17:01:40 <docaedo> #startmeeting app-catalog 17:01:41 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jun 23 17:01:40 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is docaedo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'app_catalog' 17:01:50 <docaedo> Todays agenda: 17:01:52 <docaedo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/app-catalog#Proposed_Agenda_for_June_23rd.2C_2016_.281700_UTC.29 Agenda 17:02:19 <kzaitsev_ws> o/ 17:02:20 <docaedo> #topic Status updates 17:02:23 <sskripnick> hiyo 17:02:28 <docaedo> There were some outstanding action items from two weeks ago: 17:02:30 <docaedo> * ACTION: Igor to get on the Infra agenda to discuss app-dev CI 17:02:32 <docaedo> * ACTION: Igor to start threads with Glance and Heat teams about automated validation of templates and images 17:02:50 <docaedo> and welcome sskripnick! 17:03:06 <igormarnat_> docaedo: Yes, I remember about both of them 17:03:26 <docaedo> :) 17:03:29 <igormarnat_> For the first one - we kept polishing tests and whole CI setup to be able to start discussing it with Infra team 17:03:45 <igormarnat_> Not fully done yet, but I hope to have more news by our next meeting 17:04:12 <docaedo> ok cool, sounds like the proposal will be to include something you'll be hosting? Or are you "testing tests" against regular openstack infra? 17:04:32 <igormarnat_> For the second one - I briefly talked to glance team about what can be done, to do for Heat. Again, still on me, hope to have more news by next meeting 17:04:47 <docaedo> ok thanks for the updates on that 17:05:15 <igormarnat_> azvyagintsev: do you have more details about our status with CI for Murano Apps? 17:05:31 <docaedo> based on last weeks conversation and the commits I've seen, sskripnick is now working to integrate auth for app catalog for glance backend 17:05:35 <igormarnat_> azvyagintsev: when do you think we can be prepared to talk with OpenStack Infra folks? 17:05:52 <igormarnat_> docaedo: Yep, we involved Sergey to work on that 17:05:55 <docaedo> (just want to suggest sskripnick join #openstack-app-catalog if/when there are questions about implementation and requirements, etc.) 17:05:55 <azvyagintsev> some kind - on investigating POC phase 17:06:21 <igormarnat_> sskripnick: here? 17:06:23 <azvyagintsev> guess, when we run some experimental flows - in 1-2 weeks 17:07:04 <sskripnick> http://r-ci.tk:8001/ <- here is the "demo" 17:07:06 <kzaitsev_mb> really sorry for being erratic today — I'm in the middle of security-related workflow and this really draws a bunch of my attention 17:07:10 <sskripnick> you can only login/logout 17:07:15 <kzaitsev_mb> #link http://r-ci.tk:8001/ 17:07:24 <docaedo> kzaitsev_mb: no problem 17:07:27 <sskripnick> and here is the patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332911/ 17:07:54 <sskripnick> I not familiar with angular, so its hard to tell how many time it will take to finish 17:07:54 <kzaitsev_mb> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332911/ 17:08:15 <docaedo> sskripnick: that's cool and looks/works nice for the first pass! 17:08:21 <sskripnick> thanks 17:08:51 <kzaitsev_mb> also here is the list of patches we've done and thir readines/whether they would break smth or not https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/app-catalog-glare 17:08:58 <kzaitsev_mb> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/app-catalog-glare 17:09:30 <kzaitsev_mb> only really need to change one, and the others are UI related, so probably would require a round of UI negotiations )) 17:10:38 <docaedo> kzaitsev_mb: nice, that' 17:10:41 <docaedo> that's good progress 17:11:13 <docaedo> as you and others get closer to wanting to start merging stuff let's talk about it on #openstack-app-catalog 17:11:21 <docaedo> same goes for if we need to talk about UI changes and stuff 17:12:32 <igormarnat_> docaedo: kzaitsev_mb what about those which are ready to be merged? Can we ... you know ... merge them? :) 17:13:31 <kzaitsev_mb> Yep, I think we can =) you can double-check, that they do not modify any of the existing API, or server code 17:14:43 <docaedo> yep, I'll review the two that are ready to merge and give feedback - we'll have to get kfox1111 to take a look as well before merging this (which is why I'm suggesting we talk at least sometimes on the channel) 17:14:44 <kzaitsev_mb> docaedo: sure, I can get around and remind explain the impact of every one of those ) 17:14:54 <docaedo> kzaitsev_mb: that would be great 17:15:55 <igormarnat_> kzaitsev_mb: we also need to add patch from Sergey to the list in the etherpad, aren't we? 17:16:16 <kzaitsev_mb> let's do this like, maybe tomorrow? =) I will also be able to update the api v1/v2 patch, so it would be 3 of them 17:16:39 <docaedo> kzaitsev_mb: sure let's talk further tomorrow 17:18:09 <igormarnat_> sskripnick: kzaitsev_mb you said that for now you can only login/logout. Do we expect to have more for the very first patch? I thought it would be enough to start, isn't it? 17:19:40 <sskripnick> igormarnat_: agree 17:20:38 <sskripnick> igormarnat_: but the ui side is done not in angular way 17:21:00 <igormarnat_> sskripnick: kzaitsev_mb so let us add this patch to the etherpad, briefly describe its status and actions required 17:21:42 <sskripnick> the status is "work in progress" :) 17:21:49 <kzaitsev_mb> should probably ping kfox1111_away on how to better angularise the thing 17:22:05 <sskripnick> kzaitsev_mb: oh, thanks 17:22:39 <sskripnick> btw i'm reading angular manual right now. pretty interesting 17:22:53 <sskripnick> I almost know how to fix it 17:23:35 <docaedo> yeah angular is really powerful once you get the hang of it 17:23:46 <docaedo> makes some complicated and neat looking stuff really easy to do 17:25:52 <docaedo> sounds like we're done with updates? 17:26:00 <igormarnat_> Yep 17:26:08 <igormarnat_> Anything else in agenda for today? 17:26:10 <docaedo> #topic Open discussion 17:26:21 <docaedo> Just open discussion if anyone wants to discuss something openly :) 17:26:45 <igormarnat_> I'm done, nothing more from my side 17:27:07 <sskripnick> are three any plans for removing django from app-catalog? 17:27:13 <sskripnick> it seems flask is enough 17:28:13 <docaedo> I believe the intention is to keep it for the sake of eventually sharing a bunch of core code between the community app catalog web site and the app catalog horizon plugin 17:28:25 <docaedo> so much of the presentation layer will be the exact same code between the two 17:28:36 <docaedo> then updates/changes/improvements happen against one code base 17:28:37 <igormarnat_> Ok, guys, I have to go. TTYL, bye! 17:28:48 <docaedo> igormarnat_: see ya! 17:28:59 <igormarnat_> docaedo: o/ 17:29:10 <sskripnick> docaedo: oh, i see. will take a look at horizon plugin 17:29:16 <docaedo> sskripnick: suggest you bring this up on #openstack-app-catalog though, maybe there's something to consider here 17:30:53 <docaedo> and it sounds like we're done unless anyone has something else to discuss? I'll wait a minute at least... 17:32:08 <docaedo> <crickets> 17:32:17 <docaedo> thanks everyone for coming, talk to you next week! 17:32:22 <docaedo> #endmeeting