14:00:22 <rosmaita> #startmeeting cinder 14:00:22 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Sep 15 14:00:22 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:22 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:22 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 14:00:27 <rosmaita> #topic roll call 14:00:29 <simondodsley> o/ 14:00:50 <whoami-rajat> Hi 14:00:52 <manoj_katari> Hi 14:01:27 <geguileo> hi! o/ 14:01:28 <walshh_> Hi 14:01:35 <TusharTgite> hi 14:01:36 <eharney> hi 14:01:41 <sfernand> hi 14:01:54 <enriquetaso> hi 14:02:14 <fabiooliveira> hi 14:02:41 <jungleboyj> o/ 14:02:51 <rosmaita> hello everyone 14:02:56 <rosmaita> good turnout! 14:03:02 <rosmaita> #topic announcements 14:03:20 <rosmaita> RC-1 must be released tomorrow 14:03:30 <rosmaita> and the stable/xena branch will be cut 14:03:55 <rosmaita> after that point, any xena bugs must be proposed to master and then backported to stable/xena 14:04:16 <rosmaita> obviously, that will take extra time, so be aware of that 14:04:44 <rosmaita> only absolutely release-critical bugs will be allowed into stable/xena after tomorrow 14:05:03 <rosmaita> so, obviously, any of those will have review priority 14:05:39 <rosmaita> we already have one of which i am aware, but we can get it into RC-1 because it already has a +2 14:05:49 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/807083 14:06:16 <rosmaita> would be good to have it in RC-1 so it doesn't prevent anyone from testing with the release candidate 14:06:35 <rosmaita> it has been validated independently by an operator who ran into it 14:06:57 <rosmaita> ok, let's review where we stand with Xena features 14:07:08 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-xena-ffe 14:07:09 <whoami-rajat> also verified by the kolla team in their gate with centos and ubuntu jobs 14:07:23 <rosmaita> excellent! 14:07:52 <rosmaita> ok, first thing to notice on https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-xena-ffe is that all the FFE requests have been merged 14:08:06 <rosmaita> so thanks to everyone who helped out the community and reviewed those 14:08:42 <rosmaita> we have a few outstanding patches for the secure rbac feature 14:08:51 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/759961 14:08:59 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/760153 14:09:44 <rosmaita> they are both in the zuul check now, had to be rebased, should be done by the time the meeting is over 14:10:13 <rosmaita> we also have two outstanding patches from the sqlalchemy-migrate --> alembic feature 14:10:29 <rosmaita> we need this one in RC-1: 14:10:38 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/786933/ 14:11:06 <rosmaita> there's a patch that depends on it, but it already has two +2s 14:11:24 <rosmaita> so i will +W it as soon as the prior patch merges 14:12:08 <rosmaita> ok, in order to make sure that everyone isn't standing around assuming that other people are reviewing, i would like some volunteers for the patches mentioned 14:12:56 <jungleboyj> I am looking at the Alembic. 14:13:03 <rosmaita> (at this point, people are supposed to say, "I will review patch ...") 14:13:06 <whoami-rajat> i can look at the alembic patch since I already reviewed most of the patches in chain 14:13:08 <rosmaita> jungleboyj: thank you 14:13:17 <eharney> i'm also looking at the alembic changes 14:13:31 <rosmaita> ok, so the db stuff is covered 14:13:51 <whoami-rajat> i will take a look at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/760153/ then 14:15:06 <rosmaita> thanks 14:15:24 <rosmaita> looks like https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/759961/ already got +W 14:16:08 <rosmaita> oh, yeah, there will be a release note patch covering all the policy updates 14:16:17 <rosmaita> but i haven't finished writing it yet 14:16:36 <rosmaita> anyone want to volunteer to proofread it ? i will ping you in irc 14:17:04 <jungleboyj> rosmaita: Yeah, I will help with that one too. 14:17:16 <rosmaita> thanks jungleboyj 14:17:47 <rosmaita> ok, moving on 14:18:12 <rosmaita> i am happy to announce that our next Festival of XS Reviews is on Friday 14:18:30 <rosmaita> which is kind of a weird time to have it, but what the heck 14:19:07 <rosmaita> final item: 14:19:13 <jungleboyj> Awkward.. ;-) 14:19:16 <rosmaita> Yoga PTG in october 14:19:25 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/yoga-ptg-cinder-planning 14:19:29 <simondodsley> Eventbrite just opened the registration for the October PTG, so look out for the email and register... 