16:00:06 <smcginnis> #startmeeting Cinder 16:00:07 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 14 16:00:06 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 16:00:12 <smcginnis> bswartz: Only just 16:00:13 <Swanson> hello 16:00:16 <_alastor_> o/ 16:00:17 <smcginnis> ping: dulek duncant eharney geguileo winston-d e0ne jungleboyj jgriffith thingee smcginnis hemna xyang1 tbarron scottda erlon rhedlind jbernard _alastor_ bluex karthikp_ patrickeast dongwenjuan JaniceLee cFouts Thelo vivekd adrianofr mtanino karlamrhein diablo_rojo jay.xu jgregor lhx_ baumann rajinir wilson-l reduxio wanghao thrawn01 chris_morrell watanabe.isao,tommylikehu mdovgal ildikov wxy 16:00:23 <smcginnis> viks ketonne abishop sivn 16:00:31 <bswartz> .o/ 16:00:32 <jgriffith> hola 16:00:34 <xyang1> Hi 16:00:36 <mdovgal> hi 16:00:38 <tommylikehu> hi 16:00:38 <jungleboyj> o/ 16:00:43 <jungleboyj> @! 16:00:43 <pewp> jungleboyj ( ^_^)/ 16:00:47 <wxy|> hi 16:00:53 <e0ne> hi 16:00:54 <jgriffith> pewp 16:00:54 <rfolco> o/ 16:00:55 <scottda> hey 16:01:00 <pots> o/ 16:01:13 <jgriffith> errr "poop" 16:01:27 <lhx__> o/ 16:01:39 <jungleboyj> @!b jgriffith 16:01:39 <pewp> jungleboyj (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ╯(°□° ╯) jgriffith 16:01:48 <smcginnis> #topic Announcements 16:01:58 <smcginnis> #info P-2 was cut last week 16:02:12 <smcginnis> We should now be focusing on finishing up new features and fixing bugs. 16:03:11 <smcginnis> PSA: tooz has been changed by devstack to now use the etcd driver instead of local file 16:03:20 <smcginnis> So if you see anything odd, keep that in mind. 16:03:40 <smcginnis> _alastor_ found a bug in the case where SERVICE_HOST= 16:03:54 <smcginnis> I have a patch in to devstack to fix that, but it has not merged yet. 16:03:57 <rajinir> 0/ 16:03:58 <xyang1> smcginnis: when was that merged 16:04:07 <smcginnis> xyang1: The change in devstack? 16:04:11 <xyang1> smcginnis: yes 16:04:23 <smcginnis> xyang1: I'm not entirely sure, but I think it was just a few days ago. 16:04:28 <xyang1> Ok 16:05:04 <tbarron> hi 16:05:07 <smcginnis> I wasn't aware of it until things broke, but I suppose it's good to get testing coverage on that if that is the way of the future. 16:05:35 <smcginnis> #info PTG registration is now open. 16:05:38 <smcginnis> #link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/project-teams-gathering-denver-2017-tickets-33219389087 16:05:54 <smcginnis> Real far for jgriffith, but hopefully he can make it. :) 16:06:11 <jgriffith> Yeah, trying to book travel now :) 16:06:21 <e0ne> smcginnis: it's real far for everybody outside US:( 16:06:26 <jgriffith> BMW express 16:06:29 <jungleboyj> Can we all stay at your house jgriffith ? 16:06:41 <jgriffith> sure 16:06:43 <smcginnis> e0ne: Yeah... 16:06:47 <jgriffith> you have to sleep in the barn though 16:06:52 <smcginnis> e0ne: Hopefully the next one is better. 16:06:58 <jgriffith> and it is an hour+ to the venue 16:06:59 <smcginnis> jgriffith: I like horses. 16:07:02 <tommylikehu> lol 16:07:07 <e0ne> :) 16:07:26 <jungleboyj> smcginnis: :-) 16:07:27 <xyang1> jgriffith: make sure you don't fly out of Denver that week:) 16:07:30 <smcginnis> If I remember right, they wanted to do the first couple in the US to get things started, then start moving the PTG around more. 16:07:50 <Swanson> Denver's officail slogan: We're the counterpoint to all the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. 