15:03:38 <tmorin> #startmeeting bgpvpn 15:03:38 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 30 15:03:38 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmorin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'bgpvpn' 15:03:51 <tmorin> hi everyone 15:04:19 <tmorin> hi pcarver 15:04:24 <tmorin> hi vikram_ 15:04:29 <pcarver> hi 15:04:37 <vikram_> hi tmorin 15:05:39 <tmorin> hi pc_m 15:05:49 <pc_m> hi 15:06:35 <tmorin> I think that matrohon can't come, so we won't wait for him 15:06:39 <tmorin> I guess we can start 15:07:03 <tmorin> #topic API 15:07:17 <tmorin> the discussion on the API seems to come to a conclusion 15:07:30 <tmorin> which I'm very happy about 15:07:59 <tmorin> the only point that stands out is missing diagrams (relevantly asked by pc_m and others) 15:08:46 <tmorin> let's go through work items 15:09:00 <tmorin> unless anyone has any comment 15:09:10 <tmorin> #topic work items 15:09:29 <tmorin> changes on unit tests for db have been merged 15:09:46 <tmorin> along with minor updates related to the uuidtools package moving from neutron to oslo_utils 15:10:33 <tmorin> this is a starting point, they will need to be updated once we incorporate changes to match the current state of API specs 15:11:03 <tmorin> we also had a change submitted to add RD specification to the neutronclient extension 15:11:08 <tmorin> thanks Ramanjaneya 15:11:20 <tmorin> one of your coleagues vikram_ I'm guessing 15:11:27 <vikram_> +1 15:11:33 <vikram_> https://review.openstack.org/195505 15:11:42 <tmorin> #link https://review.openstack.org/195505 15:11:43 <tmorin> yes 15:11:56 <tmorin> we expect to merge this as soon as the minor improvements are made 15:12:11 <vikram_> thanks tmorin 15:12:51 <tmorin> I've had some discussion with petr, who was hoping to submit his server work on RD before taking some time offline 15:12:57 <tmorin> did not happen, maybe next week 15:13:55 <tmorin> Mathieu is planning to work on adapting the API to the change we made on how to associate with networks and routers 15:14:04 <tmorin> maybe this week 15:14:13 <tmorin> that's it for what i'm aware of 15:15:40 <tmorin> as far as I know there aren't any other things to discuss today 15:16:03 <tmorin> short meeting :) 15:16:20 <vikram_> :) 15:16:57 <tmorin> ok 15:17:20 <tmorin> then let's close 15:17:31 <tmorin> #endmeeting