36 <elmiko> #topic previous meeting action items 16:01:41 <cdent> I now have a new meeting immediately after this one as well. Joy! 16:01:45 <elmiko> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/api_sig/2018/ 16:01:51 <elmiko> yeesh, i know the feeling ;) 16:01:57 <edleafe> cdent: lucky bastard! 16:01:58 <elmiko> so, i did 2/3 on my items 16:02:09 <elmiko> i updated the openapi doc with our discussions from last week 16:02:18 <elmiko> and i sent an email to Gilles, but i have not heard back yet 16:02:29 <elmiko> the update to the microversions pr is gonna take me some time 16:02:56 <elmiko> and, i have several conferences coming up over the next 3-4 weeks, so i think i shouldn't add it as an action. more an ongoing thing for me 16:03:09 <edleafe> elmiko: sounds fine 16:03:41 <elmiko> looks like we still need a few more reviews on 16:03:43 <elmiko> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554234/ 16:04:09 <elmiko> #topic open mic and ongoing or new biz 16:04:13 <edleafe> I reviewed it, but didn't comment, as I'm the patch author 16:04:22 <elmiko> ah, good point 16:04:39 <cdent> sorry, meant to vote, just did, I'm +1 16:04:43 <elmiko> cool 16:04:49 <elmiko> maybe we should merge that this week? 16:05:06 <cdent> as not-a-content change? sure 16:05:17 <elmiko> yeah 16:05:18 <elmiko> cool 16:05:27 <edleafe> yeah, no content changes 16:05:56 <elmiko> ok, i can merge it after this or cdent can 16:06:04 <cdent> goferit 16:06:28 <elmiko> so, the only topic we have is forum sessions. but i don't think there is anything new here? 16:07:08 <elmiko> could be a very short meeting today 16:07:24 <elmiko> any other topics to discuss in open biz? 16:07:57 <edleafe> none from me 16:08:35 <elmiko> moving along then 16:08:39 <elmiko> #topic guidelines 16:08:51 <elmiko> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/api-wg,n,z 16:08:58 <elmiko> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/api-sig,n,z 16:09:27 <elmiko> seems like no -1s on this for freeze, 16:09:29 <elmiko> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554921/ 16:09:34 <elmiko> so, merge it? 16:09:53 <cdent> yup 16:10:07 <elmiko> i don't think anything else is ready for freeze 16:10:12 <cdent> ah, hmmm, we didn't freeze that one properly 16:10:18 <cdent> but I think that's okay 16:10:24 <elmiko> we didn't? 16:10:31 <cdent> I suspect the newsletter is more effective 16:10:32 <elmiko> (he says as he merges_ 16:10:37 <cdent> it's fine 16:10:46 <elmiko> we announced it on the newsletter though 16:10:51 <cdent> but there's a script that adds all the liasions 16:10:55 <elmiko> oh, we should have emailed everybody. is that it? 16:10:58 <elmiko> yeah... 16:10:59 <elmiko> whoops 16:11:14 <edleafe> yeah, the liaisons weren't notified 16:11:31 <elmiko> hmm, i just hit the merge like seconds before cdent said that. should we do anything? 16:11:37 <cdent> no 16:11:38 <edleafe> otherwise they'd be listed as reviewers 16:11:41 <cdent> it really is all fine 16:11:42 <elmiko> yeah 16:11:56 <cdent> just for next time: do you know the tools? 16:12:15 <elmiko> no, i don't 16:12:24 <elmiko> i haven't used the script before 16:12:36 <cdent> they are describe in the process doc: 16:12:52 <cdent> grep for add-reviewers.py in http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/process.html 16:13:11 <elmiko> yup, i see it 16:13:27 <elmiko> also, i just noticed, we should fix our entry on the index page for specs.openstack.org 16:13:31 <elmiko> still says working group 16:14:02 <cdent> ah, indeed 16:14:12 <cdent> I'll do that 16:14:16 <elmiko> sweet, thanks! 16:14:26 <cdent> #action cdent fix specs.openstack.org api-wg/sig naming 16:14:41 <elmiko> i think that's it for guidelines 16:14:50 <elmiko> #topic bug review 16:15:00 <elmiko> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-wg/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0 16:15:06 <elmiko> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-sig/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0 16:15:29 <elmiko> hm 16:15:38 <elmiko> i think we missed the "closes" comment for 16:15:40 <elmiko> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-wg/+bug/1756464 16:15:41 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1756464 in openstack-api-sig "Errors guidelines reference service name, should be type" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Chris Dent (cdent) 16:15:58 * cdent fixes 16:16:03 <elmiko> thanks! 16:16:17 <elmiko> oh no, it's there 16:16:23 <elmiko> maybe just slow to update or something 16:17:07 <cdent> hmmm, merging the http guidelines changes has thrown my cache-headers thing (which is taking it's sweet time getting to reality) into merge conflcit 16:17:26 <cdent> expected, but meh 16:17:27 <elmiko> yeah, just saw that 16:17:43 <elmiko> seems like we could move to freeze that soon(TM) 16:17:57 * edleafe makes more work for cdent 16:18:09 <cdent> you keep doing that 16:18:19 <cdent> I'll fix the conflict this evening 16:18:39 <elmiko> cool 16:18:54 <elmiko> otherwise, i don't see anything on the bugs that stands out 16:20:04 <elmiko> although we might do another triage review at some point 16:20:23 <elmiko> #topic weekly newsletter 16:20:31 <elmiko> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/api-sig-newslette 16:20:33 <edleafe> My turn, I think 16:20:41 <cdent> bless you 16:20:41 <elmiko> fair enough, thanks! 16:21:03 <elmiko> any other last minute topics or things we should discuss? 16:21:18 <edleafe> elmiko: still can't make it to Vancouver? 16:21:22 <cdent> no sir, thank you for running things 16:21:25 <elmiko> edleafe: i don't think so 16:21:28 <edleafe> :( 16:21:33 <elmiko> yeah... 16:21:40 <edleafe> win 16 16:21:45 <edleafe> doh! 16:21:49 <elmiko> =) 16:22:19 <elmiko> ok, i think we can get back like 38minutes =) 16:22:21 <elmiko> thanks! 16:22:24 <edleafe> stupid irssi! 16:22:29 <elmiko> #endmeeting