15:03:02 #startmeeting blazar 15:03:03 Meeting started Fri Jun 6 15:03:02 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is pafuent. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:04 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:06 The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' 15:03:32 Agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Blazar 15:04:48 o/ 15:05:03 o/ 15:05:20 here 15:07:31 o/ 15:07:43 (sorry, was around) 15:08:01 o/ 15:08:45 Ok, so let's start 15:08:56 #topic Action items from the last meeting + reviews queries 15:09:42 bauzas and I have the action of define a strategy for the renaming 15:09:45 yey 15:10:02 sorry, was really busy this week due to juno-1 closing 15:10:15 bauzas: No problem 15:10:18 I managed to get a PoC to achieve that 15:10:18 but I saw your pings 15:10:24 great 15:10:33 I see you make use of aliases ? 15:10:45 any PR we could review ? 15:11:15 No, because I want to check with you first, but I could submit some patches to review 15:11:44 The great thing is that we will do the renaming in small patches if we want 15:11:55 pafuent: ok, then let's postpone this task next week 15:12:08 The alias let us to have imports from climate and blazar mixed 15:12:13 but a PR would be helpful 15:12:17 mark it as WIP 15:12:27 bauzas: PR? 15:12:30 a patch 15:12:35 OK 15:12:45 propose a patch, and I'll review it 15:13:02 I'll have very limited access to Internet next week, as I'll be traveling 15:13:18 #action pafuent propose patches for renaming Climate to Blazar 15:13:19 so, that would be great if I could async the review :) 15:13:30 pafuent, bauzas I can help you with review 15:13:34 flag it as WIP for convenience 15:13:42 Nikolay_St: your help is welcome 15:13:46 Nikolay_St: That would be great 15:13:49 hence the patch 15:13:58 so anyone can give his views 15:14:32 Ok, regarding pending reviews 15:14:52 T 15:14:55 Sorry 15:15:22 I have some patches that needs review 15:15:23 yey ? 15:15:57 pafuent: I see them, but was busy. I'll be back to them asap 15:16:13 Nikolay_St: Thanks 15:17:10 Some of that patches are related to agenda items so, if you are OK we can move to the next topic 15:17:30 + 15:17:53 #topic Tempest running on gate jobs status 15:18:12 ok 15:18:18 I think that we really need this in place before we start renaming things on the code 15:18:44 For that reason, I fixed the tests here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98225/ 15:19:20 When that patch is merged, I'll enable Tempest in our gate job 15:19:49 pafuent: cool 15:20:01 pafuent: so I assume this is a top prio patch ? 15:20:04 to review ? 15:20:09 pafuent: how can we prove that it really works? 15:20:13 bauzas: Yes 15:20:44 cmart Wrote a RST that explains how to run the test in Tempest 15:20:47 Nikolay_St: you can run Tempest on your devstack 15:20:58 Nikolay_St: that's really simple 15:21:03 https://github.com/stackforge/blazar/blob/master/contrib/tempest/README.rst 15:21:12 Nikolay_St: like running a tox test with testr 15:21:16 Nikolay_St:: probably by following the RST and then running tempest on your dev environment 15:21:26 Nikolay_St: actually testr is used by Tempest 15:21:28 bauzas: exactly 15:21:52 oh 15:22:00 Nikolay_St: so the idea is to land the patch on your local Tempest env 15:22:04 sorry, miss this point. 15:22:17 bauzas: yeap, I get it now 15:22:20 Nikolay_St: just make sure you enabled Tempest as a devstack service 15:22:23 bauzas: Yes, that is the idea 15:23:10 BTW, the patch only update some things that changed in Tempest since cmart wrote the tests 15:23:47 pafuent: ok, good to know 15:23:51 pafuent: yes. Before end lease events were not there at the time I wrote those tests. 15:24:09 cmart: Yep 15:24:14 pafuent: I'm just wondering if that patch should not be in the tempest repo directly 15:24:15 pafuent: could you please put the review link so I can take a look? 15:24:22 in contib/ of course 15:24:42 bauzas: it should be there. pafuent? 15:24:48 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98225/ 15:25:04 cmart: bauzas: Sorry, I miss the point 15:25:12 pafuent: thanks.. 15:25:33 I can see the patch in our repo 15:25:43 pafuent: what bauzas is saying that the code is inside the contrib folder 15:25:57 *should be inside 15:26:10 cmart: Ahh. OK 15:26:19 yey 15:26:20 Yes the code is in our contrib 15:27:01 no let me explain 15:27:17 directly in the tempest repo under contrib/ 15:28:24 bauzas: I can't find that directory in Tempest repo 15:29:01 pafuent: ah ok, my bad then 15:29:08 anyway 15:30:11 bauzas: Since Blazar is in incubation, we should code our stuff separately. When Blazar "graduates" and moves to core, then the contrib/tempest folder of our code shoould be adapted to what tempest has. 15:30:28 at least, it's what I was being told back then :) 15:30:32 cmart: Blazar is *not* in incubation 15:30:35 :) 15:30:54 cmart: Blazar asked for but we will have to propose again :) 15:30:55 anyway 15:31:05 maybe we can move on ? 