16:03:31 #startmeeting Cinder 16:03:31 Meeting started Wed Jun 27 16:03:31 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:33 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:03:36 The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 16:03:39 o/ 16:03:45 jungleboyj: around for a bit? 16:03:51 hello 16:03:54 hi 16:04:11 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-rocky-meeting-agendas 16:04:13 As long as the bus in Wi-Fi range. 16:04:26 #metalbox 16:04:50 #chair jungleboyj 16:04:51 Current chairs: jungleboyj smcginnis 16:05:08 jungleboyj: Want to do the announcements while you can, or easier to have me just go ahead? 16:05:28 #topic Announcements 16:05:36 Go ahead. Still getting connected. 16:05:49 OK, sounds good. 16:06:06 We're just a few weeks already from the non-client lib freeze. 16:06:20 So if there's anything in os-brick critical, make sure that gets brought up and reviewed. 16:06:30 One week after that is client lib freeze. 16:06:57 If there are any server side features getting close let's make sure there's a client patch for anything that needs it. 16:07:12 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-spec-review-tracking 16:07:20 And of course, the review priorities. ^ 16:07:28 ++ 16:07:58 I have not been able to go through there lately, so if you are in there and see anything done, feel free to mark it as merged. Anything else important missing, please add it. 16:08:20 I think that's all for announcements. 16:08:31 #topic Check-in on HA development progress 16:08:44 geguileo has a patch up for this. :) 16:08:55 #link https://review.openstack.org/571242 docs: Write high availability devref 16:09:15 Great to get some docs in there, so please take a look at that patch and provide any feedback. 16:09:45 anything that's not clear, or any additional information that people want, just comment it there 16:10:02 geguileo: thank you. 16:10:03 for this document we should be verbose 16:10:04 I'm actually reading and reviewing as we speak 16:10:04 geguileo: Thanks for doing that. Anything else you want to say about this? 16:10:10 kien-ha: Thanks! 16:10:23 smcginnis: not at this moment 16:10:33 geguileo: OK, thanks again. 16:10:42 #topic Open discussion 16:10:54 Oh yeah, forgot an announcement/reminder: 16:11:03 #info No meeting July 4th due to US holiday 16:11:14 Anyone have anything else to discuss today? 16:11:21 I have a topic 16:11:29 erlon_: All yours. 16:11:30 :) 16:11:59 not really, have just found out that we should re think our Cinder logo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LksPG2-SiA&t=14s 16:12:05 lol 16:12:31 :) 16:12:51 Hi 16:12:53 *facepalm* 16:12:58 Haha 16:13:15 i have a query 16:13:24 I think jungleboyj has an idea for a Halloween costume this year. :D 16:13:29 whoami-rajat_: Sure, go ahead. 16:13:49 hauha, jungleboyj please dont try to do it too realistic 16:14:08 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/576479/ , is abandoning this patch ok? 16:14:10 smcginnis: this one https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41JFvCgpIDL._AC_UL320_SR262,320_.jpg ? 16:14:27 ganso: Haha, there's that too. ;) 16:14:37 whoami-rajat_: Looking... 16:14:52 whoami-rajat_: Yeah, it would appear so. 16:15:18 smcginnis: ok, thanks :) 16:15:30 whoami-rajat_: Thanks for checking and working on it! 16:16:01 Anyone have anything else? 16:16:04 smcginnis: mp 16:17:32 I'll take that as a no. 16:17:53 No. Sorry connectivity wasn't so great. 16:18:29 OK, I guess that's all for this week. Thanks everyone! 16:18:35 smcginnis: thanks for doing the meeting. 16:18:39 np 16:18:46 #endmeeting