15:10:33 <tmorin> #startmeeting bgpvpn 15:10:34 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 6 15:10:33 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmorin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:10:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:10:38 <tmorin> hi everyone 15:10:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'bgpvpn' 15:11:18 <tmorin> hi bfernando, bobmel, doude, eon`, lewo, matrohon, pcarver 15:11:25 <pcarver> hi 15:11:39 <bfernando> hello 15:12:43 <tmorin> let's see who may attend today... 15:13:09 <lewo> hi 15:13:22 <tmorin> hi :) 15:14:48 <matrohon> hi 15:15:41 <tmorin> let's see what we can discuss today 15:15:46 <tmorin> what I have in mind: 15:15:55 <tmorin> * status on tempest testing 15:16:26 <tmorin> * stadium things 15:16:46 <tmorin> * driver status 15:16:50 <tmorin> anything else ? 15:17:49 <tmorin> ok let's start 15:17:53 <tmorin> #topic tempest testing 15:18:10 <tmorin> the new tempest scenario base test has just merged 15:18:18 <tmorin> very nice work by bobmel 15:18:22 <tmorin> many thanks to him 15:18:42 <tmorin> it's really a good thing to have scenario coverage in our check/gate pipeline 15:18:47 <bobmel> Thanks! And hi all! 15:18:51 <bobmel> Sorry for being late 15:18:56 <tmorin> hi bobmel :) 15:18:58 <tmorin> np 15:19:30 <tmorin> what the test does is setup two VMs in two networks associated to the same BGPVPN, and confirm that one can ping the other 15:19:56 <tmorin> this exercises a large part of the neutron-agent-bagpipe-ovs stack 15:20:25 <tmorin> exercising more would involved setting up a multinode test, or doing things the fullstack way 15:20:44 <tmorin> so we now have a very good starting point to enrich the scenario test 15:21:19 <tmorin> it should be pretty easy to add extra tests (eg. Router associations, doing the associatio before or after the VMs are up, etc.) 15:21:37 <tmorin> comments ? 15:21:40 <bobmel> the things you pointed out seems like good next steps to gradually move towards test-wise 15:22:18 <tmorin> yes, adding more tests will be welcome 15:22:45 <tmorin> and we can think about how to do a multinode test ; that will involve deploying a BGP route reflector in a devstack node 15:22:55 <tmorin> nothing that can't be done, but not trivial either 15:24:40 <tmorin> #topic stadium things: API ref and APi definition + moving OSC client 15:24:52 <tmorin> we have a few things to do 15:25:00 <matrohon> can't we use "full mesh" with two bagpipe bgp speakers? 15:25:19 <matrohon> to avoid deploying a RR 15:25:46 <tmorin> #undo 15:25:47 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x7f63d9725090> 15:25:48 <tmorin> matrohon: we could have bagpipe with two nodes with the fake/lightweight/limited RR bundled with bagpipe 15:25:57 <tmorin> but not more than two 15:26:17 <matrohon> well, that would be nice enough to me :) 15:26:19 <bobmel> is that a limitation of bagpipe? 15:26:20 <tmorin> bagpipe's BGP implementation is "connect-only", can't listen on BGP socket at this point 15:26:26 <tmorin> bobmel: yes 15:26:29 <bobmel> Ok 15:27:34 <tmorin> well, neutron has scripts to compile/start a fresh OVS from git, so running quagga or gobgp is certainly in the range of feasible things 15:28:08 <tmorin> but in the meantime, we could have a two node multinode test, one controller+compute node and one compute-only node 15:29:09 <tmorin> next topic ? 15:29:16 <matrohon> yep thanks 15:29:24 <tmorin> #topic stadium things: API ref and APi definition + moving OSC client 15:29:37 <tmorin> pcarver, you have been pursuing the API work 15:29:47 <tmorin> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/390196/ 15:29:58 <tmorin> anything you want to comment on pcarver ? 15:30:03 <tmorin> I'd say the work is mostly done 15:30:29 <pcarver> I will push another update that adds get_sub_attribute_map but I also posted a comment to Armando's "example" review to see what he says. 15:30:54 <pcarver> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/407308/2/neutron_lib/api/definitions/_dummy.py@62 15:30:56 <tmorin> link ? 