14:00:09 <rosmaita> #startmeeting cinder 14:00:09 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jun 23 14:00:09 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:09 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:09 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 14:00:15 <rosmaita> #topic roll call 14:00:17 <whoami-rajat> Hi 14:00:24 <simondodsley> Hello 14:00:37 <rosmaita> #action rosmaita - find out why rbd-iscsi-client is not mirrored on github 14:00:41 <fabiooliveira> hi 14:00:59 <sfernand> hi 14:01:11 <tbarron> hi 14:01:15 <eharney> hi 14:01:19 <jungleboyj> Hello. 14:01:23 <abishop> o/ 14:01:31 <enriquetaso> hi 14:02:29 <rosmaita> looks like a good turnout, let's get started 14:02:31 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-xena-meetings 14:02:39 <rosmaita> #topic announcements 14:03:04 <rosmaita> since next week's meeting is the final meeting of June, it will be held in both video and irc 14:03:31 <rosmaita> also, if you missed it on the mailing list, lseki has stepped down as a cinder core 14:03:42 <rosmaita> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-June/023206.html 14:04:09 <rosmaita> and, spec freeze is on Friday 14:04:33 <rosmaita> #link https://releases.openstack.org/xena/schedule.html#x-cinder-spec-freeze 14:04:34 <sfernand> :( 14:04:53 <e0ne> hi 14:04:59 <rosmaita> hello ivan 14:05:23 <hemna> hey 14:05:37 <rosmaita> i'm going to change the order of stuff on the agenda 14:05:39 <rosmaita> we will discuss 14:05:49 <rosmaita> sqlite (should take 2 minutes) 14:06:04 <rosmaita> 10 minutes on simon's black linter proposal 14:06:12 <rosmaita> and then the rest on spec reviews 14:06:24 <rosmaita> #topic Drop support for SQLite < 3.7 14:06:34 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/788871 14:07:30 <rosmaita> basically, all the currently supported platforms for openstack (centos-8-stream and ubuntu-focal) support sqlite >= 3.7 14:07:51 <rosmaita> we have a check in the code for the case where someone is using an older version 14:08:02 <rosmaita> proposal is to remove it 14:08:38 <e0ne> sqlite is used only got tests, so it's ok to use any version which doesn't make our tests more complicated 14:08:41 <eharney> this only affects unit tests, so, not much risk 14:08:48 <e0ne> eharney: +1 14:08:50 <rosmaita> but i was thinking maybe someone working with like queens, say, might be using an older sqlite on their dev box 14:09:04 <hemna> Train ? 14:09:22 <rosmaita> i think queens is still in -em mode 14:09:46 <rosmaita> i believe train's supported platforms have sqlite >= 3.7 14:09:51 <rosmaita> but i am not 100% sure 14:10:25 <hemna> I think train was ubuntu 18.0x > ? 14:11:09 <rosmaita> ok, let's do this ... if anyone can think of a reason *not* to do this, please leave a comment on the patch before Friday 1200 UTC 14:11:23 <rosmaita> otherwise, i am inclined to go with e0ne and eharney on this 14:11:27 <rosmaita> thanks! 14:11:29 <hemna> +1 14:11:50 <rosmaita> ok, it is almost 14:12 now 14:11:54 <e0ne> #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/runtimes/train.html 14:12:04 <rosmaita> #topic discuss allowing `black` to be used as an auto-linter 14:12:11 <rosmaita> simondodsley: that's you 14:12:29 <e0ne> it's good to have it but we'll lost history 14:12:47 <simondodsley> i like to use `black` as an auto-linter - it makes life super easy especially for seeing future changes 14:13:10 <simondodsley> e0ne: I agree you loose history - how much of an issue is that? 14:13:32 <e0ne> git blame is usesul, but I prefer to have black :) 14:13:33 <simondodsley> It isn't 100% perfect, but it makes linting somuch quicker 14:13:51 <rosmaita> i think for the main cinder code, losing history is definitely an issue 14:14:06 <simondodsley> I have found a couple of weird things that `tox -e pep8` fails with when using `black` but they are very trivial 14:14:14 <e0ne> if we decide to use it, let's adopt it's settings to keep current code style 14:14:48 <eharney> i thought black was opinionated and didn't really have settings to adjust 14:14:54 <hemna> I've used black in other projects, and it doesn't always produce the most readable code IMHO 14:15:01 <simondodsley> I'm not saying it should be mandatory - yes it is opionated 14:15:05 <hemna> eharney it is very opinionated 14:15:09 <e0ne> eharney: it has some settings and/or ignore list 14:15:15 <rosmaita> so we can see the differnces: 14:15:28 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/792462/ 14:15:53 <hemna> It can produce stuff like this: https://github.com/craigerl/aprsd/blob/master/aprsd/messaging.py#L561-L573 14:16:00 <hemna> which I think sux0rs 14:16:01 <eharney> see, about the first thing it changed on line 57 there is annoying 14:16:24 <eharney> (breaking our standard formatting of help text on a new line after the option name) 14:16:32 <hemna> I use black in my ham radio python project called aprsd ^^ link above, as a mechanism to ensure that non python people can lint format their code before commit. 