21:00:39 <nijaba> #startmeeting Ceilometer 21:00:39 <nijaba> #meetingtopic Ceilometer 21:00:39 <nijaba> #chair nijaba 21:00:39 <nijaba> #link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda 21:00:39 <nijaba> ATTENTION: please keep discussion focused on topic until we reach the open discussion topic 21:00:40 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 27 21:00:39 2013 UTC. The chair is nijaba. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ceilometer' 21:00:45 <openstack> Current chairs: nijaba 21:00:49 <nijaba> Hello everyone! Show of hands, who is around for the ceilometer meeting? 21:00:49 <nijaba> o/ 21:00:50 <eglynn> o/ 21:00:51 <zykes-> ooh 21:00:53 <zykes-> o/ 21:00:53 <apmelton> o/ 21:00:55 <fnaval> o/ 21:00:59 <n0ano> o/ 21:01:10 <dhellmann> o/ 21:01:15 <zzs> o/ 21:01:38 <nijaba> asalkeld: jd__ I am sure you guys are around too 21:01:45 <jd__> o/ 21:01:48 <nijaba> nice to see everyone else 21:02:02 <maksimov1> o/ 21:02:13 <nijaba> shall we start? 21:02:17 <nijaba> #topic actions from previous meeting 21:02:21 <shengjie_home> o/ 21:02:32 <nijaba> #topic dhellmann add new architecture diagram to wiki 21:02:35 <nijaba> I believe this was done by eglynn, right? 21:02:41 <eglynn> yep 21:02:43 <dhellmann> yes, he did 21:02:48 <nijaba> #info done by eglynn 21:02:50 <dhellmann> and his was better suited so I didn't add mine 21:02:56 <eglynn> cool 21:03:16 <nijaba> thanks you both, anyway, as I saw you guys exchanging on the subject ! 21:03:25 <asalkeld> hi 21:03:32 <nijaba> #topic eglynn add bumper-sticker statements to wiki 21:03:32 <nijaba> #info done 21:03:32 <nijaba> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ceilometer/Graduation#Key_take-aways 21:04:01 <nijaba> so if you don' t know what to put on your bumper, go there... 21:04:17 <nijaba> #topic nijaba to send a graduation email to the tc ml a few hours before the meeting, inviting to read the wiki 21:04:17 <nijaba> #info done 21:04:32 <nijaba> That was it for last week's action 21:04:44 <nijaba> #topic Graduation status 21:04:53 <nijaba> So I'd like to congratulate and thank everyone in the team as WE MADE IT 21:04:53 <nijaba> We are now officially an integrated openstack project! Not yet core, but that's a Board decision from this point, not a TC one. 21:05:02 <zykes-> congrats all of ya! 21:05:02 <eglynn> w00t! 21:05:04 <jd__> \o/ 21:05:06 * maksimov1 says woohoo 21:05:10 <dhellmann> :-) 21:05:17 <asalkeld> well done 21:05:41 <dhellmann> yes, lots of hard work from everyone on the team, thank you all! 21:05:41 <nijaba> that was a great team work! I think we impressed them by our cohesion on prep... 21:05:42 <zzs> fabulous and congrats!!! 21:06:04 <nealph> kudos to all...especially those who worked the process to make it happen. 21:06:24 <nijaba> so, now if you know board members, it is time to buying them drinks 21:06:34 * nijaba hopes to get lots of free drinks this way ;) 21:06:47 * nealph thinks that's really working the process. 21:06:48 * dhellmann thinks nijaba has nothing to worry about on that front 21:06:48 <maksimov1> make them come over to dublin for some guinness 21:07:11 <eglynn> :) we always like to share our Guinness 21:07:29 <nijaba> maksimov1: eglynn: and I alsways enjoy drinking it ;) 21:07:36 <shengjie_home> good one, stas 21:07:59 <eglynn> do we need to make any practical changes to the way we do things as a project, as a result of the status change? 21:08:05 <nijaba> #topic Review status of blueprints that were granted an exception 21:08:14 <maksimov1> oh no 21:08:19 <nijaba> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/publisher-counters-frequency 21:08:19 <nijaba> any update on this one? 21:08:25 <jd__> eglynn: I don't think so, we already did everything as incubated I think 21:08:31 <eglynn> cool 21:08:39 <jd__> nijaba: it has been merged 21:08:53 <nijaba> eglynn: I concur with jd__ 21:08:59 <nijaba> jd__: great!! 21:09:04 <nijaba> #info merged 21:09:21 <nijaba> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/hbase-storage-backend 21:09:21 <nijaba> what about that one? 21:09:24 <maksimov1> pretty much in nitpicking stage now 21:09:31 <jd__> yep 21:09:37 <jd__> should be fine soon now 21:09:38 <nijaba> good to hear! 21:09:46 <nijaba> and great job 21:09:53 <maksimov1> working on some performance optimizations but can go ahead without, i understand. and work those as an issue 21:10:00 <dhellmann> yeah, I have some concerns with the latest formula for calculating ranges, but I think we can work that out quickly 21:10:05 <nijaba> I am hearing lots of people really happy to see this happen 21:10:05 <jd__> maksimov1: yep 21:10:12 <dhellmann> and the performance stuff can be done as rc1 improvements 21:10:23 <nijaba> right 21:10:53 <nijaba> #info nice progress and soon to be merged 21:11:18 <nijaba> moving on to the next topic... 