14:19:33 <rosmaita> so, add topics, make sure you register, tec 14:19:39 <rosmaita> *etc 14:20:10 <sfernand> are we going to have a summit? 14:20:21 <rosmaita> i think the summit has moved to once a year 14:20:29 <rosmaita> but i forget when the last one was 14:20:41 <simondodsley> pre-Covid... 14:21:04 <rosmaita> simondodsley: right, but we did have a virtual kind of summit thingy at some point 14:21:12 <simondodsley> they don't count... 14:21:16 <rosmaita> :) 14:21:16 <jungleboyj> :-) 14:21:18 <whoami-rajat> it was last to last PTG i guess 14:21:26 <rosmaita> yeah, but on that topic ... 14:21:32 <jungleboyj> They were talking about doing something in Berlin this fall, but I don't see that happening. 14:21:45 <rosmaita> we've been using bluejeans to hold our PTG virtual meetings 14:21:46 <jungleboyj> I know Lenovo has said "No travel this year'. 14:21:50 <simondodsley> Americans still aren't allowed into Europe 14:21:53 <rosmaita> i may be losing access to it 14:22:02 <rosmaita> so, i need recommendations for what to use 14:22:11 <simondodsley> Zoom 14:22:16 <rosmaita> (barf) 14:22:20 <simondodsley> lol 14:22:35 <rosmaita> though, for lack of anything better, we may need to go with zoom 14:22:42 <rosmaita> so let that be a motivating factor 14:22:43 <jungleboyj> rosmaita: You are losing Bluejeans access? 14:22:56 <rosmaita> jungleboyj: at some point, i believe so 14:23:11 <rosmaita> switching to google hangouts or whatever they are called nowadays 14:23:20 <rosmaita> but those aren't available in china, i believe 14:23:42 <rosmaita> and i know that some open source developers have objections to zoom 14:23:49 <tosky> rosmaita: there may be a case where you can still used bluejeans though 14:23:53 <tosky> use* 14:23:54 <rosmaita> and i probably would too if i thought carefully about it 14:24:16 <rosmaita> tosky: true, though it's probably time to start looking for a replacement 14:24:20 <tosky> sure 14:24:33 <tosky> but for this PTG we can probably still be covered 14:25:13 <rosmaita> yeah, that's true 14:25:24 <rosmaita> i guess i am panicking 14:25:47 <rosmaita> ok, so let's figure bluejeans for PTG, but will need to come up with something else shortly after 14:25:50 <rosmaita> for the midcycles 14:26:28 <jungleboyj> Maybe a topic for the PTG. 14:26:37 <rosmaita> good idea 14:26:57 <rosmaita> i will add it to ptg, and maybe we can try out some options during one of the sessions or something 14:27:17 <rosmaita> ok, that's all the announcements 14:27:24 <rosmaita> #topic stable release updates 14:27:28 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: you're up 14:27:32 <whoami-rajat> thanks 14:27:54 <whoami-rajat> So we've already released wallaby on 1st September and i was planning for a victoria release 14:28:10 <whoami-rajat> thanks to jungleboyj who had already reviewed all the victoria patches! 14:28:21 <jungleboyj> \o/ 14:28:38 <whoami-rajat> there are some new ones as well but I've filtered out the ones which are included in the wallaby release, they're on the etherpad 14:28:39 <rosmaita> jungleboyj: ++ 14:29:00 <whoami-rajat> 1 patch is remaining in cinder and 2 in cinderclient and we are good to release victoria 14:29:07 <whoami-rajat> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-stable-releases-aug-sept-2021 14:29:14 <jungleboyj> Sweet. 