21:00:07 #startmeeting Ceilometer 21:00:07 #meetingtopic Ceilometer 21:00:07 #chair nijaba 21:00:08 #link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda 21:00:09 Meeting started Wed Oct 24 21:00:07 2012 UTC. The chair is nijaba. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:10 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:11 The meeting name has been set to 'ceilometer' 21:00:13 Current chairs: nijaba 21:00:17 Hello everyone! Show of hands, who is around for the ceilometer meeting? 21:00:18 o/ 21:00:20 o/ 21:00:22 o/ 21:01:00 hi 21:01:19 ok, let's start 21:01:23 #topic actions from previous meeting 21:01:23 --> skipping that topic as all action were completed prior to release 21:01:34 #topic Ceilometer is now an incubated project 21:01:40 w00t! 21:01:44 Congratulations to all of us, Ceilometer was accepted as an incubated project at the first official TC meeting last night. That's really a great news, but with incubation also comes new responsabilities: we need to adhere to milestone release, and at the latest the Grizzly-3 milestone. 21:01:44 well done 21:01:56 #link http://wiki.openstack.org/GrizzlyReleaseSchedule 21:02:04 As you can see, that's Feb 27th, or 3.5 month away. Better get organized soon and define our priorities right... 21:02:35 I made a list of some suggested items at the bottom of http://wiki.openstack.org/EfficientMetering/RoadMap based on what I remembered from the summit 21:02:41 I'm sure there are more items to add to the list 21:03:23 dhellmann: I was about to suggest, in the next topic, to have one volunteer per session to scrub the notes and add bugs and items to the roadmap 21:03:45 would that make sense? 21:03:53 sure 21:03:58 yip 21:04:17 we could then work on prioritization during the next meeting 21:04:26 that sounds like a good idea 21:04:27 sounds like a plan 21:04:47 should we set up an etherpad for drafting, and then move it to the wiki when we're happy? 21:05:01 dhellmann: that could work nicely, indeed 21:05:11 ok, I'll set that up, starting with a copy of the wiki page 21:05:28 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-actions 21:06:20 #agreed use https://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-actions to capture actions from the summit sessions 21:06:53 so, we had 4 sessions 21:07:19 #link http://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-state-of-metering 21:07:19 #link http://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-customizing 21:07:19 #link http://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-beyond-metering 21:07:19 #http://etherpad.openstack.org/ceilometer-design 21:07:27 #link http://etherpad.openstack.org/ceilometer-design 21:07:41 who wants to cover which? 21:07:53 please feel free to #action yourself 21:08:39 hi everybody, sorry joining late 21:08:54 #action dhellmann review state-of-metering notes for roadmap items 21:09:09 I am on as well 21:09:32 hi 21:09:38 #action eglynn distill roadmap items from ceilometer-design 21:09:49 I am looking at "plugins for places to send counters from agents" 21:09:50 #action nijaba scrubs http://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-customizing 21:10:18 asalkeld: I saw that you posted a link to a repo on github this morning, but haven't had a chance to look at the code yet 21:11:08 yea just a sand pit to plan in 21:11:08 anyone wants to scrub grizzly-ceilometer-beyond-metering? 21:11:25 that will probably be me 21:11:59 nijaba: anything 21:12:09 first to use #action wins ;) 21:12:28 #action jd__ scrub grizzly-ceilometer-beyond-metering 21:12:36 nice 21:13:13 asalkeld: jd__ , nijaba, and I discussed a slight change to the Counter class in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1070857 earlier today 21:13:14 Launchpad bug 1070857 in ceilometer "set default source to something meaningful" [Low,Triaged] 21:13:19 #action everyone should feel free to complete our reviews of action on https://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-actions 21:13:36 I would volunteer but with my tenuous grasp on where things are at I would probably cause more damage than good 21:13:42 so what was the intension of source 21:14:07 asalkeld: to capture where the identity can be resolved 21:14:09 asalkeld identify the orgin 21:14:10 nijaba: should we get someone to go through https://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-actions to mark completed items done (or just remove them)? 