14:17:36 <eharney> also not sure why it wants to change a lot of single-quoted strings to double quotes, weird 14:17:49 <simondodsley> For new code is it a godsend, but true it does break some of the current standards, but are they critical? 14:17:51 <rosmaita> yes, it definitely has its quirks 14:18:15 <hemna> I think the function definition 'formatting' really sucks 14:18:16 <eharney> i don't really see a benefit when pep8+hacking gets us quite consistent on style already 14:18:23 <rosmaita> i like some of the stuff it does, but hate other things 14:18:31 <jungleboyj> hemna: ++ 14:18:38 <rosmaita> simondodsley: we really want a consistent style to make it easy to read any of the code files 14:18:43 <jungleboyj> eharney: ++ 14:18:55 <simondodsley> but using `pep8` requires lots of manual intervention and that is a waste of productive time 14:19:40 <eharney> i just ran "black" on cinder/volume/manager.py and it blew up and told me to report a bug 14:19:42 <simondodsley> I can `blacken` code in 5 seconds whereas manally editing for `pep8` compliance takes ages. 14:19:49 <eharney> (was hoping to see what it did with type annotations) 14:19:51 <simondodsley> `black` is a superset of `pep8` 14:20:22 <geguileo> I don't care as much about the changing of standards as of losing history 14:20:27 <hemna> another example of sux0rs...same problem though: https://github.com/craigerl/aprsd/blob/master/aprsd/main.py#L286-L301 14:20:31 <simondodsley> eharney: then you should :) 14:20:33 <rosmaita> geguileo: ++ 14:20:56 <eharney> i'd rather just stick to pep8/hacking style-wise 14:20:57 <geguileo> eharney: and now you've seen what it does };-) 14:21:10 <eharney> geguileo: indeed 14:21:15 <rosmaita> i don't see the advantage of using this on the main cinder code because of the history issue 14:21:29 <rosmaita> maybe for drivers? how do people feel about that? 14:21:39 <simondodsley> would it be acceptable for new code? 14:21:40 <rosmaita> or do we need to be completely consistent? 14:21:41 <geguileo> maybe also for tests? 14:21:44 <whoami-rajat> L#289-299 doesn't look good... 14:21:46 <sfernand> git blame is critical for new devs, specially when trying to understand critical changes between os releases 14:21:52 <e0ne> it doesn't make sense to have different code styles in the same repo 14:21:53 <eharney> does black formatted code pass pep8/hacking most of the time? 14:22:07 <rosmaita> sfernand: i agree 14:22:11 <hemna> I think if a driver dev wants to run it on their driver and is ok with losing history that's one thing, still sucks for other people that touch those drivers, but running it on cinder core I think would not be good. 14:22:17 <simondodsley> the style it creates make seeing code changes much simpler and makes for easier coding of changes going forward 14:22:32 <geguileo> sfernand: and for old devs (like me) as well ;-) 14:22:43 <simondodsley> I'm OK with loosing history for my driver code 14:23:05 <hemna> also, backporting fixes to previous releases where black wasn't run.....sux0rs 14:23:07 <rosmaita> i have been seeing some black-esque stylings in some patches recently 14:23:18 <rosmaita> hemna: that is a really good point 14:23:22 <geguileo> hemna: right!!! backports!!! 14:23:59 <simondodsley> True - backports will break a lot. OK - I'll drop my thoughts on `black` for cinder 14:24:00 <geguileo> I think we agree not to do it for core code and let driver maintainers choose whether to do it or not 14:24:06 <jungleboyj> hemna: There is a huge issue. Backports. 14:24:06 <e0ne> we know how to deal with backports. we have such rules for python3 only code 14:24:32 <whoami-rajat> geguileo: but only on patches that they don't want to backport? 