16:00:01 <smcginnis> #startmeeting Cinder 16:00:01 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 23 16:00:01 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 16:00:13 * DuncanT waves 16:00:14 <smcginnis> Courtesy ping dulek duncant eharney geguileo winston-d e0ne jungleboyj jgriffith thingee smcginnis hemna xyang tbarron scottda erlon rhedlind jbernard vincent_hou kmartin patrickeast sheel dongwenjuan JaniceLee cFouts Thelo vivekd adrianofr mtanino yuriy_n17 karlamrhein diablo_rojo jay.xu 16:00:17 <Swanson> Hello 16:00:20 <geguileo> Hi! 16:00:20 <eharney> hi 16:00:21 <jseiler> hi 16:00:21 <fernnest> hello 16:00:24 <baumann> Hello! 16:00:25 <sheel> hello all 16:00:25 <mtanino> hi 16:00:26 <jgregor> Hello! 16:00:30 <diablo_rojo> Hello :) 16:00:38 <hemna> hi 16:00:41 <patrickeast> Hey 16:00:45 <jgriffith> hey 16:00:45 <dulek> Hi 16:00:47 <Yogi1> Hello 16:00:50 <scottda> hhi 16:01:07 <smcginnis> #topic Announcements 16:01:16 <adrianofr_> hi 16:01:22 <jungleboyj> What up! 16:01:23 <bswartz> .o/ 16:01:27 <smcginnis> We're getting really close to the end of the Mitaka cycle. 16:01:42 <smcginnis> We have a few changes queued and some translations imported. 16:02:00 <smcginnis> I plan on cutting the (final?) RC-2 release tomorrow. 16:02:19 <smcginnis> Unless something major comes up, that should be what goes out an April 8th. 16:02:30 <tbarron> hi 16:02:31 <jungleboyj> It will be such a sweet release! 16:02:41 <jgriffith> smcginnis: we'll want to wait on the delete thing I talked about this morning 16:02:50 <jgriffith> ie wait to cut RC2 16:02:59 <smcginnis> jgriffith: OK, will watch for that. 16:03:20 <smcginnis> Notice to everyone that I will be on vacation starting this Friday through next week. 16:03:41 <smcginnis> I'll have my laptop with me, so I will still be able to do the release. 16:03:43 <Swanson> Good timing. 16:03:46 <smcginnis> But I won't be around as much. 16:03:54 <jgriffith> smcginnis: Ummm... that's weird... "YOU" are taking a vacation! 16:03:59 <jgriffith> I didn't think you did that sort of thing! 16:04:01 <smcginnis> Swanson: About as good as it could. 16:04:06 <smcginnis> :) 16:04:14 <e0ne> hi 16:04:19 <smcginnis> We'll see how much I actually do. 16:04:33 <smcginnis> Hopefully I resist the temptation to get out the laptop. 16:04:34 <smcginnis> :) 16:04:40 <jgriffith> smcginnis: we'll just kick-ban you from IRC and disable your gerritt account 16:04:45 <smcginnis> :D 16:05:07 <e0ne> :) 16:05:08 <dulek> jgriffith: What about Launchpad? No more bug targetting! 16:05:19 <jgriffith> dulek: removing him now :) 16:05:32 <smcginnis> Looking forward, we need to start thinking about N. 16:05:32 <dulek> jgriffith: He said Friday… ;) 16:05:40 <smcginnis> I added a new etherpad for spec tracking. 16:05:40 <jgriffith> dulek: maybe we should just steal his laptop 16:05:53 <smcginnis> Hoping to use this to start shaping up things for the summit. 16:06:01 <diablo_rojo> jgriffith: I can handle that ;) 16:06:05 <smcginnis> jgriffith: I have multiple! :P 16:06:19 <e0ne> smcginnis: what about removin xml api? :) it's only -6500 LoC 16:06:22 <smcginnis> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-spec-review-tracking Spec tracking. 16:06:23 <sheel> smcginnis: we have multiple guys 16:06:26 * jungleboyj pictures diablo_rojo wresting with smcginnis over a laptop. :-) 16:06:26 <smcginnis> e0ne: +1 16:06:40 <smcginnis> e0ne: Will be nice to get that all cleaned up. 16:06:46 <e0ne> I've rebased my patch today 16:06:59 <vincent_hou> e0ne: why to remove it? 16:07:03 <smcginnis> Not much in that etherpad link yet, but we can start working on that. 16:07:10 <e0ne> vincent_hou: we didn't test it 16:07:16 <e0ne> vincent_hou: does it work? 16:07:47 <vincent_hou> I remember some of my colleagues used t spend a lot of time testing and getting them it. 16:07:50 <e0ne> vincent_hou: btw, nova and neuton removed xml api few releases ago 16:07:53 <sheel> smcginnis: only Spec-less blueprints? 