21:14:25 dhellmann: +1 21:14:28 s/orgin/origin/ 21:14:35 so like the project name? 21:14:44 volume/compute 21:15:04 I would think more like metering versus metrics etc. 21:15:05 asalkeld: nijaba suggested the keystone endpoint or similar *specific* place to look for project/account info 21:15:14 asalkeld: I was thinking of the keystone API url 21:15:24 I like the idea of something shorter, though 21:15:25 asalkeld: or something else 21:15:33 ok 21:15:35 maybe we could have a registry of short names to more details 21:15:41 this obviously needs more thought :-) 21:15:51 but as I pointed out, a keystone proposing several isolated regions does not help as a source 21:15:52 so cloudwatch has NameSpace 21:15:55 the idea being that other project running on top of openstack could use another identity provider 21:16:08 we could have OS/cinder 21:16:33 or user data could have 21:16:40 actually, anything that uses keystone as an IDP should have the same source 21:16:42 user/user_id 21:17:01 actually, anything that uses *THE SAME* keystone as an IDP should have the same source 21:17:29 nijaba: even if for examplesinstances are from different nova? how do you know which nova the resource id is tied to? 21:17:31 so source is tied to the user_id/project_id fields, not the meter name, volume, or resource? 21:17:31 asalkeld: the other option would just re-use the AWS namespaces 21:17:49 (given that say the nova EC2 largely apes the EC2 naming schemes) 21:17:50 but if one uses ceilometer to meter, let's say openshift, which could use another IDP, then the source should be different 21:18:05 dhellmann: yes 21:18:32 nijaba: ok, that makes sense. so we may need to add something to handle the idea of "namespace" in AWS/CW 21:18:39 nijaba, then this is really trusted/not-trusted? 21:19:07 but why the IDP? 21:19:17 asalkeld: no, just a way to have ceilometer be extended to other projects outside of openstack without risking collisions 21:19:57 so instead of "source" we probably should have called that field "id_source" 21:20:14 dhellmann: that would work 21:20:17 jd__: what is "IDP"? 21:20:23 dhellmann: keystone 21:20:27 identity provider 21:20:30 if you guys think that I am not smoking crack with this, that is 21:20:47 jd__: thanks 21:20:54 dhellmann, we could just make a long name "os.cinder." 21:21:02 well, I don't think keystone is the best choice here because you can only link user and project id on this 21:21:27 if you use something unique among a region for example, you can link to the right nova cluster, and to the right keystone 21:21:30 asalkeld: that works. We're doing something like that for our router stuff "akanda.bandwidth.in.bytes" 21:21:36 which is far better for tracability 21:21:52 just requires consistency 21:22:03 jd__: I am very open. I just want to avoid future collisions 21:22:13 jd__: I don't like the idea of embedding the URL in the meter, but having a reference to something that the API knows about makes sense 21:22:23 nijaba: that, I agree :) 21:22:28 dhellmann: which API? 21:22:40 user: aaa might be a very different person for project a and b 21:22:42 the ceilometer api 21:22:50 so we would register sources with a name, URL, and maybe other metadata then the counters would just have the short name in them 21:22:51 that 21:22:52 wa 21:23:00 that way if the url changes, the old meter data is still valid 21:23:08 dhellmann: that I'd prefer 21:23:14 dhellmann: +1 21:23:34 dhellmann: you want to be able to export metadata from a source IIUC? 21:23:39 s/form/for/ 21:23:46 (via a configuration file or something) 21:24:08 I think the use case is that a client of the ceilometer API needs to be able to map the user/project for a meter to a user/project in another system 21:24:23 for the DUDE we are doing that using our own database, updated when a DreamCompute user is created 21:24:30 + resource ID 21:25:11 if we start using ceilometer to meter DreamObjects, which has its own account info already, we would say the source is "DreamObjects" and stick a URL there to look up the project_id to get a DH account id (like we have for DreamCompute) 21:25:32 dhellmann: exactly! 21:25:34 dhellmann: ok, makes sense to me 21:25:39 that way ceilometer doesn't have to care about who owns what, but clients can always look at a resource owner and work back to the account that should be charged 21:25:50 dhellmann: I just don't want to have only the link to the IDP in the source, we need an indirection level 21:25:57 * dhellmann *finally* understands this after talking to nijaba about it 1/2 dozen times 21:26:05 better late than never :) 21:26:06 jd__: exactly 21:26:14 * nijaba feel sorry for not expressing this better 21:26:29 ok, so I'll propose I'll update the bug and will try to implement that 21:26:37 is it fragile to embed a (presumably mutable) URL in the meter? 