16:00:01 <smcginnis> #startmeeting Cinder 16:00:02 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Apr 19 16:00:01 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 16:00:07 <smcginnis> ping dulek duncant eharney geguileo winston-d e0ne jungleboyj jgriffith thingee smcginnis hemna xyang1 tbarron scottda erlon rhedlind jbernard _alastor_ bluex karthikp_ patrickeast dongwenjuan JaniceLee cFouts Thelo vivekd adrianofr mtanino yuriy_n17 karlamrhein diablo_rojo jay.xu jgregor baumann rajinir wilson-l reduxio wanghao thrawn01 chris_morrell watanabe.isao,tommylikehu mdovgal ildikov 16:00:12 <geguileo> o/ 16:00:13 <smcginnis> wxy viks ketonne abishop sivn breitz 16:00:14 <jungleboyj> o/ 16:00:16 <xyang1> Hi 16:00:17 <mdovgal> hi 16:00:19 <hemna> \o/ 16:00:20 <eharney> hi 16:00:21 <scottda> hi 16:00:21 <tbarron> hi 16:00:27 <e0ne> hi 16:00:30 <smcginnis> Hi everyone. 16:00:32 <wxy|> hello 16:00:48 <bswartz> .o/ 16:01:18 <smcginnis> #topic Announcements 16:01:23 <kaisers> Hi 16:01:47 <smcginnis> Just a few weeks out from the Summit/Forum. 16:01:56 <DuncanT> Hi 16:02:17 <smcginnis> Looking forward to seeing folks there. Hopefully we have enough from Cinder that could make it. 16:02:54 <smcginnis> We're well into the second milestone phase. 16:02:55 <smcginnis> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-spec-review-tracking Review focus 16:03:25 <smcginnis> Please take a look at the specs out there. I think there's at least a couple that can probably be approved. 16:03:53 <smcginnis> #topic os-brick CI requirements 16:04:01 <smcginnis> So this came up in a recent patch. 16:04:03 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: Will try to look through those. 16:04:13 <smcginnis> We've talked about CI for os-brick in the past. 16:04:16 <smcginnis> jungleboyj: Cool, thanks. 16:04:42 <smcginnis> I think we pretty much agreed it's a good thing to run CI against os-brick patches if you could, 16:04:48 <e0ne> smcginnis: IMO, 3rd party CI for this stuff would be great 16:04:59 <smcginnis> And very strongly encouraged if you have a custom connector. 16:04:59 <Swanson> Hello. 16:05:03 <geguileo> e0ne: +1 16:05:31 <smcginnis> e0ne: I agree, it would be good to know if we break anything before we actually release a new version. 16:06:13 <smcginnis> While we stated it was important for custom connectors, we never made it a strict requirement or wrote down anywhere that it was needed. 16:06:20 <smcginnis> Just wondering if we should do that now. 16:06:54 <smcginnis> Or we can just leave it as is with a strong recommendation to have it. 16:07:06 <jungleboyj> Well, we have made other things a strict requirement, so it would be consistent. 16:07:22 <xyang1> jungleboyj: +1 16:07:42 <jungleboyj> Reduce confusion and questions though it may not make everyone happy. 16:08:09 <kaisers> As a note, if you've got a Cinder 3rd party CI running an os-brick instance largely similar and has much less traffic (resource usage) 16:08:21 <smcginnis> OK, I can try to update our wiki soon to add that to our CI requirements. 16:08:42 <smcginnis> kaisers: +1 - that's the good thing I think with os-brick. It's really low volume. 16:08:50 <jungleboyj> Yep. 16:09:23 <smcginnis> OK, cool. Just wanted to publicly raise it here before doing anything. 16:09:23 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: Does this impact anyone immediately? 16:09:37 <jungleboyj> Is there anyone that doesn't have CI running that will now need to add it? 16:09:48 <smcginnis> jungleboyj: No, I think just for any new connectors we will need to see CI results before approvinng. 16:10:03 <e0ne> jungleboyj: we should follow the same way, as we did for drivers 16:10:04 <smcginnis> jungleboyj: And we'll have to review what existing ones do not have CI. 16:10:36 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: Ok. Sounds good. 16:10:47 <smcginnis> I do think eventually we should make it more strict and deprecate/remove connectors that do not meet the requirement. 