15:00:07 <nijaba> #startmeeting Ceilometer 15:00:07 <nijaba> #meetingtopic Ceilometer 15:00:07 <nijaba> #chair nijaba 15:00:07 <nijaba> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda 15:00:08 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Nov 15 15:00:07 2012 UTC. The chair is nijaba. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ceilometer' 15:00:12 <openstack> Current chairs: nijaba 15:00:16 <nijaba> Hello everyone! Show of hands, who is around for the ceilometer meeting? 15:00:16 <nijaba> o/ 15:00:19 <dhellmann-afk> o/ 15:00:23 <hungry-eglynn> o/ 15:00:26 <dhellman> nick dhellmann 15:00:36 * dhellmann needs more caffine 15:00:37 <yjiang5> o/ 15:01:24 <nijaba> #topic actions from previous meeting 15:01:33 <nijaba> #topic dhellmann update versioning in ceilometer repo to match openstack standards 15:01:39 <jd__> hi 15:01:52 <dhellmann> the versioning work is done 15:02:05 <nijaba> nice! thanks a lot. 15:02:08 <dhellmann> there's some sort of issue with the version number in the readthedocs.org build, which I have on my list to fix 15:02:51 <nijaba> ok. no need to track this as an action? 15:03:02 <dhellmann> I don't think so 15:03:10 <timjr> howdy cowpokes :) 15:03:12 <nijaba> #topic jd__ and nijaba to start preparing a video demo of ceilometer 15:03:20 <nijaba> no real progress there this week. re assigning for next week. 15:03:29 <anniec> o/ 15:03:37 <nijaba> #topic jd__ and nijaba to start preparing a video demo of ceilometer 15:03:48 <nijaba> #action jd__ and nijaba to start preparing a video demo of ceilometer 15:03:53 <nijaba> that's better :) 15:04:02 <nijaba> #topic eglynn to writup a nova integration proposal to be discussed next week 15:04:28 <eglynn> the discussion with the nova folks is still ongoing, summarized here ... 15:04:31 <nijaba> so we saw eglynn's message on the ml 15:04:32 <eglynn> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/EfficientMetering/FutureNovaInteractionModel 15:04:51 <timjr> I'll probably be submitting a metrics patch in a week or two... 15:04:51 <nijaba> looks like nothing has been agreed on yet 15:05:02 <timjr> but I'm not handling the billing use case at present 15:05:14 <eglynn> TL;DR: lots of options, but definite push-back on the nova-compute RPC idea 15:05:21 <nijaba> how do we get this to converge? 15:05:30 <eglynn> (i.e. this is considered a private API) 15:05:46 <eglynn> nijaba: a couple of the live options need buy-in fromt he nova folks 15:06:04 <eglynn> if I don't get a response on the ML today, I'll bring it up at their weekly meeting this evening 15:06:06 <timjr> this is the library I'll be using: https://github.com/timjr/tomograph 15:06:07 <jd__> and so far the only option that nova is ready to adopt is #1 15:06:15 <nijaba> would us putting this as a topic in a nova irc meeting help? 15:06:24 <timjr> I'd love to talk with you guys about additional use cases (like billing) or improvements to it 15:06:26 <nijaba> we need to converge sooner than later on this 15:06:29 <eglynn> nijaba: I can propose this to vishy 15:06:52 <eglynn> agreed, lets push for a quick agreemnt on the way forward 15:06:55 <nijaba> sounds good. any other suggestions? 15:06:56 <jd__> timjr: sure, could you bring this back at the end of the meeting during open discussion? 15:07:16 <timjr> jd__: sure thing 15:07:22 <jd__> timjr: thanks :) 15:07:50 <jd__> nijaba: I think eglynn summarized everything well :) 15:08:15 <nijaba> eglynn: do you want to action yourself for the nova irc meeting? 15:08:43 <eglynn> #action eglynn propose agent item on ceilo interaction for nova IRC meeting 15:08:57 <nijaba> thanks eglynn 15:09:00 <nijaba> #topic nijaba to send an invite to fill the survey 15:09:08 <nijaba> I had to fight a bit with survey monkey, but the survey is now finaly out. 15:09:22 <nijaba> 15 responses so far. we'll let it run until next meeting? 