15:31:08 OK. Regarding the next topic (Climate -> Blazar renaming status), I think we already covered that so we can skip to the next one. 15:31:11 bauzas: sorry! Let's move on then:) 15:31:27 #topic Keystoneclient bug (a new one) 15:31:36 https://review.openstack.org/97565 15:31:59 https://bugs.launchpad.net/blazar/+bug/1326066 15:32:00 Launchpad bug 1326066 in blazar "Keystone client fails to authorize during trust creation" [Critical,In progress] 15:32:44 ok, as per the tests, it fixes the problem 15:32:49 I'll +2 it 15:33:05 OK 15:33:29 Nikolay_St: Could you review the bug too? 15:34:22 pafuent: done. 15:34:29 Nikolay_St: Thanks 15:34:36 #topic Blueprints status 15:34:54 I think there are some BP that are finished 15:35:13 let's discuss with DinaBelova about that topic next week 15:35:31 and see if we can consider a new release 15:35:37 OK. 15:35:52 I would wait for Tempest tests and use of trusts in PR to be landed 15:35:55 IMHO 15:36:11 ideally, client for V2 should be there 15:36:21 because if not, V2 has non-sense 15:36:31 That is true 15:36:52 Regarding the trust in PR, I need some core love there 15:36:53 the good thing is that all the patches are there 15:37:00 bauzas: +1 15:37:03 yey, we're missing time :( 15:37:24 I know 15:37:39 bauzas: I'll try to do as much review as I can on weekend. it may solve some problems, I guess 15:38:10 Nikolay_St: nah, no need to urge 15:38:22 Nikolay_St: we're not following Openstack milestones 15:38:28 (yet) 15:38:40 I like the (yet) 15:38:54 Nikolay_St: Please, rest during the weekend 15:39:05 Nikolay_St: :) 15:39:14 bauzas: it's more promise for myself - I know that I'll have time on weekend, and not sure I have it during next week :D 15:39:49 :) 15:39:54 Regarding the V2 on the client, I'll start working on the api version discovery 15:40:02 pafuent: cool great news 15:40:07 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/blazar/+spec/api-version-discovery 15:40:12 awesome 15:40:17 I wrote some examples of other OS projects 15:40:29 cool 15:40:53 So the idea is to look how the do this magic and choose one 15:40:57 * bauzas thinking he has another thing to review... :) 15:41:06 hahaha 15:41:22 ok, that' really cool 15:41:35 ok can we go to opens ? 15:41:43 (I have very limited time left :) 15:41:45 For me, it's OK 15:41:50 + 15:42:01 #topic Open discussion 15:42:19 I think that we should start thinking on how to atract more devs to the project 15:42:34 I have thing to discuss in this topic 15:42:39 cmart: +1 15:42:41 "atract" not in a sexy-way. I mean.. you kno.. 15:42:46 *know. 15:42:52 :) 15:43:03 cmart: there is no magic over there :) 15:43:06 cmart: just let use violence :D 15:43:12 I am not well prepared but would be willing to talk about how my simultaneous scheduling stuff could use Blazar 15:43:22 Nikolay_St: LOL 15:43:37 mspreitz: that's something we should discuss on a mailing thread 15:43:43 OK 15:43:49 mspreitz: that's something manageable 15:44:03 mspreitz: I was at the design session, I have some ideas for you 15:44:19 Great. I'll start a thread. 15:44:24 mspreitz: cool 15:44:25 I would like to ask question about neutron object reservation. 15:44:39 mspreitz: the ideal is to put use cases 15:44:51 mspreitz: and see what are the missing bits 15:45:04 yes, good approach 15:45:06 folks I got to go in 2 mins 15:45:13 we have a little conversation with pafuent this week, but haven't any success. 15:45:18 yes ? 15:45:30 BTW, where would I find a description of the new Blazar API? 15:45:35 Nikolay_St: I'm not that used to Neutron code 15:45:52 mspreitz: grab the code and issue a tox -edocs 15:45:57 bauzas: can't parse this :( 15:45:58 thanks 15:46:23 mspreitz: we have to put the docs in readthedocs but we had a naming problem, hence the renaming 15:46:41 mspreitz: and API doc is not very suitable for wikis 15:46:50 got it 15:47:07 Nikolay_St: I mean, I don't exactly know how is Neutron made 15:47:21 from three quarks? 15:47:22 Nikolay_St: first of all what do we want to reserve ? 15:47:34 mspreitz: good catch ;à 15:47:48 Nikolay_St: do we want to reserve ports or routers ? 15:47:58 bauzas: close to dev-list neutron-guys have some thoughts about fixed-ip reservations. 15:48:05 cool 15:48:16 Floating IP could be interesting too 15:48:18 I have to go folks, I'm really sorry 15:48:23 bauzas: and it is the good point for us to be involved 15:48:32 so 15:48:36 bauzas: NP 15:49:07 pafuent: should we continue discussion or it be better to start dev-list thread about it? 15:49:48 Nikolay_St: The thread will be better. Maybe we can catch the attention of dina and swann 15:49:57 pafuent: yeah 15:50:06 +1 to dev-list. bauzas already know about this and it could be great to have more Neutron feedback 15:50:08 pafuent: my message was a little bit longer :D 15:50:09 pafuent: +1 15:50:45 Nikolay_St: Sorry I didn't get the last sentence 15:50:55 so, I haven't any topics to discuss 15:51:10 Me neither 15:51:16 cmart? 15:51:17 I'll think about violence 15:51:24 hahaha 15:51:27 towards Blazar "greatness" 15:51:42 :D 15:52:04 any help (and fists) will be appreciated 15:52:24 pafuent: I have something like "Maybe we can catch the attention of dina and swann" but it was hard to type :D 15:52:57 cmart: violence is beautiful :D you can use at most developers ;) 15:52:59 Nikolay_St: take your time :) 15:53:13 LOL 15:53:18 so, I think we can end the meeting 15:53:22 Yes 15:53:25 Bye 15:53:28 bye 15:53:39 * cmart says "chao" 15:53:46 #endmeeting