14:00:35 <rosmaita> #startmeeting cinder 14:00:35 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Aug 18 14:00:35 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:35 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:35 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 14:00:42 <e0ne> hi 14:00:44 <rosmaita> #topic roll call 14:01:00 <sfernand> hi 14:01:08 <eharney> hi 14:01:17 <tosky> hi 14:01:21 <enriquetaso> thi 14:01:23 <simondodsley> hi 14:01:33 <walshh_> hi 14:02:05 <fabiooliveira> hi 14:02:08 <whoami-rajat> Hi 14:02:23 <rosmaita> looks like a good turnout, let's get started 14:02:28 <rosmaita> #topic announcements 14:02:44 <rosmaita> actually, i forgot to post the agenda link 14:02:52 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-xena-meetings 14:02:59 <rosmaita> ok, on to announcements 14:03:11 <rosmaita> Festival of Reviews on Friday, 1400-1600 UTC 14:03:27 <rosmaita> it's our monthly fun time to review small patches together 14:03:43 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-festival-of-reviews 14:04:07 <rosmaita> next up: the openstack PTL nomination period has opened 14:04:09 <enriquetaso> ++ 14:04:18 <rosmaita> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-August/024191.html 14:04:31 <rosmaita> self-nominations have to happen before 24 august 14:05:26 <rosmaita> i am planning to nominate myself for one last time 14:05:43 <rosmaita> but that doesnt' mean someone else can't nominate themselves also 14:06:18 <rosmaita> but if i am elected, i will be very much interested in working with anyone interested in becoming PTL for future cycles 14:06:41 <rosmaita> so contact me if you are interested, or want info on what being PTL entails 14:06:53 <rosmaita> next, some upcoming deadlines 14:07:04 <rosmaita> xena os-brick release is tomorrow (!!) 14:07:18 <rosmaita> next week's cinder meeting is in video + irc 14:07:44 <rosmaita> by the way, we did the monthly video meeting as an experiment ... does anyone have feedback on whether we should continue it? 14:08:32 <rosmaita> is this thing on? 14:08:40 <eharney> i think it's worth continuing 14:08:46 <walshh_> me too 14:08:48 <whoami-rajat> i feel it's very productive and we also get to interact so +1 from me 14:09:04 <rosmaita> ok, sounds good ... thanks for the feedback 14:09:15 <rosmaita> ok, coming up in 2 weeks we have: 14:09:25 <rosmaita> cinderclient and cinderclient extension release 14:09:43 <rosmaita> milestone-3 for cinder, which is the feature freeze 14:10:31 <rosmaita> just looking at cinderclient patches ... 14:10:40 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/python-cinderclient+status:open+branch:master+is:mergeable 14:10:49 <rosmaita> doesn't look like anything major 14:11:01 <rosmaita> is anyone working on a cinder feature that will impact the cinderclient? 14:11:53 <rosmaita> sounds like no 14:12:32 <rosmaita> ok, as far as review priorities go over the next week, it's cinder features 14:12:46 <rosmaita> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/xena 14:13:06 <rosmaita> there are a lot of things there that need review, so please jump in 14:13:34 <rosmaita> that's all i have for announcements? anyone have anything else? 14:14:40 <rosmaita> ok, moving on, then 14:14:50 <rosmaita> #topic xena os-brick release 14:15:07 <rosmaita> we have two feature patches, and some bugfixes 14:15:16 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/os-brick+status:open+branch:master+is:mergeable 14:16:05 <rosmaita> there are a few extra-small and small patches that are in good shape 14:16:21 <rosmaita> would be good to get those reviewed (and hopefully merged) today 14:16:59 <rosmaita> the feature patches are: 14:17:08 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/800014 14:17:23 <rosmaita> "Add support for multiple volumes within subsystem to NVMe-OF connector" 14:17:48 <rosmaita> this was in pretty good shape last time i looked, an update to test data caused a pep8 problem yesterday, but looks like that's fixed now 14:17:56 <rosmaita> we also have 14:18:06 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/802691 14:18:18 <rosmaita> "NVMeOF Connection Agent" 14:18:55 <simondodsley> The whole NVMe-oF connector is not in a good way IMHO as it is very focused on Kumoscale - it doesn't support multipath either. 