16:08:09 <smcginnis> If folks could start reviewing the specs out there and commenting, it would be nice to have some of that in good condition for the summit. 16:08:13 <smcginnis> Or merged already. 16:08:18 <smcginnis> sheel: And specs. 16:08:30 <sheel> smcginnis: oks 16:08:42 <smcginnis> sheel: I just wanted a placeholder for the few blueprints that come across that need a little discussion but aren't big enough to need a spec. 16:09:10 <sheel> smcginnis: ok, sounds good 16:09:17 <smcginnis> #topic Any more urgent backport fixes for the release 16:09:21 <smcginnis> On that note... 16:09:28 <smcginnis> DuncanT: I think you added this. 16:09:35 <smcginnis> DuncanT created an etherpad for tracking. 16:09:40 <smcginnis> Hasn't been much there so far. 16:09:54 <smcginnis> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mataka-rc-backports-needed 16:10:02 <DuncanT> I did add it, mostly as a heads up 16:10:11 <smcginnis> If there is something you think needs to make it in M yet, please add it there. 16:10:13 <diablo_rojo> DuncanT: -1 for spelling ;) 16:10:20 <smcginnis> ;) 16:10:26 <vincent_hou> I am working on two patches, I guess need the backport. 16:10:33 <smcginnis> vincent_hou: Which ones? 16:10:35 <vincent_hou> They are ready for review. 16:10:41 <jungleboyj> vincent_hou: Links? 16:11:10 <vincent_hou> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292570/ 16:11:20 <vincent_hou> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/292608/ 16:11:34 <smcginnis> Keep in mind, we are in hard string freeze so we should try to limit backports that have public facing strings. 16:12:08 <jungleboyj> vincent_hou: I think those can be backported to our driver after the release. 16:12:14 <jungleboyj> Don't need to hold up for those. 16:12:17 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: Agree? 16:12:22 <smcginnis> vincent_hou: I'll take a look, but I think those may need to wait. 16:12:52 <vincent_hou> ok 16:13:01 <smcginnis> Really only critical core fixes at this point unless they are really small, self-contained changes. 16:13:41 <smcginnis> #topic Some operations pass even if volume service is disabled 16:13:50 <smcginnis> sheel: I think we can talk about this now. 16:14:05 <smcginnis> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1555938 16:14:07 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1555938 in Cinder "Create snapshot, create volume from snapshot or clone a volume still can succeed even the cinder-volume service is disabled" [Low,Confirmed] - Assigned to aditi sharma (adi-sky17) 16:14:12 <sheel> smcginnis: ohk, but i wanted to have some specific persons in it for discussino 16:14:33 <jgriffith> smcginnis: ahh... interesting 16:14:43 <smcginnis> sheel: OK, no problem. We can defer if you would prefer. 16:14:56 <smcginnis> jgriffith: Yeah 16:14:56 <sheel> smcginnis: ok actually this was about how we should go with calls which works ok even if volume service is disabled 16:15:12 <jgriffith> smcginnis: sheel so it's pretty straight-forward,,, did you have questions about fixing it? 16:15:20 <smcginnis> I found it very surprising the number of tempest tests pass when my driver didn't even get loaded. 16:15:55 <jgriffith> smcginnis: ummm... ok, that's frightening 16:16:00 <sheel> jgriffith: yep, there could be other calls which do not pass through scheduler like backup operations 16:16:03 <e0ne> smcginnis: it could be related to other drivers too 16:16:09 <hemna> that's not good at all 16:16:11 <hemna> wtf 16:16:28 <e0ne> hemna: +1 16:16:33 <jgriffith> sheel: so we talked briefly in Tokyo (and Vancouver) about this 16:16:55 <jgriffith> sheel: we should probably route everything through the scheduler as a gate-keeper 16:16:57 <sheel> jgriffith: sorry, I was not part of that, may be i have to search through youtube 16:17:06 <jgriffith> sheel: nahh... you didn't miss much :) 16:17:06 <smcginnis> jgriffith: +1 16:17:16 <sheel> jgriffith: what about backup operations? 