14:06:57 <rosmaita> #startmeeting cinder 14:06:57 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Feb 12 14:06:57 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:06:57 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:06:57 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' 14:07:07 <rosmaita> #topic roll call 14:07:12 <whoami-rajat> hi 14:07:14 <sp-bmilanov> hello! 14:07:17 <sfernand> hi 14:07:19 <rosmaita> o/ 14:07:22 <akawai> o/ 14:09:54 <rosmaita> ok, guess we can get started 14:10:05 <rosmaita> #topic announcements 14:10:24 <rosmaita> first, os-brick release for epoxy is next week 14:10:43 <rosmaita> so, obviously, os-brick reviews are a priority right now 14:11:28 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/os-brick+status:open+branch:master 14:12:08 <rosmaita> if you want any hope of your patch getting in, make sure it is *not* in Merge Conflict and has +1 from Zuul 14:12:15 <whoami-rajat> i wanted to get this one in but it needs to be updated with few details, commit message, releasenote etc 14:12:17 <whoami-rajat> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/939916 14:12:26 <msaravan> hi 14:13:17 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: go ahead and add that stuff 14:13:24 <rosmaita> to your patch, i mean 14:13:39 <rosmaita> seems like we are seeing a lot more FC issues lately 14:13:56 <rosmaita> is that an industry trend? 14:14:20 <whoami-rajat> sure, the main thing holding me was to do some more testing with this but I'm kind of stuck there for known reasons ... though I've at least tested it once 14:15:18 <whoami-rajat> that's a good topic i wanted to bring up as well, are the vendor teams seeing sudden slowness in newer distros related to 1. LUN scanning 2. multipath device creation 3. multipath being ready for I/O 14:16:28 <rosmaita> while people are thinking about ^^ , just want to say that the next os-brick release (after the official epoxy one next week) would have to wait until after April 2 14:16:43 <rosmaita> (unless some kind of major regression, cve is discovered) 14:18:35 <rosmaita> hmmm ... the silence is deafening 14:18:44 <rosmaita> whoami-rajat: you may want to ask that on the ML 14:19:04 <rosmaita> ok, week after next is the python-cinderclient release for Epoxy 14:19:09 <whoami-rajat> can do that, thanks 14:19:19 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/python-cinderclient+status:open+branch:master 14:20:00 <rosmaita> not much in there, but the admin-editable metadata can't go in unless we get the cinder-side change merged first 14:20:08 <rosmaita> not sure what the status of that is 14:20:48 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/928794 14:21:02 <rosmaita> looks like sfernand caught an issue with the cinder patch 14:22:31 <rosmaita> ok, and finally, the Epoxy feature freeze is the week of Feb 24 14:22:48 <rosmaita> which is coming up fast 14:23:13 <whoami-rajat> I had a question about the unmerged specs for features, any plans for them? 14:24:37 <rosmaita> there seem to be a lot of them 14:24:41 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/cinder-specs+status:open+branch:master 14:27:29 <rosmaita> guess that's really a question for Jon 14:28:20 <whoami-rajat> i see, i was just asking about one of my reproposal of an old spec :D 14:28:22 <whoami-rajat> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/931581 14:29:39 <rosmaita> i think if you have the code ready, it would be ok to do a spec-freeze-exception, especially since the spec had been accepted earlier 14:30:33 <rosmaita> quick question for you ... in that path, the virtual_size of the image will not be set in glance? 14:30:53 <rosmaita> (follow up from takashi's min_disk patch discussion last week) 14:32:00 <rosmaita> i think we may want to continue with the min_disk patch, even if glance is currently setting virtual_size for "normal" image uploads 14:32:20 <whoami-rajat> +1 14:32:35 <rosmaita> but that's a side issue, if i'm right, please leave a comment on takashi's patch 14:32:58 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/804584 14:33:12 <rosmaita> ok, that's it for announcements 14:33:34 <rosmaita> no "old patch of the week" from me ... looks like we have a few of those sitting for os-brick 14:33:44 <rosmaita> so please take a look when you have time 14:34:07 <rosmaita> ok, the next item on the agenda are the Review Requests 14:34:53 <rosmaita> what i would like to do is give people who have revised a patch a minute to say something about how they have addressed the reviewers' concerns 14:35:29 <rosmaita> so for example nileshthathagar i think you addressed my question about extending the timeouts in some dell patches? 