20:02:33 <redrobot> #startmeeting barbican 20:02:35 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar 14 20:02:33 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is redrobot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:02:36 <fungi> though reading further in scrollback, is the question just whether it's acceptable to make the e-mail addresses of refstack data submitters public knowledge? as long as they know up front that's happening, i don't see why it would be a concern. for example every one of our thousands of developers ahs their e-mail addresses published in git commit messages 20:02:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'barbican' 20:02:45 <redrobot> #topic Roll Call 20:02:48 <edtubill> o/ 20:02:48 <jmckind_> o/ 20:02:49 <elmiko> o/ 20:02:50 <panatl> o/ 20:02:54 <kfarr> o/ 20:02:57 <diazjf> o/ 20:03:00 <woodster_> o/ 20:03:10 <redrobot> As usual the agenda can be found here: 20:03:12 <redrobot> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Barbican#Agenda 20:03:21 <silos> o/ 20:03:26 <mp1> o/ 20:03:26 <redrobot> Lots of barbicaneers here today! 20:04:12 <maxabidi> \o 20:04:18 <redrobot> #topic Action Items from last meeting 20:04:21 <redrobot> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/barbican/2016/barbican.2016-03-07-20.00.html 20:04:30 <arunkant> o/ 20:04:33 <redrobot> First action item was for me to -2 pending CRs. 20:04:59 <redrobot> no progress to report, so I'm punting to next week 20:05:04 <randallburt> o/ late 20:05:08 <redrobot> #action redrobot to -2 pending CRs with a note to resubmit for N and a deadline to mark them as abandoned 20:05:22 <redrobot> Looks like rellerreller isn't here 20:05:31 <redrobot> so we'll punt on his action item as well. 20:05:42 <redrobot> #action rellerreller to work on fish bowl descriptions 20:05:51 <redrobot> ok, on to the actual agenda 20:06:15 <redrobot> #topic Critical fixes for python-barbicanclient in Mitaka 20:06:33 <kfarr> redrobot he is working on the fish bowl descriptions 20:06:46 <redrobot> kfarr awesome, thanks for the update 20:07:10 <redrobot> for this topic 20:07:29 <redrobot> Doug Hellman is fixin' to create stable branches for mitaka for the clients 20:07:30 <redrobot> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-March/088853.html 20:07:51 <redrobot> Currently we have a 4.0.0 tag that could be used as the stable branch in Mitaka 20:08:09 <redrobot> unless we have critical fixes that need to land for use by other projects in Mitaka 20:08:30 <redrobot> If we do create the stable branch, then we will have to backport future fixes 20:08:51 <redrobot> Questions/comments? Any bugs we absolutely need to fix in a 4.0.X ? 20:09:29 <silos> So what does this mean for outstanding patches? Like could we still merge outstanding CR's today cause it looks like some are waiting to be merged. 20:09:53 <alee_> o/ 20:10:17 <redrobot> silos so, if we want to include those patches in Mitaka, then we need to do another release after they land 20:10:27 <silos> ah k. 20:12:21 <redrobot> going once ... 20:12:44 <redrobot> lots of shy barbicaneers here today ;) 20:13:16 <elmiko> sorry, no strong barbican opinions from me today ;) 20:13:22 <redrobot> #topic Design Session topics for Austin Summit 20:13:23 <randallburt> silence is consent 20:13:29 <elmiko> haha, nice 20:13:58 <redrobot> Just a reminder that we have an etherpad to track design session topics 20:13:58 <redrobot> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-barbican-design-sessions 20:14:23 <redrobot> Any questions/comments? 20:14:58 <jmckind_> good list so far 20:14:58 <diazjf> redrobot, kfarr, any word on BYOK. I wont be available tomorrow so I was wondering if you can check for me during the security meeting. 20:15:09 <alee_> redrobot, how many sessions do we have? 20:15:44 <redrobot> alee_ they're still sorting that out. I requested 2 fishbowls, 8 Design Sessions, 1 Meetup 20:15:52 <kfarr> diazjf, redrobot we hope to get the description through internal review soon, hopefully this week 20:16:08 <redrobot> I'll let y'all know when I hear what the official allocation is 20:16:20 <diazjf> kfarr, awesome. I'll be collaborating with you and rellerreller then :) 20:18:36 <redrobot> any other questions? 20:19:54 <redrobot> ok then, movin gon 20:19:56 <redrobot> *moving on 20:20:03 <redrobot> #topic Open Discussion 20:20:08 <redrobot> that's all I had on the agenda for today. 20:20:15 <redrobot> Any other topics we should talk about? 20:20:22 <redrobot> Pending reviews? 20:20:23 <redrobot> oh yeah 20:20:29 <redrobot> #topic RC1 due this week 20:20:46 <redrobot> We fixed some bugs last week during the bugsquash 20:21:13 <redrobot> I fixed one bug that I'm hoping I can land in the next couple of days 20:21:34 <redrobot> silos diazjf any other reviews pending form the bugsquash? 20:22:05 <silos> I have one for alembic. Let me get the link. 20:22:05 <diazjf> redrobot, yuppo 20:22:18 <diazjf> all minor 20:22:20 <silos> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292523/ 20:22:28 <silos> If it gets merged we can use alembic in the gate :D 20:22:34 <diazjf> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/290765/ 20:22:52 <diazjf> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/291454/ 20:23:02 <diazjf> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/287523/ 20:23:16 <diazjf> and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/284368/ 20:23:20 <diazjf> are all the bugs I see 20:23:26 <diazjf> and silos 20:23:56 <redrobot> diazjf silos thanks 20:24:07 <diazjf> no prob 20:24:07 <redrobot> core reviewers, please take a look at those 20:24:13 <silos> np 20:24:29 <diazjf> redrobot, also do we want to make sure the Barbican API Guide gets published to the site 20:24:55 <redrobot> diazjf doc publication isn't tied to the release, so we don't need it to release RC1 20:25:02 <diazjf> redrobot, gotcha 20:26:10 <redrobot> any other topics? 20:27:04 <diazjf> **cricket cricket** 20:27:15 <silos> diazjf beat me to it. 20:27:33 <redrobot> ok, seems like we've got ourselves an extra 30 min of workday 20:27:39 <elmiko> \o/ 20:27:40 <redrobot> thanks for coming everyone! 20:27:45 <redrobot> #endmeeting