16:00:01 <smcginnis> #startmeeting Cinder 16:00:02 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 9 16:00:01 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:05 <smcginnis> ping dulek duncant eharney geguileo winston-d e0ne jungleboyj jgriffith thingee smcginnis hemna xyang1 tbarron scottda erlon rhedlind jbernard _alastor_ bluex patrickeast dongwenjuan JaniceLee cFouts Thelo vivekd adrianofr mtanino yuriy_n17 karlamrhein diablo_rojo jay.xu jgregor baumann rajinir wilson-l reduxio wanghao thrawn01 chris_morrell stevemar watanabe.isao,tommylike.hu mdovgal 16:00:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 16:00:12 <eharney> hi 16:00:19 <smcginnis> Hi everyone. 16:00:20 <xyang1> hi 16:00:23 <rajinir> o/ 16:00:24 <mdovgal> hi all 16:00:24 <hemna> hi 16:00:26 <DuncanT> Hi 16:00:32 <diablo_rojo> Hello 16:00:35 <patrickeast> o/ 16:00:35 <tsg> Hi 16:00:48 <scottda> hi 16:01:00 <smcginnis> #topic Announcements 16:01:01 <dulek> o/ 16:01:29 <smcginnis> Public service announcement - nova-net was deprecated last release. If you run a CI and you are still using it, time to switch. 16:01:36 <smcginnis> It will be going away this release. 16:01:54 <smcginnis> And based on past experience, you may need a little time to figure out how to set things up right. ;) 16:02:04 <hemna> neutron works now? 16:02:06 <hemna> :P 16:02:14 <smcginnis> :) 16:02:15 <flip214> hi 16:02:31 <geguileo> Hi! 16:02:42 <smcginnis> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-spec-review-tracking Review focus 16:02:50 <dulek> jgriffith must be delighted with Neutron. :) 16:02:51 <smcginnis> Just typical reminder on review tracking. 16:03:16 <smcginnis> Feel free to add priority stuff there, and if you are a reviewer looking for what to look at, that's a good place to go. 16:03:32 <dulek> Hm, should we clean it up a little as Ocata started? 16:03:32 <smcginnis> #topic Cinder HA A/A 16:03:41 <smcginnis> dulek: Yeah, we should. 16:03:49 <smcginnis> geguileo: You're up. :) 16:03:57 <diablo_rojo> dulek, I was about to ask the same thing. 16:05:04 <smcginnis> #info Concern about drivers supporting HA A/A without testing. 16:05:39 <smcginnis> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/393460/ PoC of code to disable until vendor acknowledges tested ok. 16:05:41 <dulek> Is there anything controversial about Gorka's proposal? 16:06:06 <geguileo> dulek: I discussed this with smcginnis but we thought we should hear everybody's opinion 16:06:08 <smcginnis> Not really from me. 16:06:12 <Swanson> Hi 16:06:15 <smcginnis> geguileo: +1 16:06:17 <erlon-airlong> hey 16:06:40 <smcginnis> So anybody with questions/thoughts/differing opinions? 16:06:42 <dulek> Okay, to me it's pretty straightforward, but I don't really own a driver… 16:07:04 <smcginnis> geguileo: Huh, that was easy. :) 16:07:17 <erlon-airlong> I like the idea just the point I added in the driver about having the report in get_stats 16:07:46 <hemna> shouldn't the driver just report the capability in get volume stats? 16:07:51 <geguileo> erlon-airlong: I've been away for a couple of days and haven't read the comment 16:07:53 <smcginnis> #info Driver maintainers will need to explicitly enable support for HA A/A for their drivers. 16:08:04 <dulek> hemna: I don't think you 16:08:18 <geguileo> The idea is to prevent users from running A/A without the vendor saying it's ok 16:08:22 <dulek> hemna: you'll be able to stop starting cinder-volume in that case. 16:08:28 <erlon-airlong> hemna: geguileo: all capabilities of drivers are reported in get_stats 16:08:37 <eharney> doing this as a class variable rather than in volume stats seems to be the right thing to me 16:08:43 <erlon-airlong> geguileo: I think should keep the same in this case 16:08:44 <geguileo> erlon-airlong: Yeah, but the service won't start 16:09:02 <eharney> it's not the same kind of info, and this is simpler 16:09:02 <geguileo> erlon-airlong: That's the whole point 16:09:10 <smcginnis> eharney: +1 16:09:18 <e0ne> eharney: +1 16:09:23 <geguileo> We don't need to report anything we just don't start because the vendor says the driver is not tested for A/A 16:09:28 <smcginnis> I do agree this is a little different than our other "capabilities". 