15:02:28 <priteau> #startmeeting blazar 15:02:28 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Thu Jan 23 15:02:28 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:28 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:28 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' 15:02:33 <priteau> #topic Roll call 15:03:46 <markpowers> o/ 15:04:00 <priteau> Hi Mark 15:05:11 <markpowers> hello Pierre 15:05:42 <priteau> It looks like it is just the two of us today 15:05:47 <priteau> #topic Epoxy release 15:06:25 <priteau> We are one-month away from feature freeze for Epoxy 15:06:54 <priteau> I haven't had much time to work upstream this cycle 15:07:02 <priteau> Anything from you markpowers? 15:08:06 <markpowers> No, nothing from me yet. I have been using the flavor plugin though, and am currently working on adding support for it in blazar-dashboard. 15:08:31 <priteau> That's really cool! 15:08:37 <priteau> Is it working ok for you? 15:09:52 <markpowers> Yes, so far in my development environment it has been working well. I am hoping to integrate this in a staging environment within the next week or so. 15:10:25 <markpowers> I am unsure if I will have time to contribute this before the feature freeze, at the moment I've been using our fork which handles the "create lease" dialog differently. 15:12:10 <priteau> I see. We can maybe help you port over the changes to the upstream code 15:14:16 <priteau> Anything else you are working on? 15:14:30 <markpowers> I'll keep you updated once I have our version of the code ready 15:15:24 <markpowers> We did also find an issue with blazar policy enforcement, I sent you an email about it last month, but my apologies I haven't been able to follow up since. 15:16:16 <markpowers> My colleague confirmed the same issue with upstream blazar devstack, where the policy check seemed to always pass. 15:16:37 <markpowers> I haven't had more time though to debug this or propose a fix 15:16:42 <priteau> I remember it now. Sorry, it arrived just before holiday break and I didn't get back to it :( 15:16:53 <markpowers> no problem, same for me 15:17:17 <priteau> I will prioritise it 15:18:07 <markpowers> thank you. I noticed some strange behavior with our fork's blazar.context module, so I'm not sure if that was related to what we were seeing with policy 15:20:13 <priteau> I will investigate and let you know 15:21:23 <priteau> Anything else you would like to discuss today? 15:22:29 <markpowers> nothing else from me 15:23:00 <priteau> OK. Let's wrap up here and I will come back to you as soon as I am able to check the policy issue 15:23:49 <priteau> #endmeeting