15:03:36 <tmorin> #startmeeting bgpvpn 15:03:37 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 9 15:03:36 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmorin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:38 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:41 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'bgpvpn' 15:04:00 <tmorin> hi matrohon, hi svinota 15:04:08 <matrohon> hi 15:04:52 <tmorin> hi pc_m 15:04:59 <tmorin> hi pcarver 15:05:00 <pc_m> tmorin: hi 15:05:13 <matrohon> anybody around for the bgpvpn meeting? 15:05:21 <pc_m> matrohon: yup 15:06:01 <ni694458> matrohon: yes for bgp vpn 15:06:49 <tmorin> hi ni694458, nice nick ;-P 15:08:33 <tmorin> ok, let's start 15:08:53 <tmorin> we did not update the agenda since we had ran out of time last week 15:09:21 <tmorin> the points we did not cover were: work on Horizon, work on Heat, and a status on drivers 15:09:30 <tmorin> we can also cover additional points as relevant 15:09:43 <matrohon> #link : https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/BGPVPN 15:10:03 <tmorin> #topic work item Horizon 15:10:57 <tmorin> pc_m (I think) had mentioned there would be two distinct parts, one for admin, one for tenant 15:11:19 <pc_m> not me :) 15:11:31 <tmorin> ok, well, this is still true ;) 15:11:40 <tmorin> #undo 15:11:41 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x9566c50> 15:11:52 <tmorin> we need to make a better introduction first ;) 15:12:24 <tmorin> one big piece of news since last week is that networking-bgpvpn was formally approved as an official project under the neutron big tent 15:12:32 <matrohon> #link : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/186041/ 15:13:28 <matrohon> the process to move the code to the neutron big test is on its way : 15:13:40 <matrohon> #link : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188822/ 15:14:02 <matrohon> ^ s/test/tent 15:14:25 <tmorin> as soon as the new repo is created, we'll move the spec and the associated discussion there 15:15:23 <matrohon> can we have a status on last meeting action points? 15:15:44 <tmorin> matrohon: well, yes, we should have started with that 15:16:12 <tmorin> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/bgpvpn/2015/bgpvpn.2015-06-02-15.01.html 15:16:38 <tmorin> "tmorin to update spec for type field" : I've done it, but not pushed the update yet 15:16:49 <tmorin> "matrohon to create the new openstack repo" -> see above, in progress 15:17:00 <tmorin> "matrohon to create blueprint and assign them"...? 15:17:19 <matrohon> I've created 2 bps 15:17:38 <matrohon> one for adding a list of RDs 15:17:45 <matrohon> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/bgpvpn/+spec/api-optional-rd-list 15:18:25 <matrohon> another one to be able to add several networks to a bgpvpn connection 15:18:35 <matrohon> #link : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/bgpvpn/+spec/multiple-net-attachment 15:18:42 <matrohon> I din't assigned them 15:19:08 <matrohon> I let people interested in it assign them to theirself 15:19:41 <matrohon> or having an auto assigment asa they'll upstream some ccode 15:19:52 <tmorin> looks good 15:19:54 <dhruvdhody> Regd "vikram update python-neutronclient code "; he is working on it 15:20:16 <tmorin> dhruvdhody: ok, good 15:20:51 <matrohon> dhruvdhody : good! he agreed on waiting for the API to be upstream before pushing the code for the client 15:21:21 <tmorin> but I guess a few things can be updated even before the API change on RDs and multiple networks are implemented 15:21:42 <matrohon> dhruvdhody : but it is worth looking at it to be responsive when the API will be available 15:22:26 <tmorin> yes, starting before the API side is ready will be useful 15:22:31 * svinota begs pardon for being late 15:22:57 <tmorin> svinota: we were just arriving at your action item :) 15:23:03 <tmorin> "svinota to work on DB mappings and RD" 15:23:05 <dhruvdhody> matrohon: definitely, either he or someone from my team would take care if it 15:23:21 <matrohon> dhruvdhody : great 15:24:16 <pc_m> so I take it that the team is past the point of considering whether or not the API should be integrated in with the VPNaaS API? 15:25:12 <tmorin> I guess we're still ready to converge when/if a relevant convergence emerges 15:25:25 <tmorin> but not waiting for that to progress on a solution 15:26:20 <tmorin> svinota: can you give us a view on your progress on "svinota to work on DB mappings and RD" ? 