15:01:22 <priteau> #startmeeting blazar 15:01:22 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Aug 24 15:01:22 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:22 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:22 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' 15:01:24 <priteau> #topic Roll call 15:01:52 <mppowers> hello 15:03:02 <priteau> Hello Mark 15:05:19 <priteau> Seems that Matt is not around 15:05:24 <priteau> #topic Bobcat release 15:06:05 <priteau> Not much progress from us I am afraid, I have been stuck on another project. John Garbutt has developed an early version of flavor reservation, but he is on holiday now. 15:06:19 <priteau> I would at least try to fix some internal TLS issues we have discovered. 15:07:04 <mppowers> TLS issue with blazar? 15:07:23 <priteau> Yes, but only when using TLS on the internal/admin endpoints 15:07:33 <mppowers> ah I see 15:07:43 <priteau> Which is how we configure our clouds by default now 15:09:08 <priteau> Anything from your Mark? 15:09:37 <mppowers> Nothing from me, I have also been busy with another project lately and haven't worked on Blazar. 15:11:15 <priteau> Let's wrap up then. 15:11:19 <priteau> Thanks for joining 15:11:23 <priteau> #endmeeting