16:09:30 <erlon-airlong> geguileo: hmm, got it, yep, I was wondering the reason why o put it there 16:09:33 <hemna> so we have capabilities and then another capability elsewhere 16:09:39 <hemna> I dunno if I'm into it 16:09:47 <geguileo> This is not capabilities 16:09:51 <smcginnis> hemna: Meta-capabilities. ;) 16:09:52 <geguileo> This is to prevent the start of the service 16:09:55 <hemna> it is a capability 16:10:13 <hemna> which can be done other ways as well 16:10:18 <erlon-airlong> hemna: it it a capability but does not affect on how volumes are scheduled 16:10:27 <hemna> logically this is a capability of the backend and or driver 16:10:46 <e0ne> hemna: it's a driver capability, not a backend's 16:10:49 <geguileo> hemna: We can report it, that's not an issue, but it won't affect anything 16:10:51 <dulek> e0ne: +1 16:11:01 <erlon-airlong> this could be a line, if affect the scheduler in any way, then it should go to get_stats 16:11:01 <smcginnis> I think less of a capability, more of a valid configuration setting. 16:11:04 <geguileo> Scheduling will be the same 16:11:07 <dulek> Not even tell anything useful for the user. 16:11:15 <hemna> I disagree 16:11:18 <hemna> -1 from me 16:11:20 <geguileo> smcginnis: +1 16:11:20 <dulek> It's like info important for deployer only. 16:11:30 <hemna> I'll stop arguing, I just don't like it. 16:11:39 <geguileo> hemna: You don't like that we don't report it 16:11:51 <geguileo> hemna: Or that we are preventing the service from starting with an incorrect configuration? 16:12:03 <smcginnis> Well, anybody with any opinions, please comment on the PoC patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/393460/ 16:12:09 <hemna> I'd prefer the driver to report it's capability the normal way 16:12:19 <hemna> and the service starting or stopping is a separate matter 16:12:24 <geguileo> hemna: And to start with a bad configuration? 16:12:33 <DuncanT> hemna: It's too late by then.... 16:12:33 <hemna> I like the idea of preventing the service from starting if the driver/backend can't do AA 16:12:34 <geguileo> One that could potentially lead to problems? 16:12:41 <dulek> geguileo: It's not bad. It's simply dangerous configuration. 16:12:53 <dulek> geguileo: Worst case - some operations cause data loss. 16:12:56 <geguileo> dulek: In my mind danger = bad 16:12:58 <geguileo> XD 16:13:01 <dulek> :) 16:13:08 <DuncanT> This is more like a high level check_for_setup_errors 16:13:13 <smcginnis> Data loss == really bad 16:13:25 <hemna> also, another thing is that this would prevent the scheduler from ever sending requests to the cluster 16:13:29 <hemna> as it wouldn't be supported 16:13:31 <geguileo> hemna: So you would be OK if the drivers reported this capability? 16:13:42 <hemna> anyway, I'm in the minority here. 16:13:53 <DuncanT> This is more like a high level check_for_setup_errors 16:13:53 <hemna> geguileo, yah, drivers should report it 16:14:06 <geguileo> hemna: OK, I don't think that would be a problem 16:14:20 <geguileo> But changing the scheduler to take it into cosideration may be overboard 16:14:21 <dulek> Is scheduler able to tell if driver is configured as A/A? Hm, it probably is if it's cinder.conf is same as c-vols. 16:14:40 <geguileo> dulek: If it's reported the scheduler will know 16:14:47 <geguileo> dulek: But since the service won't be starting... 16:14:58 <geguileo> dulek: It won't be able to schedule anything there anyway 16:15:37 <DuncanT> It will know the difference between an H/A backend (correcetly configured) and a none-H/A backend though, which might be something people want to schedule on 16:15:40 <dulek> Yeah, I see. Moreover requests failing in scheduler because of wrong configuration would be quite confusing for admin. 16:16:03 <dulek> At least in comparison with c-vol simply failing on the start. 16:16:22 <DuncanT> dulek: ++ 16:16:37 <geguileo> dulek: I agree 16:17:03 <smcginnis> OK, again, please comment in the review if you see any issues. 16:17:09 <smcginnis> geguileo: Anything else we should cover here? 16:17:17 <geguileo> smcginnis: No, that was all 16:17:22 <smcginnis> geguileo: Thanks! 