13:00:07 #startmeeting barbican 13:00:07 Meeting started Tue Nov 30 13:00:07 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is redrobot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:07 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:07 The meeting name has been set to 'barbican' 13:00:14 #topic Roll Call 13:00:38 Courtesy ping for ade_lee dave-mccowan d34dh0r53 hrybacki jamespage Luzi lxkong mhen rm_work tosky xek nearyo oleksandry 13:01:44 Hi afaranha 13:02:21 hi 13:02:25 Hi tosky! 13:02:28 Let's get started 13:02:44 #topic Review Past Meeting Action Items 13:02:46 #link https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/barbican/2021/barbican.2021-11-16-13.03.html 13:02:49 We didn't have any 13:02:51 Let's move on 13:02:56 #topic Liaison Updates 13:03:00 tosky any news for us? 13:05:31 I'll take that as a no 13:05:41 #topic Microversions + Secret Consumers 13:06:13 Still on my TODO list. Ithaven't seen the downstream task for me to work on this during regular work hours, but I know it's coming soon. 13:06:36 Any questions/comments? 13:06:50 just a refresh, why need the microversion to change some api, right? 13:07:01 afaranha yeah, that's correct 13:07:10 Secret Consumers is a change to the Secrets API 13:07:37 do we have a list of features that need this new microversion? or just the secret consumers? 13:08:03 is it a blocker other than that for secret consumers? 13:08:08 Secret Consumers is already implemented, but it broke the client because we did not have a microversion and the client didn't know what do with the extra attributes, so we had to revert it 13:08:15 yeah, it's a blocker 13:08:41 We don't have a list of all the changes going in to the new microversion, but it'll be whatever we can implement this cycle 13:08:45 ow, okay, so this is what you talked about as well, that barbican has 3(?) different clients 13:09:08 Yeah, python-barbicanclient is the one that broke everyone's gates 13:09:18 so this microversion is for the client? since it's already implemented on the rest api? 13:09:22 ack 13:09:39 Microversions is not implemented yet, only Secret Consumers 13:09:54 Microversions need to be implemented in both the API and all 3 clients 13:11:16 but can we use it already? 13:11:24 sry, I`m a bit confused 13:11:45 No worries. We need to implement microversions for the first time, as we do not currently have it. 13:12:05 we'll use sec. consum. if we use a new micro version, right? --version x.2 13:12:17 right 13:12:19 it'll be 1.1 13:12:46 okay, nice 13:12:59 I'll take a look today 13:13:30 Cool. Let me know if you have any questions about Barbican internals 13:13:34 OK, moving on 13:13:40 #topic Bug Review 13:14:21 #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/barbican 13:14:58 We do have one new Barbican bug: 13:15:01 #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2009716 13:15:19 > GET requests with INFO level are logged as wsgi:error 13:15:53 Hmm... seems like a legit log line 13:16:03 not sure why the error namespace is there. 13:17:57 I'll have to dig into that more 13:17:59 moving on 13:18:35 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/castellan/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0 13:18:41 Looks like no new Castellan bugs 13:18:55 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cursive/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0 13:18:58 and no new Cursive bugs 13:19:04 #topic Open DIscussion 13:19:09 Anything else y'all want to talk about? 13:19:48 i`m good 13:20:29 tosky? 13:20:49 nothing else, sorry - I haven't been following too much 13:20:53 more on internal work 13:21:05 I know I should keep more than one eye on RBAC 13:21:16 (and I still know grenade barbican job doesn't work as it should :) 13:22:21 tosky gotcha. Yeah, I'm gonna be Mr. RBAC now, so let me know if you have questions 13:22:41 ohhh 13:22:45 oki, thanks 13:23:07 Cool, well, thanks for joining, y'all. 13:23:10 We can end early today 13:23:13 #endmeeting