14:18:57 <rosmaita> i asked Zohar to re-architect it a bit, but i have not looked at the latest version yet 14:19:19 <simondodsley> The Pure NVMe driver doesn't work well with it 14:19:41 <rosmaita> simondodsley: yes, i think we should discuss this at the PTG 14:20:11 <rosmaita> but i do want to remind people that when you are interested in a technology, please review patches that impact it 14:21:04 <rosmaita> because as long as the CIs pass, it's going to look good to non-experts in that technology 14:21:11 <rosmaita> (speaking for myself here) 14:21:27 <rosmaita> the strength of the community is having lot of eyes on changes 14:21:44 <rosmaita> so, please exercise your vision, everyone! 14:22:55 <rosmaita> ok so i need people to look over the NVMeOF Connection Agent patch 14:23:34 <rosmaita> we need candid feedback about how close it is to being ready 14:24:38 <simondodsley> given the few drivers that use it I'd let this pass but we need to completely refactor the code I think for better support 14:25:38 <rosmaita> yeah, refactoring seems reasonable 14:27:18 <rosmaita> i believe that simondodsley has "volunteered" to lead a PTG session about next steps for NVMeOF connector 14:27:47 <rosmaita> so other people interested in that or who know a lot about the latest nvmeof protocols, please reach out to simon 14:28:23 <rosmaita> it would be good to have an organized community effort to get this working well 14:28:37 <rosmaita> because there seems to be a lot of interest in it now, industry-wise 14:29:00 <rosmaita> #topic general reviewing comments 14:29:07 <simondodsley> there are a number of vendors that support nvme so getting us all to come up with a lowest common denominator connector would be best for everyone 14:29:17 <rosmaita> i agree entirely 14:29:40 <e0ne> simondodsley: +1 14:30:49 <rosmaita> well, my general reviewing comments are prompted by a lot of review requests in the cinder channel who, when i look, haven't been doing much reviewing themselves 14:31:28 <rosmaita> this is a community project, and part of the community is posting patches and an even more important part is reviewing patches 14:31:48 <rosmaita> it only take 1 person to write a patch, but it takes 2 people to approve a patch 14:32:05 <rosmaita> so, everyone who posts a patch should be reviewing at least 2 other patches 14:32:26 <rosmaita> we have helpful info in the cinder contributor docs if you aren't sure about how to review 14:32:44 <rosmaita> and a +1 with no comments is not a helpful review 14:33:40 <rosmaita> the other thing i would like people to think about is what we can do to structure this better 14:34:06 <rosmaita> what i mean is, Zohar for instance has been good about responding to reviews on his agent patch 14:34:27 <rosmaita> but we are running out of time and i'm afraid it's going to miss xena 14:34:41 <rosmaita> so it would have been better if more reviews were happening earlier 14:35:09 <rosmaita> i believe i have been mentioning the deadlines at meetings fairly regularly 14:35:35 <rosmaita> but it looks like we need something other than "please remember to review this patch" 14:35:48 <rosmaita> and i am not sure what that something else is 14:36:06 <enriquetaso> good question, i'm not sure what we can do, but we need to do something 14:36:20 <rosmaita> yeah, everyone please think about this 14:36:41 <rosmaita> maybe some other open source community has a good idea we can use 14:37:24 <rosmaita> ok, so in the mean time: 14:37:34 <rosmaita> today: os-brick reviews (see link above) 14:37:49 <rosmaita> immediately after tomorrow: xena feature reviews 14:38:05 <rosmaita> and on friday: come to the festival and help do XS reviews 14:38:57 <rosmaita> ok, next topic 14:39:06 <rosmaita> #topic gate failure fix 14:39:14 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/805026 14:39:20 <rosmaita> that obviously is high priority 14:39:27 <rosmaita> eharney: anything you want to add? 14:39:36 <eharney> no, just caught this this morning 14:40:08 <rosmaita> what is it with the lvxxx commands? 