16:17:26 <smcginnis> #topic NVMe-over-Fabrics (NVMe-oF) target driver support for Cinder 16:17:33 <dulek> Hi! 16:17:36 <smcginnis> dulek, tsg: Hey 16:17:58 <smcginnis> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTPe0sOHU0w PoC demo video 16:18:09 <dulek> So this is mostly a heads-up that we're looking over integrating NVM-over-RDMA-Fabric protocol with Cinder. 16:18:39 <hemna> dulek, is a brick connector needed ? 16:18:46 <dulek> hemna: Definitely. 16:18:58 <dulek> I wonder if any existing drivers in Cinder looked at/experimented with this protocol? 16:19:12 <flip214> The DRBD driver is using RDMA. 16:19:17 <flip214> or CAN use RDMA. 16:19:22 <e0ne> hemna: yes, we've got PoC both for cinder and os-brick 16:19:23 <smcginnis> dulek: Lot's of looking at, no experimenting yet. 16:19:42 <hemna> ok cool 16:19:56 <dulek> flip214: This is quite interesting. 16:20:14 <smcginnis> dulek: Was there a patch submitted? Seems like I saw something, but maybe I'm just thinking of the bp? 16:20:15 <hemna> dulek, do we have a CI for it or can we get one? 16:20:39 <e0ne> smcginnis: we didn't submit any patches yet 16:20:40 <dulek> hemna: We would need one, but that would require a driver being able to support the protocol I think. 16:20:47 <hemna> yup 16:20:53 <smcginnis> e0ne: OK, thanks. Must have just been thinking of the blueprint then. 16:20:55 <xyang> e0ne: do you have a nova patch too 16:20:56 <e0ne> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/nvme-volume-driver 16:21:04 <e0ne> xyang: I have 16:21:18 <dulek> And it's a little problematic with LVM at this moment. I wonder if we could try to start with BDD? 16:21:20 <e0ne> #link https://github.com/e0ne/cinder/tree/nvme 16:21:28 <e0ne> #link https://github.com/e0ne/nova/tree/nvme 16:21:32 <e0ne> #link https://github.com/e0ne/os-brick/tree/nvme 16:21:37 <smcginnis> e0ne: Oh, nice! 16:21:44 <e0ne> all code are in PoC state now 16:21:57 <e0ne> please, don't look on the codestyle now:( 16:22:04 <e0ne> I'll cleanup it early next week 16:23:13 <smcginnis> dulek: Cool, so just a head's up for now? Looking for other involvement? 16:24:04 <dulek> If someone is interested in consuming such TargetDriver and os.brick connector in his driver, that could help us innovate on that. 16:24:25 <e0ne> dulek: :) 16:24:39 <dulek> I'll look into DRBD as flip214 mentioned. 16:25:06 <flip214> dulek: that won't help. 16:25:10 <e0ne> to be clear, it's not only about RDMA support 16:25:10 <flip214> the DRBD kernel module uses RDMA 16:25:20 <smcginnis> flip214: Is that NVMe, or just using RDMA? 16:25:27 <smcginnis> Ah, just RDMA. 16:25:31 <flip214> smcginnis: we can use NVMe as lower-level storage too, of course. 16:25:38 <smcginnis> flip214: OK 16:25:40 <e0ne> it's more about NVMeoF and RDMA will be one of the supported protocols 16:25:40 <flip214> but the RDMA transport is just configured from userspace 16:25:47 <flip214> the communication is done in kernel only 16:26:00 <flip214> so there's nothing for brick or cinder, apart from "done the right way it works" 16:26:12 <smcginnis> OK, let's move on then if that's OK dulek. 16:26:24 <smcginnis> And anyone interested, contact dulek (and e0ne) to collaborate. 16:26:28 <dulek> Sure, thanks, if someone is interested in collaboration - ping me or e0ne. 16:26:34 <smcginnis> dulek: Thank you 16:26:37 <dulek> Thanks! 16:26:42 <smcginnis> #topic In-tree Cinder tests 16:26:48 <smcginnis> erlon-airlong: Take er away... 16:26:50 <erlon-airlong> hey 16:26:50 * dulek needs to run now, sorry. 16:26:58 <smcginnis> dulek: Fine, be like that. 16:26:59 <smcginnis> :) 16:27:15 <erlon-airlong> so, Iv been trying to merge some tests in tempest for a while 16:27:42 <erlon-airlong> but, there sooo few cores active there that its taking a life 16:27:51 <smcginnis> erlon-airlong: We've seen that many times now. 16:28:14 <e0ne> erlon-airlong: +1 16:28:23 <erlon-airlong> yep, so, we should start to add tests directly into cinder tree, and add hooks in the gate to run/search them 16:28:57 <erlon-airlong> like manila does 16:28:59 <eharney> i think we came to this same conclusion in another discussion recently 16:29:07 <scottda> erlon-airlong: Yup. And we discussed in Barcelona that this would be a good first step, even if later we wanted them to run in the tempest directory 16:29:08 <smcginnis> So the only question I had for the team on that was whether everyone thought the gate should run our in-tree tests. 