15:26:30 <matrohon> pc_m : does it make sense to you? 15:26:56 <svinota> tmorin, takes a bit more time than I expected, but will be submitted these days — hopefully tonight. 15:26:59 <john_a_joyce> in order to converge we would have to compromise a bit and make some changes to this API 15:27:12 <tmorin> svinota: excellent 15:27:14 <pc_m> matrohon: sure. Hopefully we can look at it and see if there is any commonality, so that the users' experience is consistent. 15:27:15 <john_a_joyce> there seems no appetite to to that 15:27:52 <tmorin> john_a_joyce: "this API" being which API ? current BGP VPN API ? 15:27:58 <john_a_joyce> yes 15:28:30 <tmorin> john_a_joyce: well, I'm not even clear what the changes would be 15:29:06 <john_a_joyce> I don't want to derail - but we did have some concrete proposal last week and also in the specific convergence meeting 15:29:27 <tmorin> pc_m: the discussion on the benefit on finding commonality are still worth debating 15:29:41 <pc_m> tmorin: agree. 15:29:41 <john_a_joyce> but it would need a bit of compromise on the part of this team - I feel 15:30:39 <matrohon> john_a_joyce : what compromises? 15:30:59 <john_a_joyce> we should probably not get bogged down on it here since not all the parties maybe on 15:31:04 <tmorin> john_a_joyce: to me, there was not a satisfying conclusion on a specific proposal that would make a user experience really consistent 15:31:16 <tmorin> john_a_joyce: agreed 15:31:41 <pc_m> Do we want to discuss that at the VPNaaS IRC in 30 mins? 15:32:09 <john_a_joyce> tmorin: I don't agree with your user experience comment - but lets take it up in the proper forum 15:32:27 <tmorin> pc_m: ok, let's see if we can make better progress this week 15:32:31 <matrohon> pc_m : If there is a clear conclusion, I'd love to ear it! 15:32:38 <tmorin> let's pursue on action items 15:32:56 <tmorin> next one is "tmorin investigate unit test coverage to db persistency" 15:33:00 <pc_m> #action explore API convergence in VPNaaS meeting 15:33:20 <matrohon> pc_m : If not, I can help to underline the overlaps between the two API 15:33:22 * tmorin did not progress on this action item 15:34:16 <tmorin> I did progress on making the bagpipe driver easier to intergrate in functional tests though 15:35:28 <tmorin> making it able to use a vxlan encap (which is not standard, but will allow to exercise the whole chain without having to deploy in the test VM a specific not-yet-released version of OVS supporting MPLS) 15:36:18 <svinota> oh, that's great 15:36:35 <svinota> really 15:36:49 <tmorin> yes, and not hard to do by the way 15:37:11 <tmorin> was pushed to day on bagpipe-bgp github 15:37:21 <tmorin> we're done with action items 15:37:32 <tmorin> #topic work items 15:37:47 <tmorin> the work items we did not discussed were: Horizon and Heat 15:38:02 <tmorin> clearly lower priority than the rest, but relevant nevertheless 15:38:22 <tmorin> someone (can't remember who) said we should have two separate (admin and tenant) for Horizon 15:38:32 <tmorin> this is true and the spec now keeps track of that 15:38:48 <tmorin> I don't know if someone would volunteer on working on either of these 15:39:31 <tmorin> can be looked at later 15:39:40 <pc_m> Carl did 15:39:51 <pc_m> recommended admin/tenant 15:39:52 * svinota has to leave, will reach tmorin this evening 15:39:57 <tmorin> you mean the comment was by Carl 15:39:57 <tmorin> ok 