14:00:15 <rosmaita> #startmeeting cinder 14:00:15 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jan 8 14:00:15 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:15 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:15 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 14:00:24 <jungleboyj> o/ 14:00:25 <rosmaita> #topic roll call 14:00:26 <whoami-rajat> Hi 14:00:33 <jungleboyj> Happy New Year! 14:00:35 <flelain> Hello everyone! 14:00:44 <flelain> Happy New Year! 14:00:47 <andre> how can I joing the meeting? in order to watch it? 14:00:48 <whoami-rajat> happy new year! 14:01:00 <andre> happy new year =) 14:01:08 <eharney> hi 14:01:10 <sp-bmilanov> Happy New Year! :) 14:01:12 <abishop> o/ 14:01:42 <abishop> andre: you've joined the meeting by being here! 14:01:52 <jhorstmann> o/ 14:02:30 <flelain> andre: weird the first time, isn't it?! But pretty efficient you'll see :) 14:02:43 <akawai> o/ 14:02:51 <ccokeke[m]> O/ 14:02:57 <andre> oh previously it was video call 14:03:26 <abishop> occasionally video, but typically just irc 14:03:57 <rosmaita> usually video is the last meeting of each month 14:04:06 <rosmaita> hello everyone 14:04:23 <rosmaita> jon will be delayed, we are having bad weather here and the schools have a delayed opening 14:04:39 <rosmaita> jungleboyj will laugh but it is very cold here at -7C 14:05:08 <rosmaita> here's a link to the agenda 14:05:17 <rosmaita> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-epoxy-meetings 14:05:29 <rosmaita> #topic announcements 14:05:35 <jungleboyj> Lol. -16 C here. :-) 14:05:49 <jungleboyj> But -7 is cold for you guys. :-) 14:05:57 <rosmaita> yes indeed! 14:06:13 <rosmaita> been that way for a few days now 14:06:21 <jungleboyj> Unfortunately, I am getting old and don't handle the cold as well as I used to. 14:06:38 <rosmaita> :D 14:06:47 <rosmaita> ok, that's the weather report 14:07:05 <rosmaita> not on the agenda, but welcome back everyone 14:07:12 <hemna> yough 14:07:16 * whoami-rajat shivering in 7 degrees 14:07:22 <rosmaita> this week is Epoxy Milestone 2 14:07:28 <jungleboyj> lol 14:07:56 <hemna> only 21F here. so...hot 14:07:58 <rosmaita> we're supposed to release os-brick so that other teams can start working with any Epoxy changes we have 14:08:30 <rosmaita> hemna: 18F here last i checked, which is weird since i am farther south than you 14:08:46 <rosmaita> weird for the northern hemisphere, i guess 14:08:48 <hemna> but you are in the "mountains" 14:08:54 <vdhakad> hi 14:08:56 <rosmaita> good point 14:08:57 * sp-bmilanov has a question about the os-brick release, but that's in the agenda in the reviews section 14:09:49 <rosmaita> sp-bmilanov: yes, that was one of the changes i think we should get in 14:09:52 <Vivek_> Hi 14:10:10 <rosmaita> ok, so my point about os-brick release is that no functional changes have merged since the last release 14:10:28 <rosmaita> which would make a release right now kind of pointless 14:10:47 <whoami-rajat> this is an important change required by the dell nvme-fc driver 14:10:48 <rosmaita> so i would like to identify a few key patches that it makes sense to get in there 14:10:50 <whoami-rajat> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/923345 14:10:59 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: thanks 14:11:19 <rosmaita> ok, lets make a list on the agenda starting at line 75 14:12:10 <MengyangZhang[m]> hello, is there a link to the cinder meeting? This is my first time joining 14:12:38 <Luzi> o/ 14:13:02 <rosmaita> MengyangZhang[m]: you are in the cinder meeting! here is a link to the agenda: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-epoxy-meetings 14:13:28 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: there seems to be controversy over https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/923345 , or am i looking at the wrong patch? 14:14:18 <whoami-rajat> rosmaita, simondodsley can correct me but my understanding is, Simon is asking for FCZM support and the author just wants to add basic NVME-FC support 14:15:49 <whoami-rajat> not sure what changes are required in the connector to support it, i thought FCZM is a driver specific thing but i could be wrong 14:16:08 <MengyangZhang[m]> rosmaita: have we talked about my proposal of Add Burst Length Support to Cinder QoS? 14:16:28 <rosmaita> MengyangZhang[m]: not yet 14:17:12 <whoami-rajat> also the NVMe-FC support is crucial for other vendors to enable support for NVMe over FC, currently we only support -TCP and -RDMA but FC seems to be an important alternative to support 14:17:27 <whoami-rajat> hence the patch is important to get in IMO 14:17:35 <vdhakad> whoami-rajat +1 14:18:19 <rosmaita> well, what concerns me is this comment from simon: "These changes take no account of FCZM required items like initiator_target_maps which 14:18:19 <rosmaita> makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for other vendors who do support FCZM to implement NVMe-FC based on the 14:18:19 <rosmaita> os-brick changes implemented." 