15:09:40 <dhellmann> that sounds like a good idea 15:09:42 <dhellmann> should be plenty of time 15:09:51 <jd__> +1 15:10:08 <nijaba> sandywalsh_: commented that the "features" were not clear enough for people outside the project 15:10:12 <eglynn> yep, that's reasonable 15:10:13 <nijaba> I think he is right 15:10:29 <nijaba> so, I'll make a note for next cylce 15:10:47 <sandywalsh_> thanks 15:11:02 <nijaba> #action nijaba to close survey and publish result prior to next meeting 15:11:15 <nijaba> #link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JNQ2PCJ 15:11:28 <nijaba> could also be useful :) 15:11:33 <nijaba> #topic asalkeld investigate diamond for use to generate stats 15:11:41 <nijaba> I am afraid asalkeld is asleep 15:11:53 <eglynn> yep, its his off-week 15:12:05 <nijaba> anyone has comments on this topic? or should we reaction for next week? 15:12:20 <jd__> i'd say re-action 15:12:24 <dhellmann> +1 15:12:28 <nijaba> #action asalkeld investigate diamond for use to generate stats 15:12:42 <nijaba> That's all for last week's action, moving on... 15:12:51 <nijaba> #topic Discuss synaps integration 15:13:08 <nijaba> eglynn: I think you had some interations with synaps folks, right? 15:13:08 <eglynn> the Synaps folks are continuing their internal discussion, so no definite conclusion as yet 15:13:30 <eglynn> but they are actively considering the idea 15:13:38 <nijaba> it seems that they agree on using ceilometer, but not yet to fullyn join the project? 15:14:03 <eglynn> I would say it'll take another day or two to play out, but yeah edging towards a looser link-up 15:14:12 <nijaba> anyone from synaps online? 15:14:16 <sandywalsh_> eglynn: which specific part of using rpc is getting push back? The only thing I hear is using it for instrumentation. 15:14:25 <dhellmann> eglynn: how much duplication of effort do you think that will produce? 15:14:36 <eglynn> nijaba: bad time in their TZ 15:14:43 <nijaba> eglynn: right... 15:15:07 <eglynn> sandwalsh_ the idea of RPC being externally called (i.e. nova RPC message emitted by ceilo) 15:15:19 <dhellmann> eglynn, nijaba: maybe we could arrange a separate meeting at a better time for them? 15:15:31 <eglynn> dhellmann: yes, that's a good idea 15:15:32 <nijaba> dhellmann: we should at least try 15:15:41 <sandywalsh_> eglynn: oh, yeah, that would be unnecessary 15:15:47 <dhellmann> at least to discuss 15:15:55 <nijaba> eglynn: do you want to take the action, or do you want me to? 15:16:00 <eglynn> #action eglynn propose IRC meetup with Synaps folks to discuss collaboration model 15:16:09 <nijaba> cool 15:16:26 <nijaba> let's move on then 15:16:29 <nijaba> #topic Tarball generation 15:16:39 <nijaba> that's a topic from the last project meeting on tue 15:17:02 <eglynn> sandywalsh_ it one of the options discussed here for ceilo to retrieve nova diagnostics http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2012-November/002791.html 15:17:07 <jd__> was that a problem? 15:17:12 <nijaba> eglynn gracfully replaced me as I was fighti with 3g and could not join (thanks!!) 15:18:02 <timjr> the nova rpc mechanism is not a robust interface... if things other than nova are going to call it, I think it needs a lot of work 15:18:03 <sandywalsh_> eglynn: I guess my fear is that ceilo is becoming a kitchen sink and losing focus. Yes, it could do diagnostics, but should it? 15:18:27 * nijaba sense a topic drift... 15:18:37 <dhellmann> yes, please, folks, let's stick with the agenda 15:18:39 <sandywalsh_> eglynn: two summits ago its focus was clear: billing, but now it's all things to all people 15:18:54 <dhellmann> nijaba: what exactly is the issue with the tarballs? 