#openstack-meeting-alt: cinder

Meeting started by jbernard at 14:00:43 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (jbernard, 14:00:47)
    1. https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/cinder-epoxy-meetings (jbernard, 14:04:14)
    2. https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html (jbernard, 14:04:41)

  2. Enhanced Granularity and Live Applicationof Front-end QoS Policies (jbernard, 14:15:34)
    1. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/enhanced-granularity-and-live-application-of-frontend-qos-policies (jbernard, 14:15:44)
    2. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/933675 (simondodsley, 14:21:14)

  3. 936619: Dell PowerMax: multi detach req caused race conditions (rosmaita) (jbernard, 14:26:16)
    1. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/936619 (jbernard, 14:26:27)
    2. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/936619/2#message-085723942bf6ec5a1e82390ec41a5a5c042fe12c (rosmaita, 14:35:25)
    3. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/936619/2#message-dd5cb190790e5ab109d6712cc8f994d35c3d1aa4 (whoami-rajat, 14:46:46)
    4. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/936619/2#message-af9ae0adbfebdb8276edea8ef6b4fd38748af0cc (whoami-rajat, 14:48:41)

  4. open discussion (jbernard, 14:48:59)
    1. http://cinderstats.ivehearditbothways.com/cireport.txt - maybe this need some time to be updated (yuval, 15:01:03)

Meeting ended at 15:04:35 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. jbernard (55)
  2. rosmaita (39)
  3. simondodsley (16)
  4. yuval (13)
  5. whoami-rajat (13)
  6. josephillips (11)
  7. MengyangZhang[m] (9)
  8. abishop (7)
  9. sp-bmilanov (5)
  10. flelain (4)
  11. opendevmeet (3)
  12. whoami-rajat_ (3)
  13. sfernand (2)
  14. jungleboyj (2)
  15. Luzi (1)
  16. msaravan (1)
  17. jhorstmann (1)
  18. akawai (1)

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