21:26:47 why not just a region identifier (and find the actual URL is say config)? 21:27:01 eglynn: +1 21:27:03 eglynn: this what dhellmann and jd__ are now proposing 21:27:04 eglynn: that's sort of what we're talking about, but at larger scale 21:27:15 eglynn: yes, the idea now is to let ceilometer (optionally) register a source "name" and "details" of some sort (to be worked out later) 21:27:16 21:27:17 e me 21:27:18 er 21:27:19 ou 21:27:21 eglynn: region is openstack specific, dhellmann wants to use it for non-openstack projects :) 21:27:23 the meter would include just the name 21:27:31 by config you mean in the database or something seperate? 21:27:37 a-ha, gotcha 21:27:42 DanD_: yup 21:27:57 DanD_: I was thinking the db, but we could just as easily use a simple config file for this 21:28:05 in fact, for the first version, maybe that's all we need 21:28:14 that aligns well with a email I just sent to the mailing list concerning the need for additional meta data in the data model 21:28:34 * dhellmann took a sick day today and hasn't kept up with email 21:28:55 dhellman: basically what we discussed at the summit 21:28:55 didn't had a chance to read it neither yet 21:29:04 so I guess the action on this is for jd__ to propose an implementation and wait for our comments? 21:29:14 * nijaba neither 21:29:20 agreed 21:29:32 +1 21:29:42 DanD_ old or new dev list? 21:29:43 #action jd__ to propose an implementation for source and wait for our comments 21:29:55 eglynn: just saw on old I think 21:29:59 k 21:30:12 confirmed 21:30:17 probably the old one 21:30:27 sent 20 min ago 21:30:45 cool, I see it now 21:30:47 * eglynn wishes we just had one list ... 21:30:58 (old one is v. slow ...) 21:31:45 the state-of session didn't generate a lot of action items for grizzly, so I've added them to https://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-ceilometer-actions 21:33:09 ok. so now that we are a bit more organized to prepare our prios for next week, should we change topic, or are we missing anything on that subject? 21:34:11 +1 21:34:52 #topic Change of project scope 21:34:52 As you may know, we agreed during the summit to change the project scope to "The project aims to become the infrastructure for all measurements within OpenStack. " 21:35:28 it seems that one of the remark we got from the TC, was that this maybe a little too broad 21:35:31 nijaba: weak push-back on that from the TC yesterday? 21:36:02 perhaps we did not clearly differentiate between collecting the data and analyzing it? 21:36:18 dhellmann: I think that is a very good point 21:36:20 for example, one goal is to eliminate duplicate agents collecting the same data 21:36:30 monitoring and metering? 21:36:31 yes 21:37:07 when I talked to Vish about collecting info for the scheduler, I pointed out that we might just send the data from our agent to something else to hold on to it and let the scheduler ask questions, since our API wasn't really organized to answer the question the scheduler has 21:37:20 however, that same information could be useful for general health monitoring 21:37:38 so if the agent sent it in a generic way, it could be consumed by other apps 21:38:04 can't we also enhance the API to satisfy the scheduler? 21:38:11 if that's not too complicated 21:38:19 so there's always the presumtion that users are free to their own off-line analytics over the caputured data, no suggestion tha ceilo is prescriptive about that, right? 21:38:52 jd__: sure, that's possible, I don't know what sorts of questions it asks or how we could frame them 21:38:57 I dont't think we ever wanted to block anybody doing anything 21:39:06 so proposing "The project aims to become the infrastructure to collect all measurements within OpenStack so that no two agent would need to written to collect the same data. It's primary targets are monitoring and metering, but the framework should be easily expandable to collect for other needs." 21:39:08 dhellmann: me neither (: 21:39:12 eglynn: it has always been my goal to make any piece of ceilometer swappable/replacable/optional 21:39:24 nijaba: I like that wording. 