16:29:09 <e0ne> erlon-airlong: I think everybody agree with you 16:29:19 <geguileo> eharney: Yep, during the summit 16:29:31 <smcginnis> Way back when we added it I (just personally) was thinking this would be a good way for third party CI to add additional stuff. 16:29:43 <smcginnis> But I think we really do want all tests to run in gate. 16:29:55 <e0ne> smcginnis: +1 for all tests in gate 16:30:01 <erlon-airlong> e0ne: great ! just ill put some patches to make that happen 16:30:02 <eharney> the gate should definitely run the in-tree tests for configs that are possible 16:30:06 <patrickeast> might as well, assuming we are careful to block off features with config options 16:30:06 <smcginnis> OK, good. 16:30:27 <erlon-airlong> smcginnis: they should run in the gate the same way that tempest tests do 16:30:30 <smcginnis> So the next step is probably to work with infra to change the tempest runs to run the all_plugins target. 16:30:44 <smcginnis> That will find and run the local tests along with the normal tempest ones. 16:30:57 <erlon-airlong> ok 16:31:16 <smcginnis> As far as how that is done, I'm no help there. ;) 16:31:46 <smcginnis> OK, if no objections, should we move on? 16:31:59 <erlon-airlong> smcginnis: me to, dont have a clear idea, Ill find you how to do that 16:32:19 <smcginnis> #action erlon-airlong to investigate changing gate jobs to pick up in-tree tempest tests 16:32:23 <smcginnis> erlon-airlong: Thanks! 16:32:32 <smcginnis> #topic How to deal with cinderclient help with microversions 16:32:33 <erlon-airlong> smcginnis: welcome 16:32:38 <smcginnis> scottda: . 16:32:44 <scottda> So, Cao filed a bug because cinderclient help would show parameters and features in, say version 3.0, that weren't present until later versions... 16:32:49 <scottda> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-cinderclient/+bug/1600567 16:32:49 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1600567 in python-cinderclient ""cinder help" does not support microversion" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Nate Potter (ntpttr) 16:32:52 <scottda> And we merged a fix: 16:32:52 <patrickeast> erlon-airlong: its not too bad, there should just be a conf option in devstack-gate for it 16:33:01 <scottda> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-cinderclient/commit/?id=b76f5944130e29ee1bf3095c966a393c489c05e6 16:33:24 <smcginnis> Personal opinion - I think that was probably wrong. 16:33:28 <scottda> The question then arose: How does the user know about features or parameters that show up in later versions? 16:33:29 <erlon-airlong> patrickeast: great, also, manila is doing that, so, Ill just borrow from them 16:33:48 <smcginnis> I'd rather see all options shown, with something denoting the version needed to use the ones that aren't in the base v3. 16:33:56 <scottda> Should the help show all features/parameters, and then name the version when they are first supported? 16:34:34 <smcginnis> scottda: That would be my preference. 16:35:01 <scottda> smcginnis: Cool. I can see that point and am not sure I have a strong preference. What do others think? 16:35:31 <patrickeast> what are other micro-versiony projects doing about this? surely this ins't a unique cinder problem 16:35:46 <eharney> i also agree with that preference, otherwise it's too hard for anyone to find all of the options/parameters 16:35:48 <smcginnis> patrickeast: Good point. Do we know what nova and others do? 16:35:56 <scottda> patrickeast: Good question. Manila people? (xyang bswartz ... 16:36:55 <scottda> I think nova is busily deprecating the Nova CLI. So also of interest what OSC folks think. But they don't have microversion support yet... 16:38:06 <smcginnis> Maybe we can set a good precendent with this then. 16:38:11 <DuncanT> We alrady have things in the cinder cli that may or may not be supported 16:38:21 <smcginnis> I do think it's more user friendly to be able to discover what is possible. 