16:07:56 <Swanson> Official 16:08:04 <smcginnis> Hey now. :) 16:08:16 <jgriffith> Swanson ha! 16:08:21 <jgriffith> that's not too far off 16:08:26 <smcginnis> #topic IBM KVM on Power CI 16:08:32 <jgriffith> but there are worse places... much worse 16:08:35 <jgriffith> in co 16:08:39 <smcginnis> True 16:08:47 <smcginnis> rfolco: Hi. 16:08:56 <rfolco> hi 16:08:57 <smcginnis> rfolco: Usually don't have to ask to run CI, but I appreciate it. 16:08:57 <rfolco> :) 16:09:06 <lhx__> jgriffith, where are you from, guy? 16:09:07 <rfolco> Yeah... In spite of not being a hypervisor sensitive project, we consider cinder as �platform� sensitive. 16:09:15 <smcginnis> rfolco: Looks like this is a little special case. ;) 16:09:33 <rfolco> We want to avoid breakages like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/457233/, fixed later on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/467726/. 16:09:34 <rfolco> There might be other entry points for breaking Power platform, so reporting on cinder would help us take action before the change merges. 16:09:52 <smcginnis> rfolco: So I would recommend running against os-brick patches actually. 16:10:03 <smcginnis> rfolco: To catch those before we release an update to that library. 16:10:35 <rfolco> correct me if I am wrong.... os-brick is just one entry point for breaking the code here 16:10:46 <smcginnis> rfolco: True! 16:11:16 <smcginnis> rfolco: Both os-brick and cinder would be best, but if you need to limit what you can do, I think you will get more bang for your buck testing against os-brick. 16:11:36 <smcginnis> But definitely - we have many places where we can break things. :) 16:11:48 <rfolco> ok, honestly for cinder we have found ZERO bugs so far in 4 years 16:11:59 <rfolco> os-brick was the first case 16:12:16 <smcginnis> Not too bad a track record, I guess. 16:12:35 <jungleboyj> Cinder is quite perfect in every way. 16:12:47 <smcginnis> rfolco: So I guess to officially answer your agenda question - permission granted. :) 16:13:10 <rfolco> does this include os-brick and cinder right ? 16:13:34 <smcginnis> rfolco: Yeah, one or the other or both is fine with me. 16:14:00 <rfolco> awesome, we commit to monitor and not to produce much noise in case of failures, we just disable it. 16:14:04 <rfolco> thanks !! 16:14:16 <smcginnis> rfolco: Perfect, thanks! 16:14:35 <smcginnis> #topic Open discussion 16:14:49 <smcginnis> jgriffith: Anything to bring up with attach_v2? 16:14:52 <jungleboyj> rfolco: Thanks for wanting to add CI. :-) 16:15:05 <jgriffith> smcginnis yes please 16:15:10 <eharney> Ceph CI should be functional again now 16:15:19 <smcginnis> eharney: +1 16:15:31 <lhx__> what that means? 16:15:59 <jungleboyj> eharney: Good news! 16:16:21 <smcginnis> lhx__: Which part? 16:16:43 <lhx__> smcginnis, Ceph CI 16:17:22 <smcginnis> lhx__: There were problems with tempest tests causing the ceph CI to always fail. 16:17:35 <smcginnis> lhx__: They've been fixed now so patches are not blocked by it. 16:17:46 <smcginnis> By "fixed" I guess we mean "worked around"/ 16:18:15 <lhx__> smcginnis, okay for that :) 16:19:32 <jgriffith> ready? 16:19:35 <smcginnis> jgriffith: Yes please. 16:19:45 <jgriffith> #topic attach v2 status 16:19:54 <jgriffith> bah who cares 16:19:56 <jgriffith> So... 16:20:04 <jgriffith> we're getting pretty close on the V2 attach stuff 16:20:14 <smcginnis> #topic Attach v2 changes 16:20:17 <jgriffith> I just pushed a patch to deal with the live-migrate stuff 16:20:20 <jgriffith> smcginnis show off! 16:20:28 <smcginnis> #chair jgriffith 16:20:29 * jgriffith has forgotten all of that foo 16:20:30 <openstack> Current chairs: jgriffith smcginnis 16:20:33 <smcginnis> :P 16:20:52 <jgriffith> There's one sticky thing we still have to figure out.. and that's the whole "shared connection" mess 16:20:55 <jgriffith> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/472796/ 16:21:04 <ildikov> https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1697008 16:21:05 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1697008 in Cinder "attach_delete removes export when multiple connections exist" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Steve Noyes (steve-noyes) 16:21:22 <smcginnis> ildikov: Midnight? 