14:24:38 <jungleboyj> I would prefer people don't use it. Definitely do not want it on core code. 14:24:59 <e0ne> it's time for out-of-tree drivers discussion 14:25:00 <jungleboyj> When I did the review I thought it sucked but went down the route of, 'Well, it is their driver' 14:25:04 <geguileo> whoami-rajat: well, if they want to backport them they'll have to fix the merge conflicts 14:25:15 * jungleboyj does a hard eye roll 14:25:28 <rosmaita> ok, so it's looking like the consensus is definitely no black reformatting in the main code 14:25:28 <tosky> do I understand it correctly the whole issue is due to black not being configurable to be tuned to produce the same style we use today? 14:25:36 <hemna> e0ne lolz 14:26:02 <rosmaita> ok, we are out of time on this 14:26:18 <simondodsley> ok - let's say No - I'll refactor my patch 14:26:20 <rosmaita> does someone want to take an action item to investigate black configuration? 14:26:31 <rosmaita> so, for now ... no black 14:26:47 <rosmaita> we can revisit if someone comes up with a way to address the points made above 14:26:52 <rosmaita> thanks, simon 14:27:12 <rosmaita> #topic xena specs review 14:27:23 <rosmaita> well, it's spec freeze time again 14:27:37 <jungleboyj> rosmaita: ++ 14:27:40 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack%252Fcinder-specs+status:open 14:27:47 <rosmaita> let' see what we got 14:28:23 <hemna> hrmm user visible extra specs 14:28:24 <rosmaita> i think the user-visible extra specs is in good shape, a revision was just pushed 14:28:30 <hemna> I'm still not terribly sold on that 14:28:42 <rosmaita> hemna: you need to act fast and review 14:29:12 <hemna> ok will do. I don't think I'd want my customers to see my volume type extra specs. 14:29:18 <hemna> it's very terse and driver specific 14:29:31 <hemna> details that end users shouldn't see IMHO 14:29:40 <rosmaita> well, it's going to be limited to a specific subset of extra-specs keys 14:29:46 <rosmaita> defined in code, not configurable 14:29:48 <abishop> hemna: driver specific specs are absolutely excluded from the feature 14:29:49 <tbarron> hemna: they wont see any backend specific extra specs 14:29:51 <hemna> I'll read through it 14:29:52 <whoami-rajat> hemna: driver specific extra specs won't be visible 14:30:24 <tbarron> backend-revealing 14:30:26 <hemna> I'm just saying it's problematic for my customers 14:30:45 <rosmaita> well, it will be governed by policy, so you can always turn it off for end-users 14:30:46 <tbarron> and your customers can set policy to not show any if they want 14:31:09 <hemna> wait, customers can set policy ?! or admins? 14:31:14 <tbarron> admins 14:31:16 <hemna> nm, I'll read the spec. 14:31:24 <tbarron> i thought your customers were admins 14:31:28 <hemna> no 14:31:33 <hemna> I'm the admin :) 14:31:34 <tbarron> if you are the admin then you do it if you want 14:32:00 <rosmaita> anyway, give the spec a read, i think most of the issues have been worked out 14:32:16 <rosmaita> nmve-of connection agent 14:32:25 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/796365 14:32:44 <rosmaita> i think the spec captures the discussion at the PTG 14:33:08 <rosmaita> so i think we're in agreement with the general direction 14:33:28 <rosmaita> it will be useful for people to look it over for anything that needs to be spelled out more clearly 14:33:56 <rosmaita> Spec for "Consistent and Secure RBAC" in Cinder 14:34:05 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/797655 14:34:24 <rosmaita> we already agreed to do this, but i realized that we didn't have a spec to track it 14:34:31 <rosmaita> so there it is 14:34:54 <hemna> nice 14:35:20 <rosmaita> eric: did your remove force from snapshots spec merge already? 14:35:34 <hemna> I +A'd it this morning 14:35:41 <rosmaita> cool 14:35:45 <eharney> yes 14:35:52 <rosmaita> i was worried there was a problem with my gerrit query 14:36:03 <rosmaita> ok, the rest have -1s 14:36:34 <hemna> I +A'd the temorary resource tracking spec as well 14:36:48 <rosmaita> good 14:36:54 <rosmaita> you have been busy this morning 14:36:58 <hemna> yup :) 14:37:14 <rosmaita> Support revert any snapshot 14:37:22 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/736111 14:37:34 <rosmaita> there seems to be a failure of communication on this one 14:38:02 <rosmaita> i asked the author to read the midcycle discussion 14:38:16 <rosmaita> which stressed the importance of adding test scenarios to explain how this will work 14:38:33 <rosmaita> but that hasn't happened 14:39:02 <eharney> i think the spec is still missing info about safely handling operations that fail half-way through 14:40:12 <rosmaita> ok, i will add a comment