14:40:40 <rosmaita> that is a rhetorical question 14:40:49 <eharney> heheh 14:40:57 <rosmaita> anyway, we do have a pattern now for how to deal with these things, so it should be quick review 14:41:04 <eharney> if this looks familiar, it's because it's a bug in lvm commands in general, but we've only applied this so far in places where we've seen issues 14:41:29 <rosmaita> ok, i will commit to reviewing it after the meeting 14:41:43 <rosmaita> it's eric's patch, so he can;t 14:41:58 <rosmaita> need one more core to commit to reviewing it today 14:43:37 <whoami-rajat> i can take a look 14:43:43 <rosmaita> thank you! 14:43:43 <enriquetaso> is this affecting os-brick as well? 14:44:06 <eharney> not sure when we call lvextend via os-brick 14:44:27 <rosmaita> maybe not yet ... if you have time, enriquetaso, would be good to take a look 14:44:40 <eharney> the code is duplicated in os-brick, so we'll have to get it sorted out eventually 14:45:19 <rosmaita> #topic cinder-mypy non-voting job failing on all patches 14:45:31 <rosmaita> eric has a patch up that addresses this 14:45:38 <eharney> just a heads up that i know this is failing everywhere currently, there's a fix for it 14:45:41 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/784453 14:45:58 <rosmaita> i will re-review the patch today 14:46:19 <rosmaita> would be good to get it fixed, i don't want people to start completely ignoring the mypy job results 14:47:05 <eharney> the fix is the third patch in a series -- the second has been approved, the first needs another +2 14:47:43 <enriquetaso> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/780933 14:48:17 <rosmaita> thanks enriquetaso 14:48:58 <rosmaita> i;m already the +2 on that one, so will need someone else to take a look 14:50:05 <rosmaita> i hate to do this again, but i would like someone to commit to looking at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/780933 today 14:50:33 <rosmaita> it would be good to have the mypy job fixed today 14:50:51 <enriquetaso> can take a look 14:50:59 <rosmaita> \o/ 14:51:02 <rosmaita> thanks enriquetaso 14:51:17 <rosmaita> ok, that's everything from the agenda 14:51:39 <rosmaita> #topic open discussion 14:51:49 <rosmaita> just want to mention this shout in the cinder channel: 14:51:51 <rosmaita> shoffmann: Like discussed last week I proposed an overview about nas_secure options. I guess, we won't have time at todays meeting but maybe you can have a look later and give some hints, what is missing and how we can proceed. https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/gSotXYAZ3JfJE8FEpMpS 14:52:14 <eharney> i'll remind that https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-xena-ci-tracking still exists 14:52:15 <rosmaita> i think shoffmann also sent something to the ML about this 14:52:41 <shoffmann> Yes, I raised this also in the ML. 14:52:52 <rosmaita> shoffmann: glad you are here 14:52:59 <eharney> i will read over shoffmann's pad, looks useful, thanks for assembling that 14:53:04 <rosmaita> thanks for working on this 14:53:21 <rosmaita> also, i am assuming that anyone here from netapp will be interested 14:53:31 <shoffmann> Not sure, if something is missing there or we can find better examples/use cases 14:53:57 <rosmaita> to follow up simondodsley's point from earlier, now is the time to give some feedback to make sure we don't wind up with a narrow solution 14:54:28 <sfernand> sure, I will take a look 14:54:30 <rosmaita> shoffmann has listed some options and then an action proposal 14:54:46 <rosmaita> thanks sfernand 14:55:10 <rosmaita> so, anyone interested in NFS, please take a look at the etherpad and leave some feedback 14:56:08 <rosmaita> I want to second eharney's mention of https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-xena-ci-tracking 14:56:33 <rosmaita> if you hit a failure, please take a few minutes to add it to the etherpad 14:59:58 <rosmaita> ok, looks like that's all for today ... please review! 15:00:05 <rosmaita> don't forget about the festival on friday 15:00:16 <whoami-rajat> Review request: Would like to request for review on my backup user message patch, it adds a base framework that helps with loosen chain of patches for other operations https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/786627 15:00:33 <rosmaita> thanks, everyone 15:00:38 <whoami-rajat> thanks! 15:00:38 <enriquetaso> thanks brian 15:00:38 <rosmaita> #endmeeting