15:02:37 #startmeeting cinder_bs 15:02:37 Meeting started Wed Nov 23 15:02:37 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is enriquetaso. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:37 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:37 The meeting name has been set to 'cinder_bs' 15:02:54 Hello, we have 1 bug for today's meeting 15:02:56 hi 15:03:04 #topic implement TODOs from change 94dfad99c2b 15:03:08 hello whoami-rajat__ 15:03:13 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1997088 15:03:22 rosmaita, open that bug to track future work 15:03:41 ok, thanks 15:03:43 I wasn't able to create a bug for every TODO 15:03:50 but ill do it for next week 15:03:54 no, don't do that 15:03:57 oh 15:04:08 unless you have a lot of free time 15:04:56 what should be more organize? to create patches using the partially-closed tag? or create separate bugs reports 15:05:36 probably separate bug reports 15:06:24 okay, no worries i can work on that, shouldn't be too much time anyway 15:07:05 ok, i'd suggest figuring out a tag to put on those bugs, something like "remove-todo" 15:07:12 #action(enriquetaso): create bugs for bug/1997088 15:07:37 that sounds nice, so we can group them 15:08:12 yeah, but i wouldn't do a separate bug for each of the TODOs ... I think a bug saying "fix all the TODOs from change XXXX" is fine 15:08:56 yes.. i think it's better to use a tag instead of separate bugs 15:09:33 i've market it as low-hanging-fruit in case new contributors are looking for work 15:10:18 #action: use tag remove-todo-bug-1997088 instead of creating separate bug reports 15:12:34 okay, moving on 15:12:39 #open discussion 15:12:49 nothing from me 15:13:02 :) 15:14:12 any bugs for today's bug meeting? I think we talked a bit on the main meeting, a lot of reviews to do 15:15:50 Looks like not 15:18:54 OK, happy holidays everyone! 15:19:00 #endmeeting