16:10:53 <smcginnis> Just don't want to do that immediately. 16:11:41 <e0ne> smcginnis: +1 16:11:45 <tommylikehu> +1 16:11:50 <jungleboyj> Yeah, phase it in. That makes sense. 16:12:00 <kaisers> +1 16:12:13 <smcginnis> Maybe a good thing for queens. 16:12:29 <smcginnis> OK, that's all I had. 16:12:36 <smcginnis> Agenda really light today. 16:12:43 <smcginnis> #topic Open Discussion 16:12:46 <dulek> Can I chime in then? 16:12:54 <smcginnis> dulek: Please do! 16:12:56 <dulek> Just wanted to raise this patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453654/ 16:13:12 <dulek> I've started working on OpenStack-Helm chart for Cinder. 16:13:34 <dulek> And I've discovered all of the backend options are placed into [DEFAULT] section in config sample. 16:13:51 <dulek> Which was fine when we've supported single backend, but is totally wrong now. 16:14:04 <smcginnis> dulek: I think that patch makes sense. 16:14:21 <smcginnis> dulek: It's W-1. Still work to do there? 16:14:22 <dulek> The patch basically creates an artifical [backend] section that will aggregate backend config options. 16:14:45 <smcginnis> dulek: Probably a fair enough way to do it. 16:14:45 <dulek> Yeah, unit tests. I'm running last of them right now - I've spent today fixing them. 16:14:53 <smcginnis> Great! 16:15:02 <dulek> So you can expect new patchset today. 16:15:29 <mdovgal> dulek, looked through the patch, the idea is great, actually 16:15:32 <jungleboyj> Yeah, I think that approach makes sense. 16:15:35 <dulek> Also note that there are 3 patches on the bottom of the chain that remove CONF usage from 3 drivers. 16:15:48 <smcginnis> Nice. 16:15:51 <jungleboyj> The [backend] section then doesn't really get used, just there for reference. 16:15:54 <dulek> RBD, XtremIO, and DISCO is comming. 16:16:59 <dulek> Okay, so if there isn't a lot of controversy with my work - that's the heads up I wanted to give. :) 16:17:11 <smcginnis> dulek: Thanks, I think it's a good call. 16:17:12 <jungleboyj> I just added a note. I think it should also have a release-note please. 16:17:28 * dulek was thinking about that too. 16:17:43 * jungleboyj thinks great minds think alike 16:18:01 <smcginnis> Anybody have anything else? 16:18:07 <tommylikehu> smcginnis I happened to have one. I am working on the generalized resource filtering these days. 16:18:30 <tommylikehu> so anyone have interests on this , please take a look : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/444598/ 16:18:42 <smcginnis> tommylikehu: Great! 16:19:03 <tommylikehu> smcginnis: hoping I am heading the correct way 16:19:39 <smcginnis> tommylikehu: Last time I looked, I think it was in good shape. Thanks for working on that. 16:19:42 <jungleboyj> tommylikehu: Thanks for all the efforts. 16:20:07 <tommylikehu> smcginnis, jungleboyj it's almost done now :) 16:20:33 <smcginnis> OK, anything else? 16:20:38 <kaisers> If i may also add a point 16:20:52 <smcginnis> kaisers: Definitely 16:20:55 <kaisers> Probably i'll have stones thrown at me, but still: 16:21:03 <kaisers> Pls a second core for review at this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/455256/ , CIs affected are down for two weeks now and it would be good to have them back. 16:21:20 <kaisers> That's all :) 16:21:35 <jungleboyj> kaisers: Looking. 16:21:56 <smcginnis> Alright, I think we can cut it short today. 16:22:02 <smcginnis> Thanks everyone. 16:22:10 <tommylikehu> thanks 16:22:27 <geguileo> thanks 16:22:28 <xyang1> smcginnis: the Cinder on boarding meeting happens at the same time as Cinder as nova ephemeral storage 16:22:38 <xyang1> At the summit 16:22:48 <kaisers> Thanks 16:23:03 <smcginnis> xyang1: Oh, shoot. I wonder if we can ask for a schedule change? 16:23:14 <xyang1> smcginnis: that will be nice 16:23:22 <jungleboyj> kaisers: Done. 16:23:36 <kaisers> ...and there was much rejoicing :) 16:23:37 <jungleboyj> xyang1: Good catch. That isn't good! 16:23:44 <smcginnis> OK, really done now. Thanks again. :) 16:23:46 <smcginnis> #endmeeting