15:00:17 #startmeeting blazar 15:00:17 Meeting started Thu Oct 3 15:00:17 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:17 The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' 15:00:24 #topic Roll call 15:01:00 o/ 15:01:57 o/ 15:03:05 Hello everyone 15:03:13 #topic Dalmatian release 15:03:27 Hello! o/ 15:04:22 Good news: Dalmatian was released yesterday! 15:04:54 Even better news, Blazar is listed at the top of the highlights: https://www.openstack.org/software/openstack-dalmatian 15:05:14 That's great to see 15:05:53 that is very cool 15:06:00 Very nice 15:06:14 Flavor-based instance reservation is kind of early still, there are some gaps (no reservation update for example), so we need to polish it for the next release 15:06:51 Thanks all for your contributions 15:07:05 Epoxy will be the more imporant one anyway as it's a major SLURP point 15:07:16 Now we are switching our focus to Epoxy 15:07:22 Indeed 15:07:26 #topic Epoxy release 15:08:09 We will have our planning session during the PTG, 3 weeks from now 15:09:14 I am preparing the etherpad 15:09:30 Someone has deleted the content from our previous one, so I am restoring 15:11:45 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2024-ptg-blazar 15:12:27 I started from a copy of the Dalmatian etherpad 15:13:46 Please add topics on the agenda if you would like to discuss them 15:14:20 Will do 15:14:43 Of course we don't need to wait 3 weeks to work on the release, so let's try to update patches / review current ones / address comments, ec. 15:14:46 etc. 15:15:04 Especially for more minor things 15:16:01 We also got a new bug report from sorrison: https://bugs.launchpad.net/blazar/+bug/2083177 15:17:58 Potentially something else to address. 15:18:12 I am familiar with the issue, I think it is tricky to solve as the state of the resources may be inconsistent if an error occurs during an event 15:20:00 Yes, unfortunately. I wonder if we could manage to make end_lease idempotent? 15:22:08 Stability improvements would definitely be important if we are to get new users. 15:23:21 Anything that you would like to highlight now, specific patches or issues? 15:25:52 Not for now, but I think it might be worth reviewing the existing open patches in the PTG. Some may no longer be needed, or may be worth prioritising 15:26:48 I suggest some triaging before for the obvious one, so we can keep only the ones that need discussion 15:26:48 I had a question about the external enforcement. On the PTG I mentioned we were having issues because the filter does not have reservation IDs in the API request. I see John opened this change which adds a lease ID https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/blazar/+/930605 15:27:20 He mentions a commit endpoint, is there a spec for this anywhere? It seems like something in an internal fork, I'd be interested in reading more 15:29:29 I don't know the specific details, but you can see the endpoints in the README here: https://github.com/stackhpc/coral-credits 15:29:51 That would be a very good discussion topic for the PTG 15:30:02 Thanks, I wasn't able to find the branch of blazar that implemented those endpoints 15:31:39 I am not sure if they are implemented yet 15:31:58 OK, thanks 15:33:21 I am checking with John if he will be able to join the PTG 15:35:07 Anything else to discuss? 15:36:09 nothing else from me 15:36:26 Nothing from me 15:36:29 nothing from me 15:37:41 Thanks for joining ! 15:37:50 #endmeeting