15:03:42 #startmeeting cinder_bs 15:03:42 Meeting started Wed Nov 16 15:03:42 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is enriquetaso. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:42 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:42 The meeting name has been set to 'cinder_bs' 15:03:59 ganso, whoami-rajat 15:04:07 do you want to discuss the topic now? 15:04:15 It will be recorded on the bug meeting 15:04:16 yea very quick 15:04:28 it is just an FYI on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/812685 15:04:30 I've no issues now or later 15:04:50 #topic Filter reserved image properties 15:04:55 we had a lot of interesting discussion on that patch, at some point we intended to have a discussion here 15:04:57 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder/+/812685 15:05:13 but it seems that yesterday we ended up agreeing on the approach 15:05:19 ganso: what's your real name? (are you Rodrigo or Rafael?) 15:05:22 so it might need not a discussion 15:05:28 rosmaita: I'm Rodrigo 15:05:32 ok, thanks 15:06:13 so I suppose Rafael is changing the patch to have the metadata removed only on upload-back-to-glance 15:06:40 if anyone disagrees or would like to discuss it further, we can do so, otherwise, might not need any further discussing 15:06:58 I also kind of agree on that approach 15:07:16 if glance doesn't want to supply some metadata to the consumer (nova, cinder) then glance should not supply it in the first place 15:07:32 if glance is supplying it then it makes sense to keep it and only filter out when it creates issues 15:08:19 not surprisingly, i agree with that 15:09:02 that provides us flexibility, since once metadata is removed, we can't recover it but if it stays, we can always filter it later 15:10:58 so +1 to rosmaita's suggestion 15:11:09 ganso, anything else on this? don't want to block enriquetaso's meeting for long :) 15:11:28 whoami-rajat: nothing else =) 15:11:41 thanks enriquetaso for this meeting 15:11:45 great, thanks 15:11:49 cool 15:11:56 thanks enriquetaso ! 15:11:59 OK, Only one bug for today's meeting. List of bugs: 15:12:05 no worries 15:12:06 #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-November/031212.html 15:12:09 #topic Cinderlib Gate broken in Zed 15:12:15 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinderlib/+bug/1996738 15:12:18 As discussed last week at the cinder meeting. I've opened a bug for the cinderlib gate failures. 15:12:24 whoami-rajat, rosmaita 15:12:26 ^ 15:12:30 Let me know if the description is wrong so I can update it. 15:12:49 looks good, thank you for filing the bug 15:13:02 i don't see "horribly broken" in title but it should be fine 15:13:08 lol 15:13:15 i can update the title :P 15:13:22 enriquetaso: you should! 15:13:30 looks good, thanks for reporting it 15:13:38 #action: (enriquetaso) update the titel 15:13:42 title* 15:13:45 OK, moving on 15:13:57 ok, i will assign it to myself with the goal of reporting status at the festival of bugs on friday 15:14:25 thanks 15:14:28 rosmaita++ 15:14:36 #topic "[OpenStack Yoga] Creating a VM fails when stopping only one rabbitmq. 15:14:44 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1990257 15:14:52 I've removed cinder from that bug 15:15:12 it doesn't look like a cinder bug, but if you think it should, please let me know 15:15:20 #topic open discussion 15:15:45 any bugs to discuss ? 15:15:53 circling back to that cinderclient snapshot-create fix, i think we should backport it as far as xena 15:15:56 that's bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-cinderclient/+bug/1995883 15:16:25 we need more info on 1990257, if they're creating the instance BFV then it might be a cinder problem 15:16:42 i think we need to un-target from Wallaby, and add Zed, Yoga, and Xena instead 15:16:44 ture 15:16:46 true 15:17:04 i will add a comment there 15:17:44 #action(enriquetaso): un-target wallaby and add zed, yoga and xena for bug1990257 15:17:51 thanks whoami-rajat 15:18:59 thanks for updating rosmaita 15:19:29 np, i actually brought it up becasue i didn't know if you've used the "target to series" functionality in launchpad? 15:19:44 i'm trying to use them yes 15:20:02 cool, we have an action item for jon bernard on this 15:20:18 jbernard :) 15:20:38 it's showing that you can nominate kilo through wallaby ... x, y, z aren't available 15:20:59 #action: add a comment in 1990257 asking if they are using intance BFV 15:21:12 :/ 15:21:13 enriquetaso, added a comment 15:21:21 oh, that may be because you already did the targeting 15:21:33 i've updated it rosmaita 15:21:38 yes, sorry 15:21:42 not sure why it picked Zed as the tracking branch, though 15:22:01 yes.. that's wrong 15:22:21 i'll let you do it, maybe multiple updates from diff people confuses launchpad 15:22:45 no, it's a launchpad thing, nothing you did 15:23:05 thanks! 15:23:10 the 2023.1 series isn't defined for cinderclient yet 15:23:27 and Zed is showing as the focus of development ... so that's why the bug is tracking zed 15:24:18 the fix is in master tho 15:24:55 yeah, but launchpad only knows about the releases we tell it about 15:25:07 u.u OK 15:25:18 Do we have any other bug to discuss? 15:27:20 OK, closing the meeting then :) 15:27:23 thank you!! 15:27:28 thanks enriquetaso 15:27:31 #endmeeting