14:18:44 <abishop> does the existing patch provide a partial implemenation that can be enhances later with FCZM? Or would the existing patch need to be significantly reworked? 14:21:37 <rosmaita> abishop: this comment makes it sound like it could be added fairly easily: 14:21:37 <rosmaita> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/923345/comment/c020d040_4eea715d/ 14:21:49 <whoami-rajat> i think it provides the basic infra to connect to NVMe devices via FC, surely dell has tested it with their new driver so apart from FCZM changes, it should work 14:22:40 <flelain> Could we get another vendor to test it out and shares his opinion? 14:22:50 <whoami-rajat> i missed that comment but it does confirm my understanding of the patch 14:23:13 <whoami-rajat> flelain, currently no vendor has nvme-fc driver to test it apart from dell 14:24:41 <whoami-rajat> also to vendors, does anyone use the Cinder zone manager or the zoning is configured outside of openstack deployment? 14:24:46 <rosmaita> my worry at the moment is that the patch has been sitting for 6 weeks; the community should decide whether to accept it as is, or require the changes 14:25:01 <rosmaita> hemna: iirc, you were a fczm user at some point? 14:25:06 <whoami-rajat> personally, I haven't seen any deployment using the zone manager 14:25:24 <rosmaita> i haven't either 14:26:59 <jungleboyj> Been a long time since I have heard it mentioned. 14:27:17 <abishop> if fczm can be added later without significantly impacting the current code then I feel we should move forward with the current patch 14:27:27 <rosmaita> abishop: ++ 14:27:36 <abishop> "better is the enemy of good" 14:27:53 <jungleboyj> __ 14:28:01 <jungleboyj> Ooops. ++ 14:28:59 <whoami-rajat> I agree with abishop 14:29:06 <whoami-rajat> i can take a look at that patch 14:29:14 <flelain> same expression in French abishop lol ++ 14:29:36 <rosmaita> ok, great, and i will make sure jbernard is aware of this discussion as well 14:30:21 <rosmaita> ok, sorry that took so much time ... any other key os-brick patches ? 14:31:50 <rosmaita> ok, thanks everyone 14:32:06 <rosmaita> #topic add burst length support to cinder qos 14:32:13 <rosmaita> MengyangZhang[m]: i think that is you? 14:32:44 <MengyangZhang[m]> yes 14:34:12 <himanshu> hi 14:34:39 <MengyangZhang[m]> The change is really on nova side and I have created a nova spec https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/932653. It was reviewd by nova team but since it is a cross project effort, they would like to hear opinions on cinder side first. 14:35:41 <rosmaita> my understanding is that on the cinder side, we just pass the new keys/values along as we currently do, so not much to do on our side 14:35:52 <MengyangZhang[m]> Correct 14:36:05 <rosmaita> but the nova team doesn't want to make changes unless they know that we will be passing them the new keys and values! 14:36:49 <MengyangZhang[m]> Correct 14:37:37 <rosmaita> MengyangZhang[m]: do you have a cinder spec in addition to the blueprint you linked? 14:37:41 <MengyangZhang[m]> And nova just pass them to libvirt really. The burst length parameters are already supported in libvirt 14:37:44 <whoami-rajat> don't we have a restricted set of QoS settings that we allow? or any variable can be set as QoS? 14:38:14 <rosmaita> i think it's restricted, probably by the request schema 14:38:15 <abishop> it sounds like the question is whether cinder needs to add support for new key (names) 14:38:22 <MengyangZhang[m]> rosmaita: I don't since I wasn't sure what the code change would be on cinder side 14:38:50 <rosmaita> MengyangZhang[m]: ok, basically, that's what whoami-rajat and abishop are asking, whether we need to do anything 14:39:25 <whoami-rajat> also is it just related to front-end QoS or it impacts back-end QoS as well? 14:41:44 <MengyangZhang[m]> It's just related to front-end policy and I don't think there's a restriction for the keys. We have already implemented a nova patch to support setting burst length parameters in my company. The burst length parameters are just stored in connection_info field and are passed to nova. 14:43:12 <rosmaita> i think you are correct about no restriction for key names 14:43:29 <abishop> I think the nova team just needs confirmation that no cinder changes are required in order to support the new keys 14:43:50 <whoami-rajat> MengyangZhang[m], which cinder driver are you testing this with? 14:45:20 <MengyangZhang[m]> 8.3.0 i think 14:46:09 <whoami-rajat> MengyangZhang[m], i mean the backend driver, RBD, netapp iscsi/fc, pure etc? 14:48:17 <whoami-rajat> i don't see any restriction for adding front-end qos specs to connection info 14:48:19 <whoami-rajat> #link https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/manager.py#L1853-L1854 14:48:31 <whoami-rajat> so this should work 14:48:50 <rosmaita> MengyangZhang[m]: you didn't need to patch