16:21:35 <ildikov> smcginnis: a bit after :) 16:21:36 <jgriffith> So the solution initially was that a driver would get called on term connection and it would be up to that driver to respond if it was safe for brick to kill/delete that connection or not 16:22:11 <smcginnis> jgriffith: We will have multiple attachment records in the DB even if they all share the same connection, right? 16:22:15 <jgriffith> The problem is that I don't have access to a backend that doe this sort of thing or cares about it 16:22:21 <jgriffith> smcginnis correct 16:22:52 <jgriffith> I need some help from somebody with one of those backends to help verify a good solution here that will also work with multi-attach 16:22:53 <smcginnis> jgriffith: Can't we just pass in that count to the driver? Or use that in the manager to recognize that there are multiple? 16:22:59 <jungleboyj> jgriffith: Who's backend does that? 16:23:02 <ildikov> don't we have the problem or some version of it even in case of using LVM? 16:23:05 <jgriffith> I know 3par and pure fall into those categories 16:23:07 * smcginnis looks at Swanson 16:23:15 <jgriffith> patrickeast ^^ 16:23:16 <jgriffith> ahh... Swanson !! 16:23:20 <jgriffith> You are now my target! 16:23:36 <smcginnis> mwaaahaahaaa 16:24:08 <jgriffith> so I need some help figuring those details out 16:24:27 <jgriffith> if folks ignore me and their driver breaks... well; sorry charlie :) 16:24:28 <patrickeast> Ah yea, I'll take a look 16:24:42 <ildikov> jgriffith: :) 16:24:50 <ildikov> patrickeast: tnx! 16:24:52 <jgriffith> If you could review the migration patch too that would be great (you==everyone) 16:25:03 <jgriffith> It's ugly, but I can only put so much lipstick on that pig 16:25:34 <Swanson> Which patch? 16:25:42 <jgriffith> or the other anology, "don't try to make a pig sing, it sounds awful and the pig just gets annoyed" 16:25:53 <Swanson> the hell? 16:25:57 <jgriffith> Swanson https://review.openstack.org/#/c/472786/ 16:26:13 * jungleboyj needed the laugh. Thanks jgriffith 16:26:26 <Swanson> thx 16:26:38 <jgriffith> If you haven't experienced the migration code "enjoy" 16:26:44 <smcginnis> hah 16:26:50 <jgriffith> I tried to add a bunch of comments so hopefully it will help 16:27:10 <Swanson> Oh, I've peeked at it. 16:27:15 <Swanson> Then went blind. 16:27:35 <jgriffith> That's what I've got for now. Just going to need some active involvement from folks here in the final few days of this saga 16:27:49 <smcginnis> jgriffith: Thanks 16:28:02 <smcginnis> Looks like some good progress on the Nova side too. 16:28:09 <ildikov> we would love to get the Nova support in place for Pike 16:28:10 <jungleboyj> Yay! 16:28:18 <jungleboyj> ildikov: +2 16:28:30 <ildikov> so pretty please, sugar or lipstick or whatever on top! :) 16:28:36 <smcginnis> :D 16:29:15 <smcginnis> Cool, anything else today? Or can we end early? 16:29:22 <smcginnis> (that usually ends up meaning we go to the end) 16:29:37 <jungleboyj> Bite your tongue! 16:29:40 <Swanson> So, repl v3.... 16:29:49 <smcginnis> \ban Swanson 16:29:56 <Swanson> I kid I kid 16:30:10 * jungleboyj sends Swanson to the corner 16:30:19 <smcginnis> Swanson: Go figure out migration. :) 16:30:28 <tommylikehu> lol 16:30:33 <lhx__> lol 16:30:34 <bswartz> I think it's /mode +b Swanson 16:30:47 <smcginnis> bswartz: Hah, thanks for the tip. 16:31:01 <smcginnis> Alrighty, let's wrap up early this week. Thanks everyone. 16:31:07 <tommylikehu> thanks 16:31:11 <jungleboyj> Thanks! 16:31:19 <smcginnis> #endmeeting