14:29:19 <rosmaita> maybe we should have any stable cores who attend the Festival of Reviews review those patches 14:29:32 <rosmaita> and everyone else work on the XS ones 14:29:38 <whoami-rajat> sounds good 14:29:51 <rosmaita> that way we won't add too much stuff to master 14:30:04 <rosmaita> which isn't necessarily a problem, but you never know 14:30:10 <jungleboyj> Yeah, sounds good. 14:30:16 <rosmaita> ok, thanks whoami-rajat 14:30:23 <whoami-rajat> that's all from me 14:30:38 <rosmaita> #topic discussion on naming issue 14:30:43 <rosmaita> manoj_katari: that's you 14:30:48 <manoj_katari> thanks 14:31:07 <manoj_katari> irrespective of the defualt or custom volume_name_template, this minor code change (https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/790910/12/cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/storwize_svc/replication.py#171)will only try to handle the length restriction in the storage , 14:31:50 <manoj_katari> moreover this change is applicable only in case of GMCV target change volume and not the regular volumes. 14:33:50 <rosmaita> ok, so my objection is still that using the official template option supported upstream, it's not true that you won't get naming collisions 14:34:31 <rosmaita> this is from my comment on the patch: The 'name' on the Volume object is generated, not stored, and there doesn't seem to be any length restriction on it (because it's in the config file, not the database). The generated name is template + string representation of a UUID, and the calling function is slapping on two 4 char prefixes in front of that. Since 36+8=44, if the config template is longer than 19 chars, we'll exce 14:34:31 <rosmaita> ed the max length limitation of Storwize. 14:35:08 <rosmaita> so if someone chooses a long template, it will push the uuid out of the cutoff length 14:35:51 <manoj_katari> i agree but most of our customers (patched openstack) will use simillar template 'volume-%(display_name).37s-%(id).13s 14:36:06 <rosmaita> yes, but that template is not upstream 14:36:29 <rosmaita> all we allow is for you to interpolate the id 14:37:00 <rosmaita> and "most of our customers" kind of worries me 14:37:23 <manoj_katari> ok 14:37:34 <rosmaita> like i said last week, i don't like this, but i'm willing to drop my -2 if people think i am being unreasonable 14:37:51 <rosmaita> (i definitely won't +2 it though, i think it's a bad idea) 14:38:10 <eharney> maybe we should just add a check that causes the driver to fail to init if the generated names will be too long? 14:38:12 <rosmaita> by "people" i mean "the cinder community" 14:38:16 <eharney> does that help? 14:39:21 <jungleboyj> eharney: That would sound like a reasonable compromise. 14:39:21 <eharney> (not sure if i have all the details right) 14:40:02 <simondodsley> Pure had to do a lot of messing with long names for PowerVC support - it's not pretty. 14:40:07 <jungleboyj> I was thinking about checking the length of the setting in the config file, but this is really specific to SVC. So, failing there with an explanation would work. 14:40:22 <jungleboyj> simondodsley: :-( 14:40:34 <manoj_katari> yes simondodsley 14:40:51 <rosmaita> i think what i suggested was actually based on something i saw in one of the pure drivers 14:41:16 <manoj_katari> sure rosmaita we will try to take your suggestion and come back on it 14:41:27 <simondodsley> let me look at the patch as well 14:41:28 <rosmaita> namely, pull out the middle of the string, leaving the beginning for meaningful prefix info, and the last part from the uuid to keep uniqueness 14:41:40 <rosmaita> simondodsley: that would be helpful 14:42:00 <rosmaita> i don't want to be unreasonable, but i also don't want to merge something that will cause problems later 14:42:07 <manoj_katari> thanks simondodsley and rosmaita 14:42:12 <rosmaita> ok, let's revisit this next week 14:42:16 <manoj_katari> sure 14:42:20 <rosmaita> thanks manoj_katari 14:42:28 <rosmaita> #topic new exception usage 14:42:35 <rosmaita> manoj_katari: another one for you! 14:42:41 <manoj_katari> yes 14:43:26 <manoj_katari> here we wanted a new exception https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/787262/6/cinder/exception.py#441 14:44:29 <manoj_katari> explictily to specify that volume has some snapshots during retype 14:44:50 <geguileo> manoj_katari: did you want to change the message or the exception class? 14:45:06 <geguileo> I mean, would it be enough to change the exception message? 