14:03:04 #startmeeting cinder 14:03:04 Meeting started Wed Sep 11 14:03:04 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jbernard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:04 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:04 The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 14:03:08 #topic roll call 14:03:12 o/ 14:03:13 o/ 14:03:23 o/ 14:03:25 o/ 14:03:34 o/ 14:03:35 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-dalmatian-meetings 14:04:15 Hi 14:04:25 hi 14:04:52 thank you all for coming 14:05:09 we have a short adgenda today 14:05:19 #topic the schedule 14:05:24 #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 14:05:28 we're in R-3 14:05:45 the final weeks before the release 14:05:55 * jungleboyj sneaks in late. 14:06:04 :) 14:06:20 essentially, this week is the RC1 target 14:06:33 next week is elections 14:06:43 and the following is the week of the final release 14:06:52 and then... we do all again! \o/ 14:07:18 and the merry-go-round continues... 14:07:37 :-) 14:07:56 im currently working on release highlights, reviews, and identify patches the can go in as soon as the release is made 14:08:20 that's it for schedule 14:08:39 we have a HPE 3par review request 14:08:49 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/925161 14:09:18 looking now, that's a backport to 2023.2 14:09:39 should be relatively easy to review 14:09:58 10 minutes, that might be a record ;) 14:10:04 ill open things up for discussion 14:10:09 #topic open discussion 14:10:14 PTG 14:10:28 does an etherpad for PTG topics already exist? 14:10:56 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-ptg-cinder 14:11:37 the dalmatian release is the week of Sept. 30 14:11:42 because we would like to have a cross project discussion with glance, cinder and nova about the image encryption properties in regards to the CVEs 14:12:15 Luzi: i haven't added the boiler plate to that etherpad yet, but you are free to populate it as needed 14:13:00 yeah, mhen and I have other topics that week, so we will not be able to attend the PTG at all times 14:13:25 I added the topic as it is currently stated in the Glance etherpad 14:13:33 traditionally the PTG is the week (or so) after the release 14:13:46 so the week of Nov. 11 possibly 14:14:26 not mid october? 14:14:37 ill be working on the schedule layout this week 14:14:43 oh! 14:14:46 no Nov. sorry! 14:14:58 OCTOBER 21-25, 2024 14:15:06 Oct 7 14:15:17 https://ptg.openinfra.dev/ 14:15:21 now I am confused 14:15:28 i am too, hang one 14:15:32 s/one/on 14:15:41 LOL 14:15:50 ok, you're right, it is Oct 21-25 14:16:09 that page is just rendered badly anyway 14:16:31 the other milestones are for us to define, but the ptg is fixed 14:16:59 sorry for the confusion, i need moar coffee 14:17:10 simondodsley: ++ 14:17:45 okay, I just wanted to raise attention for the cross project session, and that mhen and I will most likely only be around Thursday 14:17:53 Thank you 14:18:40 Luzi: ok, thanks, lets try to cover this topic on Thursday, cinder is supportive of that 14:20:44 ok, unless there's anything else, thanks everyone 14:21:00 thanks Jon! 14:21:20 #endmeeting