16:17:20 <e0ne> jgriffith: +1 16:17:30 <jgriffith> sheel: backups IMO made their bed 16:17:42 <dulek> I'm a little opposed to that. snapshot creation cannot really succeed if scheduled anywhere else than where source is placed. 16:17:59 <dulek> Backups are different story - now we have them decoupled. 16:18:00 <smcginnis> dulek: It would just need to route it to the right place. 16:18:13 <DuncanT> Backups can go through the scheduler easily now 16:18:16 <jgriffith> dulek: yeah... but that's not the idea 16:18:32 <jgriffith> dulek: so for those calls it would always be sent to the same backend still 16:18:49 <dulek> smcginnis: But we know the right place in the API - volume.host. And we can inform user fast if something's wrong with that host. 16:18:54 <jgriffith> dulek: the suggestion was route through the scheduler though instead of bypassing 16:19:03 <jgriffith> DuncanT: ok, "they "can" " but they don't 16:19:05 <geguileo> But we would still be routing them even if the service is disabled to keep backward compatibility, right? 16:19:18 <jgriffith> geguileo: was that a joke? 16:19:30 <jgriffith> geguileo: or are you being serious? 16:19:33 <smcginnis> dulek: I agree, it is adding an extra hop in the flow. But it would make things consistent. 16:19:37 <dulek> geguileo: Well, disable is an admin thing. I don't think we need to care here. 16:19:40 <sheel> jgriffith: DuncanT: no issues, we can make them pass through scheduler 16:19:41 <hemna> if we route everything through the scheduler, then we can dynamically update the backend status via get_volume_stats. if the backend is unreachable by the driver, then the scheduler can stop the call getting to the manager before making the rpc 16:19:46 <dulek> smcginnis: I agree here. 16:19:48 <geguileo> jgriffith: Well, surprisingly enough I was being serious XD 16:19:51 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: ++ 16:20:00 <jungleboyj> It shouldn't be that big a change. Right? 16:20:09 <smcginnis> I wouldn't think so. 16:20:10 <sheel> smcginnis: +1 16:20:27 <sheel> jungleboyj: not big change 16:20:30 <dulek> jungleboyj: It requires some compatibility code I think, but is certainly possible. 16:20:30 <jgriffith> geguileo: I thought so.... I have a hard time subscribing to the "maintain a bug for backward compatability" approach 16:20:47 <geguileo> jgriffith: I don't mean those operations 16:20:51 <jgriffith> dulek: smcginnis sheel so an easier fix.... 16:20:58 <geguileo> jgriffith: That the bug is referring to (creation stuff) 16:21:01 <sheel> jgriffith: some guys from my team have already started for it... 16:21:04 <jgriffith> dulek: smcginnis sheel put a check in cinder.volume.api 16:21:12 <geguileo> jgriffith: But all other operations that currently are not affected by disabled and are not creation related 16:21:24 <geguileo> jgriffith: Attach/detach for example 16:21:42 <jgriffith> geguileo: ok... your call. Personally I think that if you "disable" a service it should be "disabled" 16:21:50 <jgriffith> geguileo: not "do some things" but not others 16:22:07 <dulek> jgriffith: Use case for disabling is host maintenance. 16:22:11 <geguileo> jgriffith: I agree, but then it's not backward compatible 16:22:23 <hemna> microversion.... 16:22:32 <dulek> jgriffith: I want my users to be able to access their volumes, but not to create new ones here, so I can migrate everything out from there. 16:22:33 * jungleboyj laughs 16:22:34 <smcginnis> hemna: That fixes everything. :) 16:22:38 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: ++ 16:22:40 <dulek> hemna: Nooo. :P 16:22:48 <hemna> s/microversion/nightmareversion 16:22:56 <eharney> i'm not sure this is something that needs to be 100% backward compatible 16:22:59 <DuncanT> Maybe we need two different disable type operations? Drain and disable, or similar? 