21:40:04 do we talk about storage too? I mean ceilometer collect, and stores also 21:40:05 nijaba: we could say something explicit about sharing collected data with a variety of consumers 21:40:17 does that mean there will still be a "heat", and a "stachtach" , etc, but they would simply be the analytical tools only and then would rely on ceilometer for the measurements? 21:40:21 like the wording, though maybe the 'all' in 'all measurements' is a tad exclusive? 21:40:32 jtran: I think that's the plan indeed 21:40:37 whew 21:40:56 it'd be ugly otherwise , imo 21:41:05 I am ok with that 21:41:10 ok, not sure what 'wheh' meant :] 21:41:17 s/h/w/ 21:41:22 whew, like as in a relief 21:41:27 jtran: yes, although some of what tach reports requires instrumenting beyond an agent 21:42:03 so proposing "The project aims to become the infrastructure to collect measurements within OpenStack so that no two agent would need to be written to collect the same data. It's primary targets are monitoring and metering, but the framework should be easily expandable to collect for other needs. To that effect, ceilometer should be able to shar collected data with a variety of consumers" 21:42:03 dhellmann, well the instrumentation code can go in oslo 21:42:03 how about something slightly softer, e.g. '... the primary infrastructure for collecting measurements ...' 21:42:16 asalkeld: that would make sense 21:42:29 actually cool, dropping the 'all' is sufficient 21:42:30 nijaba: "no two agent" -> "no two agents" 21:42:51 "shar" -> "share" 21:43:21 otherwise, +1 21:43:25 one of my coworkers asked, well what's the diff between 2+ agents, since having an agent other than standard nova-compute is already "having 2 agents" 21:43:39 new try: "The project aims to become the infrastructure to collect measurements within OpenStack so that no two agents would need to be written to collect the same data. It's primary targets are monitoring and metering, but the framework should be easily expandable to collect for other needs. To that effect, ceilometer should be able to share collected data with a variety of consumers" 21:44:04 shall we vote? 21:44:17 +1 21:44:21 grr, keep pushing "ctrl-r" == disconnect 21:44:23 jtran: idea would be to avoid say 2 separate agents polling the hypervisor on the cimpute node 21:44:23 +1 21:44:32 +1 21:44:41 #vote agree on new project objective statemment? yes, no, abstain 21:44:50 #startvote agree on new project objective statemment? yes, no, abstain 21:44:51 Begin voting on: agree on new project objective statemment? Valid vote options are yes, no, abstain. 21:44:52 Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 21:44:58 #vote yes 21:44:58 yes 21:44:59 #vote yes 21:45:01 #vote yes 21:45:04 #vote yes 21:45:04 eglynn: agreed but i think what he was getting at is that ideally if ceilometer was in incubation and instead core, it would make sense to not have any +1 agents and instead to fold it into nova-compute 21:45:04 #vote yes 21:45:07 #vote yes 21:45:18 jtran: gotcha 21:45:28 waiting 30s 21:45:32 bbl : I have to take kids to school 21:45:33 jtran: we all hope this time will come :-) 21:45:42 #vote yes 21:45:51 jtran: I suspect over time it will evolve in that direction anyway 21:46:05 jtran: yep, what you said ;) 21:46:06 #endvote 21:46:07 Voted on "agree on new project objective statemment?" Results are 21:46:08 yes (7): krtaylor, DanD_, jd__, nijaba, eglynn, asalkeld, dhellmann 21:46:15 cool 21:46:22 isn't it 21:46:40 ok, last topic 21:46:50 #topic open discussion 21:47:20 #action nijaba to update project objective on relevant pages 21:47:25 i meant to vote yes on the above, my bad. 21:47:54 jtran: np 21:48:38 anything? 21:48:54 yes, one sec 21:48:58 ah :) 21:48:59 when are the new meeting times? 21:49:11 I think we're back on the double schedule 21:49:21 jtran: http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda 21:49:35 ok thx 21:49:42 jd__: yes, as asalkeld is back from vacation 21:50:11 I'm glad summer time ends 21:50:21 jd__ I hear ya ;) 21:50:23 has the tasks on https://etherpad.openstack.org/ceilometer-design from summit been discussed? 21:50:48 krtaylor: I was going to distill into roadmap items 21:50:56 do you have input? 21:50:57 krtaylor: not yet, we will do this during the next meeting 21:51:04 hey guys - we should coordinate a gerrit namespace change for you at some point, yeah? 21:51:22 hi, mordred, yeah it seems like doing that sooner rather than later would be a good idea 21:51:28 mordred: to specify "incubated"? 21:51:41 we get to move from "stackforge" to "openstack" right? 