14:36:34 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/804584 14:36:52 <rosmaita> s0rry, bad paste there 14:37:04 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/939514 14:37:37 <rosmaita> i am curious what other people think about extending the retries 14:38:08 <rosmaita> if my calculations are correct, the retry loop could hold for a little over half an hour 14:38:50 <rosmaita> seems like maybe it would be better to just fail after a reasonable time? 14:39:00 <rosmaita> even 17 min seems more reasonable 14:39:23 <rosmaita> i am just worried that the issues caused by waiting that long and still no success would outweigh an earlier failure 14:39:53 <rosmaita> (i picked 17 min because iirc, that was the worst case in your testing) 14:40:15 <nileshthathagar> Hi Brian 14:40:27 <rosmaita> hello! 14:40:36 <nileshthathagar> yes in worst case it is going to retry 6th time 14:40:52 <nileshthathagar> but not for every request 14:41:31 <nileshthathagar> it can one in 10-15 request or more 14:41:32 <rosmaita> right, i just worry that if something happens to the backend, these could pile up for a half hour 14:42:41 <nileshthathagar> yeah that can be happen but it will be rare. 14:43:12 <rosmaita> maybe it's nothing to worry about, i just have a bad feeling 14:43:46 <rosmaita> ok when you push a new patch set to update the release note, that will clear my -1 14:44:20 <nileshthathagar> ok thanks i will do it 14:44:48 <whoami-rajat> do we know what's the reason for wait here? 14:44:50 <nileshthathagar> also there are another patches which have retry. 14:45:06 <whoami-rajat> from the code, i feel we are trying to delete the volume and if it has dependent snapshots, we retry? 14:45:42 <rosmaita> yeah, it sounds like these aren't normal cinder snapshots, some kind of backend thing 14:45:53 <nileshthathagar> yes there are some active snapshot that is not get clear from powermax 14:45:54 <rosmaita> and sometimes the backend takes a long time to clean them up 14:46:40 <nileshthathagar> it is taking sometime but same it is happening occassionaly 14:47:36 <whoami-rajat> okay, it would be good to investigate under which circumstances those delays happen 14:48:03 <whoami-rajat> since the _cleanup_device_retry is only called during delete volume, the retry change is isolated to only one operation which is good 14:48:28 <rosmaita> well, except, like nileshthathagar says, there are some retries added on other patches 14:48:34 <rosmaita> all with the same parameters, iirc 14:49:03 <nileshthathagar> yes 14:49:07 <whoami-rajat> hmm, that sounds concerning ... 14:50:34 <rosmaita> yes, i would feel better if there could be some kind of load test done over 30 hours with a large number of simulated users to see what happens to cinder 14:50:57 <rosmaita> but i would like to ride a unicorn, too 14:51:04 <whoami-rajat> :D 14:51:35 <whoami-rajat> at least analysing the logs from storage array would give us some clue, like in this case if the driver is sending snapshot delete request, why it still exists 14:51:37 <sfernand> wondering why not implementing periodic tasks for dealing with such longer waits. Volume could be marked as deleted and a periodic might make sure it gets cleared in the backend 14:51:49 <whoami-rajat> there should be some logging around that 14:52:39 <rosmaita> good points from both of you ... i mean, i would feel better if we merge the patch with better logging to ultimately go in the direction sfernand suggests 14:54:33 <rosmaita> ok, moving on ... anyone else on the review request list like to make a statement? 14:55:14 <nileshthathagar> As of now it is happening some times. Will do a load testing. 14:55:43 <nileshthathagar> But it will take a time 14:55:55 <rosmaita> yeah, i understand 14:56:20 <rosmaita> i think the worry here is that this fix might cause problems later on 14:56:52 <rosmaita> but, it might make sense to do the fix now and pro-actively try to figure out how bad the later problems will be 14:57:01 <nileshthathagar> yes 14:57:04 <rosmaita> and then address them before users hit them 14:57:21 <kpdev> @rosmaita: we need approval on storpool PR https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/933078 , you have reviewed, so someone else from core, please review 14:58:43 <rosmaita> it's a quick review, and i think a safe patch, so someone please take a look 14:59:03 <rosmaita> definitely important to get that one in soon 14:59:12 <nileshthathagar> will definitly do that. but incase some customer gets issue. so we have some kind of fix for them 14:59:13 <inori> we need review on Fujitsu Eternus https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/907126 , this patch has been commented in the past, and we've replied them. 14:59:15 <rosmaita> kpdev: are all your os-brick changes merged? 14:59:41 <kpdev> yes 14:59:46 <rosmaita> great 14:59:51 <rosmaita> inori: ack 15:00:10 <inori> Thank you rosmaita 15:00:53 <rosmaita> looks like there are a bunch of child patches, so it would be good for us to get that one out of the way 15:00:56 <rosmaita> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/907126 15:01:15 <rosmaita> just noticed that we are over time 15:01:24 <rosmaita> thanks everyone for attending! 15:01:32 <rosmaita> #endmeeting