explaining more explicitly what needs to be addressed 14:41:00 <rosmaita> it would be helpful if the proposer attended the cinder meetings so we could discuss 14:41:22 <jungleboyj> rosmaita: ++ 14:41:32 <rosmaita> Migration support for a volume with replication status enabled 14:41:41 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/766130 14:41:49 <rosmaita> looks like geguileo has some concerns on this one 14:42:47 <rosmaita> and it looks like the author is not willing to provide the details requested 14:43:01 <geguileo> rosmaita: I don't know if I'm failing to explain what's missing 14:43:04 <rosmaita> and those details are not unreasonable, they are key to understanding how this whole thing should work 14:43:29 <eharney> the main concern is about migration would interfere with the replication, right? 14:44:15 <rosmaita> this is another one that would have benefitted from discussion during the weekly meetings 14:44:16 <geguileo> eharney: that is the primary, yes 14:45:05 <geguileo> eharney: and iirc you also mentioned it before 14:45:23 <rosmaita> Update original volume az 14:45:31 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/778437 14:45:49 <rosmaita> this hasn't been updated since my midcycle comment, so not looking good 14:47:37 <rosmaita> Allow volumes to be part of multiple volume groups 14:47:49 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/792722 14:48:55 <rosmaita> i would've sworn that we had discussed it, but maybe not 14:49:32 <geguileo> rosmaita: we did discuss it 14:49:46 <geguileo> at least twice... 14:49:57 <rosmaita> ok, i thought maybe i was dreaming about cinder again 14:50:09 <geguileo> lol 14:50:17 <rosmaita> ok, it hasn't been updated since 24 may, so i guess the proposer has lost interest 14:50:19 <eharney> i'm concerned that this one is lacking some detail 14:50:40 <whoami-rajat> rosmaita: I've left some comments on your srbac patch 14:50:45 <geguileo> iirc the first time someone explained the use cases where this was useful 14:50:47 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: ty 14:50:52 <eharney> it's not obvious what all the various things are that can happen when moving volumes in and out of consistency/replication groups 14:51:01 <eharney> but i suspect it's more than just updating markers to say it's in those groups... 14:51:44 <eharney> i.e. what happens with a chain of cgsnapshots when each snapshot has different volumes in it 14:54:39 <rosmaita> ok, i'll send emails out about 736111, 766130, 778437, 792722 14:55:00 <rosmaita> the aim of the email being that they need to work with the team to address the issues 14:55:17 <rosmaita> and if it's a TZ problem for the weekly meeting, we'll have to work something out 14:55:31 <rosmaita> but i don't realistically see any of those being ready for Xena 14:56:00 <rosmaita> ok, i guess that's it for specs 14:56:17 <rosmaita> please review the ones mentioned at the beginning of this part of the meeting 14:56:32 <rosmaita> they need to merge by 23:59 UTC or thereabouts on friday 14:56:38 <rosmaita> any questions, comments? 14:56:51 <jungleboyj> Question on the NVMe-oF 14:57:02 <jungleboyj> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/796365 14:57:15 <jungleboyj> So, There are +1s on it. No +2s . 14:57:42 <jungleboyj> What do we want to do about that? 14:58:09 <whoami-rajat> I've left some queries and suggestions (personal) to make it more readable 14:58:16 <hemna> there is some good feedback on that review that's not been updated 14:59:21 <rosmaita> i agree with Jay's comment that a more thorough os-brick person than me needs to give it a +2 14:59:25 <jungleboyj> hemna: Ok. That was why I wasn't +2. Just trying to interpret the other +1s 14:59:51 <hemna> we had a discussion about this agent ages ago no? 15:00:03 <hemna> I don't remember all of it 15:00:04 <rosmaita> yes, at the PTG 15:00:16 <rosmaita> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CinderXenaPTGSummary#NVMe-oF_and_MDRAID_replication_approach_-_next_steps_for_connector_and_agent 15:00:18 <hemna> I'll read through it 15:00:29 <rosmaita> ok, thanks 15:00:40 <rosmaita> like i said, i think it captures what we talked about 15:01:13 <rosmaita> also, i am worried that the spdk CI has disappeared 15:01:27 <rosmaita> although i guess that doesn't matter for this spec 15:01:58 <rosmaita> ok, we are out of time ... thanks everyone, and please complete your spec reviews as soon as you can 15:02:10 <rosmaita> #endmeeting