15:19:08 <eglynn> the actions from the project status meeting were ... ceilometer crew to ask for a ceilometer-tarball job and pimp up their grizzly roadmap 15:19:12 <sandywalsh_> timjr: agreed, nova rpc should only be used by nova 15:19:27 <jd__> c'mon folks, be nice :) 15:19:34 <eglynn> i.e. ask the CI team to set up the ceilometer-tarball job 15:19:34 <nijaba> eglynn: the last part being the next topic 15:19:40 <dhellmann> we have a tarball job: https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/Ceilometer/job/ceilometer-sdist-tarball/ 15:19:44 <dhellmann> is that the wrong one? 15:20:00 <jd__> yeah I think this has been resolved no? 15:20:01 <nijaba> not sure. we should ask the infra team 15:20:11 <eglynn> dhellmann: I'm not sure, I guess I should clarify that with ttx and/or infra team 15:20:11 <nijaba> that's from last tue 15:20:38 <nijaba> dhellmann: can you check with ttx/infra team? 15:20:42 <dhellmann> eglynn: ok. it seems to be producing them with the correct version numbers now, too (maybe that was it?) 15:21:04 <eglynn> dhellmann: yeah, could have been if that was only resolved after the Tue status meeting 15:21:07 <dhellmann> nijaba: sure, I can send an email 15:21:15 <jd__> log is there http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/project/2012/project.2012-11-13-21.01.log.html 15:21:17 <dhellmann> eglynn: yes, the version # change went in after that 15:21:20 <jd__> I think we got this covered already 15:21:20 <nijaba> I guess a simple "hey, I think I have done everything right, can you check" would be nice 15:21:23 <jd__> but we can check 15:21:36 <dhellmann> #action dhellmann to confirm with ttx that tarball job is correct 15:21:41 <nijaba> thanks! 15:21:43 <jd__> thanks dhellmann 15:22:00 <nijaba> #topic Transforming roadmap items into blueprints 15:22:08 <nijaba> that's another request from the project meeting 15:22:19 <ttx> dhellmann: if it produces "ceilometer-2013.1.tar.gz" tarballs it's not using the right versioning algorithm. 15:22:25 <nijaba> so I'll happily make sure we have a bp for each feature on the roadmap 15:22:30 <eglynn> yep, so ttx primarily drives that meeting from the BP lists 15:22:32 <jd__> makes sense, we just need volunteers I guess 15:22:39 <nijaba> and try to assign implementor when I know that 15:22:42 <jd__> nijaba: thanks! 15:23:08 <ttx> shoud be now producing "ceilometer-2013.1~g2~20121115.234234.tar.gz" or something 15:23:12 <eglynn> cool, then the BPs can be further fleshed out with details by the assigneee 15:23:16 <dhellmann> ttx: ok, I'll ping you after the meeting to see if I can get better details about how to fix that 15:23:27 <nijaba> #action nijaba to transform bp-less features into bp 15:23:36 <ttx> dhellmann: sure. Might not even be on your side 15:23:58 <nijaba> so I'll mark everyone that is high or medium as "approved" 15:24:07 <yjiang5> nijaba: where can we get the roadmap? 15:24:38 <nijaba> please make sure that when you'll submit an implementation to mark "address bp #XXX" so that status is tracked 15:24:38 <eglynn> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/EfficientMetering/RoadMap 15:24:46 <nijaba> thanks eglynn 15:24:52 <yjiang5> thanks. 15:25:20 <nijaba> ttx: how do you use bp from status tracking? 15:25:36 <nijaba> do you just look at the global bp status? 15:25:46 <nijaba> or do you do something fancier? 