16:38:47 <smcginnis> DuncanT: And with this, at least we can tell them what version they can expect that to be supported from. 16:38:50 <scottda> smcginnis: Well, putting everything in the help doesn't let you discover what is possible. 16:39:08 <DuncanT> smcginnis: ++ 16:39:08 <smcginnis> scottda: It let's them know what they can check based on version. 16:40:07 <erlon-airlong> smcginnis: agreed, I have strugled trying to find help for hidden options 16:40:24 <smcginnis> No one else cares? US folks stayed up too late watching election coverage? :) 16:40:26 <erlon-airlong> it totally blows the meaning of the word help 16:40:30 <smcginnis> erlon-airlong: +1 16:41:10 <bswartz> scottda: sorry was afk 16:41:11 <geguileo> If you display everything that's available then you also have another problem 16:41:14 <DuncanT> It would be nice if we could make the help appropriate for the cloud it is talking to.... 16:41:19 <geguileo> In later versions we may remove arguments 16:41:27 * bswartz reads scrollback 16:41:39 <geguileo> And the help starts getting crazy to read 16:41:43 <DuncanT> geguileo: We keep supporting the old microversion though 16:41:46 <smcginnis> bswartz: High level - wondering how help is displayed for microversion stuff in Manila. 16:41:53 <geguileo> Trying to figure out what you have to pass for each version 16:42:13 <smcginnis> geguileo: Hopefully we don't have too much of that anyway. 16:42:13 <geguileo> DuncanT: Yeah, but you have to read through all the options to see which ones go together 16:42:26 <erlon-airlong> geguileo: wouldnt be possible to add sections for each version if the command has different behaviours? 16:42:28 <geguileo> smcginnis: Hopefully :-) 16:42:52 <bswartz> smcginnis: CLI works with latest version, and help reflects latest version IIRC 16:42:56 <geguileo> erlon-airlong: Sure, if somebody has time to work on that it would be grea XD 16:43:08 <scottda> DuncanT: I'd like to add auto-negotiate like Manila has. The client and server would use the hightest mutually supported version.... 16:43:14 <bswartz> the CLI should try to work as less as possible with old versions, but there are limits 16:43:18 <erlon-airlong> geguileo: lol, yep, that wouldn't be easy to do 16:43:40 <scottda> erlon-airlong: That's what this controversial patch does... 16:43:40 <erlon-airlong> geguileo: not hard actually but a lot of details 16:43:53 <scottda> It has the ability to version the help. 16:43:53 <smcginnis> #info Currently help for new feature/parameters only shows up when that microversion is requested 16:44:18 <bswartz> CLI users should _NEVER_ have to request a microversion 16:44:26 <smcginnis> bswartz: +1 16:44:28 <bswartz> that's a huge fail of UI design 16:44:44 <bswartz> you should just get the latest 16:45:02 <scottda> bswartz: Yup. I can add that to the client. Most of the plumbing is there and I've a patch up to fix a bug... 16:45:18 <bswartz> if the server is somehow older than the client, then the client needs to ensure compatibility as much as it can 16:45:28 <erlon-airlong> scottda: not exacly, it shows the help for a set of versions, my idea would to always (unless specified) print the help for all versions, diveded in sections when needed 16:45:53 <erlon-airlong> bswartz: +1 16:45:54 <scottda> erlon-airlong: ahh..OK. That is different 16:45:58 <DuncanT> bswartz: ++ 16:46:24 <bswartz> it's acceptable to limit backwards compatibility to a certain oldest version though -- and tell users with servers older than that to use an older client 16:46:46 <bswartz> ideally that window of backwards compatibility goes back at least 2 years 16:46:47 <erlon-airlong> IMO, this would be something to be fixed in OSC 16:47:17 <erlon-airlong> and as they have plans to catchup cinderclient, that's something they coud start working on 16:47:49 <scottda> erlon-airlong: Yes, OSC has started to look at microversion support. But aren't there yet. 16:48:35 <scottda> But this question is simpler: Should the help show all features, even those the server doesn't support? OR should it show only those available on the server (or in our current situation, the version requested on the client side)? 