15:30:58 <tmorin> thanks 15:31:27 <pcarver> If he decides to give an example that's different, I'll look at what he proposes 15:32:01 <tmorin> ok 15:32:21 <tmorin> in your API change, I think there are still places with "uuid" instead of the base "string" JSON type 15:32:37 <pcarver> I thought I got them all, but I'll look again 15:33:20 <tmorin> I just commented inline 15:34:00 <tmorin> I think you can add the subresource definition and accessor, and remove the action map, without waiting for armando's comment on the dummy/example definition 15:34:10 <pcarver> ok 15:35:11 <tmorin> then there is the move of OSC client from networking-bgpvpn to python-neutronclient 15:35:17 <tmorin> doude, any update on this ? 15:36:15 <tmorin> ah, maybe doude isn't here today 15:37:32 <tmorin> change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/407271/ in under review and describes how neutron stadium project should push osc client extensions in python-neutronclient 15:38:25 <tmorin> ok, something to follow up with doude next meeting ... 15:38:30 <tmorin> next topic ?... 15:38:34 <tmorin> #topic driver status 15:39:24 <tmorin> a brief update on bagpipe driver 15:40:00 <tmorin> our CI jobs and tempest stuff is now in good order to test bgpvpn with bagpipe driver in a much better way 15:40:48 <tmorin> last week we run a few tests more in-depth than usual that lead us to find two bugs in bagpipe driver and one in OVS MPLS implementation 15:41:07 <tmorin> these are good example of test we can add to the test suite 15:42:15 <tmorin> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bgpvpn/+bug/1646526 => will require work on neutron/agent extension framework side, but not easy to test 15:42:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1646526 in networking-bgpvpn "bgpvpn functionality lost on openvswitch restart" [Medium,New] 15:42:50 <tmorin> https://bugs.launchpad.net/networking-bagpipe/+bug/1644151 => this one is typically something that a scenario test can cover 15:42:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1644151 in BaGPipe "removal of a VM disconnects other VMs on same Network" [Undecided,Fix released] 15:44:04 <bobmel> For the current vendor drivers, anyone done anything on 3rd party CI? 15:44:22 <tmorin> link to the discussion on the ovs bug: https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-dev/2016-December/325567.html 15:44:46 <tmorin> bobmel: we have briefly discussed this in Barcelona, but without coming to a conclusion 15:44:55 <bobmel> ok 15:44:59 <tmorin> I don't know which vendor would be interested to add this 15:45:06 <tmorin> timirnich, doude ? 15:45:40 <tmorin> the tempest suite will be run as part of the OPNFV tests (against ODL, an later against bagpipe) 15:45:57 <tmorin> but this is not third-party CI integrated in Openstack Gerrit/Zuul tools 15:47:09 <bobmel> If we implement a driver for some of our platforms we might have an interest in the 3rd party ci aspects. Not an immediate issue. Was just curious if anyone had looked into that. 15:47:31 <tmorin> we haven't but this would be welcome 15:47:49 <bobmel> ok, thanks. 15:48:00 <tmorin> when it becomes a real goal, I'll be happy to help and see how this would be configured 15:48:29 <tmorin> last thing on bagpipe, is that ythomas plans to push fullstack tests (framework plus some base tests) to networking-bagpipe very soon 15:48:59 <tmorin> this will allow testing various bagpipe specific parameter/driver combinations 15:49:49 <tmorin> anything else ? 15:50:11 <tmorin> #topic open discussion 15:51:38 <tmorin> ok ... 15:51:51 <tmorin> it seems we're done for today 15:51:55 <tmorin> thanks everyone ! 15:52:00 <bobmel> One things, 15:52:06 <tmorin> yep :) 15:52:32 <bobmel> were you planning anything for the PTG? 15:52:42 <tmorin> good question 15:53:09 <tmorin> I'm still confirming that I can go 15:53:28 <tmorin> anything we plan would be part of what is planned for Neutron during the PTG 15:54:17 <tmorin> has anything be announced for neutron ? 15:55:25 <bobmel> Not sure 15:55:37 <tmorin> I didn't see anyhting on the list 15:55:44 <bobmel> I have missed the two last neutron ircs 15:56:22 <tmorin> definitly a good thing to discuss during next meetings 15:56:57 <tmorin> the PTG looks like a good time to discuss BGPVPN API evolution, a topic on which we didn't advance much during H2 2016 15:58:44 <tmorin> time to close 15:58:49 <tmorin> thanks everyone ! 15:58:55 <tmorin> #endmeeting