cinder, did you? 14:49:04 <MengyangZhang[m]> I need to patch nova 14:49:10 <whoami-rajat> though it's still good to document the new options on cinder side 14:49:45 <rosmaita> i agree with whoami-rajat, looks like no cinder changes are needed other than documentation improvement 14:50:32 <MengyangZhang[m]> * patch nova since the latest version doesn't support passing the burst length parameters to libvirt. The relevant code is here https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/23733b7f9b0e0db774b7eccc21daa604c01b69da/nova/virt/libvirt/volume/volume.py#L65 14:50:35 <whoami-rajat> yep, doesn't seem to be restricted by schema either 14:50:37 <whoami-rajat> #link https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/api/schemas/qos_specs.py#L19-L37 14:51:34 <rosmaita> ok, so to summarize: 14:51:45 <rosmaita> 1. no cinder spec required, because no changes needed 14:52:07 <rosmaita> 2. whoami-rajat and rosmaita will leave comments on the nova spec saying that cinder is ok with the change 14:52:33 <rosmaita> 3. someone should take a look at improving the cinder docs around qos specs at some point 14:52:40 <rosmaita> -- end --- 14:53:01 <rosmaita> sound good? 14:53:22 <jungleboyj> Sounds like a good plan to me. :-) 14:53:29 <abishop> ++ 14:53:57 <rosmaita> MengyangZhang[m]: any questions? 14:54:00 <whoami-rajat> one thing i forgot to mention 14:54:13 <andre> I have a question, will there be any drivers deleted during this cycle? 14:54:16 <MengyangZhang[m]> That's all for me. Thanks for the review!! 14:54:25 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: what did you forget? 14:54:27 <whoami-rajat> if there are per GB options in the new spec, then it does require cinder change https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/manager.py#L1841-L1851 14:55:18 <whoami-rajat> MengyangZhang[m], can you confirm if that's the case or not? ^ 14:55:50 <MengyangZhang[m]> We don't touch the per GB options 14:56:09 <MengyangZhang[m]> and this is to set the burst length 14:56:29 <whoami-rajat> ack, then we are good 14:56:51 <rosmaita> great! 14:57:19 <MengyangZhang[m]> Thank you all! 14:57:32 <andre> I have a question, will there be any drivers deleted during this cycle? 14:58:12 <rosmaita> not sure, that would be a question for the PTL ... we do have several deprecated drivers, though, that would be eligible to be removed 14:58:48 <rosmaita> and we probably should take a look at the CI results and deprecate some more drivers that aren't responding 14:59:08 <rosmaita> #link http://cinderstats.ivehearditbothways.com/ 14:59:09 <whoami-rajat> rosmaita, regarding the os-brick release, isn't it during R-6 (Feb 17 - Feb 21) for the non-client release 14:59:22 <Luzi> I just want to give a heads up, mhen and i each have maybe 2 hours/week from now on to help working on image encryption and volume type metadata - so we will be able to address smaller review comments, but no big changes. 14:59:36 <andre> when will it happen? My CI is broken so I would like to know how much time I have to fix it 14:59:59 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: yes, that's the Epoxy release ... the one tomorrow is just so that other projects that use os-brick don't get surprises 15:00:10 <rosmaita> Luzi: thanks, noted 15:00:20 <rosmaita> andre: looking 15:00:39 <whoami-rajat> rosmaita, ack, thanks 15:00:56 <whoami-rajat> also not sure about the spec deadline but projects keep it at M-2 15:01:23 <rosmaita> yes, nova spec freeze is this week 15:01:33 <abishop> andre: I think your driver is safe because we know you're working on fixing CI. It's the abandoned drivers that we worry about 15:01:57 <rosmaita> andre: which driver are you working on ? 15:02:01 <whoami-rajat> asking because I've a cinder spec up for review :D 15:02:02 <whoami-rajat> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/931581 15:02:34 <andre> rosmaita: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems/Open-E_CI 15:02:52 <abishop> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/937808 is mine 15:03:33 <rosmaita> andre: ok, what abishop says is correct, plus we will give advance notice, probably at the midcycle meeting 15:03:42 <andre> abishop: yes, but things can happen, it is better not to leave to 'chance' 15:04:00 <andre> rosmaita: thanks, I will work on figuring things out 15:04:07 <rosmaita> sounds good! 15:04:34 <rosmaita> we are over time ... thanks for attending everyone, please prioritize reviewing specs (since i think the freeze is this week for cinder too) 15:04:49 <rosmaita> and don't forget the list of review requests on the agenda 15:04:50 <sp-bmilanov> andre: I don't see you in #openstack-cinder, let me know if you have issues with your CI 15:05:06 <rosmaita> sp-bmilanov: thanks for volunteering! 15:05:39 <sp-bmilanov> rosmaita: :) 15:05:39 <rosmaita> andre: #openstack-cinder is the channel to discuss cinder outside of meeting times 15:05:50 <rosmaita> #endmeeting