14:01:13 <jbernard> #startmeeting cinder
14:01:13 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jul 10 14:01:13 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jbernard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:01:13 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:01:13 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder'
14:01:19 <jbernard> #topic roll call
14:01:23 <jbernard> o/
14:01:37 <rosmaita> o/
14:02:14 <whoami-rajat> hey
14:02:38 <akawai> o/
14:04:54 <yuval> o/
14:05:20 <jbernard> ok, let get started
14:05:32 <jbernard> #topic annoucements
14:06:00 <jbernard> not a lot this week, this is R-12 if you're following along on the schedule
14:06:06 <jbernard> #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html
14:06:16 <jbernard> spec freeze has occurred
14:06:26 <jungleboyj> o/
14:06:44 <jbernard> we have two proposed drivers but the lack of CI will keep them from getting in this cycle
14:07:47 <jbernard> that's mostly it for annoucements
14:08:09 <jbernard> the topic for today is time sensitive, so lets get into that now
14:08:20 <jbernard> #topic cve fixes
14:08:28 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/923715
14:08:30 <jbernard> rosmaita: ^
14:08:54 <rosmaita> the release team needs an ack that it's ok to release
14:09:09 <rosmaita> (on the patch)
14:09:28 <jbernard> ill check the hashes and add my +1 as soon as the meeting concludes
14:09:34 <rosmaita> thanks!
14:09:39 <rosmaita> second item is
14:10:00 <rosmaita> it would help the PTL out if we have a cinder release liaison
14:10:12 <rosmaita> i'm willing to volunteer because i've done it before
14:10:22 <rosmaita> but i am also willing to let someone else do it
14:10:33 <rosmaita> (and i could help that person get up to speed)
14:10:50 <jbernard> would anyone like to volunteer?
14:12:36 <rosmaita> the silence is deafening
14:12:41 <jbernard> lol
14:12:54 <jbernard> rosmaita: i think that means you're our new liason, congratulations!
14:12:57 <rosmaita> ok, i can do it for now, and will be happy to step aside/train someone else
14:13:10 <rosmaita> thank you!
14:13:17 <jbernard> i think that's a good plan
14:13:54 <jbernard> rosmaita: have you had a chance to review the release proposal?
14:14:41 <rosmaita> will do it now
14:15:15 <rosmaita> one other thing about the CVE fix, while i'm thinking about it
14:15:17 <jungleboyj> rosmaita:  Thank you!
14:15:54 <rosmaita> on my gerrit reviews, PS1 caused a regression that was fixed in the approved patch
14:16:29 <rosmaita> any third-party CIs that have not been reliably running ... should make sure the patch does not cause a regression for them
14:16:38 <rosmaita> in particular quobyte and virtuozzo
14:16:44 <jbernard> the hashes for the CVE release look correct to me, for all stable branches
14:16:56 <jayaanand> hi
14:17:12 <rosmaita> jbernard: cool, go ahead and +1 the patch, don't wait for me
14:17:36 <jbernard> rosmaita: done
14:18:45 <rosmaita> (i am having some connectivity issues)
14:18:50 <rosmaita> that's all from me
14:19:09 <jbernard> rosmaita: thanks!
14:20:11 <jbernard> rosmaita: i believe those 2 parciular drivers are proposed for deprecation, no?
14:20:36 <rosmaita> i think virtuozzo is deprecated, and there's a patch up for deprecating quobyte
14:20:44 <rosmaita> so i may be shouting into the void here
14:21:29 <jungleboyj> Looks like it.  :-)
14:21:54 <rosmaita> ok, need reviews on this patch, then:  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/922888
14:22:08 <yuval> can I ask when do we deprecate a driver?
14:22:57 <rosmaita> yuval: best to read through https://docs.openstack.org/cinder/latest/drivers-all-about.html
14:23:10 <yuval> Thanks
14:23:14 <jbernard> yuval: i suspect it occurs when someone reviews it and compares to the driver checklist
14:23:19 <jbernard> #link https://docs.openstack.org/cinder/latest/contributor/new_driver_checklist.html
14:23:26 <jbernard> or
14:23:28 <jbernard> #link https://docs.openstack.org/cinder/latest/drivers-all-about.html
14:23:39 <rosmaita> this is the key part: https://docs.openstack.org/cinder/latest/drivers-all-about.html#unsupported-drivers
14:23:40 <jbernard> but we don't have a determinative process for that
14:25:18 <jbernard> the stable releases for the recent CVE patch should go forward now
14:25:25 <jbernard> i think that's in good shape
14:25:41 <rosmaita> \o/
14:25:55 <jbernard> #topic review requests
14:26:38 <jbernard> most of these were on last week's list
14:27:02 <jbernard> powerstore
14:27:13 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/907133
14:27:22 <jbernard> storepool
14:27:24 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/84713
14:27:30 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/847131
14:27:40 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/847132
14:27:48 <jbernard> (ignore the first of those 3)
14:27:58 <jbernard> fujitsu
14:28:00 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/901146/8
14:28:06 <jbernard> hpe 3par
14:28:13 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/923200
14:29:01 <jbernard> hitachi
14:29:04 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/923354
14:29:11 <jbernard> and
14:29:15 <jbernard> bring your own keys
14:29:18 <jbernard> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/914513
14:29:57 <yuval> I (lightbits) also have review request - can I post it here?
14:30:01 <kpdev> for Storpool, it is pursued which was discussed/suggested in cinder meetings and hoping for core-team to accept it..
14:30:08 <jbernard> this past week has been a bit more chaotic than usual for me, I'll try to get to atleast some of these this week
14:30:39 <jbernard> yuval: certainly, and please add it to our etherpad
14:30:43 <jbernard> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-dalmatian-meetings
14:30:48 <jbernard> kpdev: ok
14:33:09 <yuval> added to the etherpad
14:33:18 <yuval> Lightbits
14:33:18 <yuval> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/904531
14:33:18 <yuval> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/903573
14:33:18 <yuval> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/903574
14:33:18 <yuval> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/885587
14:36:03 <jbernard> that's all i have for today
14:36:09 <jbernard> #topic open discussion
14:37:46 <yuval> I can bring up a question but its not fully related to cinder
14:37:52 <jbernard> sure
14:37:59 <whoami-rajat> I've the same review request as last week https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/920308
14:38:10 <yuval> I am using kolla-ansible - its taking 25 min to bring up the systems
14:38:20 <yuval> anything I can do to speed it up?
14:38:32 <whoami-rajat> i had a discussion with Pete in the review comments, not sure if i was able to answer his queries
14:44:34 <jbernard> yuval: no answer likely means noone know's the answer
14:44:59 <jbernard> yuval: you might have beter luck asking the kolla folks
14:45:20 <yuval> yea
14:45:29 <yuval> I should do that
14:45:42 <jbernard> yuval: do you know what specific task is taking a long time?
14:46:17 <yuval> I went over the ansible logs - I didnt see time gaps
14:46:36 <yuval> clone the repo's its taking time but thats a must
14:47:10 <yuval> I was wonder if I can run some stuff in parallel (will check with them)
14:47:16 <jbernard> ok
14:47:28 <jbernard> that's all for today, thank you everyone
14:47:35 <jbernard> #endmeeting