16:23:03 <dulek> eharney: +1 16:23:06 <diablo_rojo> hemna: +1 16:23:14 <smcginnis> "maintenance mode" 16:23:15 <jungleboyj> macrovision! 16:23:16 <DuncanT> I can see why you'd want a drain type operation 16:23:19 <tbarron> eharney: +1 16:23:35 <sheel> DuncanT: what about disabling queue when service is disabled 16:23:36 <sheel> ? 16:24:00 <dulek> sheel: Then admin cannot use disabling to do host maintenance. 16:24:09 <DuncanT> sheel: As I said, there's a desire here for more than one type of 'disabled' 16:24:26 <sheel> dulek: DuncanT : ok 16:24:47 <geguileo> DuncanT: +1 16:24:48 * dulek thinks that disable suffers from poor naming… 16:24:50 <jungleboyj> Diabled and Dead. 16:25:08 <jungleboyj> *disabled 16:25:09 <smcginnis> 'disabled' and 'really-disabled' 16:25:14 <dulek> DuncanT: What use case you have for "drain" type of disabled? 16:25:15 <jgriffith> haha... let's make things as complicated as we can 16:25:18 <hemna> zombie 16:25:23 <DuncanT> "A bit disabled"... "walking with a limp".... 16:25:26 <smcginnis> jgriffith: No doubt! 16:25:32 <sheel> haha 16:25:33 <smcginnis> DuncanT: LOL 16:25:44 <diablo_rojo> DuncanT: :) 16:25:47 <hemna> The Walking Dead 16:25:59 <smcginnis> OK, so maybe we need to work on the naming. 16:26:14 <smcginnis> But I think DuncanT is right. There are a couple different use cases we need to think about here. 16:26:18 <Swanson> Cake and Pie? 16:26:21 <DuncanT> jgriffith: Wanting the current type of 'disabled' in production makes total sense though - not for reasons of complication but because it's useful 16:26:26 <smcginnis> Swanson: Yes! 16:26:28 <jgriffith> I think you guys are making this way more complex than is useful 16:26:34 <DuncanT> 'disabled' 'food coma' 16:26:43 <jgriffith> shit's on or off 16:26:58 <bswartz> condemned? 16:26:58 <smcginnis> jgriffith: You're too practical. :) 16:27:05 <DuncanT> jgriffith: In practice, no, it really isn't 16:27:08 <jgriffith> if you want to introduce a "don't accept new resource creates" that's cool 16:27:09 <sheel> disabled ,'work from home' 16:27:14 <dulek> jgriffith: It's supposed to solve a different use case. 16:27:17 <jgriffith> DuncanT: ok 16:27:30 <jgriffith> I'll step aside, have at it 16:27:48 <DuncanT> jgriffith: The point is, we have that now, we just call it 'disabled'... renaming it to 'frozen' or something makes good sense 16:27:53 <dulek> jgriffith: That's what it's supposed to do - do not accept new creates, for me to be able to move workload somewhere else and update the kernel. 16:27:55 <dulek> That's it. 16:28:08 <smcginnis> jgriffith: In all seriousness, we do need to keep this simple. 16:28:14 <jungleboyj> DuncanT: Frozen actually makes sense given what we were doing with replication. 16:28:27 <smcginnis> But I think this highlights a misnaming or at least a need for a different type of operation. 16:28:28 <scottda> Seems we could benefit from listing the use cases. 16:28:35 <smcginnis> scottda: +1 16:28:37 <DuncanT> jungleboyj: Yup, except that stops new snapshots too. Sigh. 16:28:40 <jungleboyj> DuncanT: Thought maybe now it is confusing since we have already used that concept. But isn't it really the same thing? 16:28:44 <smcginnis> I think that should probably be the next step. 16:28:55 <jgriffith> DuncanT: and that was my point earlier :) 16:28:56 <smcginnis> What do we actually need to support from a user perspective. 16:29:09 <smcginnis> And where do we fall flat with that with how things are now. 16:29:10 <Swanson> jungleboyj, isn't it the same thing? 16:29:19 <jgriffith> FWIW freeze isn't replication specific 16:29:24 <jgriffith> you can use that today 16:29:25 <dulek> Question on openstack-operators? 16:29:27 <Swanson> jgriffith, That's what I thought. 16:29:30 <scottda> And which use case(s) should go in the first iteration, which can be done separately. 