21:52:00 yep joining the big boy's club :) 21:52:57 probably should do that sooner rather than later, to underscore the change in project status 21:53:16 mordred: what do you need from us for that? just hold off on committing for a period of time? 21:53:54 do we need to approve what's in the queue now before? 21:55:20 while we wait, another topic: As one outcome of the WSGI session at ODS I was supposed to build a "real" API server using the tools I proposed. I would like to use the ceilometer API server as the first example. The new tools have better Python 3 support and would give us XML output "for free". Does anyone object in principle to moving away from Flask to Pecan and WSME? 21:55:37 mordred seems to have let us hanging? Who feels like chasing him later today? 21:56:05 dhellmann: no opposition from me 21:56:22 dhellmann: have at it! 21:56:30 I will, of course, put the code up for review 21:56:31 dhellmann: sounds good 21:56:34 sorry 21:56:44 and yes - from stackforge to openstack 21:57:02 shall we try to do that this week? 21:57:13 mordred: do we need to clear the review queue? 21:57:13 I think so 21:57:14 dhellmann: if we use flask, and nobody else in openstack core are using it, wouldn't that create an issue if and when we get out of incubation to core? 21:57:16 dhellmann: it would be great to have that proven out before we start craft any new services (e.g. a CW-api, if needed) 21:57:18 (also, I prefer anything with better python3 support) 21:57:21 what do you need from us to make it go smoothly? 21:57:29 nijaba: I do not believe so - I believe we can do a project rename ... 21:57:45 jtran: moving *away* from flask to the tools I proposed for new api development 21:57:47 but it's going to be mildly wonky from the perspective of the devs 21:57:54 mordred: then I think it really is whenever you feel like it then, the sooner the better 21:57:57 because the upstream remote will change 21:57:59 cool 21:58:00 whoops yes, i meant pecan, if nobody else using it.. 21:58:06 jtran: so this is the proof-of-concept work (and we're already using tools no one else is using) 21:58:10 mordred: not a big problem :) 21:58:22 I have several project create things with gerrit I need to do this week, I'll try to batch them up and get them all done 21:58:35 mordred: thanks, ping us if you need anything 21:58:35 who is the best person to ping when I'm ready to roll? 21:58:40 dhellmann: from that summit session it didn't sound like the other guys were too enthused about moving away from their custom wsgi 21:58:46 but i'm all for pecan otherwise 21:58:47 mordred: me or dhellmann or nijaba 21:58:57 jd__: awesome 21:59:01 mordred: we're on #openstack-metering 21:59:07 mordred: agree with jd__ suggestion 21:59:24 +1 22:00:07 not sure if there is another meeting afterward, but we are out of official time 22:00:11 jtran: they want proof that something different will make a difference. there were some other sessions on validation and serialization where the idea was met a little more warmly 22:00:21 that makes sense 22:00:39 that's right you now reminded me, that 'test case' they wanted for api on nova 'create' instance. 22:01:08 jtran: right, but I want to work on something I'm familiar with first :-) 22:01:23 so we provide first case for incubation/core, and soon first case for wsgi replacement 22:01:28 nijaba: do we need to wrap up? 22:01:29 j 22:01:30 d 22:01:35 good move. the contrib exts for the nova api is scaaaary 22:01:38 jd__: and for subscribing to notifications 22:01:45 dhellmann: yeah :) 22:01:58 jtran: I might want to pick your brain on those, if you have experience with them. 22:02:11 this sounds scary 22:02:12 dhellmann: sure , any way i can help . i have worked on them before. 22:02:23 jtran: when I get there, I'll ping you 22:02:33 jd__: ? 22:02:41 dhellmann: brain picking 22:02:51 jd__: halloween is coming up soon 22:02:54 dhellmann: no one is complaining 22:02:55 haha 22:03:18 nijaba: ok, good 22:03:52 nijaba: so to make sure I'm ready, next week we will try to set priorities and a schedule? 22:04:01 * nijaba seems to be experiencing a 60s lag 22:04:29 dhellmann: yes, that's the idea, but that should not prevent us to start working on real stuff too 22:04:52 nijaba: yep 22:05:57 and if eglynn (or anyone else) want to propose a design for the new agents, he's welcome to propose that as a topic for next week 22:07:03 nijaba: cool, will aim to have something for then (with asalkeld) 22:07:23 great 22:07:55 looks like we ran out of topic for today? 22:08:15 ending the meeting in 30s if no one objects 22:08:46 #endmeeting