16:49:11 <scottda> Soon, cinderclient auto-negotiation will prevent the user from input of the requested version. But the help question is the same... 16:49:39 <erlon-airlong> if the client supports all features, then its help should reflect that 16:49:52 <bswartz> scottda: yes the help should show what the client supports, not what the server supports 16:50:11 <bswartz> otherwise you can't print out help without a connection to a server, which is kind of dumb 16:50:19 <xyang> scottda: maybe bswartz has already answered this: manila help does not require a microversion 16:51:01 <scottda> bswartz: Well, today you can manually input the cinderclient version you want, and get help appropriate to that version. 16:51:01 <bswartz> remember that in the majority of cases, the client and server will be at the same version 16:51:25 <bswartz> the reason we allow for any variance at all is for clients/apps that needs to talk to multiple clouds 16:51:48 <bswartz> in those cases we assume the user or developer is a little smarter than average 16:52:08 <bswartz> and they don't need "help" text to figure out what they're doing 16:52:15 <scottda> So, is there anyone that thinks we should keep the help as it is, giving only features supported by the requested version? or the hightest version on the server? 16:52:34 <scottda> OR does everyone agree that cinderclient help should show all features supported by the client? 16:52:49 <bswartz> #vote all features 16:53:03 <smcginnis> My preference is option 2. 16:53:26 <scottda> #vote all features 16:53:33 <scottda> Sounds good to me ^^ 16:53:47 <erlon-airlong> #vote all features 16:54:00 <xyang> I prefer all features too 16:54:27 <smcginnis> scottda: Seems pretty unanimous so far. 16:54:43 <scottda> Seems like no dissent. I'll file a bug to track this. I cannot guarantee when I'll get to it, so anyone else feel free to pick it up. 16:54:57 <smcginnis> scottda: Thanks! 16:55:24 <smcginnis> #action scottda to file bug to change help to show all options 16:55:38 <smcginnis> #topic Open Discussion 16:55:45 <smcginnis> Anything else today? 16:55:55 <bswartz> PTG is 3 days (wed-fri) right? 16:56:11 <smcginnis> bswartz: Good topic - for Cinder, yes. 16:56:20 <bswartz> yeah I meant cinder 16:56:32 <bswartz> manila will be wed-thurs so 100% overlap :-( 16:56:37 <smcginnis> We were asked if our team would like Wed-Thurs or Wed-Fr. I have requested for Cinder we get three days. 16:57:02 <smcginnis> bswartz: Maybe we could coordinate a couple joint sessions if needed. 16:57:24 <smcginnis> They will be updating the PTG info to note which teams will have 2 or 3 days. 16:57:27 <smcginnis> That should help. 16:57:30 <jungleboyj> Ahhh! Was the Cinder meeting at 10 am!?! 16:57:37 <bswartz> I'm not sure if joint sessions would help -- mostly I'll just miss you guys 16:57:41 <smcginnis> If folks haven't seen it yet, registration is officially open. 16:57:45 <smcginnis> jungleboyj: LOL 16:57:51 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: Damn it! 16:57:53 <bswartz> jungleboyj: 1600 UTC 16:58:00 <bswartz> it never moves 16:58:01 <smcginnis> bswartz: We'll miss you too. ;) 16:58:03 <diablo_rojo> jungleboyj, Time change ;) 16:58:13 <jungleboyj> diablo_rojo: Why didn't you remind me!?! 16:58:20 <jungleboyj> :-) 16:58:29 <smcginnis> At least there's Friday. 16:58:44 <bswartz> yeah I'll plan to hang out with yall on friday 16:58:54 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: What is Friday? 16:59:16 <smcginnis> jungleboyj: Oh sure, come in late and expect me to start over from the beginning! 16:59:19 <smcginnis> :P 16:59:27 <smcginnis> jungleboyj: Just talking about the PTG. 16:59:28 * jungleboyj goes to read the logs. 16:59:49 <smcginnis> jungleboyj: Cinder will have three days. Manila will have two, so those working in both can at least join up with us Friday. 17:00:17 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: Ah, good deal. 17:00:39 <smcginnis> Anyone have anything else? 17:00:53 <smcginnis> Oh, times up. 17:00:54 <bswartz> let's build a wall between cinder and nova and make nova pay for it 17:00:55 <smcginnis> Thanks everyone. 17:01:00 <bswartz> oh wait wrong meeting 17:01:00 <smcginnis> bswartz: Hah! 17:01:03 <jungleboyj> bswartz: Nice! 17:01:07 <smcginnis> #endmeeting