15:00:41 #startmeeting blazar 15:00:41 Meeting started Thu Sep 19 15:00:41 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:41 The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' 15:00:46 #topic Roll call 15:00:51 o/ 15:00:54 o/ 15:00:56 \o 15:01:14 Just finishing this previous meeting, we will be starting in a few minutes 15:07:44 Starting now. 15:07:49 Sorry for the delay 15:08:00 #topic Dalmatian release 15:08:49 We are close to the final release date 15:09:02 It is scheduled for October 2nd 15:09:34 Unfortunately I haven't been able to allocate resources to complete my testing of instance reservation 15:10:18 I will try to do it next week if possible. 15:10:53 Anything else to discuss for Dalmatian? 15:11:02 nothing from me 15:11:29 nothing from me either 15:13:16 #topic Next PTG 15:13:30 The PTG for the Epoxy release is at the end of October 15:14:10 We can now choose the time slot to meet 15:15:38 We usually meet on Thursday around the time of our usual meeting 15:15:59 That would be the 24th of October 15:16:11 However there is also Kolla PTG meeting the same day 15:16:19 I am checking the times 15:16:28 Kolla is 13-15 UTC 15:17:32 which is 14-16 UK time 15:18:20 We could do 15-16 UTC? That's 16-17 UK, 17-18 France, 10-11 Chicago 15:18:29 What do you think? 15:18:33 That's the Kayobe session, so it's unlikely to overrun. So our usual Blazar meeting slot would work for me 15:18:41 that works for me as well 15:19:05 I will set this up now 15:19:43 You should now see it at https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html 15:19:53 Pick the Thursday tab 15:20:17 If we see that it causes a conflict we still have one month to reschedule 15:21:17 markpowers: who is expected to join on your side? 15:22:52 I will join, and I will discuss with my coworkers, we are planning on reservations for VMs alongside baremetal which may be a topic for the ptg 15:23:19 Sounds good 15:23:30 I will book two hours then :D 15:23:41 great! 15:25:03 That's all I needed to discuss today 15:25:05 Hopefully we'll have more people joining from our side too. The number of people involved has picked up with this flavor reversations work :) 15:25:24 Yes, we have multiple people working on Blazar now 15:25:40 I will need to check the time slot is OK with them 15:25:45 Let's confirm in two weeks. 15:26:52 #topic AOB 15:26:58 Anything else to discuss today? 15:27:17 nothing from me 15:27:29 nothing from me as well 15:28:09 I think mattcrees_ you won't be able to join in two weeks? 15:28:46 Or may not be able to join, depending if you finish another event on time 15:28:52 I may be able to, it depends if the training I'm giving ends on time 15:29:07 OK 15:29:17 Thanks both for joining today 15:29:23 Bye 15:29:26 #endmeeting