21:11:21 <nijaba> #topic RC1 status 21:11:32 <nijaba> Anything to be noted on our progress for RC1? Any points to bring up? 21:12:19 <eglynn> good progress on qpid testing with devstack on ubuntu, some minor issues on fedora I need to work through 21:12:26 <dhellmann> asalkeld and I were discussing using gunicorn to run the v1 and v2 api together, and he raised the point about adding a new dependency 21:12:46 <nijaba> eglynn: good to hear 21:12:52 <asalkeld> dhellmann, I can maybe make it optional 21:12:52 <dhellmann> (for those who weren't in the metering room for that discussion) 21:12:53 <jd__> dhellmann: it's likely to be a bit late at this point yeah :( 21:13:07 <dhellmann> asalkeld: yeah, optional seems like a good way to go 21:13:31 <dhellmann> or, like I said, just document what needs to be done as an example 21:13:44 <jd__> could work to do 21:14:17 <nijaba> dhellmann: should we ask our favorite packagers what they think? thinking of zul, zigo_ and the likes 21:14:18 <eglynn> the new dependency is packaged up already for deb & fedora, right? 21:14:20 <maksimov1> should we break out drivers into extras in rc1 or in havana? 21:14:32 <eglynn> (if I'm thinking of the same dep ...) 21:14:39 <dhellmann> eglynn: afaik, yes, there should be a package 21:14:43 <eglynn> cool 21:14:44 <dhellmann> it's not a new tool, it would just be new to us 21:15:08 <asalkeld> it's in ubuntu and fed 21:15:09 <dhellmann> maksimov1: I think that's definitely a havana change, since it means lots of repository shuffling. 21:15:25 <jd__> dhellmann: not if you use extra_require I think 21:15:44 <dhellmann> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/separate-storage-packages 21:15:56 <nijaba> asalkeld: and they both have the version you need or greater? 21:15:58 <dhellmann> jd__: yes, but if nothing actually pays attention to that list I'm not sure how it helps end users 21:16:13 <asalkeld> nijaba, I'll neeed to see 21:16:21 <jd__> dhellmann: nothing? 21:16:27 <maksimov1> oh nice we have a bp 21:16:42 <jd__> dhellmann: that's at least a big hint for packagers to use the good fields in their packages 21:16:46 <dhellmann> jd__: well, if I deploy celometer, how do I know which driver wants which extras? 21:16:57 <jd__> dhellmann: you can map features tu requirements 21:17:03 <jd__> s/tu/to/ 21:17:17 <dhellmann> ok, I'll have to read more about that 21:18:02 <jd__> ok :) 21:18:51 <nijaba> anything else about rc1? 21:19:00 <nijaba> or shall we move to the next topic? 21:19:18 <dhellmann> +1 21:19:27 <nijaba> #topic Summit sessions 21:19:28 <eglynn> go for it 21:19:38 <nijaba> Just a reminder that we should start submitting session topics (and blueprints linked to it) for the dev summit. I think only sandywalsh and dhellmann has provided some so far 21:19:38 <nijaba> #link http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/topic/1 21:19:44 <nealph> fyi, we have 2 discussion bp's in the queue for internal approval...hoping to post them up asap. 21:20:02 <nijaba> something tells me that an alerting session or 2 is going to show up 21:20:06 <maksimov1> shengjie_home: if you're going, will you have a topic? 21:20:17 * eglynn just got travel approval, was holding off submitting til then 21:20:21 <asalkeld> nijaba, eglynn is planning that 21:20:25 <eglynn> yep 21:20:29 <nijaba> neat 21:20:56 <shengjie_home> maksimov1: sure , we can work out a topic too 21:21:19 <maksimov1> nijaba: is there a deadline for topics submission? 21:21:33 <eglynn> nijaba: have you confirmed the time slice the ceilo track is getting? 21:21:34 <nijaba> maksimov1: I think the deadline is 1 week prior to the summit 21:21:45 <maksimov1> nijaba: cool. plenty'o'time 21:21:51 <eglynn> (also whether it won't clash with the heat track ...) 21:21:52 <shengjie_home> nice 21:21:56 <nijaba> but the eralier the better, as it will help determine how many 1/2 days we neeed a room for 21:22:17 <shengjie_home> nijaba: we will have something by this week 21:22:28 <nijaba> so I'd rather have topic early, with empty bp, than not enough time alocated 21:22:51 <asalkeld> ok 21:22:52 <maksimov1> i'd go with next week, just to be safe :) 21:22:56 <nealph> ahh, okay. will keep that in mind if internal gears grind too slowly... 