15:00:41 #startmeeting blazar 15:00:41 Meeting started Thu May 2 15:00:41 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:41 The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' 15:00:45 #topic Roll call 15:00:48 o/ 15:00:48 o/ 15:01:19 o/ 15:02:41 #topic Dalmatian-1 milestone 15:03:12 We are working towards the Dalmatian-1 milestone 15:03:29 This is scheduled for May 16: https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 15:04:31 We have the following patches in progress 15:05:02 907907: Disabled field in computehost | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/blazar/+/907907 15:05:30 There were comments provided by Anish since the last round of reviews 15:06:12 mppowers: Anish is unlikely to work on these any further, right? 15:06:35 Correct 15:07:47 We will do another round of review, I hope we can resolve all the remaining issues soon. 15:08:09 Next we have a series of patches from johnthetubaguy to start integrating flavor-based reservation: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22flavor_plugin%22 15:08:32 I started reviewing but I imagine they will require more iterations 15:08:45 We will let you know when they are ready for more general review. 15:08:57 Of course if you are curious feel free to take a look already :) 15:10:14 Any other patches to focus on at the moment? 15:11:19 There's the various unmaintained/zed patches raised, are we ready to merge these yet? 15:12:27 I guess that's a separate topic 15:12:33 #topic Stable branches 15:13:00 This is the list of the currently open patches on stable branches: https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/barbican+-branch:master+status:open 15:13:13 Sorry, wrong link 15:13:26 https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/blazar+-branch:master+status:open 15:13:37 https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/python-blazarclient+-branch:master+status:open 15:13:44 https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/blazar-nova+-branch:master+status:open 15:14:32 https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/blazar-dashboard+-branch:master+status:open 15:15:26 I have noticed that they all failed to pass Zuul checks 15:15:33 But I haven't investigated why 15:16:22 The zed branch would be good to fix. However, do we want to spend the effort of fixing branches older than yoga? 15:16:43 We have the option to retire them early 15:16:55 mppowers: Would you be affected if we EOL xena? 15:17:46 No, I think that would be fine. We are working on upgrading to Antelope soon, and we can backport something ourselves if needed. 15:18:10 Can I propose to EOL xena, wallaby and victoria? 15:18:37 Sorry, be back in a few minutes 15:19:07 Yes, I agree with that proposal 15:19:36 Back 15:19:59 We can try to keep yoga and zed alive if possible, but if it's too much effort we would have to EOL them too 15:21:34 Sounds good 15:22:58 The blazar zed devstack failure doesn't seem related to us 15:23:09 ImportError: cannot import name 'security_groups_rules_belongs_to_default_sg' from 'neutron_lib.api.definitions' (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/neutron_lib/api/definitions/__init__.py) 15:25:58 Maybe we just need to wait a few days 15:26:25 #topic AOB 15:26:30 Anything else to share today? 15:27:05 Nothing else from me 15:28:06 We had a bit of an interesting bug that came up, where in blazar-nova aggregates were showing as out of date. It turned out this was not because of ironic, but we added threading to the host on start event, which triggered a race condition in nova. 15:28:41 This was the commit, which was just in our fork for now https://github.com/ChameleonCloud/blazar/commit/a855147cbbcd9c1b9ae0eafa3a7ff83692d45594 15:28:45 Right, I have been following this thread :) 15:30:28 We have a workaround for now 15:31:18 Well done to Michael for tracking this down 15:31:55 Yes, race conditions are the worst 15:31:59 Is the workaround your request filter? 15:32:55 Right now, we have blazar-nova filtering code moved to "prefilter" stage in nova https://github.com/ChameleonCloud/nova/commit/7f9058bb7000fbd9f3d226009f388cc7ce315902 15:34:05 but this doesn't include support for everything blazar-nova does, only filtering based on passed in scheduler hint 15:34:42 We discussed request filters with the Nova team a long time ago. I would be interested in seeing if we do without the blazar-nova scheduler filter thanks to them. 15:36:45 Yes, it seems nova has a very similar pre-filter based on aggregates, but we opted to copy it into our own for extra debugging + clear error messages 15:39:50 Thanks for bringing this up. So we need some solution upstream if we ever want to parallelise aggregate ops 15:40:49 I believe this is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1542491 15:42:22 Any immediate action to take upstream regarding this bug? 15:42:34 Except for Nova to investigate how to fix it of course 15:43:17 I don't think so, we can monitor the situation as you say, if we ever want to parallelize this in blazar 15:43:53 Anything else? 15:44:20 nothing else from me 15:44:39 Thanks all for joining! 15:44:48 Good bye 15:44:50 #endmeeting