16:01:28 <cargonza> #startmeeting charms 16:01:29 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 3 16:01:28 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is cargonza. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:30 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:33 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'charms' 16:01:42 <icey> o/ 16:01:44 <cholcombe> o/ 16:01:53 <tinwood> \o 16:02:03 <cargonza> #topic Review Action points from previous meeting 16:02:24 <tinwood> I don't think there were any 16:02:38 <cargonza> I did not see any items from previous meeting. I think cholcombe and jamespage have resolved their items 16:02:39 <cargonza> ack 16:03:00 <cargonza> #topic New Items up for discussion 16:03:06 <cargonza> any new items? 16:03:44 <tinwood> Not from me. 16:04:22 <cargonza> anything from storage or nova-lxd? 16:04:31 <icey> nope 16:04:37 <cholcombe> not really 16:04:43 <cargonza> lets move on then... 16:04:57 <cargonza> #topic State of Development for next Charm Release 16:05:06 <cargonza> any highlight for 17.04? 16:05:35 <cargonza> we have the memcache and apache wsgi updates in the charm, correct? 16:06:50 <cargonza> Dmitrii-Sh - any update on network-binding? 16:07:08 <Dmitrii-Sh> cargonza: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju-dev/2017-March/006361.html 16:07:15 <Dmitrii-Sh> cargonza: yes, it's been discussed 16:07:19 <Dmitrii-Sh> cargonza: but not there yet 16:07:28 <Dmitrii-Sh> cargonza: not sure about ETA either 16:07:53 <cargonza> ok, so you are still tracking it then... 16:08:02 <Dmitrii-Sh> cargonza: ok 16:08:11 <cargonza> #action: carry forward, Dmitrii-Sh network-binding work. 16:08:12 <Dmitrii-Sh> cargonza: this may take a while for Juju team to implement 16:08:18 <cargonza> ok 16:08:43 <cargonza> any other items for 17.04? 16:08:51 <cargonza> if not, we can discuss 17.10 planning. 16:09:28 <tinwood> okay, sounds good 16:09:48 <cargonza> telemetry for next release. 16:10:07 <cargonza> gnocchi? 16:10:38 <tinwood> I've not tracked upstream on the preferred approach. anyone know? 16:12:11 <Dmitrii-Sh> https://docs.openstack.org/developer/ceilometer/install/dbreco.html 16:12:12 <tinwood> I guess not 16:12:21 <cargonza> we're in the process of planning 17.10 and possibly firm that by first week of May. Please reach out to me if there are any other items to include for 17.10 charms. We are also planning a 17.05 charm release but still not firm either. 16:12:26 * tinwood and Dmitrii-Sh just beat me to it! 16:13:41 <tinwood> from Dmitrii-Sh link it does appear that gnocchi is now the preferred backend 16:13:58 <Dmitrii-Sh> tinwood: at the same time "Gnocchi represents a fundamental change in how data is represented and stored." 16:14:03 <tinwood> So I guess it goes on the list 16:14:10 <cargonza> ok 16:14:18 <tinwood> Dmitrii-Sh, yes, upgrades are going to be interesting and thus need also to be planned. 16:14:53 <tinwood> But we would still support the existing implementations 16:15:18 <cargonza> we have to support existing for a period of time. 16:15:44 <tinwood> yup 16:15:46 <cargonza> tinwood, should we include designate-bind HA also? 16:16:05 <cargonza> or get help from our other team to contribute... 16:16:09 <tinwood> I think it can go on a 'let's evaluate that' list. 16:16:16 <cargonza> ok 16:17:21 <cargonza> cholcombe, any news on swift items to consider for 17.10? 16:17:23 <tinwood> Possible more manila backends?> 16:17:33 <cholcombe> hmm good question 16:17:43 * tinwood typed the > by accident 16:17:54 <cargonza> #action tinwood evaluate designate-bind for 17.10 16:18:05 <cholcombe> could get get gluster integration for manila going? 16:18:36 <cargonza> tinwood, manila backends we need to budget or borrow HW correct? 16:18:56 <cholcombe> for swift it still needs a patch for a separate networking backend 16:19:12 <tinwood> cargonza, depends. If it's a purely software backend (gluster, ceph-fs) then no, but otherwise yes if it involves custom hardware/software. 16:19:27 <cargonza> cholcombe, could you investigate the scope of work and effort for swift and gluster/manila? 16:19:32 <tinwood> also whether opensource vs licenced 16:19:36 <cholcombe> cargonza: sure 16:19:48 * tinwood wonders if it's licensed or licenced ? 16:19:50 <cargonza> tinwood, ack 16:20:24 <cargonza> if just gluster, ceph-fs, then no extra budget needed. lets evaluate it... 16:20:50 <cargonza> #action cholcombe to investigate swift and gluster/manila work. 16:20:52 <cholcombe> yeah i don't think we need any hardware to test gluster or cephfs 16:21:14 <cargonza> next topic? 16:21:36 <cargonza> #topic High Priority Bugs 16:21:43 <cargonza> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-charms/+bugs 16:21:58 <cargonza> 78 high/critical at the moment.. 16:22:32 <cargonza> any comments? 16:22:38 <tinwood> that's more than last week; probably due to ocata coming onstream 16:23:17 <cargonza> ack 16:23:31 <cholcombe> quite a few of them are ceph related :-/ 16:23:40 <tinwood> some of those are already fix commited 16:23:41 <cargonza> ack cholcombe 16:24:06 <tinwood> 70 still open. 16:24:27 <tinwood> Also 1 'critical' is a year old, so probably not critical! 16:25:01 <cholcombe> the ceph ones center around an upgrade path to ceph-mon and encryption not working right 16:25:30 <cargonza> handful are 100days old 16:25:39 <cargonza> we may need to clean this queue up. 16:26:16 <cholcombe> yeah 1/4 of the bugs almost are ceph related 16:26:40 <cargonza> did you fix it yet ;-) 16:26:50 <cholcombe> hah no 16:27:14 <cargonza> ok we need to discuss internally to get smarter on bug mgmt. I'll take the action 16:27:32 <cargonza> #action cargonza bug management and triage 16:27:38 <cargonza> moving on 16:27:50 <cargonza> #topic Openstack Event 16:28:17 <cargonza> thanks to zul and tinwood on attending Openstack Days and DevOps meetup 16:28:33 <cargonza> any one know of any other Openstack/Devops event? 16:29:07 <icey> ODS is coming up 16:29:20 <cargonza> icey, ack 16:29:45 <cargonza> next topic? 16:29:52 <cargonza> #topic Open Discussion 16:30:00 <cargonza> any items? 16:30:06 <tinwood> Not from me. 16:30:21 <cargonza> if not, we reached our end of meeting slot.. 16:30:29 <cargonza> thanks for participating everyone! 16:30:39 <cargonza> #endmeeting