21:24:00 <eglynn> sounds like some horse-trading to be done between PTLs on how much time each project gets? 21:24:26 <maksimov1> :) 21:24:38 <nijaba> eglynn: not even sure there is tradding to be done this time. I think we can get our own room for 4 days if we ask for it 21:25:12 <nijaba> actually, we could use it as a coding room when we don' t have sessions, maybe? 21:25:13 <eglynn> a-ha, ok 21:25:27 <eglynn> hackathon stylee? 21:25:29 <maksimov1> haha, nijaba, nice 21:25:33 <nijaba> yup 21:25:43 <nijaba> I'll check into it 21:25:50 <eglynn> could be fun 21:25:56 <asalkeld> yip 21:26:11 <nijaba> #action nijaba to check room allocation for ceilometer during summit 21:26:32 <nijaba> anything else on this topic? 21:27:05 <nijaba> #topic Open discussion 21:27:28 * nijaba notes that we may finish early today.... has not happened in a while 21:27:47 <eglynn> yep 21:27:51 <nijaba> anything, anyone? 21:28:01 <asalkeld> no, all good 21:28:03 <dhellmann> nope 21:28:03 <maksimov1> nope, everything is perfect 21:28:17 <jd__> nope too 21:28:21 <shengjie_home> nope 21:28:24 <nijaba> Should we work on some ceilometer tshirts for the project team? 21:28:32 <maksimov1> who has skills? 21:28:48 <dhellmann> yes! :-) 21:28:50 <nealph> what's the update on the logo? 21:28:52 <zykes-> to those of you that's uninformed: https://github.com/billingstack/billingstack/ 21:28:57 <nijaba> to draw tshirts? I think I can find someone 21:29:10 <zykes-> just thought I'd pop that in :) . we're planning on consuming Ceilometer data in not too long 21:29:22 <nijaba> well, I don't think we have found volunteers for the logo 21:29:28 <maksimov1> zykes-: interesting 21:30:30 <nijaba> #action nijaba to start a brainstorm wiki for a tag line on the tshirt 21:30:58 <zykes-> there's some other stuff as well maksimov1, that is just 1 part our little plan ;p 21:31:10 <eglynn> "in soviet russia, cloud meters you" 21:31:21 <nijaba> "We push metrics to the clouds" 21:31:27 * eglynn steals from humour at TC meeting last night ... 21:31:51 <jd__> eglynn: lol 21:31:55 <nealph> "our metrics are cloudy". maybe not... 21:31:56 <nijaba> actually that's originaly mirantis... the clouds deploys you 21:32:12 <nijaba> "how high can your cloud go?" 21:32:22 <nijaba> "how high on clouds are you?" 21:32:36 <maksimov1> as a russian i find "in soviet russia" jokes a bit dated ;) 21:32:37 <jd__> We are weather! 21:33:18 <nijaba> we are the dow of cloud (if some remember a similar add by sun) 21:33:27 <eglynn> maksimov1: apologies :) 21:33:46 <maksimov1> no worries eglynn i make them myself sometimes :P 21:33:47 <eglynn> (I also find Irish jokes about drinking, fighting & potatoes grate a little ...) 21:34:09 <maksimov1> ah sure it's alright 21:34:10 <nijaba> eglynn: really, you've got to share a few though ;) 21:34:28 <eglynn> over beer at summit ;) 21:34:41 <nijaba> eglynn: deal 21:34:49 <dhellmann> speaking of that, I hope we can manage a team dinner this time around 21:35:04 <eglynn> great idea 21:35:09 <dhellmann> I'd be willing to forego one of the parties if necessary based on travel arrangements 21:35:15 <asalkeld> yea, and eglynn will grate some potatoes 21:35:18 <asalkeld> ;) 21:35:23 <dhellmann> though I probably have to attend the dreamhost party, if we give one 21:35:23 <maksimov1> :D 21:35:37 <dhellmann> s/have to/should/ 21:35:48 <nijaba> +1 on a team dinner 21:35:50 <eglynn> prolly best avoid the jet-lagged sunday evening meetup this time if poss 21:35:55 <nijaba> maybe sunday night? 21:35:58 <dhellmann> right, that's what I was thinking 21:36:02 <nijaba> ahah 21:37:04 <dhellmann> I'm not arriving until around 9:00 sunday evening, myself 21:37:32 <eglynn> 20:15 for me ... 4am body-clock time 21:37:35 <dhellmann> we can wait to see what the schedule looks like, but I was thinking monday or tuesday might work best 21:37:36 <maksimov1> for t-shirt tag something as blunt as wiki excerpt may do well - Ceilometer: a device that uses a LASER to measure height of a cloud. how much cooler can you get? 21:37:48 <nijaba> ok, so doodle but I suggest to do this after we have a schedule of the parties!!! 21:37:55 <dhellmann> nijaba: +1 21:38:45 <nijaba> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ceilometer/TagLine 21:39:00 <nijaba> fire away with any idea you may have!! 21:39:25 <nijaba> anything else before I go to bed? ;) 21:39:33 <eglynn> nope 21:39:36 <dhellmann> not here 21:39:59 <jd__> all clear 21:40:00 <maksimov1> i'm cool 21:40:23 <nijaba> ok, thanks a lot everyone. another fun meeting together! 21:40:40 <nijaba> next meeting thu march 7th 15UTC 21:40:46 <nijaba> #endmeeting