17:00:43 <coreycb> #startmeeting charms 17:00:44 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Apr 30 17:00:43 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is coreycb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'charms' 17:00:48 <coreycb> Hi Folks 17:00:50 <thedac> o/ 17:01:08 <coreycb> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting 17:01:20 <coreycb> there were no actions from the previous meeting 17:01:37 <coreycb> #topic State of Development for next Charm Release 17:02:03 <thedac> Release schedule: https://docs.openstack.org/charm-guide/latest/release-schedule.html 17:02:19 <thedac> Feature Freeze coming up on 2018-05-15 17:02:23 <coreycb> thanks thedac 17:02:29 <thedac> And release on 2018-05-24 17:02:51 <coreycb> so we're about a month from freeze now 17:02:59 <coreycb> sorry 17:03:02 <coreycb> 5 days ish 17:03:27 <coreycb> #topic High Priority Bugs 17:03:51 <coreycb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-charms/+bugs 17:03:51 <tinwood> o/ 17:04:54 <coreycb> Use stable-backport tag for bugs http://tinyurl.com/charm-stable-backports 17:05:39 <coreycb> there's a new one there bug 1719436 17:05:41 <openstack> bug 1719436 in OpenStack ceph-mon charm "ceph-mon unit stays in "Bootstrapping MON cluster" workload state" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1719436 - Assigned to Frode Nordahl (fnordahl) 17:06:01 <tinwood> it's not really new; it was opened last september-ish 17:06:29 <coreycb> ok and it's assigned to fnordahl so maybe just needs it's status updated 17:06:59 <coreycb> Critical bugs: https://tinyurl.com/osc-critical-bugs 17:07:16 <coreycb> all of those are fix committed 17:07:19 <tinwood> nice 17:07:27 <coreycb> yay 17:07:29 <coreycb> High priority bugs: https://tinyurl.com/osc-high-priority 17:07:45 <coreycb> those are not all fix committed 17:07:59 <thedac> :( 17:08:42 <tinwood> yes, but a lot are old. 17:08:42 <coreycb> anything new there? looks like they are mostly triaged at least on a glance. 17:10:10 <coreycb> alright, moving on 17:10:13 <coreycb> #topic Openstack Events 17:10:45 <thedac> OpenStack Summit in May 17:10:55 <thedac> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/ 17:11:12 <coreycb> thanks thedac. great and I know some of us will be there. 17:11:41 <coreycb> so anyone in the community, please feel free to seek us out! 17:11:59 <coreycb> otherwise you can find us in #openstack-charms 17:12:16 <coreycb> #topic Open Discussion 17:12:24 <thedac> I have a nit pick item 17:12:34 <thedac> Our meetings page uses EVEN and ODD https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-charms-weekly-meeting 17:12:47 <thedac> But that changed from 2017 to 2018 https://www.epochconverter.com/weeks/2018 17:12:56 <tinwood> ah ... 17:13:09 <tinwood> how about early/late? 17:13:18 <thedac> I propose using EMEA and AMERICAS or some such. Any objections? 17:13:44 <tinwood> that sounds good, except emea can do americas, but not vice versa (usually) 17:14:06 <coreycb> sounds good. i can make that update when updating minutes today. 17:14:12 <thedac> true 17:14:19 <coreycb> and sorry, i completely misspoke earlier! Freeze coming is in approximately 2 weeks on 2018-05-15. 17:14:26 <thedac> If anyone has a better idea we can change it. 17:14:38 <tinwood> how about 'UTC' and 'EST' (or whenever it is?) 17:14:56 <thedac> US has 4 time zones :) so that is more confusing 17:14:58 <tinwood> or just the times. 17:15:04 <tinwood> (in UTC) 17:15:07 <thedac> That works 17:15:11 <thedac> UTC time 17:15:53 <tinwood> I'm good with that. 17:15:59 <coreycb> my brain can't think in UTC :) 17:16:11 <coreycb> i'm ok with either but prefer EMEA and AMERICAS 17:16:24 <tinwood> I'm easy either way really. 17:16:26 <thedac> Well, we could table this and do a vote when we have more stake holders 17:16:34 <coreycb> sure 17:16:49 <thedac> The bike shed should be green! 17:17:07 <coreycb> #action discuss switch of EVEN/ODD week meeting terminology to UTC times or EMEA/AMERICA or ? 17:17:09 <coreycb> heh, yes 17:17:22 <tinwood> lol 17:17:31 <coreycb> anything else? 17:17:38 <thedac> That's all from me 17:17:50 <tinwood> I'm good 17:17:54 <coreycb> ok may the 4th be with you at some point this week 17:18:03 <coreycb> #topic Next Chair 17:18:38 <coreycb> jamespage is the next EVEN chair 17:18:57 <coreycb> thanks all! 17:19:00 <coreycb> #endmeeting