15:26:07 <ttx> not really fancier. Mostly tracking implementation status 15:26:17 <ttx> oh you mean do I use workitems ? no 15:26:27 <nijaba> yeah, I was wondering :) 15:26:43 <nijaba> ttx: thanks for clarifying 15:26:54 <ttx> people can't get the status right, so i didn't even try workitems 15:27:01 <nijaba> #agreed ceilometer team to use bp to track status of features 15:27:44 <jd__> like we had choice :) 15:27:53 <nijaba> ok, I think we ran out of agenda topic 15:27:55 <nijaba> jd__: lol 15:28:11 <anniec> :) open discussion time? 15:28:15 <nijaba> #topic Open discussion 15:28:15 <timjr> sorry for jumping in on you guys... I claim early morning brain 15:28:21 <jd__> timjr: ;) 15:28:23 <sandywalsh_> question: should I expect some feedback on my Unified Instrumentation and Metering proposal? http://wiki.openstack.org/UnifiedInstrumentationMetering 15:28:42 <timjr> sandywalsh_: I definitely thought the pictures were cool 15:28:53 <sandywalsh_> :/ 15:28:57 <jd__> lol 15:29:06 <jd__> better than nothing I guess 15:29:06 <eglynn> sandywalsh_ I was using the "diagnostics" term loosely earlier 15:29:28 <eglynn> (just to mean the kind of info that ceilo currently grabs from polling libvirt) 15:29:35 <shengjie> hey guys, first time attending the meeting here, I want to get some feedback on my blueprint : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/hbase-storage-backend 15:29:43 <timjr> so, I think we can meet most of yahoo's metrics needs with a 20-30 line patch to nova and smaller patches to the other components 15:29:49 <timjr> I have a prototype working 15:30:13 <timjr> so I think our stance is changing to one of, you guys can have our patch if you want it, but it's not gonna be that hard to maintain it in house either 15:30:19 <nijaba> shengjie: I think it should depend on the multi-publisher blueprint 15:30:21 <eglynn> timjr: wanna submit those 20.-30 lines as a draft patch? 15:30:22 <anniec> asalkeld was asking us on progress on metering 15:30:30 <anniec> so repost tim's link earlier here: https://github.com/timjr/tomograph 15:30:34 <timjr> that tomograph library, https://git.corp.yahoo.com/timjr/tomograph, is a custom-made lib that makes the patch small 15:30:37 <timjr> eglynn: definitely 15:30:38 <anniec> sorry .. on monitoring i mean 15:30:49 <timjr> I wasn't sure... can people see the draft reviews? 15:30:52 <anniec> asalkeld was asking us on progress on monitoring 15:31:06 <timjr> a friend was saying I might be better off publishing a regular review but -1'ing it 15:31:20 <shengjie> nijaba: how come? 15:31:22 <eglynn> timjr: that would work too, and reach a wider audience 15:31:52 <anniec> if you guys can take look at the link of tomograph i just post, tim has a real nice screenshot on the trace graph and monitoring graph, it's kinda cool with small amount of patch to achieve our needs 15:32:00 <nijaba> shengjie: I assume you want to use Hbase in parallel to the current storage, am I wrong? 15:32:05 * eglynn looking 15:32:11 <sandywalsh_> so, not sure what the answer here is ... we're going to maintain multiple notification consumers? 15:32:28 <dhellmann> shengjie: a Hbase backend sounds like a nice addition 15:32:59 <nijaba> dhellmann: as a replaqcement storage engine, or as parallel storage? 15:33:24 <dhellmann> nijaba: as an option 15:33:43 <eglynn> instead of mongodb, not as well as, presumably ... 15:34:00 <shengjie> dhellmann: I guess given the nature of hbase, it might go parallel, i dunno yet. 15:34:03 <dhellmann> the idea with the storage plugin api was to let deployers choose a backend 15:34:03 <nijaba> dhellmann: as an option at the same leve as sqlalchemy or mongo? ok 15:34:27 <nijaba> then no need to depend and shengjie should go ahead with his impelmentation then? 15:34:48 <shengjie> becoz store users/projects in hbase seems like an overkill, storing meter data is definitely a good use case 15:34:54 <shengjie> yes, 15:35:00 <sandywalsh_> hello? was my previous topic skipped? 