15:02:20 #startmeeting blazar 15:02:20 Meeting started Thu Feb 20 15:02:20 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is priteau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:20 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:20 The meeting name has been set to 'blazar' 15:02:24 #topic Roll call 15:03:44 o/ 15:04:39 Hello markpowers 15:04:47 I am afraid I have another meeting in parallel 15:05:14 no problem 15:05:23 #topic Epoxy release 15:05:49 We are one week away from the feature freeze 15:06:16 I saw you submitted a patch for the host randomness, MattCrees[m] has left a comment 15:06:21 Could you please address? 15:06:54 Yes, I'll take a look today 15:08:16 Thanks 15:08:26 Were there other things you wanted to include in this release? 15:10:49 Not on my end. I left reviews on John Garbutt's changes you mentioned last meeting, which overall seemed good 15:11:20 Thanks a lot 15:12:35 Let's move on to the next topic 15:12:39 #topic PTL election 15:15:06 You may have seen on the mailing list that I have decided not to run as PTL for this cycle 15:15:40 I talked with Matt Crees who agreed to nominate himself 15:16:17 There were no other candidates so he will be the PTL for the Flamingo cycle 15:17:00 Sounds good, thanks for letting me know. 15:22:37 I will help him get up to speed with his duties 15:22:55 We will let you know if there are any changes that would impact you 15:23:05 #topic PTG 15:23:30 The next PTG is scheduled for the week of April 7 15:23:48 I asked MattCrees[m] to run it 15:23:53 I won't be available that week 15:27:33 There will be more communication about this 15:27:40 That's all I had today 15:29:00 I have to jump to another meeting 15:30:09 Thanks for joining markpowers 15:30:11 Bye 15:30:13 #endmeeting