16:29:38 <smcginnis> jgriffith: Hmmm 16:29:47 <jungleboyj> jgriffith: Swanson Just wanted to make sure. 16:29:56 <vincent_hou> what we can still do and what we can't do in this "disabled mode" have not been agreed. I think we can work on this first by listing the use cases we like to support or not. 16:30:06 <sheel> scottda: right question.. 16:30:21 <jungleboyj> vincent_hou: That is probably the best first step. 16:30:42 <jgriffith> jungleboyj: DuncanT https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/api.py#L1625 16:31:38 <jungleboyj> jgriffith: Cool. 16:31:39 <sheel> jgriffith: yes, we have added this in v2 for services 16:31:50 <jgriffith> sheel: we? 16:31:59 <sheel> jgriffith: s/we/someone 16:32:11 <jgriffith> sheel: haha... jgriffith added them 16:32:12 <DuncanT> jgriffith: The sematics of that don't quite match though, since it will also disable clone / snap. Need a bit more thought I think, and writing up the usecase / point will probably help reduce the circling we're doing here 16:32:14 <sheel> jgriffith: some community member 16:32:14 <jgriffith> https://github.com/openstack/python-cinderclient/blob/master/cinderclient/v2/services.py#L66 16:32:17 <smcginnis> jgriffith: That is the right conceptual action I think. 16:32:21 <sheel> jgriffith: oh great 16:32:23 <jungleboyj> sheel: So, add the ability to set a backend frozen and we decide what actions are allowed for such a state? 16:32:47 <jgriffith> I give up 16:32:53 <jgriffith> *again* 16:33:07 <jungleboyj> jgriffith: Don't give up. :-) 16:33:08 <smcginnis> I do think we need to first identify the user needs here and make sure we are mathing the functionality, and naming, to what the end userr would expect and need. 16:33:11 <jgriffith> jungleboyj: that's arleady decided :) 16:33:20 <sheel> jungleboyj: i can voumteer it..with some help from jgriffith 16:33:21 <jgriffith> jungleboyj: you can't create a *new* anything 16:33:34 <jgriffith> you can use what's there, but you can't modify or create, or add or paint blue 16:33:46 <jgriffith> it's "frozen" 16:33:52 <jgriffith> that's the whole point 16:34:11 <sheel> exactly... 16:34:13 <jungleboyj> jgriffith: Ok, that makes sense to me. 16:34:15 <jgriffith> or did I need to call it "apple-pied" to avoid the usual ridiculous argument over naming/semantices 16:34:19 <jgriffith> semantics 16:34:24 <smcginnis> +1 16:34:37 <smcginnis> All new features need a food-based code name for now on. 16:34:38 <smcginnis> :P 16:34:44 <diablo_rojo> a la mode? 16:34:47 * jungleboyj has images from American Pie going through my head. 16:34:52 <jgriffith> smcginnis: :) Until someone has a food-allergy 16:34:56 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: ++ 16:35:00 <hemna> jungleboyj, because band camp? 16:35:08 <jgriffith> what? 16:35:09 <sheel> American Pie... haha 16:35:11 <smcginnis> No peanut butter. 16:35:21 * jungleboyj would like propose Monte Cristo 16:35:21 <jgriffith> Ohhhh.... you guys are terrible! 16:35:32 <jungleboyj> jgriffith: Gets it. 16:35:36 <diablo_rojo> jgriffith: a little late to the party? ;) 16:35:37 <dulek> upgrade cinnamon rolls? :D 16:35:38 <smcginnis> OK, I think this is going down hill. 16:35:51 <smcginnis> sheel: Thanks for looking at that. 16:35:52 <scottda> And we never start very high on the hill 16:35:59 <smcginnis> scottda: Shh 16:36:08 <sheel> smcginnis: :) 16:36:13 <diablo_rojo> scottda: Ham sammich? 16:36:22 <sheel> smcginnis: wat's next.. 16:36:41 <smcginnis> sheel: If you can start capturing use cases, maybe in an etherpad. 16:36:49 <smcginnis> sheel: Definitely pull in input from other folks. 16:36:55 <smcginnis> sheel: Then we can discuss what we have there. 16:36:56 <sheel> smcginnis: sure... 16:37:04 <smcginnis> I don't mean to add a bunch of overhead to this. 16:37:15 <smcginnis> But I think we need to be clear about what we are fixing 16:37:17 <smcginnis> And how. 16:37:31 <diablo_rojo> smcginnis: That sounds like a good plan. 16:37:41 <scottda> smcginnis: ++ Writing things down is a good thing. 