15:39:59 <tmorin> yes 15:40:11 <tmorin> ok, bye petr 15:40:19 <svinota> bye 15:40:55 <tmorin> Heat: not urgent either, but if anyone is interested, than will be relevant to cover 15:42:04 <tmorin> ok, that will be for later too 15:42:21 <tmorin> another topic raised (by pc_m) was on how we specify RTs 15:42:49 <tmorin> currently, we have route_targets plus import_targets and export_targets 15:42:54 <tmorin> the spec explains why 15:43:30 <tmorin> pc_m you suggest only keeping import_targets and export_targets in the datamodel, but possibly keeping the three in the API 15:43:52 <pc_m> tmorin: Yeah, didn't think we needed to duplicate info in the dbase 15:44:22 <pc_m> The api could accept a route_targets parm and store in both lists. 15:44:29 <pc_m> just a thought. 15:44:52 <tmorin> the issue I would see is that it becomes impossible on a "show" request, to reply the same thing that the user gave when it created the object 15:45:05 <tmorin> since we loose information if we merge before storing in the db 15:45:55 <tmorin> pc_m: I don't understand : the API really needs to offer the ability to provide distinct lists for import and exports 15:46:25 <tmorin> pc_m: and what kind of duplication are you wanting to avoid ? 15:46:44 <pc_m> tmorin: Maybe I misunderstand the fields? 15:47:09 <tmorin> what is critical is preserving the ability to specify two lists 15:47:12 <tmorin> through the API 15:47:25 <pc_m> tmorin: I thought that the user could specify import or export, or could specify route_targets, meaning they are both import and export. 15:47:41 <tmorin> while we could live with two lists exposed via the API, it is useful to have a third one for RTs common to both lists 15:48:04 <tmorin> this is useful in the simpler and most common use case where only one RT is used for both import and export 15:48:35 <tmorin> pc_m: this is correct 15:48:44 <pc_m> tmorin: So, if I add a RT as import, and later add it as export, how will that be handled? Add it to the route_target list and remove from other? or have show that has some in route_target list and some is both import and output list. 15:49:22 <pc_m> some in 15:49:39 <tmorin> ok, maybe I got your point 15:50:08 <tmorin> on a "show" request we would recreate "route_targets" based on RTs common to export and imports 15:50:19 <pc_m> thinking the database can be normalized. The user API could allow for the easier input (whcih makes sense). 15:50:24 <pc_m> right. 15:51:04 <tmorin> ok 15:51:10 <tmorin> seems to make sense 15:51:22 <pc_m> if they later add the other direction, then it could be included in the route_targets output of show. 15:51:51 <tmorin> let's then add to the spec that the datamodel will store only two lists and translate back to the API to show in "route_targets" the RTs that are common 15:52:24 <tmorin> #action tmorin to update specs to indicate that DB will store only import_rts and export_rts 15:52:42 <tmorin> we're close to the end of the meeting 15:52:50 <tmorin> anyone sees anything else ? 15:53:32 <tmorin> yes, one point: there is an ongoing discussion (on the API spec gerrit change) on whether or not we should attach a BGPVPN connection to the router 15:53:55 <tmorin> we will plan this topic for next week, hoping that interested people can be present 15:54:52 <tmorin> I will readd the unclosed action items, so that the last IRC logs will show them too 15:55:04 <tmorin> #action tmorin to investigate unit test coverage to db persistency 15:55:22 <tmorin> #action vikram to update python-neutronclient code 15:55:38 <tmorin> #action svinota to work on DB mappings and RD (mostly done) 15:55:52 <tmorin> #action matrohon to create the new openstack repo 15:56:03 <tmorin> ok, I think we are done 15:56:19 <tmorin> discuss to follow up in VPNaaS 15:56:29 <tmorin> thanks everyone! 15:56:41 <matrohon> tmorin : thanks 15:56:44 <pc_m> tmorin: bye 15:56:53 <dhruvdhody> tmorin: bye 15:57:14 <tmorin> #endmeeting