16:00:20 #startmeeting api-wg 16:00:20 Meeting started Thu Jan 19 16:00:20 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is edleafe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:22 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:24 The meeting name has been set to 'api_wg' 16:00:32 #chair cdent elmiko etoews edleafe 16:00:32 Warning: Nick not in channel: cdent 16:00:33 Current chairs: cdent edleafe elmiko etoews 16:00:36 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/API-WG#Agenda 16:00:51 So who's here today? 16:02:02 * edleafe is starting to feel lonely... 16:02:38 yo 16:02:46 hi 16:03:03 sorry, got caught looking at code ;) 16:03:12 Ah! some signs of life! :) 16:03:35 Well, let's get started. Maybe this will be a quick meeting 16:03:45 #topic previous meeting action items 16:03:47 could be 16:03:50 #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/api_wg/2017/ 16:04:08 There were 2 items last week: 16:04:11 edleafe, scottda, mordred to drive some dicussion about api versioning at ptg 16:04:22 Added the topic to the Architecture Workgroups PTG etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ptg-architecture-workgroup 16:04:35 Please add your names to that page if you plan on attending the discussion 16:04:45 Hi. Yup I sent a ML post on that 16:05:23 scottda: ah, I was just going to add: 16:05:29 Second: scottda to send out email to get things started for consistent versioned endpoints 16:05:37 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-January/110043.html 16:05:52 So it looks like we're good on those 16:05:59 * gouthamr didn't reply to scottda's email but will definitely join 16:06:26 Cool; thanks gouthamr 16:06:34 #topic open mic and new biz 16:07:09 cdent posted a thing in response to the TC's discussion on "Updating stability/compatibility guidelines" 16:07:23 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-January/110384.html 16:07:52 And the review that people should comment on / tear apart: 16:07:54 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421846/ 16:08:17 Chris comments: "I wanted to be sure that the guideline got a rewrite to express that goal zero is to make users happy and that trumps everything" 16:08:46 So please read the email, and add your thoughts to the review 16:09:03 #topic guidelines 16:09:11 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/api-wg,n,z 16:09:26 Accurate status code vs. Backwards compatibility 16:09:28 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/422264/ 16:09:45 This is clarifying that changing a returned status code is an API change 16:09:57 It's new, so not a lot of discussion on it yet 16:10:05 it's an offshoot of a glance patch, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/420038/ 16:10:12 Clarifying that changing a returned status code is an API change 16:10:32 rosmaita: yes, thanks 16:10:55 * edleafe has to get his copy/paste working better 16:11:08 ++ to clarification 16:11:16 fix no sample file in browser 16:11:17 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421084/ 16:11:27 Some concern whether this is needed, or just a GitHub artifact 16:11:49 Define pagination guidelines 16:11:50 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/390973/ 16:12:03 Getting closer... please review comments on the 'last' link language 16:12:15 Once that's settled, I think it's good to go 16:12:26 Add API capabilities discovery guideline 16:12:27 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/386555/ 16:12:33 Still no consensus on what this is supposed to be doing. 16:13:03 In general, should this always be scoped to the user? And should it take into account the state of the resource? 16:13:39 So if you have an opinion on this, please add it to the review 16:13:48 Removes unnecessary utf-8 encoding 16:13:48 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/414782/ 16:14:04 that discussion on capabilities is daunting, to say the least 16:14:13 This is a no-brainer. Unless there is objection, I will just merge it. 16:14:23 elmiko: agreed. 16:14:25 ++ 16:14:34 elmiko: I don't think we are all using the word in the same way 16:14:46 edleafe: agreed 16:14:56 +1 on the utf-8 merge too 16:15:14 Add guidelines for boolean names 16:15:15 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/411529/ 16:15:22 Please weigh in on your preferences for naming: 'enabled' vs. 'is_enabled', etc. 16:16:23 As I mentioned to mordred yesterday, these guidelines were culled from a quick review of code in several projects, and are meant to be strawmen for people to beat up on 16:16:49 So get out your sticks and pound away! :) 16:17:26 * mordred has hit with sticks alread! :) 16:17:50 * edleafe knows that mordred can hit much harder 16:18:15 The following guidelines seem to have no issues, and should be ready for freeze 16:18:30 Clarify the status values in versions 16:18:30 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/411849/ 16:18:30 Add guideline for invalid query parameters 16:18:30 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/417441/ 16:18:30 Add guidelines on usage of state vs. status 16:18:32 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/411528/ 16:19:09 Please give those a review, and unless an issue surfaces, they will be frozen for general review 16:19:52 #topic bug review 16:19:54 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-wg 16:20:26 Most are guideline/doc omissions, so if you have the time, that's a great way to contribute 16:20:33 +1 16:21:17 #topic weekly newsletter 16:21:18 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/api-wg-newsletter 16:21:33 Since cdent is on PTO, anyone want to volunteer to do this? 16:21:57 * elmiko looks around nervously 16:22:39 elmiko: If not, I'll do the etherpad update, and ping you later for review 16:22:56 edleafe: that would be best, i'm under a deadline for conference stuff =( 16:23:11 elmiko: understood. No worries 16:23:31 So with that, we've covered the agenda. Anyone have anything else to discuss? 16:23:52 nothing here 16:24:32 OK, thanks everyone! 16:24:33 #endmeeting