16:37:44 <sheel> smcginnis: right... pakka 16:38:04 <smcginnis> sheel: Thank you for bringing this up. 16:38:11 <smcginnis> sheel: Anything else for now. 16:38:15 <sheel> smcginnis: oh no problem, thanks for discussing 16:38:19 <sheel> smcginnis: no i am done 16:38:26 <smcginnis> Great 16:38:32 <smcginnis> #topic Open discussion 16:38:41 <smcginnis> One annoucnement I forgot. 16:38:45 <smcginnis> Besides spelling... 16:38:54 <smcginnis> Voting is open. 16:38:58 <smcginnis> Vote early and often. 16:39:05 <smcginnis> Really glad we actually have an election. 16:39:19 <e0ne> just a reminder 16:39:22 <smcginnis> I think I said it last time - it's a great thing for a project =, IMO. 16:39:23 <e0ne> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-cinder-summit-ideas 16:39:32 <smcginnis> e0ne: Oh yes, thanks! 16:39:39 <jgriffith> indeed, thanks to both e0ne and smcginnis for stepping up 16:39:54 <jungleboyj> jgriffith: ++ 16:39:56 <sheel> 👍 16:40:00 <diablo_rojo> jgriffith: +! 16:40:02 <dulek> Okay, business is business - how many beers each candidate offers? 16:40:03 <diablo_rojo> +1 16:40:03 <dulek> ;) 16:40:13 <jgriffith> lol 16:40:14 <e0ne> smcginnis, jgriffith: I don't care about voting at all. looks like we're going to the same direction 16:40:14 <jungleboyj> dulek: :-) 16:40:15 <smcginnis> Please add ideas to the summit planning etherpad! 16:40:18 <sheel> dulek: +100 16:40:25 <smcginnis> e0ne: I agree! 16:40:30 <e0ne> dulek: it's not for public chat question ;) 16:40:43 <jgriffith> indeed, think we're in good hands either way 16:40:54 <e0ne> jgriffith: thank you 16:40:57 <jungleboyj> Agreed! 16:41:11 <scottda> For those interested in Nova-Cinder API.... 16:41:14 <scottda> We've scheduled a meeting next Wednesday (March 30), 2100UTC on #openstack-meeting-cp 16:41:18 <smcginnis> What's nova? 16:41:22 <hemna> scottda, sweet 16:41:23 <smcginnis> :P 16:41:37 <scottda> Agenda will come from here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-nova-api-changes 16:41:45 <dulek> scottda: Hey, maybe it's worth announcing on openstack-dev? 16:41:46 <smcginnis> #info nova-cinder meeting March 20, 2100 UTC 16:41:48 <e0ne> scottda: great! could you please send a sorh message to openstack-dev ml? 16:41:52 <dulek> (or maybe it was?) 16:41:54 <scottda> jgriffith: Can you post a link to your POC code for attachment solution? 16:42:15 <scottda> dulek: e0ne Yes, ildikov was going to post to the ML 16:42:28 <e0ne> scottda: this one https://review.openstack.org/#/c/284867/? 16:42:57 <vincent_hou> smcginnis:nova-cinder meeting March 30, 2100 UTC??? 16:43:05 <ildikov> yeap, I planned to announce if people are available 16:43:07 <scottda> #info Nova-cinder meeting Wed March 30th 2100 UTC #openstack-meeting-cp 16:43:28 <smcginnis> vincent_hou: ? 16:43:28 <ildikov> scottda: 16:43:37 <scottda> ildikov: I say, go ahead and announce and we get whomever we get as attendees 16:43:42 <ildikov> if we say it's final, I send out a mail to the ML 16:43:58 <diablo_rojo> Swanson: Why aren't you here at the coffee shop with smcginnis jungleboyj and I? 16:44:02 <smcginnis> Oh, /20th/30th/ 16:44:16 <ildikov> scottda: cool, will do, I added the slot to the etherpad just now already 16:44:27 <Swanson> diablo_rojo, smcginnis didn't tell me about it until an hour ago. 16:44:36 <scottda> e0ne: Yes, that's the link to the review. Thanks. 16:44:41 <vincent_hou> smcginnis: yes 16:44:43 <smcginnis> Swanson: It was an "accident" 16:44:46 <smcginnis> :P 16:44:53 <diablo_rojo> Swanson: I guess it's cool kids only. 16:45:09 <smcginnis> Any other topics? 16:45:41 <smcginnis> OK. Let's free up the channel. 16:45:44 <smcginnis> Thanks everyone! 16:45:51 <diablo_rojo> Thanks :) 16:45:53 <geguileo> Thanks! 16:45:53 <sheel> thank you.. 16:45:55 <jungleboyj> Thanks. Most entertaining meeting ever! 16:46:02 <vincent_hou> thanks 16:46:03 <e0ne> see you next week 16:46:04 <smcginnis> #endmeeting