15:14:36 <tmorin> #startmeeting bgpvpn 15:14:37 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 13 15:14:36 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmorin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:14:38 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:14:41 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'bgpvpn' 15:15:14 <tmorin> hi bfernando, doude, eon`, pcarver, timirnich 15:16:28 <tmorin> hmm... sounds like I'm alone :-( 15:16:34 <bfernando> sorry 15:16:59 <bfernando> I was focused somewhere ^^ 15:17:02 <tmorin> hi bfernando :) 15:17:03 <tmorin> np 15:17:11 <tmorin> the meeting is going to be quick 15:17:17 <bfernando> hi ok 15:17:19 <tmorin> #topic announce / last week 15:17:37 <tmorin> last week we merged a few tempest improvements 15:17:53 <tmorin> the work to backport the tempest test has started 15:18:08 <tmorin> the stable/mitaka gate config is now ready 15:18:19 <tmorin> and we can thus backport tempest test to this branch 15:18:48 <bfernando> cool :) 15:19:29 <tmorin> I'm unsure if the best is to cherry-pick all the tempest changes each in its own backport change, or if we should squash'em all in one change 15:21:11 <bfernando> Since eon` has taken this task I don't know what is his mind 15:21:32 <tmorin> I'm asking now to ihar on #openstack-neutron 15:22:47 <tmorin> let's go back to this topic if ihar replies 15:22:53 <tmorin> #topic bugs 15:23:15 <tmorin> matrohon is working on a fix to bug #1537067 15:23:17 <openstack> bug 1537067 in networking-bgpvpn "enforce constraints on "neutron router-interface-add"" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1537067 - Assigned to Mathieu Rohon (mathieu-rohon) 15:23:49 <tmorin> doude: matrohon was wondering if you could suggest an improvement to the opencontrail driver ... any idea ? 15:25:09 <doude> tmorin: hi 15:25:23 <tmorin> hi doude 15:25:29 <doude> what type of improvment you talk about? 15:26:37 <tmorin> doude : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/369413/2/networking_bgpvpn/neutron/services/service_drivers/opencontrail/opencontrail.py 15:26:58 <tmorin> s/improvement/make the new check work/ 15:27:48 <tmorin> the new non-driver specific check needs one thing from the driver: know the BGPVPNs existing for a network 15:28:47 <tmorin> so we need the opencontrail driver to "cooperate" :) 15:29:17 <doude> the actual bgpvpn opencontrail driver is a PoC and use a basic key/value store to maintain bgpvpn resources 15:29:38 <doude> that store does not permit to do complexe search 15:30:15 <doude> we need to reconsider all that driver and implement bgpvpn resources in contrail schema 15:30:23 <doude> s/schema/data model 15:30:45 <tmorin> you mean you can't find the BGPVPNs for a given network from the KV store ? 15:31:02 <doude> but the https://review.openstack.org/#/c/369413/2/networking_bgpvpn/neutron/services/service_drivers/opencontrail/opencontrail.py can be done 15:31:27 <doude> the driver can retrieve all kv store and then filter to find the correct bgpvpn 15:31:38 <tmorin> hmm, yeah 15:31:45 <tmorin> not enthousiasting :) 15:31:57 <doude> it's not efficient but that's already the case when we list bgpvpn of a tenant 15:32:15 <doude> (and probably other use case I don't remember) 15:32:18 <tmorin> any idea when contrail schema could support BGPVPN entries ? 15:32:24 <doude> no 15:32:29 <lewo> and also to list associations of a bvpvpn 15:32:45 <bfernando> ^^ 15:33:00 <tmorin> hi lewo 15:33:04 <tmorin> yeah... 15:33:06 <lewo> hi tmorin 15:33:29 <tmorin> ok... 15:33:47 <tmorin> back to previous topic: bfernando, eon`: ihar answer is that we should cherry-pick the changes to backport one by one, each in its own change 15:34:00 <tmorin> eon`: this can now be started anytime 15:34:13 <bfernando> tmorin, ok got it ;) 15:34:27 <tmorin> eon`: I think the changes will need to be stacked on each other in the right order 15:39:34 <tmorin> anything else to cover today ? 15:39:43 <tmorin> not much it seems... 15:39:52 <eon`> tmorin: got it 15:40:02 <tmorin> eon`: ok ! 16:00:50 <hongbin> strigazi: ready? 16:00:52 <strigazi> tmorin: don't forget to end the meeting :) 16:01:06 <tmorin> #endmeeting