14:45:49 <manoj_katari> we have modified message already https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/787262 14:46:03 <manoj_katari> to clearly indcate the user about ongoing flashcopy operations 14:46:33 <geguileo> manoj_katari: what I mean is that you can use the InvalidVolume exception and provide a meaningful message for your case 14:47:13 <geguileo> and I don't see any value in having a specific class for that exception 14:47:19 <rosmaita> right, is the problem that you need to detect a particular exception class somewhere, or that you want a more specific message to the user? 14:47:38 <geguileo> what he said ;-) 14:47:45 <rosmaita> :) 14:48:20 <geguileo> I don't see it catching that exception except in the test 14:48:41 <manoj_katari> we need a new exception class 14:50:06 <rosmaita> (not ignoring you, looking at the code) 14:50:09 <eharney> i think this can be handled without needing a new class 14:50:32 <manoj_katari> rosmaita :) 14:50:53 <geguileo> manoj_katari: what for? 14:51:01 <geguileo> we don't see it being necessary anywhere 14:51:34 <geguileo> and if it was used we don't see any reason why it would need to be differentiated from the InvalidVolume class 14:52:25 <rosmaita> another way to ask this, is why not raise InvalidInput at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/787262/6/cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/storwize_svc/storwize_svc_common.py#5016 , but with your own message? 14:52:49 <manoj_katari> fine, we will try to use invalidvolume and send the required message through that and i will come back on this 14:52:53 <rosmaita> because i don't see your VolumeHasSnapshot being used in any execpt: statement 14:53:18 <rosmaita> manoj_katari: ok, give that a shot, and if you discover a problem, you can tell us on the review 14:53:30 <jungleboyj> ++ That sounds good. 14:53:39 <manoj_katari> sure! thanks every one for your valuable suggestions :) 14:53:57 <rosmaita> thanks for bringing it up 14:54:13 <rosmaita> #topic deprecate MySQL 5.5 14:54:29 <rosmaita> this is kind of a weird one, i don't know that we have a support statement anywhere 14:54:44 <rosmaita> but, we do have some workarounds due to MySQL 5.5 or earlier not supporting subsecond resolution in datetime fields 14:55:01 <rosmaita> MySQL 5.5 last release was 5.5.62 on 2018-10-22, and its end of support was December 2018 14:55:17 <rosmaita> so we probably shouldn't support its use either 14:55:44 <rosmaita> so my question is, should i say something about this in a release note for xena? 14:56:29 <rosmaita> my second question, is if we say we don't support 5.5, what does that mean about 5.6 (or 5.8) which are also out of support at oracle 14:56:49 <rosmaita> i may have the last 2 numbers incorrect but you see what i mean 14:57:22 <rosmaita> maybe it's better to say nothing, and people assume that they should only use dbs that are supported by the db vendor? 14:57:55 <rosmaita> i don't know if i'm being clear 14:58:34 <rosmaita> basically, if we explicitly say we don't support version X that hasn't been supported for years, will people assume we *do* support any version more recent than X 14:59:08 <simondodsley> i think they will make that assumption 14:59:14 <jungleboyj> simondodsley: ++ 14:59:39 <geguileo> simondodsley: +1 14:59:49 <eharney> is this just about mysql or also mariadb? 14:59:59 <rosmaita> ok, thanks ... i will keep my mouth shut, and then maybe at the ptg we can discuss if we need a db support statement 15:00:19 <rosmaita> eharney: not sure when mariadb started 15:00:20 <geguileo> eharney: mariadb as well 15:00:26 <rosmaita> geguileo: thanks 15:00:26 <eharney> rosmaita: a long time ago 15:00:39 <rosmaita> i remember when there was no mariadb! 15:00:45 <jungleboyj> rosmaita: That sounds like a good plan. 15:00:50 <rosmaita> but you probably don;t! 15:00:56 <rosmaita> ok, we are out of time, thanks everyone 15:01:15 <jungleboyj> Thanks! 15:01:17 <geguileo> thanks everyone, have a nice rest of the day 15:01:21 <simondodsley> ttfn 15:01:25 <whoami-rajat> thanks! 15:01:39 <rosmaita> #endmeeting