15:35:03 <shengjie> i can go ahead and start the implementation 15:35:26 <jd__> nijaba: yeah hbase as a storage engine, nothing more :) 15:35:28 <dhellmann> shengjie: a driver that talked to hbase could also talk to another backend for storing the user and project data 15:35:32 <timjr> the approach taking by twitter folks, and presumably facebook too, is to have everything send stuff to scribe and then let scribe deal with forwarding it to things like hbase... it's worth considering 15:35:36 <nijaba> so. should I make it as direction "aproved"? 15:35:41 <jd__> shengjie: did yousee my reply on the list? 15:35:42 <anniec> sandywalsh_ seems like no one is looking at timjr and mine link either :P 15:35:46 <dhellmann> sandywalsh_: we had a lot of cross-talk, let us catch up 15:35:49 <shengjie> dhellmann: yes, that's more like it 15:36:02 <sandywalsh_> anniec: seems to be a lot of that 15:36:03 <eglynn> sandywalsh_ "we're going to maintain multiple notification consumers?" << not sure about the context on this 15:36:08 <jd__> nijaba: ah yes, I only changed "definition" to approved 15:36:12 <dhellmann> anniec & timjr : I'll look at the code, but can't read and follow the meeting at the same time 15:36:12 <sandywalsh_> eglynn: my proposal 15:36:28 <nijaba> jd__, shengjie: approved! 15:36:33 <jd__> great :) 15:36:52 <nijaba> so, I propose we focus on sandywalsh_'s proposal now 15:36:55 <eglynn> sandywalsh_ sorry yeah, I see the topic now 15:37:00 <sandywalsh_> anniec: I'd love to see the patch tim has put together though 15:37:17 <shengjie> thanks, guys, i think we are done with Hbase backend now 15:37:29 <timjr> yeah, I gotta clean it up a little first, but will post soon enough 15:37:37 <timjr> I think people will really like the zipkin style tracing 15:37:49 <timjr> I had no idea that keystone's db backend was so screwy, for example 15:37:51 <anniec> i like it. you got 1 15:37:58 <sandywalsh_> timjr: I've been talking with lucy about how the two might work ... need to learn more about it 15:38:21 <timjr> lucy? 15:38:34 <sandywalsh_> timjr: from cloudkick 15:38:55 * sandywalsh_ searches for irc handle 15:39:23 <sandywalsh_> timjr: my first blush concern was using REST for logging messages ... Loggly was unable to handle that volume 15:39:46 <timjr> if you have debug logging on, it is indeed quite some volume 15:40:15 <sandywalsh_> timjr: Lucy Mendel ... she was dealing with someone from Yahoo, thought it was you 15:40:16 <timjr> I thought an elegant way to hook things like metrics, or ceilometer, up to nova was to just add a logging handler to the existing logging, and then maybe some more log messages 15:40:26 <timjr> that way people that don't use it won't have to care in the least 15:40:31 <yjiang5> sandywalsh_: if we have debugging logging, I'd suggest to seperate with other communication channel. 15:40:32 <timjr> but it is kind of a hack 15:41:05 <sandywalsh_> Consider my proposal in the ML thread this morning about notifiers having different handlers for different event types 15:41:11 <sandywalsh_> that would work and no major changes 15:42:12 <timjr> notifications, as they presently exist, are a little too high level for our use case 15:42:18 <timjr> we want to know about rpc latencies and such 15:42:29 <sandywalsh_> but, again, we have the problem of instrumentation vs usage/stage ... which is what I need to understand from the ceilo team what the mandate is 15:42:50 <timjr> but the main thing I'm here for, actually, is to see if people are still interesting in unifying metering with monitoring at all 15:42:51 <sandywalsh_> timjr: I'm currently working on rpc latencies in StackTach ... I have all the data in there now 15:43:07 <sandywalsh_> timjr: