15:09:23 #startmeeting cinder_bs 15:09:23 Meeting started Wed Jul 13 15:09:23 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is enriquetaso. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:09:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:09:23 The meeting name has been set to 'cinder_bs' 15:09:24 enriquetaso: yes, sorry 15:09:36 Today we have six new bugs. 15:09:45 Full email report 15:09:45 #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-July/029521.html 15:09:56 #topic RBD disconnect fails with AttributeError for startswith 15:10:00 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-brick/+bug/1981455 15:10:07 As Gorka mentioned at the main meeting https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/cinder/2022/cinder.2022-07-13-14.00.log.html#l-66 15:10:16 There are 4 high important patches to review and this is one of those. We need those os-brick changes released for NVMe drivers to work. 15:11:00 Fix proposed to master: 15:11:06 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/849542 15:11:13 The patch is waiting for some replies but it's the right way to go. Please review asap :) 15:11:46 geguileo said he was going to go reply to a question there 15:12:30 Cool, thanks :) We also need those patches for the next os-brick release. 15:14:04 #topic Dell PowerStore and Dell PowerMax 15:14:13 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981068 15:14:20 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981420 15:14:25 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1980870 15:14:33 There are some basic volume functionalities that are not working properly. 15:14:39 Do we have anyone from the Dell team that would like to add anything? :) 15:14:46 Please feel free to review them ^ 15:14:59 i'm adding "drivers" tags to these bugs 15:15:12 oops my bad 15:15:13 always helpful to delineate bugs that are purely driver bugs from core cinder issues 15:16:06 sure, about first bug, oleg working with that bug https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/849626 15:16:26 eharney: I just did 15:17:49 thanks amalashenko, i read you're new, do you have any question for the team? 15:18:26 * enriquetaso forgot about the "drivers" tag but she'll be more careful 15:18:40 yes, i have one question, about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981420 15:20:22 amalashenko: what's the question? 15:20:30 when we are trying to resize instance nova raises error, because cinder shows qcow2 format for volume but qemu-img info shows that volume has raw format, so, i can try to fix it 15:20:48 is this bug or no? 15:21:22 amalashenko: where does Cinder say it's a qcow2 file? 15:21:30 because it may be referring to the image metadata 15:21:37 which is different from the volume itself 15:22:17 got it, i see 15:22:34 I'm not sure that's the case though 15:23:40 them maybe there is a problem with nova? 15:23:54 then 15:25:22 amalashenko: you would have to check where cinder is saying that it's qcow2 15:25:57 I thinks we are going to need more info from you to check if this is a bug or not amalashenko (i.e steps to reproduce the problem, the c-vol logs with errors) 15:25:57 volume_image_metadata field with qcow2 format 15:26:13 that only refers to the source of the image 15:26:23 afaik the volume doesn't have to match that 15:26:44 eharney: whoami-rajat rosmaita enriquetaso is that correct? 15:27:47 IIRC volume_image_metadata show info about the image used, if it was converted when being written to the volume, then yeah, the volume would be raw and that image would be recorded as qcow2 15:28:11 i'm unclear how this is linked to bug 1981420 15:28:23 i thought, when i create volume type with enable qcow2 format and try to write image on volume, volume will has raw format, but nova expected qcow2 format 15:29:46 nova will expect the format provided in the connection info for the volume, which is typically raw for iscsi/fc drivers (like i think we are discussing here) 15:30:56 amalashenko: which driver are you seeing this with? 15:31:19 generic-nfs driver 15:31:47 i wrote in the bug launchpad 15:32:21 i must be looking at the wrong bug 15:32:46 i'm confused 15:33:01 are we talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981420 ? 15:33:14 sorry, my mistake 15:33:15 https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981562 15:33:53 geguileo, yes, that's image format and not volume format, we've added a 'format' field in admin metadata for filesystem type drivers that can be seen with attachment show response 15:34:57 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981562 15:38:18 looks like a bug 15:41:31 i can take a look 15:42:03 thanks for bringing this up amalashenko. whoami-rajat will keep an eye on it :) thanks Rajat! and I'll add it on next week report 15:42:10 i can work with it too, but after when NFS driver will merged :) 15:42:34 sounds good, moving on, because I have 2 bug left and no time 15:42:41 #topic Infinidat Cinder driver does not return all iSCSI portals for multipath storage 15:42:46 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981354 15:42:52 Fix proposed to master 15:42:53 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/849022 15:43:01 feel free to review it! ^ 15:43:08 #topic [stable/yoga] Update attachment failed for attachment 15:43:12 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1981211 15:43:44 The bug is incomplete and I left some questions on it. However, should I assign it to Nova? 15:45:04 Summary "Error 500: Unable to update attachment." I guess the volume it's attached to an instance 15:45:45 well, i guess i'll link nova to the bug as well but it's a cinder bug 15:46:33 OK, i have no more time 15:46:42 Thank you for attending the bug meeting! 15:46:48 #endmeeting