likewise 15:43:21 <timjr> from the nova point of view, I can imagine people want as few hooks as they can get away with 15:43:35 <sandywalsh_> timjr: my first approach was the Inflight Service, but now I know I can do it all with StackTach 15:43:46 <sandywalsh_> timjr: +1 15:44:15 <dhellmann> sandywalsh_: I thought at the summit we agreed to work our way up from the bottom, so we're starting with sharing code for instrumentation, metering, monitoring, and publishing 15:44:19 <yjiang5> sandywalsh_: where can I get your rpc latency data? 15:44:43 <sandywalsh_> yjiang5: I'll be putting a branch to stacktach up early next week 15:44:50 <yjiang5> sandywalsh_: thanks. 15:45:10 <sandywalsh_> dhellmann: yes, which is why I wrote that proposal ... 15:45:26 <dhellmann> sandywalsh_: yes, so what part of the mandate do you need clarified? :-) 15:45:36 <sandywalsh_> dhellmann: to highlight the differing needs of instrumentation and monitoring/meterings/usage/etc 15:46:13 <dhellmann> we never finished the work on use cases that we started the last day of the summit, maybe we should finish documenting those? 15:46:27 <sandywalsh_> the proposal highlights that both requirements need different implementations and we shouldn't try to do both with one solution 15:46:56 <sandywalsh_> this is an echo of the current thread on the ML 15:47:12 <timjr> I definitely think it would be cool to unify the metering and the monitoring/metrics stuff, but I don't think I know the metering use case well enough to do it myself 15:47:23 <timjr> I will leave it to you guys to tell me why my interface won't work :) 15:47:33 <sandywalsh_> :) that's fair 15:47:55 <sandywalsh_> timjr: if you want to chat offline after this meeting about my rpc latency idea, I'm free 15:48:00 <timjr> sure 15:48:12 <timjr> sandywalsh_: there's actually a dude working on zipkin tracing at rackspace 15:48:15 <timjr> IRC nick dreid 15:48:34 <sandywalsh_> timjr: must be with lucy's group 15:48:57 <anniec> will be nice to find out who lucy's talking to at Yahoo 15:49:04 <sandywalsh_> so, ceilo group ... look forward to some feedback on unifying the two requirements :) 15:49:17 <sandywalsh_> anniec: I'll check my email after 15:50:20 <nijaba> ok. looks like we have some actions and running out of exchanges? 15:50:38 <timjr> yep, out of exchanges :) thanks for letting me crash the meeting 15:50:58 <anniec> will be nice for this team to review sandywalsh_ and timjr 's proposal as action 15:51:03 <eglynn> sandywalsh_ I'll try to respond to your mail on the list shortly 15:51:06 <anniec> and give us some feedback 15:51:12 <nijaba> timjr: open discussion is just meant for it! feel free to add topics to the meeting agenda too next time 15:51:29 <timjr> nijaba: thanks 15:51:30 <sandywalsh_> anniec: Lucy is in dreid's group and dreid was working with timjr :) haha 15:51:43 <sandywalsh_> eglynn: thanks 15:51:44 <anniec> got it .. thanks! 15:51:48 <timjr> by working with I guess he means we were on the zipkin IRC channel at the same time :) 15:51:50 <dhellmann> yes, please, give us some heads up when there's something to be reviewed before a meeting by putting it on the agenda! 15:52:02 <sandywalsh_> timjr: quite likely 15:52:19 <timjr> dhellmann: I posted it in a rush last night :) 15:52:50 <dhellmann> timjr: np, then, just something to keep in mind :-) 15:52:52 <timjr> dhellmann: please feel free to critique the code or whatever, I'd love to hear your opinion 15:53:02 <timjr> I am still a bit of a python newb 15:53:09 <nijaba> anything else (starting the 30 sec coundown)? 15:53:28 <nijaba> countdown too... 15:53:51 <nijaba> ok. looks like we are done for today! 15:53:57 <nijaba> thanks everyone! 15:54:01 <nijaba> #endmeeting